Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 21: Golem

Seeing that the big eyes could not stand up, Ling shot for the first time. A red ball of light suddenly popped from his palm, and then four identical red **** appeared in succession. The five **** of light flew in front of the big eyes and then suddenly connected to each other a red arc, and the sledgehammer-shaped puppet dropped a hammer. There was no sound of impact but electric shock. The hammer stopped between the five red **** and was blocked by an invisible stand, but at the same time, the spirit here also sprayed blood.

"Zi Ri, help!" Xiaoying still shouted.

"I warned you."

"We know it's wrong, save your life! Can you get everything you want?" The wolf begged.

Hahaha, right in the middle. "All your things belong to you, I only want golems."

"Agree!" When he said that, the wolf was already on the wall by the disc puppet. He Zhengzheng was using his own weapon to face the opponent's attack with difficulty.

"Okay, here I am."

Just now I have already seen the attack methods of these guys, and I initially judge that these are all defective products, far less powerful than those found in the Swiss temple. If these are as powerful as the last few puppets in the temple, I will consider retreating directly. At that time, it took 21 bell knights and thousands of Qianlong cavalry to get it. This is so narrow and unstoppable Shape, we have a weak individual strength. But these are all defective products so don't worry.

I rushed to the battle group first to deal with the attacking big-eyed puppet. This is the most dangerous side, and others can hold it for a while. Seeing me make up, the puppet immediately inserted it with large pliers, and I instantly transformed into a werewolf form and summoned a warrior clone. My order suit is now worn by soldiers, and his combat power is also much stronger. The two of us shot together and simultaneously held the pliers of the machine puppet. Although the puppet was powerful, we still took two to one. Advantage.

I found that a puppet whose hand could not threaten us immediately smashed the sledgehammer, and I jumped up and gripped the mechanical arm behind the sledgehammer with my left arm, holding the eternal hand in his right hand, and raised the knife. With a bang, the big hammer fell to the ground, and the right arm of the puppet was sparking. He glanced in surprise at his right arm, then swept over with his left-handed pliers in anger.

"Look down." I bent over with the soldier's avatar, sweeping the pliers out of the air, I rolled to the feet of it, and circled the left leg forever against it, and then slammed a force, half of the mechanical legs were cut off by me. The soldier slammed into its right leg and kicked, and the puppet fell out of balance. I rolled to the side, avoiding the fallen puppet, and then rolled back to ride on the puppet's body, and forever inserted the left arm of it to cut it with force. The last leg was also cut off with a backhand, and the puppet was completely incapacitated. But a small green light behind this guy's neck suddenly jumped red.

"Flicker, he wants to explode!"

As soon as we jumped off, he banged into parts. Fortunately, Jingjing was next to him. The shield shield was more than enough to explode, but the little eagles over there were badly moldy. The fragments of parts hung them like shrapnel. His body was hurt.

"Quick help! I can't stand it!" The eagle has been ridden by the spider, and two large iron cones are spinning and inserted.

"Half-month." I had no time to rescue in the past and had to let half-month. The legs of the mechanical spider are very thin, and two legs were cut off in half a month, and the spider immediately shifted its target and rushed at me.

"Little Dragon Girl and Lingling went to save the wolf, Jingjing went to help the bear, Bai Lang and the fighter helped me deal with the spider."

The first reaction after the big spider rushed to me was to throw my steel cone as a dart, and the fighter and I spread out one by one, and Bai Lang went to the roof as soon as he could use the force on the wall and flung Go down and knock the spider to the ground with its own weight. The soldier clawed and carried the arm with the hammer left by the guy who had just exploded, facing the spider's body with a hammer. A bang made a discus in the middle of the spider's body. The robotic spider twitched there twice and stopped moving.

小 The little dragon girl separated the disk machine demon with a magic barrier, and Lingling split it directly into two with a holy sword. The robot bear is a little more troublesome. This guy has too high attack power and the defense is very scary. Jingjing and Xiong are really not good at first.

I jumped up with eternity and inserted a sword from the back of the robot panda. This sword position is inserted with reference to the core position of the puppets encountered in Switzerland last time. If the design of these puppets is similar, this should be the location of the magic spar.

But this demon seems to be not that kind of design, and there is no response at all when he goes down. The bear rushed back with a hammer and swept over. I quickly jumped back and sledgehammer swept away. The fighter clone pulled out the dragon gun from behind me. "Let me use it."

He jumped up with a magic dragon gun, stepped on the top of the hole and fell behind the bear. A shot plunged right through the eternally created hole into its body. "The magic dragon pierced the heart." The fighter clone actually activated the incidental skills of the magic dragon gun.

With a loud bang, a small row of bumps appeared on the robot bear's chest, but it did not penetrate. However, the explosion had almost destroyed the internal parts, and the robot bear shook twice and fell down. The fighter pulled out the dragon gun and threw it to me: "It's still easy to use."

"Nonsense, you plug in and explode, everything is finished." Close the magic dragon gun and look at this immobile part, the entire machine shell is basically not damaged, but it is completely finished inside. "I rely on it! What's the use of blasting it like this?"

"There may be many in the door, there must be more monsters in the place where this thing is used for defense." The soldiers are very optimistic.

"Then the door ...?"

When we were talking, the door suddenly clicked and rose slowly, and we all looked at the door stupidly. When the door was fully raised, a husky voice appeared at the back, "Who is noisy outside? Let people not sleep?" After the voice disappeared, a corpse in a robe-like robe came out of it. "Who are you guys? Well? What happened to my puppet? You did it?"

I quickly walked over and said, "Originally, there is a master here! Sorry, we thought this was a place without a master. These things suddenly attacked us, and we were legitimate defenses."

Gan corpse looked up and down with those white eyes. "It doesn't matter, it is a defective product."

"Can we go in?"

"You can come in, but those are not." He was referring to Jingjing and Lingling. "I don't welcome the forces of light."

"No problem." Quickly summoned Fenglong to put away all the pets, and even the avatars were taken back. "Is this okay?"

"What about us?" Kitty hurriedly asked.

The dead body immediately shook his head: "You are not allowed to enter, I only accept the visit of the undead."

"He is the undead?" The wolf several of them pointed at me.


The corpse gave a terrible smile: "Nonsense, I can't even distinguish the undead from the humans after so many years of being an undead warlock? Even if I admit it wrong, the grudge spirit attached to his armor is enough to kill any non-dead creature. "This dead dead warlock does not know that we will have a temple of order and chaos. Dark energy and light power will not resist on us, and even if the grudge spirit is attached to me, it will not cause harm.

I turned to them and said, "Please wait for me outside, I will help you to see if there is any equipment that suits you, if I'm here, I'll take it out for you."

"Well then!" Several people helplessly agreed with my suggestion. They didn't believe me, but there was no other way. Although the puppets were defective products just now, they have been unable to parry them. If they change to genuine products, they will be completely finished, so they did not consider using force to solve this problem.

"Rest assured, I leave Auspicious Ruyi, you don't need to be afraid of me sneaking away." After finishing the warlock to enter the cave inside, the door fell down again to close the passage. We walked a few meters forward and turned to the right. A super hall of over 5,000 square meters appeared in front of us.

"This ... this ... is this where you live?"

"This is a collection of my living room, bedroom, study, workshop, etc. I am a scientist. There are too many rooms and it is troublesome, so I simply found a hall to bring them all together."

"I've heard that your research people don't pay attention to the details of life, and now they finally understand."

"Those luxurious habits are the bad habits of the living, what other material life do we undead need to pursue? Infinite knowledge is our goal. Since we have infinite life, why not put it into the infinite ocean of knowledge?"

走进 I walked into the lobby. On the right hand side was a stack of bookshelves. One hundredth of the size of the Isinger Library was full of bookshelves. I searched the books in the Essinger Library ... Oh no, they were collected. The Essinger Library is a multi-storey building like a temple, with many books in it, including a variety of materials, pictures and text. Just the catalogue outline piles up a room. As a private collection area, it is very scary to reach one percent of the Isinger Library. Almost a third of this hall is occupied by books.

"I don't know what the ocean of knowledge looks like, but you can count as a book lake here."

湖泊 "Lake?" The dead body seemed rather excited. "Here is the book I collected with great pains. Even if it is not the largest in the world, it can be ranked at least. You actually say it is a lake?"

"There is a super library in my city, at least 100 times as large as yours. If my book is a sea of ​​books, can you only count as a lake?"

"Impossible!" He didn't believe. "How could you get so many books?"

"My book comes from five sources. The first part was copied by me from looting the Temple of Light."

"You looted the Temple of Light?"

恩 "Well. I am against the Light Temple with the Dark Temple in Asia, and even the Asian Dragons have participated."

"It turned out to be an expert! Sit down and say! What about the other four sources?" The warlock reacted differently to Lima.

"Another is ..." I paused suddenly, "You promise not to go out first."

"OK. I promise."

"Okay. Do you know Austen Weina?"

"The ancestors of vampires?" (Comrades studying theology should stop talking about Cain and Lilith, etc. The first generation of vampires in my story is Vena, please take this paragraph completely overhead.)

"Do you know?"

"Can I still have life if I know?" The corpse shivered in fear when he heard the name.

"But I know her. She is now the Lord God in my city. I have got all her banned books. By the way, what are you so afraid of her? Wei Na is very good, but it is good for us! "

"My Lord of the Undead! Oskar Vina is a super existence with the power of a higher god."

"There are so many gods, are you scared?"

"There are indeed many high-level gods, but the real high-level gods have complete godheads. They generally do not participate in world affairs, but Austen Weiner has the power of God but does not have a corresponding godhead. It is like a master who can use the curse Far worse than a baby who can use the curse. The Master has this power, but he knows the control. The baby has no idea how to control his power. If a baby learns to use the curse, there will be nothing around it. "

"I understand this, but Wei Na is not a baby after all, although sometimes it is a bit humiliating, but there is a sense of size."

那就 "That's good! I've heard that some of the next great gods joined forces to suppress her who has not yet evolved completely, and it almost failed."

"This is true, but she is now converted and her book has come to me."

The corpse warrior gazed longingly: "I want to see what God's book records!"

"It should be everything, and it's basically magic."

"Well, what other sources do you say?"

"The other three sources: one is from the database of undersea races, they also study these mechanical technologies like you, but they are biased towards dynamic research, which is to transform energy."

The magician listened with excitement. "That is the key technology. The basic definition of a mage is to use the free energy of space for your own use. This is the key!"

"But they only extract energy from the magic crystal!"

那就 "That's right. The characteristic of magic crystal is that it can automatically absorb free energy. What about the other two?"

"Another one was bought from someone else's guild."

哦 "Oh, there shouldn't be much of this, what about the last part?"

"The last part was written by us. The city of the guild has a huge technical research area. The equipment in it is much more complete than yours. They will write down any results they put in the library." I only saw the undead warlock staring at me with a twinkling star. "What are you doing?"

The cadaver warrior smiled and said, "I don't know if there is a shortage of researchers in the guild?"


"I want to participate in your institute."

"Of course you have no problem to participate, but the research funding is calculated based on the results. Seeing that you have so little equipment here, you should know the shortage of funding?"


立刻 He immediately said: "Of course, of course, I am also a very powerful warlock. Unfortunately, these studies are too expensive. I can't support them alone. Please accept me!"

行 "Yes, don't you get excited. At least you have to tell me what your name is? And your research results, let me see what projects you research."

"My name is Lund, and I'm an apprentice to the great alchemist Jia Ha."

"You are the apprentice of Jia Ha?" This Jia Ha was the owner of the fake Earth Mother Temple in Switzerland last time. He made all the demon dolls. If this guy is a disciple of Jia Ha, then the puppet at the door would explain it.

"Do you know my mentor?"

"How old is he? If I knew him, I would not be a monster?"

"That's right, it's been hundreds of years since the instructor died. You shouldn't have been born then! Have you ever seen my brother-in-law?"

"Do you still have a brother?"

"Nonsense. The tutor has more than one apprentice, and of course I have a sibling. But now there are only three left."

他们 "They all do research like you?"

"Yes. But the development direction of a few of us is not the same. You follow me." He took me through his messy living area to the back work area, where a lot of unassembled puppets and a lot Parts and processing equipment. "See anything special?"

看了 I looked at it for a long time and said, "It doesn't seem to be human."

"Yes." Lund said: "Our four siblings are all studying puppets, but we have different understandings of the master's technology, so everyone will study them separately. I think that the puppets should take combat ability as the first consideration. , So my puppets have always been weird, and only pay attention to attack ability without considering appearance and other things. "

"Where's your brother?"

"The purpose of my brother's research is intelligence. He believes that a sufficiently developed intelligence is considered a real puppet, and the development of limbs is meaningless. The research direction of the second master is magic. He has been using a lot of magic elements on the puppet to try to improve Overall performance. The third division prefers to study creatures, and the demon dolls he makes are semi-mechanical and semi-biological monsters. "

I smiled and said, "That's great. My guild is also studying the puppets. Last time, I accidentally found the remains left by your master and found a few puppets, but they were basically destroyed and researched. It ’s very troublesome, I do n’t understand some things at all, and I have n’t been able to move these things up to now. And that thing of your mentor is powered by the ruby ​​stone, I ca n’t find so much red at all Monstrous crystals start them. With your help, I should be able to activate them soon. "

什么 "What? Do you have the finished product of our master?"


"Take me there."

别 "Don't worry! Things won't run there. In fact, I think your research direction is the same as that of your master."

"Can you see the research direction of our mentor?"

"I can't see it, but I have a research institute? Your mentor's research direction seems to be more anti-destructive. The entire demon is detachable, not only has high defense power, but even if it is destroyed, it will not immediately break. Drop it, like yours, and it will be completely scrapped after the limbs are cut off. Your mentor's puppet has also beaten me. Not only is the defense much higher than yours, but if it is damaged, you can repair it yourself. You can throw it away if you ca n’t repair it. The shell becomes leaner. But your mentor's puppet has no intelligence and needs a variant city tree to support the command. "

这么 "So we all have our own understanding on the development path of the puppet. By the way, aren't your guilds also studying the puppet? What line do you take?"

"We are different from you. Your master has a lot of magic parts on those puppets. We can't repair these things and simply replace them with pure mechanical parts. So our development direction is pure mechanization of puppets." Actually, we The guild studied that the mechanized devil was forced to helplessly. We are not familiar with those magics, but we are familiar with the machine, so we can change all of them. However, some things still couldn't be achieved, and as a result, our puppets have not been able to move up to now.

看来 "It seems that our research direction is very different."

"Do you know where your three brothers are? If you can find them all, we can complete the works of your mentor to create the perfect puppet."

"I think so! But the brothers originally hid to avoid the joint pursuit of the major denominations. Now we can't find each other!"

"What a pity!" I looked at the puppet parts around me. "You did all this?"

"of course."

I picked up a part that looked like a robotic arm and looked at it. "Is this a sample? The workmanship is so rough!"

"It would be nice to be able to do this. There is no assistant here, and I have to do everything on the mold opening, pouring, drawing method. So the defective products at the door will appear."

"This is all right. After you join us, I can let you see what it means to spare no expense. But first of all, our high investment is to hope that you have a high output, so don't mess with me."

"It must be." Lund nodded for a long time before he remembered: "That ... I'm sorry! The thing you said is so tempting, you see that I haven't even asked your guild name yet!"

"Our guild is called Frost Rose Alliance, and I am the president of Ziri."

行 "Yes, I will be your assistant in the guild."

I was pointing at something in the room: "We'll all put him on more than see what we have to take."

"None of these, just bring the book over there and a few red smelling magic crystals over here."

"Yes." A ring finger opened the space door.

When they came out with weapons, they thought they were going to fight, and they asked me, "What should we do?"

"Move things." I pointed the bookshelf over there with my fingers: "Move the shelves together, move quickly."

"I understand."

Wu Yalong cavalry followed me on his own, and he had done a lot of work in the house, and it was a skill to move things. Lund was stunned as he was moved into a vacant lot in the bookshelf area, which covers an area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters. I patted him: "Anything else to bring?"

"No more, no more, I can take the rest."

I turned to them and said: "Well, you can go back."

"Yes." After they all went back, I closed the space door and turned to Lund: "Forget to ask, do you know how many Indian outfits there are?"

"Indian equipment? I don't know what you're talking about, but the monsters here asked me to keep some things for you to see if they were." Lund pulled out a bunch of things from under the bed and looked a lot The armors were piled together, and there was still a lot of ashes on it. I took a look at the properties, good guy, Indian equipment, was even piled here like garbage! Leave it alone, get these back to make a difference.

我们 When we opened the door, there was a sound of fighting outside. The five young eagles and a group of people who didn't know who were in a group. My first reaction was to find auspicious Ruyi, five of them died, nothing auspicious, but Ruyi a treasure, I will not let them die!

I searched for a while and finally found me both, but I don't know if I should laugh or cry! Auspicious Ruyi is nesting in a corner, and Auspicious claws are also holding a wooden sign that says a few words-I surrender.


A few people are approaching Auspicious Ruyi, it seems that this group of people do not intend to let them go. One of the guys raised his weapon and was about to chop, and suddenly heard a bang, there was more stone in the place where the man stood, and the man was gone. I looked at the top of the cave and it turned out that the rock at the top of the cave had fallen. You do n’t need to know that the auspicious super accident is back! A guy next to him wanted to bypass the rock, but the rock suddenly crooked, and the erected rock fell down, and the guy who wanted to attack was gone.

"It's a wicked door!" The people at the back looked strange when they saw the two people being smashed by the rocks, but no one thought of Auspicious Ruyi.

Although auspicious accidents are very effective, there is no guarantee that they will not fail. I don't want them to be chopped by others like this. "Lund, please close the door and wait for a while. I'll call you when I'm done."

"do you need my help?"

"Are you capable of fighting?"

"I still have a self-defense doll."

"Take it out."

"But it's bigger."

"It doesn't matter, the big ones have combat effectiveness."

既然 "Now that you want it, all right." Lund took out a scroll and threw it out. The scroll suddenly disappeared, and then a little devil appeared on the ground. This guy's body is like a spinning top, and his legs are short but sturdy. A pair of upper arms are not equipped with a robot, but are directly equipped with weapons, a right arm is a hammer, and a left is an axe. As for this guy's head, it's just a skull. The little puppet is less than 10 cm tall, but it is growing quickly. It was too small for everyone to see, but it will keep getting bigger and everyone noticed it. Seeing that it had reached the top of the cave, but it continued to grow, I knew that something would happen.

"Good luck, come here." I called out to the two little guys and quickly jumped to me. Quickly summon Jingjing to use absolute barriers to protect us and Lund inside.

The puppet keeps getting bigger, but the top of the hole is so high. After the puppet hits the top of the hole, it still grows up, the top of the hole is also raised, and the surrounding people scatter and scatter. One of the other people called out, "Retreat back to the ground."

These people ran, and the eagles here also ran over, of course Jingjing protected them together. The puppet completely overturned the ground until it reached the surface, and the cave collapsed. I summoned the rose vine and the trailblazer to get us up. That puppet has become a giant puppet that is nearly 10 meters tall.

发现 I found that there were many people on the ground besides us and the puppet. There were large cavalry around on the ground. The people I saw just now had already come up. They moved very fast.

One of the other people shouted, "Give me the motive and let you go."

I said to Lund: "How do you command this thing?"

Ellend took out a small battle: "With this, you can direct it as if you were directing your body."

"Give me a try." After taking the battle, I began to imagine the body movement of the puppet, and the puppet really followed my thinking and started to move. This guy is too big and makes a lot of noise when he moves. Fortunately, the sound is not difficult to hear.

The cavalry rushed at the sight of our resistance, and I started to operate the puppet block. Swinging the right-handed sledgehammer to the left and swiping across the ground with the help of waist force, the power of the several-ton hammer hitting the ground is not a joke, and such a large hammer cannot escape at all. The platoon cavalry was taken by horses and flew out. The cavalry in the back immediately filled up the space and attempted to attack the puppet. The puppet lifted the hammer and hit it down. The ground bounced, and a large group of war horses were knocked to the ground. Of course, those who were directly hit were of course all dead. Already.

The remaining cavalry began to want to bypass the puppet, but they underestimated the speed of the puppet. This big guy is very clunky, but he is very big! The cavalry ran for half a day and he arrived in two steps. With a sharp axe, several war horses were split in half with the knight above. The remaining knights immediately turned around and tried to dodge, but suddenly the sledgehammer smashed, and none of them were knocked into the soil.

Suddenly, a row of guns rang out, followed by the sound of jingling shots on the puppet. Lund said with confidence: "These broken guns will not work."

Fact is like he said, the power of the musket is too small to respond to such a big puppet. Suddenly there was a boom, and the puppet shuddered, and a pit was added to its arm. The opponent even took the cannon. They came to catch the puppets, so it was predicted that artillery might be needed, so even the guns were dragged out when they came out.

I operated the puppet to dodge the second run and then strode towards the artillery, and the other person quickly ran away with the cannon. Unfortunately, the cannon was not as fast as the puppet. After two or three times, it was caught up. One shot down one cannon Become a discus. Boom, a nearby gun opened fire while moving, and the left hand of the puppet was blown off. Then there was an accident that no one had thought of. The puppet shook it twice and suddenly fell down. Not only the carriage and artillery that pulled the gun, but even the players next to it were smashed.

"Rely on, what kind of puppet are you? A broken hand will fail?"

Lund took the battle and looked at it and said, "It's not damaged, it's no energy. I'm too poor to afford the red-grained magic crystal. This small puppet has a small ordinary magic crystal installed on it, so Can only be used for a short time. I have said that this is a life-saving puppet. "

"Dizzy! Really convinced you!" Reopen the space door. "Scott."

"Master, what are you moving?"

"Nothing to move, all come out to me, copy the guys and prepare for battle."

"I love to hear this," Dead Goth shouted, "the cavalry line up, the charge formation."

Kitty and the wolf, the five of them wanted to help, and when they saw me, the cavalry team stopped talking. The cavalry of the brigade immediately calmed down the opponent. Many people were knocked to death by the puppets just now. This would not be enough staff. I am afraid that they will have to finish the cavalry. After knowing that there is no chance of victory, the opponent turned around very wisely and ran away.

Beast went back in disappointment and shouted, "Don't run! Let me let the addiction go!"

Pu Xiaoying whispered to the Yalong Cavalry and asked me, "These are your guild?"

"You can say that!" My summoned creature should be one of the guild's powers, and it's not wrong to say so.

"What a terrible team!" Wolf sighed.

"These are not horrible. By the way, I found your equipment for you." Then he took out the dusty equipment. "It's a little dirty, but I finally got it."

The wolves took over the equipment excitedly, they knew their own professional equipment, and everyone took out their belongings. However, none of these things were identified, so I had to make a guest appearance with the appraisers. Almost all the equipment was successfully identified. They all jumped up and down excitedly when they saw the attributes, but I started to worry.

魔 This boss is so old, I really don't know what to do when lying here. It's not a simple matter to take it away. "Lund, can this thing be sealed back so big?"

不 "No, I bought that scroll from someone else, but I don't have it now."

"How can I get back such a big thing?"

"Unpacked! Anyway, you have a lot of people ~ ~ This thing is not too small to take apart, right?"

"Easier than the whole shipment?"

"Then you quickly dismantle! Those people may not know when they will come back."

"Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible."

Helund said the result was dismantled for nearly an hour as soon as possible, and this was the result of our help. The big guy was split into dozens of large parts and shipped into the space door. Kitty they said they wanted to see what our guild looked like, so they followed me back. I shouldn't have brought people back to the city at first, but the reason I did this was because the big leagues the day after tomorrow wanted them to teach me something.

路上 On the way back, in order to save trouble, I directly summoned the lucky 驮 Let's go back, one train is enough to take us all together. When I returned to the starting city, the city was busy cleaning. The mud from the flood covered almost all the streets in the city. At the beginning, there was no ice layer, and the ice had almost melted for a long time. People in the meeting started. Smashing the remaining ice by the way also removes the soil below. It is better to clean the soil while it is frozen. If the temperature rises, it will cause trouble.

"Why is it so cold here?" As soon as they approached the starting city, the kitty spotted a noticeable change in temperature.

"This is a little accident, don't worry, the temperature will slowly rise in the future. Anyway, we are not going to this place, this is just a transit."

那 "This is just one of the many cities in your guild?"

"It is indeed one of them, but there are not many cities in our guild. There are only five in total." I am honest, but they do not know that three of these five cities are enough to cover 30 cities.

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