Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 22: Technical strength

After entering the city, I took them directly to the dungeon and then passed the transnational transport array, but I did not tell them that this was a transnational transport array. Anyway, they could guess that they were transported abroad, even if they could not guess it.

到达 After using the multinational teleportation array, I arrived in China. It's early morning and it's dark, but Isinger's lighting equipment has always been very bright. After coming out of the teleportation team, the laymen watched the hilarious insiders and watched the doorways. The five Indian players only knew that the building was tall and grand, and Lund's response was different. He stared at the Transnational Array for a long time, then looked at the urban surveillance equipment inlaid with opal on the wall. When he saw the huge Essinger Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute, he claimed that his heart was almost beating, but I doubt that the heart of the dead body is still elastic.

The next thing involves secrets, so it's not good to take them everywhere. I found some MM in the guild to help them take a tour, and I took Lund to implement the work. First, of course, go to the underground experimental area of ​​the Power Institute, open the space door and let everyone take out those parts. My space door has been opened 3 times today. After closing, it will not be able to open again, so I have to move the books out and then transport them to the library.

The parts were first stacked in a special parts area, and Lund ran around the experimental area like a child who fell into a toy pile to vent his excitement. After he calmed down, he quickly took him to the library. In fact, Magic Crystal Dynamics researched all the internal transfer arrays that were directly connected to the library. This was to ensure that the information was convenient when needed. But in order to give Lund an intuitive understanding, I took him from the outside. Take advantage of this time for the Yalong Cavalry to transport Lund's book to the library through the teleportation array.

When he reached outside the library, Lund was dumbfounded again, and he was a little stammered with excitement. "This ... this ... is this a library?"

"Well." I nodded surely.

"This building is where all the books are?"

"Actually, it's not just this building. It's behind and underground. The buildings in this square area are all libraries. The front is just a place for catalogs and reading rooms. The library is behind."

Brenda grabbed me excitedly and shook for a long time: "If I had tears, I would have burst into tears."

相信 "Trust me, your expression is uglier than crying!"

"Sorry, I'm so excited!"

不要 "Don't get excited, go in and get excited!"

In fact, Isinger's architecture not only looks magnificent on the outside, but also the luxury and majesty on the inside of the building. After entering the library, Lund always only said one sentence: "I'm so touched!" It is estimated that he was severely stimulated today.

"Zi Ri, are you so free to come to the library?" Wei Na suddenly appeared beside the reading room next to the reading room.

"I should have said this, right?" I walked over to help her pull the collar of her clothes: "You'd better not wear such an exaggeration when not in the temple."

"Is it too revealing?" Wei Na said indifferently. "Anyway, most of them are girls."

"But there is no man here!"

"Well then!" Wina nodded. "I'll wear more clothes next time. Who's behind?"

Lulund then said: "I am the second disciple of Archmage Jiaha."

"Who is Jia Ha? I don't know!" Wei Na didn't care, but Lund was very angry.

"The reputation of the mentor is known to the entire mage community. You don't even know it?"

刚才 I was still wondering when Lund was still afraid of Weiner's death when he was in the United States. Why did he suddenly become arrogant here, but now I realized it. I haven't introduced them to now. I definitely can't recognize Wei Na as Lund. He was so bold because he didn't know that this was Austen Wei Na.

I hurriedly said: "Lund, this is the first generation member of the vampire clan, and is also the goddess of our guild, Austen Weina."

He fluttered, and Lund knelt on the ground when he heard the name scared. "Little ... small ... the little man doesn't know it is ... the Lord God."

"What's wrong with him?"

I quickly pushed Wei Na into the room: "He's scared, it's fine if you are not on the scene, well, I have things, I will find you again when I have time."

"Okay!" Wina paused. "But leave them."

"Ah?" I looked back and saw her referring to good luck. "Okay, good luck, you play with Goddess Vina first."

Wei Na took the two pandas into the advanced reading room, and I turned around and ran out to draw Lund: "Okay, don't hesitate. Let's take you to the royal library of Austen Weiner, that is all It's a banned book. You can't find it except me. "

"OK." Lund returned to normal instantly.

When I crossed the huge library corridor, Lund couldn't move forward because of the sculptures on both sides of the road. I almost dragged him to the library behind him. He almost cried again when he saw the huge library area. The entire library was visited for a few hours before I could barely finish reading it. It was very large here, and Garend's fuss was endless, which affected the speed.

I finally took him back to the Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute. A few players who will do research in this bank saw me and wanted red ruby ​​spar, but my raw materials were too scarce. After sending these players, he led Lund down to the dungeon part of the institute, and the research room on this side held the puppets I transported from the Swiss temple.

站在 I stood in front of the door and said to Lund: "These are the finished dolls left by your mentor, please see." After that, I pushed the door open.

Ellen walked into the room excitedly and looked at the puppets, and I didn't know how to describe it. "These are the puppets made by the mentor?" Lund asked me excitedly.


"Yeah. And it's a type with a high degree of completion. I have suffered a great crime to catch them!"

"Is the instructor's puppet very powerful?"

"There is nothing to say in terms of combat effectiveness and defense, it is definitely the king of the land."

"Is there anything wrong with that?"

"There are shortcomings, and they are quite serious. The first is the manufacturing process. The technical difficulty of this thing is too high. You have seen the equipment and technical strength of our guild. We cannot repair them with such a large investment. You can imagine his It is difficult to manufacture. And the setting using red spar as a motive force is also a double-edged sword. The magic puppet has become very expensive at the same time as it has obtained long-term athletic ability and high power. In fact, with our financial resources, we really want to Purchasing is not a problem, but the red spar is currently in a state of money and land, so using the red spar as a power source is undoubtedly a major mistake! "

"But things always have flaws."

"Although there will be no perfect things, but that does not mean that we will give up the pursuit of perfection. The puppet can have defects, but continuous modification is our goal. Since we have found shortcomings, we must find ways to remedy them. I will accept you Just because you are a disciple of Jia Ha, I think you should be much better in this respect than those researchers who have become monks. "

"I'll do my best!" Lund pulled a puppet's arm and said, "These things are badly damaged?"

"Nonsense! They were all open at the time. How can I take them back without hitting them?"

When he saw the dismantleable puppet, he asked, surprised, "how many layers are there?"

"Did I not tell you? Your master puppets are all resistant to damage."

所以 "So it's all structured internally and externally?"

I shook my head: "Actually, I don't think your mentor is building a puppet."

"What is this then?"



对 "Yes. Your mentor is making humans. Look at this." I walked to a puppet and took off the puppet's helmet. "Did you see that? These armors are heavy plate armor used by barbarians. They are not modified except for being very thick. If you make a doll, you should directly make a whole, not such a doll in armor. Kazakhstan makes monsters according to human standards. "

"That makes sense, too."

I set the armor back and said, "In fact, I don't care what your mentor thinks, I only care about the actual combat effect. But the coincidence is that your master's design quite meets my requirements."

"tell me the story."

"It's actually very simple. I want the puppets to be inexpensive, easy to maintain, and require strong battlefield survivability."

"Does the master's design include these?"

"Your master didn't think about it, but he realized it. You look at this puppet. The innermost one was originally a skull-shaped puppet, but it is usually folded and placed at the core of the puppet. This skeleton It's actually a complete puppet, and it can still be used without anything else. "

那 "Why don't we just make skeleton dolls?"

"The problem is here." I showed him the arm of the skull. "No matter what the material is, the thinner it is, the easier it is to break. Everyone knows this. The problem of this skull puppet is also here. Its structure is very simple. Although this makes the skull puppet have an ultra-light body and high agility , But there were two problems at the same time. The first was that the skull doll was not beaten. It was too simple. All the necessary equipment was compressed inside the body, but there was only a thin layer of iron on the outside. The second problem was strength. Too small, I noticed when this skeleton puppet met me, it was too small and lacked the overwhelming power that puppets have always pursued. "

Lund nodded: "This is for sure. There is no way to install too large gears and power components in such a thin structure. In order to protect these small parts, you can only reduce the power to prevent the puppet from distracting itself."

"You said the point." I folded the skull puppet first, and then mounted some scattered parts next to the skull puppet. At this time, the puppet was like a humanoid object full of muscles. "Did you see that? These freely removable parts are made of large pieces of metal."

“I see. These things bring great power and more powerful support structures to the skeleton puppets. Not only are they not easy to break, but their strength will be significantly improved,” said Brendan.

"You are right. The hardness of these things is unimaginable, and because of their larger size, relatively more powerful power equipment can be installed. The data I obtained when I actually fought with this guy was quite complete. This thing is installed After building the external muscles ... "

等等 "Wait, what is the external muscle building?"

"These are the parts outside the skeleton, because they mainly provide support and power output, so we call it the external muscle building here."

"I see, you continue."

"These muscle components will have a huge performance difference before and after installation. Actual data shows that the skeleton doll's mobility is stronger than when the external parts are hung, but the power of the doll is increased by more than ten when the external parts are hung. Times, and the ruggedness has also been improved by a dozen times. After that, the attack power has increased by a doubling, which is obviously different. "

"But these parts seem too crude, right? It's easy for the enemy to break them?"

兴奋 I excitedly picked up a super heavy plate armor. "So there is this. When I first encountered these puppets, they all wore these armors, and the power of the puppets was very great. Even wearing these armors would not affect the speed too much. It only lost a little maneuverability while improving. From my observations, these guys are actually more agile than the average person. "

"So the design of the mentor is great?"


"Not only that. You think about it, these parts are all modular and can be dismantled and replaced at any time. How much time does this save us for maintenance? This thing is used as a city defense facility, and the city battle generally does not exceed It takes two days to grow for a week. It takes about three to seven days to repair a puppet. After you have repaired the battle, it is over. But this is different. Parts can be replaced directly after being damaged, and you can return to the battlefield in three minutes. Currently The main problem that restricts the production of magic puppets is that the cost of the magic crystal power extractor is too high, and the production of red ruby ​​crystals. If you use this design of your instructor, we can mass produce easily damaged parts. It can be changed at any time. As long as the core energy extractor and the red-striped magic spar are not damaged, it can be repeatedly repaired and participated in the battle, which will definitely cause the enemy a headache. "

"I see. I will concentrate on this direction in future research."

"I said these to you today so that you can understand what we need and what we don't need. I hope you study it well in the future. Okay, now I will take you to see the head of the department here, I will not come here often after all, after all It ’s not just the Institute that takes care of the guild. "

I took Lund to see the player in charge of the research institute and NPC, and then took him to look at Steel City. Knowing more about the production capacity of the guild is more conducive to his future research. At least the technical connection will not cause any major problems. Lund is anything new to see anyway. Steel City is completely produced by a large machine industry. His small workshop is incomparable. All the visits are over 11am Beijing time, it's really a delay!

Kitty they said to me at the time the day after tomorrow was American time, and now it's been over ten hours. The calculation time according to Beijing time should be tomorrow night. This is less than 48 hours. Quickly convened several main leaders in the guild to meet. The significance of this major league game is not simple. It involves the entire American strategic system of our guild, and it needs absolute caution.

只有 I only convened Rose, Su Mei, Xiao Yao, Ying, and Hongyue. No one else attended our meeting. After all, this is a strategic decision. A few main leaders and the staff team will do. First tell them the general situation I know about the major leagues, and then talk about the situation of the Kitty Hawks.

Su Meimei was the first to speak: "I think participation is affirmative. The key issue is staffing."

Xiao Xiaoyao said, "I think it's good to have Brother Ziri's Ringing Knight."

Rose shook her head: "You ca n’t rely on the Ringtone Knight alone. The Major League is not a pure duel, nor is it a simple racing game. The Ringtone Knight alone may lose out. And listening to the description of Ziri, the Major League was shot The attack on the head bird is very serious, and it is not a good thing to be too sharp. "

I didn't expect so much before, now Rose reminds me to react immediately. At first I wanted to keep it simple. "Then what should we arrange?"

Rose continued: "It is not possible to use all ring bell knights, but it is not completely absent. I think it is best to bring 10 ring bell knights. In the event of a massacre, 10 ring bell knights are enough to ensure combat effectiveness, and in case of separation Now, the 10 bell knights can be protected one-on-one separately. "

Wu Ying asked, "What about the other 10 places?"

Su Sumei immediately said: "Brother Ziri and the man named Xiaoying must occupy two."

Wu Hongyue said: "The person named Xiaoying may not be willing to join our group?"

I said: "I have already asked, she has some ideas in this regard but has not yet determined."

Rose immediately said: "Then you still confirm now, otherwise we will not make a decision."

"Okay." Anyway, they were in our Isinger, and they contacted Xiaoying soon by private chat. Fortunately, they were connected in time. Xiaoying said that she was preparing to go offline. After a brief inquiry, Kitty definitely answered that she would join us. I hurriedly said to them, "Well, she agreed."

Rose said: "Then there are 8 positions left."

Xie Ying said: "Count me, how can I say that I am also a high-attack knight, and the time is not bad."

"Would you also bring Lark?" I said, "Your husband and wife are better coordinated, and Lark is a very good archer."

"Yes, you should take Lark."

Rose said with a smile: "So I have to participate. There is a resurrection mage in the team to make up for the sacrifice vacancy. At present, except for me, it seems that there is no sacrifice to use the magic on horseback to treat his companions."

Everyone immediately agreed with Rose to participate, and having a mage who can make up blood is definitely a huge advantage in the team ~ ~ I urged: "What do I do with five places?"

"Sister Ziyue can't go up?" Su Mei asked.

I shook my head: "Ziyue is riding a dragon, and here is a creature running on the ground."

"Where shall I go?" Hongyue recommended herself.

"You are not a knight!"

"By the way, Shura Ziyi. She is a knight, and her fighting ability is absolutely suitable." Ying said.

I nodded and said, "It is true that Shura Ziyi can, there are still four places."

"Where is the cauldron rice? He is also a knight." Hongyue said.

"Cauldron rice?" I rely! Cauldron rice is riding a wild boar, which makes him really dangerous. "Even if the cauldron rice is in fact, it doesn't have to be a knight, as long as it is good immediately, even if it is a mage, warrior, or archer."

"How is Chris Dina? Although they are masters, they are also super masters who are said to be the first turret in Europe, and they are also riding." Red Moon suddenly remembered our super master.

"Three are still missing!"

"There are three more I suggest you use your magic pet to top." Rose suggested.

I'm confused. "Why the magic pet?"

"Aren't you a rider in addition to Ye Ying and Xiao Xue, Steel Claws and Bailang?"


"Let that Ling ride steel claws, Xiaochun ride Xiaoxue, Lingling ride Bailang."

"Well done!" Su Mei sighed.

I clapped and said, "That's it. I'll start the game tomorrow night. Let's get ready. Participants must gather together to discuss the countermeasures, especially to listen to Xiaoying's explanations and notes. Don't get into trouble until you get the last foul. "

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