Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 23: Tough Major League

After finishing all the guild things, waited until the game was about to start before they went to the United States with the five eagles. In the meantime, the people in the guild were also informed. Anyone who wants to watch can come and play, it is a guild Collective entertainment project. Everyone is curious about the novel games in the United States, so many people have decided to come and cheer for us.

When our guild brigade followed the eagle to the conference site, I was taken aback. I thought that only China would have the kind of hundreds of thousands of people crowded into a bunch to participate in the rally. Now it seems that there are many Americans! A large valley is already full of people. We are scared by the lively scene outside of the so-called major league game field. Where is this game? It is simply an international rally! When you look in from the mountain, you can only notice that the small black spots in the valley are moving, and people are standing on the mountain.

According to Kitty, there are three entrances to this valley, but generally there are only two entry points, and the other is a dedicated channel for athletes and staff before the game, and it is said that this place is just a place to watch the game, the real game place Not here, the long schedule is definitely not enough in the valley.

At first I was a little worried about the uniform costumes of the guild players, but after I came in, I found that many guilds are uniform costumes. It is estimated that most of them are camouflage clothing. Otherwise, where can I find so many same equipment, guilds? Arming is not something you can get casually. Since they all wear uniforms, our guild will not be too conspicuous, but our high proportion of women and bling equipment have attracted the attention of passersby, especially mounts. Although other guilds have unified their costumes, they ca n’t unify their mounts. Even purely using war horses can cause hair color differences, but our steel claws are all gold scales, which is just a complete set with golden armor.

We walked to the entrance to the valley, where a wooden wall was built with wood, and it was more symbolic. In the game, the stone city walls are not necessarily blocking people, let alone these three meters high and half inch thick wooden walls?

"Excuse me, are you a guild?" A guard at the door came over and looked at his tone and attitude and what he was holding in his hands. I think he was more like a waiter than a guard.

I nodded: "Behind us are the guild people, they are well recognized from the clothes."

He took a look and then smiled, "Well, please buy tickets here. How many people are you here? I need detailed numbers."

Xiao Xiaoying stepped forward and asked, "Did you not sell group tickets before?"

The man immediately said politely: "This game will no longer use old-fashioned equipment, and you will see a new set of video equipment, but this thing requires a terminal for each user, so we need to know the specific number of people in order to release terminal."

I was embarrassed and said, "Please wait a moment, we'll just count." At that time, I just shouted on the guild channel and wanted to see the square assembly. Who knows how many people came! This will require the number of people to count. Because the entrance was quite busy, we had to get to the side of the road and start counting people. When we were busy, two more guilds arrived one after the other. Like us, the new rules made the presidents of the two guilds extremely embarrassing. Everyone did not know how many people had come to the guilds. They all started counting on the roadside like us.

Because there are many people coming, our guild report is a bit slow. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the president of the guild next to this opportunity came over to talk to me.

"You are also blocked by that rule?"

I smiled and nodded: "The new rules are unknown to everyone, and I didn't expect to count when I came out!"

The man immediately laughed and said, "Who said no! Fortunately, my guild was not very large."

看看 I look at the crowd reporting to me: "It seems to be over for me."

会 The president said: "Excuse me, are the guilds of your guilds disguised or real?"

"It's true. That's the guild guardian beast, one hand."

"Do you have guild guardian beasts? How envious!"

"Chairman, we're done counting." Someone on my side called me.

When he heard that we were over, he took the initiative and said, "Since you are going in, I will not disturb you."

I said goodbye to him and turned back to the guild. After checking the number of people in the bank, it was confirmed that a total of 3,211 people had come. My zero knights also prepared 10, plus 5 of them were 3226. After telling the numbers to the guard, the other party asked, "Are you guys participating in the game?"


The guard immediately said: "The contestants do not need to watch the game, then you only need 3205 sets."

Xiaoying immediately said: "No, it should be 3206 sets."

The guard smiled and said, "This game is a major revision. Many rules are different. Now the major leagues can be a maximum of 21 people in each team."

立刻 I immediately said: "You still give us 3206 sets, we make up a summoning creature."

"Yes." The guard still smiled. "But this time the ticket was changed directly to the viewing terminal. Anyway, there is no terminal to see the game. Each terminal requires 17 crystal coins, please pay first."

Rose's mental calculation speed is scary. As soon as we have finished speaking, she said: "3206 sets of equipment, each with 17 crystal coins, a total of 54502 crystal coins. Who collects money?"

"We are hired security guards and don't touch the money. The organizer applied for system payment, and I'll open it for you." The payment page popped up in front of Rose, and the payment was completed after a simple operation. Then 32 of them suddenly appeared in front of us Big box and six small boxes. The guard continued: "There are 100 terminals in each big box, one in each of the six small boxes."

I picked up a small box and looked at it. "What is so small?"

"You can open it, it's yours, and you can take it as a souvenir at the end of the game." When I opened it, it turned out to be a ring. The guard explained: "As long as you bring this thing, you can see the actual situation of the game. The specific operation will be introduced later. I will explain it to you one by one."

"Thank you, let's go first."

Puppet guards opened the door for us to pass, and he went to negotiate with a new guildman himself. After we came in, I felt more spectacular than the outside scene. It was an ocean of players.

Suddenly, a shopping mall radio sounded above the head: "Except for the players participating in the competition, please consciously put away your own pets and mounts to save space." We heard here to quickly put away unused magic pets and mounts. The voice suddenly rang again: "The organizing committee of the competition reminds you: there are too many people in the stadium, please be careful with your belongings." I rely! Is there a thief here? Hearing here, the people in our guild hurriedly moved all their bodies to Fenglong Space. This is anti-theft. Anyway, they wear a guild suit and cannot steal it.


The broadcast sounded again after a period of time: "In order to avoid accidental injuries due to collision, please don't take weapons in your hands and turn off the PK mode." This sounded the talents of our guild remembered themselves None of them have turned off PK mode, and I am one of them.

We are now actively listening to whether or not there is a broadcast. The people in our bank have infected my personality—throwing away. Sure enough, the broadcast rang again after a while. "People in the playing field are concentrated and noisy. Players who come with you should try to use internal chat modes such as private chat, team channel, guild channel, etc., and switch the chat mode to ignore ambient sound effects to reduce the venue noise."

This is indeed an experienced organizer, so much experience! I said that so many people are so quiet here, and I thought that the quality of Americans consciously stopped chatting with each other, and engaged in internal chatting for half a day. The internal chat is set to ignore the surrounding sounds when the surrounding sound effects are ignored, so there is no noise.

The broadcast is continuously looping with various reminders. After we confirmed that there is no more important information, we started looking everywhere to stop and watch the game. In fact, we came a little late, it is already crowded here, it should be difficult to find a place, but there are many beauties in our guild! When the gang of American bulls and cubs saw a large group of beauties coming over, they vacated an open space near the center of the venue. After the players in our guild sat down, the bulls and cubs started to go like bulls. Lean in the middle. The girls are now more generous, just rely on it, anyway, can not take any advantage. So the marginal zone between our guild and the marginal zone of other guilds has a huge difference. On the edge of other guilds, the two guilds are often compared to each other and satirically, but we are trying our best to improve the relationship. Some of the more handsome cow cubs who can be said to be the president are even pulled directly into the area of ​​our guild to chat. Those lucky people who feel so honored feel that they have fallen into the country of their daughters. Of course, I can be sure that if the eyes can kill, these lucky people have been shot and killed countless times by countless pairs of jealous eyes.

After we sat down here, Rose asked Kitty: "Are we not required to sign up for the competition?"

The wolf replaced Xiaoying and replied: "No need to see. Did you see the open space in the middle of the field? At the beginning of the game, people who want to participate will be notified to enter the center of the field, just register and pay the money to play. Anyway, the game No need to check doping. "

"So this is ah."

Xu Zheng said that suddenly the broadcast sounded again, but this time the voice became a man, and the volume was obviously a lot louder. "Hello viewers, I'm Kakaluka, the narrator, and I'm happy to be here with you again to watch the Major League Games."

Another magnetic baritone rang: "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm the commentator, Sicanvia."

The third voice was added, and it was a female voice: "Hello everyone, I am the cute Lulu Kaluo. Today, the three of us will give a full explanation for everyone. But before that, please ask the organizer, Mr. Ji Sulong, for everyone Arrange the process and notice of important matters. "

The fourth sound appeared, and at the same time I saw the location of the radio station. The thing was a round platform floating in the air. An old man appeared on it, and there were three people behind it, probably three commentators.

"Dear viewers, I am a sleepy dragon. I believe that the old audience knows me. There is not much nonsense here. I am also very anxious to watch the game, so now I will only focus on the points. This time our organizing committee specially applied to the system for special The game request, the system accepted the request and equipped us with advanced game equipment, everyone please look at the field. "

Holding his hand to the open space in the middle of the field, there was a burst of white smoke. After the smoke had dissipated, a huge altar appeared in the field. There is a red ring in the middle of the altar, which slowly rotates there. The middle of the ring is completely black, without any light, as if it was a black hole.

Sleepy Dragon continued: "This is the super mission game space. The system has rebuilt a special game world for us. There is a huge space inside this game for the game, and there is no problem no matter what sounds are created in it. Players must enter here to participate in the game. In addition, the ring on your hands is also a device with system configuration. As long as you have this device, you can view any position in the game space from any angle. You can choose the viewing angle and viewing position. .Now I will teach you some operation methods. First of all, there is something on the top of the ring that looks like a gem. In fact, it is a button. After the game starts, these things will light up a red light. It will take effect. When you press the button, the ring will cycle through the various modes. Lulu Kalu will introduce you to the various modes below. "

The girl came to the front and said, "Hello everyone, now I will introduce the arrangement and function of these modes. When the game starts, your rings will go directly to the home mode. This mode is arranged by our professionals, and the picture will continue Switch between the main participating teams, our staff will switch the screen to a wonderful location at any time, and the commentary of our three commentators will follow this home mode. If there is no special need, everyone is recommended Use this mode to watch the game. If you really have special needs, you can press the button and you will enter the personnel tracking mode. After entering this mode, you need to imagine the team or person you want to track in your heart, and then the picture will automatically follow this person Or the team moves. If you are still not satisfied, you can press the button again. At this time, the screen will enter the free mode. In this mode, the advancement and movement of the screen are completely controlled by you. You can determine the angle and distance yourself. If you press again Will return to home mode and start the cycle again. Shows that, if press the button for 5 seconds will exit the screen mode, you can press a splash screen and go directly to the home mode in the exit status. "

Sleepy Dragon came up again and said, "Okay, the operation is quite simple, I believe everyone understands it. Then I started to announce the rules of this competition, this time the rules are slightly changed. The first is the number of participants. This time Each participating team can have a maximum of 21 mounts. It is best not to send out multiple teams for the same force, otherwise you will be disqualified and suspended for four games as soon as you are found. The following first invite those who want to register to the venue to register, and then I Then announce the following. "

As soon as this word came out, the surroundings immediately became confused, and a large number of players and summoned creatures began to gather in the arena. In addition to me and my 11 ringing knights, our guild lineup also has my magic pet special formation. Ling will ride steel claws, Xiaochun rides Xiaoxue, and Lingling rides Bailang. For this special configuration, I also asked Clark to saddle Bailang. I occupied 15 positions by myself, and the remaining 6 positions consisted of Kitty, Rose, Eagle, Lark, Shura Purple, and Kristina.


When you are registered in the field, you are required to register with the mount as the standard. After completing the registration, the person who passes the name will cross the circle to enter the competition space. I signed up with Night Shadow, and the Ringing Knights all used heavy armored dragons. In addition, Xiaoxue, Bailang, and my steel claws were also registered. The kitty's mount is a war horse, the rose is her own steel claw, the mount is a unicorn, and the lark is a pegasus. Both Shura Ziyi and Cristina use steel claws. The fighting power and speed of our guardian beasts are second to none, and it is not necessary to encounter any routes during the game. If there are bad mud, steel claws are definitely better than war horses Advantage.

After the registration, everyone entered the competitive space, but the strange thing is that the place where we appeared turned out to be an infinite space. Underneath the feet is a white luminous body that extends indefinitely in all directions, without seeing the margins at all, while the top of the head is infinitely dark, and I don't know what it is. Such a black and white two-dimensional space has a very strong visual impact. Everyone comes in for a while. Rose As they looked around I suddenly noticed that there was a particularly prominent person in the crowd over there.

Rose noticed my abnormality. "What are you looking at?"

"That man, did you see it?" I pointed away.

"Is that the man in red armor?"

"No. The one next to him talked to him."

"What's up with him?"

I brought everyone together and said, "Be aware of the person over there, the one with the monster on his head talking to the person in the red armor next to him. Did you see it?"

"Well." Everyone nodded.

Xiao Xiaoying suddenly said, "Isn't that the gun god? Why did he come to participate?"

"God of guns?" Rose said in surprise. "Is that the black bear said the one with more than one million attackers?"

I nodded: "It's all optimistic. Be sure to be careful with him after the start of the game. If he is going to shoot, don't be able to hard-top, this guy's offensive power is too high."

"I see. We will be careful." This time I brought all the masters, and immediately after hearing what I said, I needed to be careful. Only that impetuous rookie will hear the enemies terribly and say nothing to settle the others.

In order to avoid premature conflict, we deliberately moved to the periphery, anyway, the place is very large. It seems that there are a lot of people applying, at least more than 10,000 people. According to the ratio of 21 teams, there are at least 900 teams here. However, considering that there will not be a full team of 21 people, the actual number of participating teams should be more than 1500. It's scary enough that so many people are competing for the only winner's bonus.

Finally, the registration was over, and the sound of drowsy dragon sounded again. "Okay, the registration is now over. There are a total of 2332 teams registered this time, with a total of 17,213 mounts. Although the number of teams is not the largest, the number of mounts has created the highest record since the start of the major leagues, the last record It is 16997 mounts. Well, let ’s start with the rules setting. Many rules have changed this time. First of all, the team mode will be automatically activated according to the team at the time of registration. Manually closed. However, participants will lose their connection to the outside world and you will not be able to use any chat mode to communicate with the outside world. In addition, your transmission capabilities will be temporarily closed, and the use of transmission is prohibited in the competition. "

I said that everyone started experimenting here and it turned out that the private chat completely failed. My teleportation ring also failed. As for the phantom, he is neither a mount nor a rider.

"Every player will be automatically abstained if they go offline during the game. They will appear on the altar of the audience again when they go online. The same is true for players who died midway. If the dead person has a resurrection mage around him, he can be resurrected. The soul stays for 120 seconds. If the resurrection is successful, you will lose one level but you can still play. If the resurrection fails, you will lose 5 levels at once, and you will be resurrected immediately on the altar outside, but you will not lose equipment during the game. In addition, If it is a summoned creature instead of a player, it will be a little different after death. If it is a one-time summon that cannot be resurrected, it will disappear permanently. If it is a resurrectable summon, it will temporarily disappear, and it will return to normal immediately after the game. Resurrection summons die as if they failed to resurrect.

"Fortunately, the punishment is not serious." Kristina sighed.

Rose smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? I am there."

Wu Xiulao Ziyi also said, "That is, what is the worry of the super-resurrection mage Rose sister, what's the big deal to drop the level."

Sleepy Dragon continued: "During the competition, you cannot leave the mount for long distance hikes, but you are allowed to leave the mount intermittently. Each time you leave the mount, you must not exceed 20 minutes, and the distance to the mount must not be more than 550 meters. The rider abstains, but the mount will stay and continue to participate. Players can use any means to attack each other during the game. If you move, you can bring the magic crystal cannon. But please note that the condition of victory is Complete the game first, not kill the most. In the past, it often happened that a few masters turned upside down and let a newbie win the championship. I don't think you want to fail because of this stupid reason? "

After a short pause, Sleepy Dragon solemnly said: "There are some changes here that are not the same as before. I hope everyone will pay attention. At the beginning of the game, each team will be allocated half of the tokens, and they will take the tokens to the designated location to receive the other half of tokens. , And merge the tokens before reaching the end point. There is a portal at the end point, the mount carrying the entire token will pass the space gate to determine the victory. Note that the victory of this competition is determined that the mount is not a rider. It is also considered a victory, but the horse is killed, and the rider is immediately teleported to determine the failure. Therefore, the rider is not the most important, and the horse is alive. The focus is on everyone. In the competition, you can compete for the tokens of other teams. It also means that it has n’t arrived. The token cannot be taken out of the competitive space. The offline or death will cause the token to explode, so do n’t try to bring the other's token offline to make the other party lose the token permanently. The only way to make the other party unbelievable is you Hold his tokens by himself. In addition, tokens cannot be stored in storage It is absolutely not allowed to put things on the body, only allow it to be held by hand or hung with your mouth, if your mount is willing to help you carry it. It is also necessary to say that if both teams take As the token passes through the portal, the system is based on which team completely crosses first, that is, the last part of the body or armor passes through the portal completely, not who jumps to the door first. Below is Kakaluka. Everyone introduces the competition process. "


Kakaluka's voice sounded: "Let me introduce the competition process. First of all players are already in the waiting area. The team leader will choose the track type, and then the system will randomly arrange an initial position according to the selected type. After arriving at the initial position, you will find something on the ground, including half of the tokens of your team, a map, and a reminder sign with destination information. The role of tokens has just been introduced by Mr. Sleepy Dragon, let me introduce Put another two items. There will be some pictures or text on the reminder board. From these things, you can find the reminder information to reach the destination. That map is a map of the entire competition area, and it is quite detailed. After guessing the reminder information, Just look for the destination on the map and walk past it. In order to increase the difficulty, you will encounter various dangers during the game, some are natural disasters, and some are monsters blocking the road. But please note that some of the games are to show you the way NPCs, these NPCs are not necessarily human figures, they may also look like monsters. If you put your own If the guide NPc is gone, then prepare to explore it yourself! Of course, if you can kill the opponent's guide NPc, it is your luck. The starting points of the teams in the game will be completely separated, which means that you will all meet at the beginning. No, but there will be fewer and fewer routes in the later stages, and there will be more opportunities to meet. There is only one route in the last section, and competition will become more and more fierce. Everyone must be mentally prepared. "

Sleepy Dragon started again: "Okay, let ’s say a few more rules. Summoning creatures other than the reported list are not allowed in the game. This system will automatically ban them. You ca n’t summon them, but you ca n’t summon them. Also, each team ’s The captain has a privilege, that is, he can summon a flying creature for aerial reconnaissance. The flying creature can be its own creature or it can be provided by us. The flying creature has only one life, if it is brought by itself, it will be automatically recovered after death, Before the end of the game, you can't summon again. If you do n’t have a flying beast that you can call, we can provide a talking macaw. The parrot we provide will automatically disappear after death. It wo n’t occupy the position of the magic pet or demon servant. Temporary use only. Each team can attack the reconnaissance flying beasts of other teams, and flying beasts can also attack each other. However, be aware that flying beasts are absolutely not allowed to attack participants and mounts, nor can they take tokens and help destroy monsters. This is a foul. Once the rule is violated, the captain is kicked out of the game space, of course, the mount will still be left. The main points are introduced over, players began to select the type of track it. "

I hurried to ask everyone: "What shall we choose?"

"What are your options?"

I took a look at the pop-up panel: "There is a slider that can be pulled left and right, with a rugged approach on the left and a long road on the right. There is a description above, let me take a look. This is the road on the left. The shorter it is, the more complex the terrain of the monster, or even the large maze filled with monsters, the better it is to go to the right side, but the longer it is, even a few hundred kilometers straight straight road can not see a monster purely fighting speed. "

Rose immediately said, "You show us the length of the slider."

伸 I stretched my hands to the sides of the slider to measure the length. This **** panel is what I see! Rose pointed to my left hand. "Is this a difficult approach?"


Rose rose immediately to the left, and said, "Just here, just pull here."

Rose chose a route with a higher difficulty but a shorter distance, but the difficulty was not very high. Eagle and others nodded in agreement. Our fighting power is strong, the difficulty is high and the short distance is more suitable for us.

After we made a good choice, our team suddenly disappeared. When we reappeared, we were already in a clearing in the forest, but we were surrounded by a translucent mask, and we couldn't get out for a long time. I've seen those three things, but that thing is outside the mask, we can't see it!

水晶 A crystal ball floats in the middle of the mask, showing a number inside, and it is counting down continuously. In front of the number is "Remaining", and after the number is "The team has not selected, please be patient and wait for everyone to enter the initial position."

Kristina read out: "There are still 311 teams left unselected, please be patient and wait for everyone to enter the preliminary test position."

The number is falling rapidly, and it seems that everyone's choice is fast. After three minutes the number finally jumped to zero and the crystal ball disappeared. The commentator's voice appeared: "Each team is ready to enter the 30-second countdown, and the mask disappears at the end of the countdown. The major league game officially starts."

"get ready."

The countdown to 30 seconds soon ended, and the mask suddenly disappeared when the commentator read Big Zero. Rose's steel claws are rolled with the tentacles on the back, and all three things are in hand. Rose quickly opened the task prompt, and I took the map, opened the map recognizer on the left hand, and stuffed the map in. The holographic map is definitely more convenient than the plan view.

The sign reads: "Look for the exotic tree by Lake Moco, and there is a hint for the next step."

I quickly raised my left hand, and the holographic map immediately unfolded, with holograms floating all over the open space. "Lake, lake ... lake!" Everyone is looking for a lake. There are many lakes on this map. We check the names one by one.

"I found it. Here it is." A bell knight first found the location of the lake. I instantly enlarged the part between that place and our location. "These green spots are us, that place." With my consciousness, the location of the lake over there was a red flag. "That flag is our destination."

Xiao Xiaoying didn't know that I had a holographic map, and she was surprised: "It's convenient! I can see it at a glance."

Eagle and Lark roughly looked along the middle terrain, and then said: "It should be better to pass from here, and then to this underground passage, it is the Great Plains, and it should be better to go." After the eagle said, I would After looking at the road, a bright red line appeared on the holographic map marking the route we were going to pass.

"Well, just go like this," Rose urged.

立即 I immediately switched the map to the guidance mode, the holographic map disappeared, but a red line appeared in front of us and extended into the distance. Because Kitty was the first time I saw a holographic map, I had to explain. "This red line is the red line just marked on the map. We just need to follow the line, and other creatures except our team members are invisible."

"It's convenient, let's go now!"

好的 "Okay, everyone moves fast." Before I set out, I raised my hand to summon the birds. "You go and kill all the flying beasts you see, then come back and join us."

Asuka went on a mission to clear the field, and we officially set off. The forest is not very dense, and the gaps between the trees can still pass, but this requires quite good skills to get around those trees. But riding a beast is better than a car, at least they know to avoid obstacles themselves. At first, the eagle was afraid that our steel claws would slow down her speed, but after running all the way, she found that the slowest was her warhorse. The speed of the steel claws is not as slow as it seems, and the evasion ability of the steel claws is really nothing to say, they can pass between trees like snakes without any influence from the trees.


After crossing the forest, I encountered a river, and the heavy armored dragon jumped directly, and other people's mounts could basically jump over. Although the steel claws are not capable of bouncing, they are aquatic animals. Is it difficult for them to cross the river? Not to mention my night shadow, a small jump passed. It turned out that Kitty's war horse was delayed. The river was too wide and too deep, and it was impossible for the horse to swim over and think about it. In the end, the heavy armored dragon crossed the river with his mouth carrying the war horse. Anyway, the heavy armored dragon was about the same size as the tyrannosaurus, and he could not stand in the river. Kitty has become much more modest since then. He initially thought he was a professional rider, but now it seems that there is no way to compare with us. Her experience is not absolutely invincible, not to mention that many rules have been modified this time.

I walked along the red line without worrying about getting lost. After crossing the river, I went round and round to the entrance of the underground passage. The red line continued into the aisle, and we rushed in. The white wave running ahead stopped suddenly. "Wait, there are monsters here."

When I heard this prompt, I hurriedly said, "Rose, protect the token. The others are ready to fight. Bailang, how far is it? Do you know the type and number of monsters?"

"The distance is 500 meters, and the number is quite large. It is estimated that all are small creatures."

I did n’t wait for me to say that everyone is ready to deal with small creatures at this time, and this time requires a large range of attack skills. Xiao Chun and Ling's magic is undoubtedly the best offensive method, so I concentrated them on my side so that I can protect them to cast.

Everyone slowed down a little bit, but the overall speed is still quite fast. Soon we approached the monster area, Xiaochun first threw a light bomb, which was actually used for lighting. I saw a black worm in the cave in front, all staring at us with big green eyes.

Ling Ling did not hesitate to throw out the dark magic that had been prepared for a long time. Immediately, a row of large red holes appeared on the ground, and an ugly monster burning with flames crawled out of the cave. Now our sight is much better, the flame monster is just red in the cave where the torch is moving. Those flame monsters seem to be the union of rocks and flames. If there is nothing wrong, these should be flame stone monsters. The black bugs on the ground seemed to have no way to deal with these stone creatures that were on fire all over, but their large number was purely blocking the road. The monsters here aren't really about killing players, they're just delaying time.

After understanding the purpose of these monsters, Rose said, "Let's rush?"

"I think that's all it can be." Eagle nodded. "Don't try to win first place if you delay."

"But these bugs ...?" Kitty was still scared.

Kris Christina said: "Let the mage walk in front, use magic to open the road, and follow closely. As long as our mounts get down quickly, there should be no problem. These bugs don't crawl fast, don't worry."

I said, "Let me open the way. After the Palace of Christina, Xiaochun and Ling are optimistic not to let the insects on the side climb up. These little things are not as high as the spar beetle in our guild, but they attack It's very fast, it will turn into bones as soon as it is brought down. "

"I know, we will be careful."

After preparing the team formation, I counted one, two and three, and then everyone suddenly started to rush forward. My two and a half months were burning against the ground, and the flames were rotten and the little bugs were smashed like lawn mowers. Some who wanted to run were also burnt by the flames. The worms are not completely unintelligent. After they feel the fire, they still choose to give up. We jumped quickly through these passages, and the bugs gathered in front of us to block the road. The Fire Stone Demon summoned by Ling is very useful. Constantly running around us just can prevent the insects from converging too much to block the passage. It's a pity that we can't summon lucky help, or else Longyan will burn away all the bugs.

The cricket rushed for 800 meters in the worm channel, and then burst into a commotion. Then a group of giant locusts jumped down. These guys are almost catching up with wolf dogs, and they are scary. I quickly used the eternal barrier, and the worms that threw at me were dealt with one by one. The people behind did not fall into place, and everyone was attacked. Several mages are not bad, they have a protective cover. Skog's eleven bell knights did not care about these big locusts at all, and they were too defenseless to pervert a few bugs at all. The eagle's sword is more handsome and basically prevents the insects from approaching. Lark's archery is also very accurate, the effect is very good. But one person had some problems, and that was Kitty Hawk. In fact, she came with us very badly, because she was not a combat player at all, and the route we chose was not suitable for her to run.

A large locust knocked the eagle off the horse. The team's forward speed was quite fast. When she landed, she immediately left the team. We just wanted to turn around to save her. She was drowned in the sea of ​​insects. Rose saw me going back to rescue and immediately called out, "Husband, stand in your place."

明白 I understand that there is no point in turning back. I pulled the night shadow in a circle and continued to rush forward. The kitty's mount was drowned by the worm because he rushed back to save the owner. Although he knew it was just eliminated, he could be resurrected in a while, but we were still uncomfortable. After all, people followed us, but now they fell into the hole. !!

In fact, we did not lose anything after the eagles were killed. On the contrary, the speed of advancement has increased significantly. But what caused us headaches was that the bugs in the cave vowed to death like sticky sugar to stick us in the hole, and we were in a mess. In addition to the ground bugs and the large locusts that fell from the top of the hole, there was another mantis-like monster joining the harassment team. These bugs have average attack power, but they all have the common feature, that is, the number is large. The army of millions of bugs made it difficult for us to move forward. The worm first knew how to evade the flames. Later, they started suicide attacks. They covered their flames with their own bodies. The worms behind stepped on the corpse of the front companion, and then sneaked into the flame again to be scorched to become the companion of the back. Stepping stones. If the army had this spirit when fighting, it would scare the enemy to death without having to fight. The problem is that we are now facing these enemy worms, and even Ling Ling's Fire Stone Demon is drowned in the sea of ​​worms.

For the three-kilometer-long crypt passage, we lost nearly 3 hours without losing a member and still did not rush out. At this time, the voice of the narrator was quickly explaining in the audience area outside the competitive area.

"Oh, this is the Frost Rose League team. It is said that they are from God China. As a guild outside the country, it seems that foreign operations are very lossy, and today they also seem to have very bad luck. They have lost a player only 4 hours after opening I wonder if they can get out of this terrible wormhole? "

The voice of the commentator Sicanvia began: "Kakaluka, do you think this team from China can safely leave this wormhole?"

"Dangerous! Look at these bugs ~ ~ Wow, it's overwhelming! It's terrible to see!"

Lulu Caru's voice suddenly inserted: "I am so optimistic about this Chinese team."

"Why?" Asked Silkavia.

Lulu Karu took out a booklet and said: "This is the task list that the system just generated in my hand. In fact, the tasks of the various teams are crossed. There are more than 300 teams that need to cross this wormhole. But the Frost Rose League team is the first to cross the wormhole. I think they have great potential, this time I bet they can win the championship. "

Kakaluka said: "Sister, I don't agree with you. The performance of the Frost Rose League is really good, but this competition was attended by the Paladin. Everyone knows the power of the gun god, he is this No. 1 seed player. I bet the gun **** must be the final winner. "

Lulu Kaluo immediately said: "The gun **** is very powerful, but he is now in trouble. The trouble staff switch the screen to the gun god." The surrounding audience only saw the screen and switched to the gun god. "See, Gun God is in trouble. Although it is not life-threatening, it is difficult to win the championship!"

The rifle **** was struggling to fight the harsh terrain at this moment. The path of their guild would pass through this piece of Fujinuma. This Fujinuma is just like its name. The blue slime on the ground is soft and sticky. Their mounts are almost as difficult as getting into the quagmire, a foot of mud is too deep, and the legs are stuck after one foot. If you want to lift the legs again, you need to use several times. Times the power. And the mud, although sticky, was very slippery, and accidentally fell into it. That's why the team of Gunslingers seen on the screen are all like mud monkeys.

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