Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 17: Technical reserve

To be honest, I knew nothing about this magic interference, so I had to ask Noreen. "What is magic interference?"

Noreen replied very seriously: "The magic device will interfere with the magic stability of the surrounding space when it is running. This is not a defect of the magic equipment itself. In fact, the wizard also has a similar situation during the casting process, and the magic array and magic stone also exist. Similar problems. Basically, as long as it is related to magic, it will interfere with the stability of magic in space. When a single magician releases magic, nothing will happen, but once there are more people, the probability of error will increase significantly when released, and magic equipment gathers A similar situation occurs when there are too many. This is magic interference. But this is not the most important thing. The most important problem is the magic stack. "

"Is it difficult to superimpose magic?"

"Of course." Noreen said: "When you want to make a magic equipment, just sculpt the appropriate magic array on it. For example, the staff carved with the magic gathering matrix can increase the magic recovery and increase the release. The degree of magic. These types of magic arrays are very easy to make, and so on. If there is a large piece of equipment with various defensive magic arrays carved on it, will this piece of equipment be invincible? But in fact it is Impossible, the main reason is the magic superposition. You sculpted a sturdy defense array and a power rebound stance on a shield. It seems that the shield will become more powerful, in fact it will be scrapped. Strong defense requires metal It's magic, power rebound requires power, but when these two types of magic are extracted at the same time, it will entangle, and the new magic formed afterwards is called metal bomb. Your shield will not become stronger and will not rebound. It will blow itself into pieces at the instant of being attacked and kill you and the attacker at the same time. This is the worst magic interference situation, superimposing and generating a third type of magic. But do n’t worry too much Normally, the stacking failure will only cause the two magic arrays to fail together, and it is very rare to generate unpredictable third-party magic. This is only the type that uses only two magic arrays. If a third magic array appears, it is even more Trouble. The possibility of compatibility between two normals is one square of two. When three normals are one third of three cubics, there are n methods, and the success rate is one of n. do you understand?"

"So it's almost impossible to have equipment with multiple attributes?"

"Willn't it? The equipment on your body doesn't have a lot of attributes? The difficulty is not equal to zero. The main reason for the difficulty of connecting the arrays is the problem of multi-squares fusion, as long as you find a good alchemist. The genealogical lineages of the mages are fused in advance. Even the completely opposite types of magic such as light and darkness can theoretically be integrated into a mag. Of course, the premise is that the magic of the fusion itself does not produce mutation. The specific content It's quite complicated. Alchemy is an extremely complicated subject. His father only studied a part of alchemy knowledge, and I'm even more half-dead. "

Noreen's father was of course referring to Jia Hashi. That old pervert can create a puppet such as Noreen is already a great alchemist. He only said that he has studied a part of it. It seems that this knowledge is really very esoteric!

The ghost king also joined us in the conversation and said: "The key to superimposing the matrix is ​​actually to find a suitable fusion solution, and the direct method of obtaining this solution is to continuously test it one by one. Of course, you can get it from others. The tried solutions take fewer detours, but without experiments, there is no solution to evolve, which is absolute. "

Noreen said: "That's it. The primary matrix formation method is relatively easy to superimpose. The low-level magic equipment you see on the market all changes the output according to everyone's needs, but with high-end magic equipment, mass production is impossible. A superimposed magic array is definitely not mass-producible, even if you have the right mix. "

Woma Road: "In fact, it is not impossible to make these people move, but what I just said is just the principle. There are many influences in reality. The relative position of the legal matrix, the type of recording materials, the degree of shielding equipment, Intensity, and so on can affect the operation. Of course, the most important thing is to have reasonable integer matrix data. But ... "Woma turned to me and Pu Gui:" This is a very hot Money stuff. "

"I'm afraid you say this." Wu Gui said: "Each time the research department of the technology department spends hundreds of millions. I can't turn around here!"

"Wait!" I suddenly stopped. "Follow me all, maybe we can save this money."

"Save it? How do you save it?"

I took you through the crystal-enclosed air passage behind the institute. Direct access to the Isinger Central Library. As soon as the Ghost King came in, he started wowing all the way, almost seeing something and wow. The shocking power of the giant library is generally inexperienceable. Compared to those small bookstores and hundreds of square meters of bookstores, which occupy only tens of square meters, it covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. Georgia Central Library is definitely a shocking facility.

Don't think that books are useless in the game, "Zero" pays attention to authenticity, never rely on data to compensate for any effect, everything works like the real world. The least I know is that libraries directly affect the probability of evolution in cities as high as 35%, while in other cities this probability is usually no more than one-thousandth. Because of this huge and luxurious library, we have an elite evolution rate of 350 times that of others. The elite combat power is more than three times, and the subsequent exhibitions are all more than ordinary bsp; in addition to the impact on the city, the book itself is also useful. Skill book, other guild players want to get the skill book of this profession can only go out to buy or do difficult tasks by themselves, but our guild does not need. There are a full range of standard skills for all occupations, except for a few special skills that require you to do your own tasks. We generally have all the commonly used skills, and players can save a lot of time for this. The fourth to eighth floors are secret archives areas, which are used to check the rules of some special events for everyone. Basically, they can help you find the direction of many tasks that have no clue. The Bank's mission success rate so far is still the world's number one, relying on these seemingly useless data. As for the fourth to seventh floors above ground, things here are more complicated. But what we are looking for now is technical information on the fourth to sixth floors. Here are all the technical data of the guild, including the general design drawing of Isinger.

The ghost king was dragged all the way into the fourth floor. Here most people can't enter. Only researchers and senior staff can enter, and the higher the level, the more detailed it is. We go straight to the sixth floor. Here are all top-secret information.

Woma complained as she climbed up the long staircase: "When I designed this **** library, I forgot the most important thing!"

I comforted her: "Don't blame yourself. You were patronizing majestic and grandeur. Who would want to go to the elevator!"

Wu Gui also gasped, "The only design flaw in the entire library is forgetting to install an elevator. This shouldn't blame you. Who would have thought that a house with only seven floors also needed an elevator!"

"It should be fifteen floors and eight floors underground," I corrected.

Lund said gloatingly, "Fortunately, I turned myself into a necromancer. I don't feel tired, otherwise I should be panting like you. But this is really a serious flaw! There are only fifteen floors, but each floor has more than forty meters. The first floor has ten floors. The seven floors on the ground are already in line with the 70-story Tongtian Tower in human cities. "

Climbing to the sixth floor while panting, everyone was just as hard as the marathon. When you go back, you must remember to install a teleportation array on each floor to facilitate going up and down the stairs.

I take you through the reading area and the inquiry area directly to the back information area. There is an uncategorized book area here. A lot of them are books I got back. What I'm looking for is this time. I was once locked in a small house and forced to learn alchemy when I went to the Dark Temple. At that time, I also retrieved a pile of books, but I did n’t have time to see the Seal of the Throne. Want to come should be useful in the ground. The alchemy of the Dark Temple is famous.

Under my guidance, everyone quickly flipped through it, and Noreen screamed in surprise after a while: "Oh my God! Seven systems and one method array structure chart. Our guild actually has this thing! Brother Ziri, you are early Why didn't you remember? "

Lund trembled holding the book and said, "My god, heaven and earth! See what I turned over?" He turned the book over to our side.

Although I am an alchemist with a real professional certification, I don't know anything about this. Woma almost didn't jump up after seeing it. "Advanced magic dispersing device, this thing can make the magic below the intermediate level completely immune. Oh my god! This drawing is worth at least 100 million crystal coins, actually put it here to sleep!"

When they were watching Shuang, they suddenly heard a crackling sound coming from behind. Everyone looked back and saw the ghost king rolling down the moving escalator over thirty meters high. The bookshelves here are 20 meters high, so each of these bookshelves has such an escalator that can be pushed and run. The three maids of the ghost king are helping him to lift the escalator, but he rolls down. The ghost king who fell to the ground didn't cry and didn't do anything. Instead, he got up from the ground with two books in great excitement and rushed to us. "I found it, I found it."

"What did you find?" Noreen looked up. "Detailed Explanation of the Magic Interference Isolation Scheme?" Application Example of Advanced Magic Equipment? "

"Haha, it can be resolved now."

It is convenient to have the information, and soon we returned to the institute with a lot of information to start the experiment. The alchemy mentioned in the Dark Temple is that the magic fusion technology does not actually apply to our current situation. The alchemy of the Dark Temple is targeted at the common use of multiple magics, not the fusion of magic and magic. There are differences in nature. But fortunately, many places can still learn from. Soon we had a new plan. With the help of the bank's strong production capacity, a newly modified devil skeleton was lifted out.

Woma proudly introduced it to me and Rose. "I know you think this is very similar to a skeleton. But it is indeed a puppet, and it is a type of land puppet that our bank is using. It just has no external armor. But you pay attention to its body, what is the difference now? ?"

I took a look at the skull-shaped demon. "It seems to be ceramic."

"Right. It was already obvious when we were experimenting. After the merger of the puppet and the servant, it would be completely impossible to move. The reason is of course the magic interference, but the real interference is the material. The material we use to build the puppet is ink. Steel and dense silver, unfortunately, both of these metals have good magic conductivity. But we do n’t know that in addition to magic transmission, they actually have the function of magic shielding. The built-in soul can pass the power of spells Transform the will into magic to drive the outer ceramic body. At this time, the inner doll's skeleton will run synchronously. In this way, the power of the new battle figure after superposition of power should be very strong, but because of the existence of the magic shield feature. Used for control. The magic power of the magic puppet was sealed in the skeleton of the puppet, resulting in an additional set of signals in the skeleton, resulting in a loss of response. The external ceramic body also did not respond because it could not receive the signal, which was the main reason why the puppet was immobile. Another reason is that the magical spells interfere with each other and the power of the soul driver is limited, so the outside Signal itself is not high, even without the shielding effect still can not drive. "

"Then how did you solve it?"

"This is the key." Woma explained excitedly: "Just like you see the ground. The bone part of the new doll is not the old design of steel encrypted silver, but the all-ceramic ground. This ceramic bone is added Many new materials were added, and as a result, the hardness of this ceramic has been greatly increased, and it has a certain degree of toughness. It is not easy to break. It is more suitable as a bone. Put it down. Watch here. ”Woma showed us a few crystals on the puppet. "These things are equivalent to built-in antennas, which can amplify and strengthen the control signal, so that you are not afraid that the outside suit will lose control."

According to Woma's instructions, the ghost who volunteered to participate in the experiment has been combined with this skeleton. When this skeleton was fired, it was arranged in the way that the ghost king made maids at first, and the ashes of the charm possessed by the ghost were in this ceramic skeleton.

They put the skeleton into a huge pool again, and it looked like electroplating. After a few seconds, it was pulled out again, but the bones had turned golden. Several researchers brought in several blowers. Blow the skeleton of the skull directly, and after the gold is stable, they put the skeleton on the machine that started making servants. This machine has been modified, and now has more procedures, but the general steps are still similar to the rice cakes, and soon there is a layer of mixed soil shell outside the skeleton. Color the shell, then send it whole into a high-temperature kiln to start baking.

Thirty minutes later, the guy was finally burned. When he was taken out, he looked almost the same as the maids. Of course, he was male, and his muscles were tall. He said that they were almost all human. Shape and vibrant colors. The glaze on the outside of the ceramic is much brighter than normal people. This ghost is obviously the same after being burned by the ghost. All colors appear too strong ~ ~ I thought this was a finished product. There are procedures. A huge set of plate armor was carried out, and I knew that thing, which was the plate armor used by the puppets of the bank. Although there are not many advantages other than defensive metamorphosis, only one defensive metamorphosis is sufficient.

Wal-Mart actually let this newly completed hybrid of ceramic maids and puppets try on this plate armor. The set of plate armor in front of me is obviously reduced in proportion, but after all, the style is there, and the weight is too scary. I don't know if I can fight after putting on it. But to our surprise, the brand new monster was still able to move after wearing this armor. We gave him a simple test, and now his mobility and attack power are quite fierce, that is, there is no shortcoming of the puppet, and there is no shortcoming of the weak domestic attack. This monster united together will eventually become the ultimate strength of our guild. Invincible defense, strong attack, fairly fast speed, and wisdom, these guys are already very good.

We originally planned to study how to mass-produce, but a player suddenly stumbled and ran in. "Is the president here?"

"I'm here, what is it?" I was blocked by the puppet just now and he didn't see it.

Immediately after seeing me, the player said, "Not good, something big!

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