Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 18: Invasion starts here

"What happened?" Rose and I asked in unison.

The player took a breath, and then quickly said, "Hot Blood City was attacked, Feng Yin Piao Miao called for rescue."

The Blood City is the headquarters city of the Blood Alliance. This city was not established for a long time, but it is quite large. People who have seen Isinger will be stimulated, and Feng Yin Piao Miao is no exception. After returning, such a **** city was established. Of course, Feng Yin Piao Miao is not two hundred and five, and he also knows how many households he has, so this **** city is only relatively magnificent, and it is not really as exaggerated as Isinger built.

The Allied Alliance was once China's largest Olympics. Even if we are overtaken by the Northern Alliance, he will still be China's third largest Olympics, and their main city will be attacked. Although the attack on such a city is strange and acceptable, it was hit to the point where it was needed for rescue, which is not normal.

After hearing the members' reports, I also knew that things were more serious. I turned to Rose and Woma and said, "You go out and organize your staff right away. I'll go over and see the situation by myself."

"Okay." Rose nodded her head and quickly began to direct everyone's division of labor. Rescue is a race against time. If you take a slower step, you might save a ruin.

I turned the teleportation ring to directly choose the Blood City, but the teleportation ring did not prompt the teleportation but another sound came. "Hot Blood City has entered a state of war, and idlers and others are prohibited from teleporting. You are a member of the Alliance Guild. You can choose to teleport and join the battle or give up teleporting. Please decide within 30 seconds. Otherwise, teleporting will be abandoned by default.

The city has entered a state of war and my mind is broken. Just now I was still thinking that such a city was hit to the point where rescue was needed. In all likelihood, it was a sneak attack, but since the system indicates that the city has entered a state of war, then it is not a sneak attack, otherwise it should be to enter the enemy. The status is right. In any case, you need to look first to determine the next step. I immediately confirmed the system's inquiry, and the transmission started immediately.

I directly selected the teleportation points on the city wall, and I should be able to see the situation faster. After the light flashed, I had already appeared on the edge of a section of the wall, and the person had not stood still, and suddenly heard a sharp howling of an object breaking through the air, almost simultaneously. A stone blast blew to death from a nearby stone pillar, and a pile of debris fell out.

"Bullets?" My impression is that only bullets can cause such effects, but how can there be bullets here? Even if it is a long-range attack, it should be magic or bow and arrow!

A loud blast sounded again, and I hurriedly lowered my head to avoid it. As soon as I heard a dent on the metal street sign behind me, a yellow metal block was embedded on the iron sign. Damn, it's really a bullet! I hurried out of this simple teleportation without the walls. The situation outside is clear at a glance.

This is the top of the city wall. A large group of players are squatting under the sampan wall in front, and more people are crawling on the ground. They were all stunned after seeing me, but soon relieved. People in the League of Blood cannot fail to know me. How to say it is also the Alliance guild, even the boss of the other party does not know which alliance is still the Alliance?

I just walked two steps forward and wanted to start asking, the player at the wall shouted, "Get down!"

It was too late for them to shout, and three consecutive beeps rang over my head. But did not produce the expected results. The players who called me down were relieved to see that I was okay. A player who seemed to be the commander climbed up to me and said, "Is it President Ziri? When can the people in your guild be there?"

"The meeting is already being prepared. It may take a few minutes before someone comes over. What the **** are you doing here? Who is hitting you?"

"This ..." The guy pointed out the wall and said, "You can see for yourself!"

I walked up to the wall next to the dug wall and gave my head a glance, but it just soared and immediately attracted a dense rain-like blow, and my body jingled loudly, and at the same time the wall was also beaten by ground rubble. . No wonder the players inside did not dare to take the liberty, and for a long time the opponent's fire suppression was too fierce. Although it was hit back by intensive fire, I can see clearly the situation outside.

"Fuck, shoot westerns?" I couldn't help but scold. There are white people with large surnames under the city walls. Most of them are wearing light leather armor, and only a few have heavy armor. However, all of them were riding horses, and almost everybody had a fire cannon like a cannon in their hands, and these people always liked to shout haha ​​while firing on the wall. However, the most attractive

The thing was a big banner behind them, and I just recognized the sign on it. "Holy Lance!"

The following player heard me talking to himself and asked: "Do you know these people?"

I nodded: "It's the American Paladin, currently the second largest guild in the United States, but their president is the best master in the United States, named Gun God. I don't know if he came today."

boom. My voice hasn't fallen yet, and a turret not far away was suddenly bombarded. I don't know I thought it was attacked by the other cannon! That gun position is too close to us, rubble

We also baptized us once again during the flight, and the people with shockwaves were itchy all over.

"Fuck, that pervert!" The player who just introduced me complained.

"Do you know what this does?" I asked the player.

The player pointed outside the wall: "Look at it yourself, it's a guy riding a giant World of Warcraft, and his armor is silver and white, and it's easy to recognize."

I stretched my head and glanced at it, and immediately intensive firepower was hit, but I still saw the legendary guy. Damn, it ’s really the gun god. He actually came to China and brought so many hands. Musketeers can only be transferred to the United States and France, but there are a few other special professions in France that are relatively good. Not many people play musketeers. The number of musketeers in the United States is quite large.

The ordinary musket in "Zero" is very large, about one meter in length, and the barrel diameter is at least ten centimeters, which looks like a small cannon. The rate of fire of this type of musket is very slow, usually only one-half or more of the rate of fire of bows and arrows, and the fire gun cannot be fired without a curved trajectory. However, the advantages of the musket are also obvious. The most direct feature is the low-level tangent screen, which is equivalent to the third-level skills of ordinary archers. Not to mention the high-end goods you got for the task. A single musketeer is a pile of side dishes that anyone can bully, but as soon as they focus, they form a continuous firepower, that is, the strongest profession must avoid it.

At present these musketeers of the Holy Lance League all have quite high-end muskets, the power is not ordinary, and more importantly, the range is also quite far. The archer's range is not as good as the musketeer's in direct shooting. But the range of the bow and arrow of the projectile state is longer than that of the musket, but the accuracy is worse. However, the range of these musketeers seen today generally exceeds the range of archers' throws, and the accuracy is very good. We dare not look up on the ground. Only a few artillery dare to compete with them.

A player resentfully said: "That guy's gun is like a cannon. Our cannons have been dumbed by him. It would be great if he could suppress him."

I shook my head: "You're not unjustly lost, that's the God of Guns, the best U.S. battle force."

"I said how so powerful!"

I stretched my head to see the situation again. I didn't expect to see Gunslinger pointing his gun at us. "Run!"

As soon as I walked out, there was a loud noise in the back. The half-stack wall in the hiding place just flew away with a layer of bluestone at the top of the wall, and those who just talked with me were taken away. I glanced through the crack on the wall. The Gun God turned to aim at me again. How can he see me when I hide behind the wall?

Anyway, I can't stay in this position anymore, and I hurried out again. Immediately following the position just stopped, was bombed. The familiar and arrogant voice came from under the wall. "Zi Ri, don't hide.

I already saw you. "

by. I said why he keeps staring here. I simply stood up from under the stacking wall, but this time did not attract dense firepower. "God of guns, you haven't seen your strength for days?"

"What about each other! Those who can shoot me three shots in the United States are considered masters, you are already masters."

"No, no, in China it is an individual who fires your gun flashing, and I just hid three shots. It's nothing. And we Chinese have an old saying, 'Come without rudeness', you gave me three shots It ’s a bullet, and it ’s time for me to salute it. ”

Almost at the same time, I had jumped from the side of the wall vertically. The gunman hurriedly shot, but the target in motion was not so good. He shot a large circular wall with a diameter of more than three meters. Pit, but missed me. My body quickly fell to the ground. When I was about to reach the ground, my legs suddenly touched the city wall, and then I suddenly exerted a force. The position on the wall where I used the force suddenly cracked like a spider web. When I was in the air, I was transformed into a werewolf form. At this time, the strength of this jump was naturally tremendous.

I flew out flat on the ground for more than ten meters, and I supported my hands on the ground. My upper body was immediately lifted up, my legs fell to the ground, and I ran forward quickly. The God of Guns just loaded the second bullet at this time. His gun is really powerful, but the rate of fire can only be said to be ordinary, so only the second bullet has been installed until now. However, being able to fire in three seconds is already very fast among musketeers, and of course there is another count of firing muskets.

As long as you are well equipped and have good luck, everyone can become a strong player in the game, but in order to become a master, in addition to the previous elements, your level must not be less. Gunslinger's weapon is really powerful, but his technology is undeniable. After the second round was fired, he did not fire like a rookie immediately, but instead held the peculiarly shaped musket flat against me.

He was fine-tuning the aiming. In this environment, this guy could calmly wait for the aiming of this gun. It can be seen that his strength was not completely out of weapons. Although I knew what he meant, I was not scared and rushed forward quickly. As long as you are close, ten gun gods can't match one purple sun. The melee is not as good as an archer! But I still had to be careful before approaching, so I stretched my mind tightly, and stared straight at the back of Gunslinger's wrist.

I look at the muscles of the forearm. I want the trigger to tighten the muscles here to drive the finger movement. It takes a short time from them to the trigger. Although it is short, it is enough for me to dodge. Suddenly, I saw that muscle move, and at the same time I confirmed the direction of the muzzle. The body suddenly lowered its height. When the upper limbs were pressed on the ground, the whole person slid out to the side and immediately avoided the shooting line ~ ~ But I still underestimated the gun god, his muscles relaxed again, and then the muzzle Fine-tuned it, aimed at me who didn't go, the muscles tightened again, and the trigger was pressed.

boom. The bullet flew out with the help of the magic bottom fire, but I suddenly jumped in place with a more strange identity, and my body made a front flip of 3,600 baidus in midair. It was perfect except that the landing posture was not good. A little bit ahead of the position where I just took off, a large pit was bombarded by bullets, and the ground became a glass-like crystal. Check just now I don't flash away,

It's me who turns crystalline now.

Although I dropped a bus on the ground, I quickly bounced off the ground, leaped forward and rushed forward again, and the gun **** quickly pulled back and started to pull the bolt to reload, just as I was close to him At that time he straightened his muzzle again.

I didn't expect him to complete it. This guy must have practiced bouncing numerous times. This speed is too fast. The moment he raised his gun, I rushed in front of him just now, and the muzzle almost reached my chest. Time seems to stop at this moment, our speed is getting slow, and everyone's expressions are changing slowly. Eventually I hit the muzzle, the gunman smiled evilly at me, and then pulled the trigger.


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