Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 29: A wish of Nobunaga's wish

The ghost-handed Nobunaga is more ruthless than me. The little thing he sent is not a problem in itself, but the handle of that thing has been tampered with. If you grab it, it will stick some very special things, and these things themselves are also Harmless, but using this thing now is not good for us.

I walked into the teleportation team with Gunslinger. The thing that Nobunaga gave away has been thrown by us, so we have nothing to guard against. The Wangyue Island teleportation array can't choose the return location. It has to be sent back wherever it is. Just confirm that you want to start the transfer. After the six of us entered, we started the teleportation. After the flash of the screen, we successfully reached the international teleportation array of Isinger, and they were all waiting for us outside.

Gunslinger and I had just planned to walk towards them, and the pillars outside the teleportation array suddenly lit up again. "Huh? How did it happen? Why did the teleportation team start again?"

Gunslinger rushed a few steps and planned to jump out, but as a result, the man was launched in midair. A flash of white light sent the six of us out again. Rose with a bunch of people standing outside was all silly. This kind of accidental start of the teleportation array has never happened before. This is not a problem of the probability of errors in electronic equipment. Magic equipment is almost error-free. How can this happen?

After a few seconds of stinging, Rose responded immediately. "Where is Woma? Go get Woma and take the technical team to check the transmission equipment. Vinda, send someone to find Shura Ziyi to form a special team to equip reinforcements at any time. What about the transmission mage? Check me out immediately where they are sent went."

On the other side. In a mountainous area in Japan, a large number of soldiers are gathering in a secretly built city. The position of Nobunaga's return pass is also here. At this time, he is directing the attackers to step up their defense, but his real killing trick is not here.

The mountains around this city are all specially remodeled. Each mountain has a special building, and each building has several statues of evil spirits. Also. The gullies and mountain systems in the mountains have been artificially processed, and obvious processing marks can be seen. If you look down from the sky, the entire mountain road actually constitutes a huge lotus flower, and those special buildings are the corners of the lotus petals, and that special teleportation array is located in the position of the heart of the lotus flower. Even the soldiers surrounding this center stood at specific locations to form the outline of petals. Strive to be one with the environment.

Such a large array is not something that ordinary people can pose, and it is not worth it to kill a player. Even if you let a master drop one or two levels, it doesn't make much sense. The reason why the ghost-handed Nobunaga put on such a formation is entirely for the sake of our country. The key to this plan is the two small gifts for me and Gunslinger.

Although the two gifts were thrown by me and the Gunslinger, the handle of that thing was stained with special magic crystal powder. This crystal powder has been activated, and the internal energy is extremely unstable. After the first transmission, the crystal powder will regenerate and burst due to the energy of the transmission array. There was a delay in this burst. As a result, when we did not arrive and leave the teleportation array after completing our first teleportation, the teleportation array started itself without control. This accidental start was not initiated manually, so there is no transmission location setting, but we are directly sent to the transmission state. If no one makes trouble, it should reappear in place, but the ghost-handed Nobunaga is ready. His large formation activated the traction capability. It has no effect on targeted teleportation, but our non-targeted teleportation will be disturbed and the target point will be automatically assigned to their teleportation array. As a result, we reached the center of this large array.

After the gun **** came out, I was still looking around in doubt, but I had already seen the ghostly Nobunaga and Kamino who stood outside and were laughing at us proudly.

"Ha ha ha ha! Didn't expect us to meet again so soon, right?" The ghost-handed Nobunaga told us proudly.

"It was a little unexpected." I said, and put a hand behind my back. The phantom that stayed with me was instructed from my consciousness, and went directly out of my body to the gold coin to demand harmony.

The gold coin was very surprised to receive a reminder from a creature to communicate with her system, but because she knew that phantom was my magic pet, she immediately chose to accept it. After the harmony was completed, the phantom annotation conveyed my meaning in the head of the coin. "The host wants you to bring the teleportation ring on his hand, and I will immediately tell Zhenhong to give you her entire set of national instruments in the same way. You will teleport immediately with the national instruments, first go to Fulcrum City, and then return directly . It doesn't matter if you sacrifice two levels at a time. Don't lose your national weapons. "

After confirming the message, the phantom transmitted the message to the real red body, and then returned to me. I am still attracting the attention of Nobunaga. And they can't see the transparent phantom. The gold coin removed the teleportation ring from the hand behind my back, and then really red took off all my national instruments to the gold coin in an instant. The gold coin activated the teleportation ring as soon as it was received, but it failed. The gold coins not only failed to teleport away, but also caused a long laugh from the ghost-handed Nobunaga.

"Hahahaha. Don't use your little tricks in front of me. I designed such a big round and considered all aspects. Your teleportation cannot be effective."

True Red wore a returning suit a little awkwardly and said to the ghost hand: "Even if we can't pass it, we can call it out. We know you must have arranged a lot of people to stop us, but you are too arrogant. We four Holders of national weapons are not counted at first. You, the strongest gun **** in China and the United States, have been brought over by you together with President Ziri. Do you think someone can stop them under the joint of the two of them? "

Nobunaga's hand confidently said: "Of course people can't stop them, but I don't plan to let people block it." Saying that Nobunaga took a long slap, then the players around them suddenly vibrated. There was a loud noise, a big opening cracked on the ground, and an ugly snake head crawled out.

"Yaqi serpent!" Everyone on our side couldn't help raising it. Land area guards. This guy can actually mobilize regional guards to fight, which is really beyond my acceptance. I know that the system will not allow cheating and other situations, so since the Eight-Big Snake appeared, there must be a proper method to call it, such as the task reward situation. Although it is not possible to have full control of the area guards, the conditions for completing the gracious missions and obtaining the Eight-Big Snake to support one or two battles should not be too harsh.

Gun God stared angrily at Nobunaga, "Is that how you Japanese do business? What about your credibility?"

Mr. Nobunaga laughed: "This seems to have nothing to do with our credibility? I have not violated the transaction content in the slightest, and the transaction has actually ended. Do you not be able to start a war with the other party once in the United States? ?"

I shouted at Guns: "It ’s no use to say anything to him now. The ghost-handed Nobunaga is fully prepared this time. The temptation of China and the United States is too great. Although it is approved for use by China He will not explode all the weapons because of his death, but each one will explode, and our two weapons will be incomplete. His calculation is very smart! "

Gun God snorted disdainfully. "Just because they want to keep me?"

As soon as I reached out, the space door suddenly opened. "Scott, bring the evil knight out to prepare for battle."

After I finished speaking, the situation suddenly changed, and the open earth door suddenly began to shrink. Skott responded quickly, stepped forward, and the space door closed automatically behind him. I was surprised to summon the space door again, but now it couldn't be opened.

Kaminoichi stood next to Nobunaga's hand and said, "We have modified the last seal space. At that time, you did not expect that there was a second exit for your summoning space, and your magic pet can actually be used without your order. Act on your own. But this time it won't. The strength of the seal while you open that space has surrounded those creatures in that space. They can't do any movement now, and they can't come out to help you. "

Skott said: "Master ~ ~ Fenglong space should still be open. Or else ...?"

"Less is better than nothing." I still summoned Fenglong space. According to the previous situation, it will also be closed quickly, but this time we are prepared to seize this time, the Seal of the Seal of God will get more helpers. Of course there are too many magic pets, and it is impossible to come out. The moment when the space is opened, there are only three magic pets: Yeyue, Xiaolongnu, and Xiaofeng. The others are blocked in the space, and they are the same as before. , Fenglong space can not be summoned again.

To my situation, everyone else understands the situation. The gold coin's arm stretched out: "Little white." A white fox appeared on her shoulder. This is the magic pet of the gold coin class. My bank will go out and do the task to get the magic pet eggs for her, and it took a lot of money to cultivate them. Of course, this little thing is totally worthy of our investment.

Zhenhong held her right hand flat, a dragon groaned, and a golden dragon flew out flying around her head. Although Shenlong is rare, it is not unique. This real red pet has just arrived a week ago, and it is self-owned. Its combat power is much better than forcible grasp.

The Gun God looked at us, and then the ghost-handed Nobunaga. "It doesn't seem to be all the strength. Come out, defender."

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