Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 30: Soldiers will block

The name of the defender is indeed very powerful. I thought that it would run out of a giant magic pet. The result is actually a small creature that is not as big as a rabbit. I don't know what it is, but the gun **** chose him on the premise that he can only summon one magic pet, then he should be the strongest magic pet of the gun god. I have only seen a few of the Gunslinger's pets, and they are all very good. This little thing should not be bad.

Binuo slot and Condor also summoned their own magic pets.

The magic pet of the binok slot is a flower of magic. The level of this little thing is not high, but it was once considered a ug on the forum because it has all magic resistance properties. If it hadn't been for just one flower, it would have been complained. But today, seeing that Binuo slot actually has this thing, it proves that the second flower has appeared. In fact, in addition to magic resistance, this flower has the ability to convert 80% of the energy of its magical attacks into magic and replenish it to the parasite. It is equivalent to a fully automatic magic defense and supplementary equipment, and it is a mage player Dreaming of something. However, in addition to the mage, special players such as Binuo slot leading the magic crystal as energy is also very suitable to use it. In addition, the magic element race of the element family players also need this thing very much, because the characteristic of this race is that there is no health value, their magic power is life, and this flower is simply an automatic life supplement for their usefulness. As soon as this magic flower appeared, it was automatically wrapped around the body of the binuo slot, and then quickly metallized, the medium was connected to the binuo slot body as if it had become a metal relief.

Condor's magic pet is fairly formal, this is a wolves. A wolf is a kind of ginseng creature, said to be a wolf, which is actually about the same size as a bear. The endurance and degree are only a little better than the war horse, but its advantage is that it is comparable to a senior fighter in close combat. Because it has the function of both a high mount and a close meat shield. The wolf is almost the most wanted mount for wizards and archers. Of course, good things are never mass-produced, and wolves are also rare. It only appears in small amounts in special leveling areas and is extremely difficult to capture.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga was confident and completely indifferent to our calling. "Let ’s do it slowly. Here is the Eight-Disc Snake God, here you are all summoned up without expecting to run out."

Ye Yueyue whispered against my ears in the laughter of the ghost's proud long laugh, and the corners of my mouth were gradually raised. It's nice to have a pet with Zhongzhen's heart. Ling can also understand the situation around me in Fenglong Space. So she helped me think of a wonderful solution. It turned out that the magic pets that came out just after the opening of Fenglong Space were carefully arranged, not three random pets came out to help.

Xiaofeng appears because of her class attribute-infinite resurrection. Usually good to say. This infinite resurrection seems quite fierce in such a battle with few enemies. Wheel battle and war of attrition have no meaning to Xiaofeng. No amount of people would be exhausted by her. Compared with Nishi and Lingling, who have high instantaneous combat output, Xiaofeng's attribute is superior.

The appearance of the little dragon girl is unquestionable. The dragon's fighting power is second to none in my magic pet, and to deal with the oriental monsters that will inevitably appear in the ghost-handed Nobunaga team, the fairy and knowledge of the little dragon girl are very important. Moreover, the dragon girl's large-scale killing and single assault force is also very strong. In such a large-scale battle, she can produce higher damage output.

The appearance of Yeyue is most important in this plan. Her fighting ability and special attributes are a strong support in itself, but the main reason is that she has her own Dongfu space. Yeyue has the ability to open a space passage to her cave house at any time. She has used this ability many times before and I am familiar with it. Although the same as all my calling spaces. This energy will soon be sealed when it is opened, but just one click is enough.

Before Yeyue had left Fenglong Space. Ling has taken Jingjing, Lingling, Amenis and Asuka into this cave of Yeyue. But this is not just to fight for the time. The Throne of the Seal of God will put a few more pets out to fight for me. Otherwise, it would be time to open this space as soon as Yeyue emerges. Ling means that when we determine that we are about to fail, then Yeyue will open this channel. When the channel is opened, we can let the holders of Chinese artifacts enter Yeyue's Dongfu.

According to system restrictions, national weapons cannot be thrown into inaccessible private spaces, but they can enter with the master after they recognize the master, but they cannot be left alone. And once they enter this space, the Japanese will never get our national weapons anyway. This is a final insurance, just in case it is used. After all, the national weapon is more important than us. We will return after practicing for a few more days. The national weapon is gone. In addition, Ling, Jingjing, Lingling, Aimenis, and Asuka all ran out while saving the entry of Chinese artifacts. At this time, it is equivalent to adding a few helpers to me. At the same time, Asuka can pick up me or any one of Ling from this place. To the degree of flying birds, it is estimated that no one is chasing the ground. And just taking one person is because it does not affect the degree and can ensure safe separation. Ling has loyalty, and she can command the magic pets and summon creatures instead of me, and summon Fenglong on my behalf. This means that as long as one of me and her ran out, the remaining one will automatically be resurrected next to the one who ran out after death, and as long as they are not in this large array of ghosts and nobles, they will be successfully detached. .

This plan is not tricky, and there are only three necessary conditions: there must be a fierce pet with loyalty like Ling; there must be a special space like Yeyue that can hold people; there must be a bird like a flying bird The degree is so fast that no one can stop it if you want to run. I have all three conditions, and it is easy to implement.

Ling worked so hard to come up with such a comprehensive method. I can't afford to waste her ingenuity. I must make the most of it. So I got to the side of the gun **** and told him about the situation. "How? Using this method can guarantee the security of your national instruments. Of course, I have no obligation to help you, so what's the benefit ...? Do you understand?"

Seeing my gangster laugh, of course, God of Guns understands me. "We won't be trapped." The Gun God kid was full of bones.

I smiled: "I didn't say that I would be stuck, just insurance. If you don't mind, we will sign a contract. As long as the land is used, you will be paid a fee. If you do n’t use it, you do n’t have to pay a penny . Do n’t you Americans value insurance the most? Anyway, you do n’t lose money whether you use it or not? ”

The Gun God thought and nodded. He didn't have to pay anyway if he didn't need it, just in case. The money he paid was equivalent to buying back his own weapon, which is still well worth it.

"How much do you want?"

"Hey, I've always been very generous. Everyone is a friend! I still have business to discuss in the future, and I won't be too dark. Just 70 million crystal coins!"

The gun god's body was almost on the ground. "Isn't it black?"

"You don't have to pay anyway if you don't need it. In case you use it ... don't you think 70 million crystal coins are cheap for you to buy two sets of Chinese wares?"

"Too much 70 million. Up to 30 million."

"It's not easy for us! Human resources are in short supply these days! Do you look at it? What about 60 million?"

"Forty million. No more."

"Don't bargain, let's close the deal at 50 million."

"The deal."

Wow haha. Thanks to Nobunaga's ghost hand for helping me earn 50 million crystal coins. Oh right, these 50 million haven't gotten to land yet. Finally, we must see whether the siege forces of Nobunaga's siege can kill us. If they're too weak, let's run straight out, then I'll be out of $ 50 million. After thinking about this, I immediately started praying: "Blessed gods from all walks of life, I hope that those with long hands and noble spirits will be stronger, and we must not let us run out easily. Halo! How awkward to say?"

Seeing that the magic pets on our side have been called, the ghost-handed Nobunaga said: "Are you over? Now is the time to start? Do n’t say that my ghost-handed Nobun is not interesting after hanging back, but I let you put The pets are summoned. You are up to the ground. "He waved forward as he finished. "on."

It was not the soldiers who moved first, in fact they did not move. Because the Hachichi snake moved. Want to come, they think that with this level of big shots, we people are the problem of three or two moves.

Yeyue handed me a red bead. "Sister Ling asked."

Yeyue's hand is the magic beads of the soul, which are always kept in Fenglong space. Sealed in this thing is China's regional guard, Suzaku. Although the former Suzaku's Nan Mingli Huozhu has been deprived. But after all she was Suzaku, the absolute strong one.

I directly activated the Soul Orb, and after a flash of red light, Suzaku appeared in front of us. Of course she appeared in human form. In fact, this is not the original Suzaku. Her body has undergone the transformation of several heavyweights in the guild, and even her soul has been processed. The real Suzaku itself is no longer in my hands, because it is already a gift. This is just a new creature copied by her soul. Of course, she doesn't know that she is a replica, and considering that the ontology is unlikely to appear in front of everyone again, she can be considered as the previous Suzaku. I spent a lot of money in order to get this Suzaku. If all the crystal coins were exchanged, it would be possible to pile up a small hill. However, good goods are not cheap. Although this Suzaku is a copy, its combat power may be more powerful than the original one. Anyway, it is also a class monster that I piled up with money. Unfortunately, the only shortcoming still exists, that is-not very obedient.

"You **** finally let me see it again. What do you want to do this time? Would you like to send my feathers to the monster, or use my body to make elixir?"

"Am I so bad?" I didn't expect Suzaku to expose me as soon as I came out.

"You're ten thousand times worse than I said, I'm anxious ... huh? Who is this guy? Suzaku finally noticed the Yagi snake.

The Hachiko snake stopped when she saw Suzaku. Although Suzaku's power weakened a lot, she was originally much stronger than the Hachiko snake. Now even if the power weakens, she is only a little weaker than the Hachiko snake. For an enemy that is close to his own strength, the Yachi serpent has to take it seriously.

"Little girl, do you have any resentment against this guy?" The Hachichi snake is not only brute force, he is planning to challenge Suzaku against us. But I wasn't worried at all, because I could overcome any provocation of the Yachi snake in just one sentence.

Suzaku confessed his vengeance. The Hachichi snake immediately seduced and seduced. Although Suzaku was clever, she did not like me. After hearing these words, of course I want to kill me more. But I calmly said, "You have talked for so long, why not introduce each other?"

Although weird, Suzaku and Hachiko Snake still thought they should introduce each other. The Hachigi snake said: "I am the Hachiki snake god, one of the regional guardians of Japan."

"Are you the Yaki snake?" Suzaku's voice rose octave instantly.

The Hachichi serpent didn't hear her meaning, thinking that Suzaku felt like a thunderbolt after hearing the name. Immediately admittedly proudly: "Yes. That's me. Think back then ... hmm? What are you doing?"

I saw Suzaku quickly squatting down, then began to swell. The whole body quickly increased and became larger, and her clothing in Hutong gradually became something of velvet. Then these things began to expand into feathers, and a dazzling red was gradually appearing on the surface of Suzaku. Soon, a giant red giant bird no less than the volume of the Yaki snake appeared on the opposite side of the Yaki snake.

Gun God was slightly surprised. "Do you always carry such a big creature? It doesn't look like your magic pet?"

"How can I afford this kind of magic pet! This is a replica of the guards of our country, a class of life-forms copied from magical materials. It is amazing. With her, the Yagi snake is not enough."

Speaking of Suzaku, he was beating with the Hachido snake, the two giants were amazingly powerful, tangled up and tumbling and hitting out. The ghost-handed Nobunaga shouted angrily: "Great Zombie. Please help us to kill those people first! Then I asked you to come to him and them."

The Yagi snake was attacked by Suzaku, and several large openings had been torn. Now, how can I control the task of the ghost-hand Nobunaga, rolling it out as if the ghost-hand Nobunaga does not exist, but the soldiers who defended the battle will give way to him, or they will be fully integrated if they are pressed Mother Earth's arms.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga scolded and bawled the Eight-Big Snake, but could only watch the two guys roll out of the large range, and even the gun **** couldn't help laughing. I looked at Nobunaga's hands exactly facing us, how could such a good opportunity be spared?

"Up." Without hesitation, he issued the command to take the initiative to attack, and I rushed out first.

Onomichi Nobunaga and Kamano heard the sound of someone approaching at the same time, but the reaction was slightly slower. Kamino was not a combat occupation and was killed by my sword. The reaction of Nobunaga was good, but the action was late There was a big gap in the back of my swordman.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga then jumped out of the action and ran all the way forward to the guard, with a backhand move: "Kill them."

The soldiers didn't charge over immediately, but something worse appeared. A strange sound suddenly appeared around it, as if the sounds of countless monks gathered together to chant the sutra, and it was in all directions for a while. The small shrines on both sides of the mountain roads in the large array suddenly lighted up one after another, but the sky turned black relative to the lights of these shrines. After dark, the strange blue-blue light on the shrine was more conspicuous. Looking at the whole place where we can see all this kind of small light gods, densely packed all over the mountains.

After all of these shrines were lit, those things that were supposed to be my road also lit up. They gradually gathered from the top corners to the center, and finally the lotus heart under our feet lit up. It seems that these things are not roads at all, they should be part of the formation method ~ ~ As these things gradually light up, the whole mountain area is covered with a faint cyan light. Suddenly a unified bell sounded on the surrounding mountains, which sounded far away and seemed close. Woo. A sound like a metal pipe vibrating, the buildings on the top of the mountain around us suddenly shot a cyan beam of light into the sky at the same time. The beam of light hit the clouds and began to scatter, gradually forming a huge Qiongding to cover us inside.

Scattered, and gradually formed a huge Qiongding, covering us inside.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga shouted all the time: "Haha, as long as this large-scale formation is started, unless you destroy all the formation facilities, you will never think about it. By the way, I will tell you one person. The line is just a mental offline, this physical body will not go offline, the role of this formation method is to restrict the physical body of the player. So if you want to avoid offline, then I advise you not to try, it is useless. "

"What about sealing us up? It's as good as smashing all your equipment." I said without fear.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga is still confident: "I naturally have my ability, don't think you can't help you if you lead the Hachi scorpion snake **** away. God and one family, start the sacred circle.

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