Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 11: balance

Strictly speaking, Qinglong is also a monster, but they are superior in strength and have been recognized by the immortal world. The giant is a holy beast, and such a little white dragon can only be regarded as a monster. As for the son-in-law, according to the definition of the demon, it can also be regarded as a demon tribe, but the mana is boundless, and even the gods are her creations, so they are the gods of the first goddess Pantheon.

The demons were frustrated enough by the little white dragon. They already know how terrible the little white dragon's strength is, but compared to Su Long, they are just a matter of flick. The difference in strength is simply a world difference, not an order of magnitude at all.

I told Qinglong: "Thank you for arriving in time, otherwise I'm really dangerous!"

Qinglong politely polite with me, then said that he would go back to his life, and then left. To the strength of Qinglong, the demons were completely convinced. What is a master? This is the master.

The demons were looking forward to the day when they could cultivate to the level of Qinglong, but I thought of something else. Killing an overbearing monster is a bit of a hassle for a demon who has just recovered, but it is definitely not a problem for heaven. But why did the heavenly court transfer the blue dragon?

The problem is obvious-heaven court has a different picture. Not in Xiao Bailong, but in the entire demons. Tianting is showing its strength to the demon, and it is also an element of showing and showing in it. This kind of action helps the demons, thereby leaving a foundation of emotions, and at the same time let the demons understand that there are similar demons and immortals in their hands. Qinglong, a sacred beast of the demon type, is an example for demons, and the subtext of heaven is: "Join us! Today's Qinglong is your tomorrow."

Heaven court annexed the demon tribe. This seems to be a matter for others. But since it's happening around us, it's not unrelated. For example. What would happen to China if all countries in the world except China were merged into one country? so. The merger of heaven and the demon may not be a good thing for me, but it is not necessarily a bad thing. However, it is still too early to say anything. After all, the court of heaven only showed its intention and was not really a start. Besides, I am not a middleman, and Tianting really wants to annex the demons. At least I will be notified because they need to use me.

Kill the little white dragon, and the rest is easy to handle. Shui Xu helped me fill up all special arms in accordance with the previous agreement, and it was completely free. The last 1,940 places in the Special Army Regiment are completely different from the previous ones. This part is composed of nearly a hundred species, each species ranging from a few people to a few dozens. There is no large establishment camp at all. Such a messy preparation. On the surface it looks like a patch of loose sand. In fact, the most combative is in this group of people. The biggest difference between the special task force and the regular army is in the special word. My 15,000 special task force is a super mixed army, which has all types of soldiers and specializes in various sabotage and harassment operations.

Take the newly bought demon to the team back to Isinger and mix with the former formation. After a brief training, he was suddenly called offline by the people in the base. This time we were only told that the body would continue to adjust, so let me all use the electronic brain to access the game and throw the body to them to play with. A few minutes later we went back online. It's just that in reality we have only one metal head connected to the circulatory system, and the body has been adjusted in the training chamber, but this does not affect our game.

I simply did a coordination training on the special team to make them pit each other, and the result made me very satisfied. It's true to say that you get one point for one price. Although all the soldiers this year were fooled by me, they are not cheap. Although price and quality are not necessarily directly proportional, they definitely have a great relationship. These special elites apparently come from so many forces, and they have actually completed the peace, as if they were such a complete and integrated army.

During the time we train recruits. No other country is at ease. The first is the United States, which is by far one of the most aggressive countries in the world. Shortly after the start of the national war, the Americans launched a full-scale attack on Canada, and what was even more unexpected was that instead of scoring it, the Canadians counterattacked it. The three Canadian guilds each led a legion from three places in the United States, and the American players who were still playing defeated all the way, and many people were surprised.

There will not be no gambling in such a major event during the national war. International gambling organizations engaged in a lot of gambling on the national war. The results were all unexpected. They almost did not pay the old gambling ghosts to death. The US offensive was thought to end as quickly as the Germans flashed to Poland during World War II, but the offensive did indeed end quickly, but the way to end was somewhat unexpected. The Americans became defensive and were beaten badly!

Another huge problem arises in Asia. The conflict between China and Japan is no longer news. Gamblers have bet on how many people will be used in China's first day of attack. As a result, almost all kinds of supporters. However, this time China and Japan actually kept their tacit understanding. The national war began, but no one moved. Except for sporadic player-like battles between the two countries that took place over the entire five days, nothing could be called a military operation. The immediate consequence of this situation is that anyone who guesses any number is wrong because there is no fighting at all. The banker killed all the players, and many people complained that the banker and the leaders of the two guilds joined forces to scam.

The third miracle happened near the Suez Canal. Players in two countries, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, started flash fights like crazy. Israel and Jordan were finished in forty-eight hours. After that, Egypt and Saudi Arabia had a super scuffle on the border between Jordan and Israel. They fought for three days in one breath, but no result has been achieved.

There is no national war in Europe, as if national war had nothing to do with them. However, no national war does not mean no war. These countries are actually fighting, but they are not fighting foreigners, they are fighting themselves. All European countries had civil wars at the same time, and they had to settle down first. It seems that Europeans also believe this truth. With the exception of Germany, which had already completed the annexation war in advance, guilds in almost all European countries are fighting for control of their own countries. They are playing in a dark place, and they have no regard for other countries.

In fact, countries that seem abnormal on the surface are actually normal at all. The period before the start of the national war has been referred to by the system as the era of unification. The system constantly implies that this era is an opportunity for countries to unify their national forces. However, players in many countries have not paid attention to this. This behavior is that there is a computer instruction without obeying it, and in a game controlled by the system itself, it is a great sin to despise the computer. So after the start of the national war, just as European countries planned to start attacking each other, the system began to interfere with some small things in these countries with his powerful control, and these small things will eventually lead to some big things, that is, civil war. The system is using its own crisis response mechanism to force these players to determine the relationship of their national forces.

Unlike these countries. The quiet in Asia is not caused by the system, but it is indeed an internal problem. Because our guild had just ended the attack on the European Temple of Light and the Russian guild, we could not concentrate our forces on the war in a short time. On the Japanese side, the fellow Nobunaga is working with Kano to research various methods to defeat us. They also need time to prepare, so everyone has the tacit choice to suspend the truce first.

The cause of the fighting in Egypt and Saudi Arabia is relatively special, and the cause is actually a religious issue. It can be said that these countries combined and executed the next stage of the Divine Warfare mission and the National Warfare mission ~ ~ The situation in the United States is a little more troublesome. Americans gained the greatest benefits in World War II and became the world's largest power. So as long as Americans do not forget this war, they still want to reproduce this kind of thing in the game. So they decided to kill the Americas first, so that the entire America is their family, and then they can send people to any place they want in the world. This kind of battle is simply too exciting.

However, American abacus is too peaceful. Their strategy was okay, but the order went wrong. The United States, like Europe, has not completely rationalized its own forces. The system requires that even if these participating countries are not unified under a guild, at least these guilds must have a unified and unified cooperation mechanism. The three major guilds in our country are alliances with each other, and other small guilds follow us, which is considered to meet the system requirements. However, the major guilds in the United States are completely neutral, and no one can control who can form a unified force. The system will not allow such a country to participate in the war, so the result is a sudden riot in the United States after the offensive was launched in the United States, and then the American player who caught fire in the backyard lost the offensive supply. Not only did he not knock down Canada, but they let people into Within the country.

Although the period of the National War was really chaotic at the beginning of the period, but now everyone has been reorganized and the real National War really started from now on.

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