Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 12: my task

On the sixth day of the beginning of the national war, countries basically completed their final strategic preparations, but the results were different. The European countries are ready to prepare, but they are too weak to fight, and it is impossible to start war in the throne of the Seal of God in a short time. The United States is busy playing the self-defense counterattack, and for a while there is no time for the Seal of God to control others. Religious wars in Africa have entered a fevered-out stage, and they are completely chaotic. The only one capable of going to war is with us and Japan. Of course, such a regional war cannot lose South Korea.

In the early morning of the sixth day, I was standing alone at the middle point of Islinger's Jupiter Tower. There was the command center of the army god. Here I could get the information of the guild. A large row of crystal **** are placed in front of the **** of war, and each ball displays a picture. On the large magic projection platform in front of it is a map of China. At this time, a spot on the map suddenly lights up with a red dot. The **** of war pressed the corresponding crystal, and the red dot quickly expanded and occupied the entire display.

"Notice of battle," the warlord turned back to remind.


"On the Chinese side of the border between China and Vietnam."

"Is the Vietnamese attacking us?"

"Yes, it has been confirmed." The military body operated on the screen for a while and said, "There are three local guilds that are blocking the Vietnamese invasion. At present, the combat effectiveness is basically symmetrical. There will be no victory or defeat in the throne of God Seal in a short time. . "

"Small places, can't set off big waves, don't worry about them."

"Understood," said the God of War while operating: "Cancel the combat alert, please call the nearby guild for support, just in case."

I pointed to the large map in front of me and asked, "How is the situation at sea?"

"Last night, a huge Japanese fleet and the Philippine fleet merged on the high seas and are now approaching our province of Taiwan. Babelta has been following them."

"Is Taiwan?" I smiled. "The guy from Kano is really a set. He actually thought of opening a second battlefield here. What about our battleships?"

"Here." A row of highlights flashed on the screen. I looked at the location, actually outside of Tokyo. "How did you get there? Who is directing? How many ships have you gone?"

"Battleships above 8,000 tons are here, and the Chuang Wang is directing."

"That means that the main fleet of our guild has all passed?"


"What the **** is King Chuang planning to do?"

"I let him pass." The army **** calmly seemed as simple as telling me that he had helped me cut an apple. "The Japanese intend to implement 6 on Taiwan Island and occupy the front-line bases. If we use the main fleet to intercept, it will inevitably fall into a war of attrition, which is not cost-effective. My arrangement is to take advantage of the enemy's main fleet when the main fleet is not in the country. Shipbuilding bases and command centers are all demolished, and the second and third fronts are opened at the same time. China has a larger population than Japan, and more fronts will cause divisions, and we have more people. Under the same division, we have a greater advantage. In addition, the national guilds are not completely unified. They are under the name of an alliance. In fact, command cannot be realized immediately. Separate operations can be free-running, even if the entire army is overwhelmed.

I nodded. "So what can I do?"

"These targets." The screen flashed, and a bunch of images of the characters flipped out. "Eliminating any of these targets will have the effect of turning the tide."

I scanned the characters on the screen. "Good guy, do you want me to die?" No one on the screen was a simple character. The first goal is Tianzhao. This guy has now fully intervened in the national warfare system and will have a great impact on our future battles. Of course I also know that this guy must be eliminated, but at the same time I also know that his level of strength is not something I can handle alone. Although I have played against Tian Zhao before. But it was his clone at that time, who knows what it is like to fully experience it?

The second goal is the Yaki snake, this guy is really not a good role to deal with. In addition to being strong, it is also particularly cunning. It is completely different from ordinary monsters and cannot be eliminated at all.

The third target has never been seen before. The ground in the picture is a turtle, or a turtle-like creature. This thing is a bit like our sacred beast basalt, but the color is greenish.

"What is this?" I asked the **** of war.

The **** of war did not answer me directly, but just gave me a crystal ball. "See for yourself."

I took the crystal ball and it turned out to be a dream ball. This crystal ball records not just simple pictures and sounds, but can completely reproduce all the information at that time like a personal experience. Including smell and touch. I stuck the crystal ball to my brows and closed my eyes. A shiny picture suddenly appeared, as if going through a time tunnel. Suddenly I feel this picture is familiar, but I can't remember when I saw it.

The picture in front of me suddenly turned white and blank, and a closer look turned out to be a thick fog. The picture seems to be taken from a high altitude, and the height is a bit abnormal. It took me a long time to reflect on the feeling of looking down at the earth from space. I instantly understood where this picture came from. This is the animation that appeared in the guardian beast animation in China last time. I remember Rose told me that although this animation was the first thing we Chinese touched, in fact the world has started a guarding task. But one difference is that the pictures of different countries are not exactly the same. What players in China see are the pictures of Bi Ling and Bai Yuqi Lin that I saw, and now who I recorded this section The picture from Japan.

The beginning part is the same as the picture on the Chinese side. The picture has been advancing to the ground, and soon reached a height where the ground can be clearly seen. The current location should be the coast of China. Although it looks a little different, it is roughly the same. A mountain peak in the picture suddenly collapsed, and then a red-skinned ghost stood up from the mountain.

This ghost is not the kind of thing in European mythology, but the kind of ghost in the Japanese ghost story. In Ben, evil spirits are considered to be a branch of God, so they are respected to some extent. This goblin is obviously scary in size. And he is different from ordinary evil spirits. This guy actually holds a weapon, which is rare among evil spirits.

Suddenly, a giant beast appears at the edge of the picture. Then he rushed towards the evil spirit. It's Bi Ling. The monster that rushed to the evil spirit was actually Bi Ling, and it looked like he was very angry. The evil spirit made a defensive action, and Bi Ling quickly swooped up and pressed the evil spirit to the ground, and then bit it down. The evil spirit glared **** Bi Ling's stomach, and Bi Ling was stung out before he could bite. However, Bi Ling's response was also quite fast. He rolled over and landed in the air. When the evil spirit had just been thrown out, several wounds had been caught on him, and Bi Ling rushed up again. He could only dodge, but Bi Ling moved too fast. He didn't flicker completely.

With a bang, Bi Ling leapt from the head of the evil spirit, and took away a piece of meat on the evil spirit's shoulder. The **** evil spirit growled angrily. Then suddenly he threw the knife in it as a dart. Bi Ling acted like a god, and quickly jumped away with a small jump, but did not expect to fly over with a shield. With a bang, Bi Ling was smashed. While Bi Ling was being smashed, the evil spirits have already rushed up.

The two big guys huddled together in a group. But I don't know why, but they suddenly separated. I didn't see exactly what was born, but Bi Lingdi actually had wounds on her body. The evil spirit also seemed uncomfortable, tumbling to the sea. Then suddenly his eyes flickered, and he punched **** the ground.

Feel the martial arts from the dream ball. The sacred king created the sacred king to kill the **** of the night. The throne of the gods is the best. The martial arts Qiankun will kill the God of the Seal of the Seal of the Night and ask the demon to be proud of the Nine Dragons. The royal family will make a god. Xun's crack broke out a huge ground fissure, and then the place where the evil spirits stood drifted away from the big 6 and moved towards the Pacific Ocean. Only then did I understand that the separated area was the Japanese island of Honshu, because their shapes were exactly the same. What's more exaggerated is that after the island was separated, the coastline that was slightly different from the map of China actually returned to the normal map.

The separated six lands drifted to the current location of Honshu Island in Japan and stopped. The evil spirit seemed to be seriously injured. He half-knelt and crawled away and took a few steps forward, then suddenly fell down. His body sank underground. Only his head was still on the ground. This head turned into a volcano, and the crater was the mouth opened by the evil spirit. I took a closer look at the mountain as if it were familiar. "Fuck, isn't this Mount Fuji?" I took off the dream ball to the army Shinto: "How did the evil spirits above this become my mission goal? Do you think I have the ability to destroy this kind of thing?" The evil was on the fourth assault list. Although I haven't seen the big turtle in third place, this evil spirit is the fourth target. The **** of war has arranged such monsters for me, which one do I live in!

The God of Warm said calmly: "Your task is to hold them back, not necessarily to destroy them, as long as the other party can't disturb our normal actions."

"Hold them?" I frowned. "To be honest, I'm not sure. Besides, how did you make your plan? Why should I hold them?"

"Because such an existence can be regarded as a tactical nuclear weapon in the real world in the age of magic. If the enemy can use tactical nuclear weapons at will, then my strategy is useless. I just let the soldiers use their maximum power, but They ca n’t change their essence. When the enemy ’s strength is too much, we ca n’t redeem it. So you cannot let the enemy unilaterally use tactical nuclear weapons, and you are the tactical nuclear weapon that checks and balances this ability. Effectiveness will be offset, so you have to fight them. Do n’t worry about winning or losing, as long as they are unable to participate in the battle between ordinary people under your influence, you have completed the task. "

"I see." I nodded. "Then I just need to stop these people? Or just stop one of them?"

"Just intercept one of them, and you can deal with one alone."

"What about my special team?"

"The special combat team's operational basis is flexible tactical command. You are not good at this aspect, so I will complete it. You can choose any one of them to stop him."

"Okay! I'll finish reading the data before I say it."

Pick up the dream ball again and watch the content later. After the formation of Honshu Island, a huge turtle appeared beside the island. At this time, many ships were taken to the sea due to the separation of the Big 6. Most of the ships affected by the wind and the sun were sinking, and those who fell into the water were about to drown. The sea turtle heard people calling for help, so it dived into the water and dragged them up, and then the turtle's back became the place where people lived. The sea turtle has never moved again since then, and gradually turned into a real 6 place ~ ~ and it really is the same as I thought. The animation of this guardian beast of each country is basically the genesis of each country's own cultural version, and its content is to show the geographical and cultural origin of the country and the like. These animations in various countries all have high local characteristics. For example, the origin of Mount Everest and the Yangtze River and the Yellow River appeared in China, while the origin of Honshu Island, Mount Fuji and the sea turtle in Kyushu Island appeared in Japan.

I did not continue to read the following content, because I already felt it unnecessary to watch it. The last few of the targets given by the **** of war are Japan's national guardian beasts. I still know myself. Such enemies are not something I can handle.

"I am going to deal with Tianzhao, God of War. Others, you have to think of another way! Really, I thought that the latter was a miscellaneous soldier. I did n’t expect one to be better than one! How big is it? If I can defeat it, isn't it equal to being able to directly bomb Kyushu Island? You are really a strategic nuclear weapon? "

The **** of war did not answer me directly, but said: "I knew you would choose this. The remaining few I have a way to temporarily trap them first, you can just go and encircle the Tian Zhao who is responsible for it. "

"Ok, the mission is clear."

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