Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 10: Robbery relies on intelligence

"What would you say if we made holes from the ground?" Bingbing's words made us all hold back.

"Punch holes?" Gun God first questioned. "When you dig a hole, the time for the Seal of the Seal of God will also pass. It might as well be a little bit more hopeful."

"Hey, don't discuss it, there is movement over there." Hongyue stopped and reminded us of pointing to the barracks in front.

Let's take a look below, and it turns out that there is some movement, but it is a big movement. The entire barracks moved, and some of the soldiers were entering and exiting next to each other in a tent, and then the people inside quickly ran out to start the whole team, which seemed to be out.

"Are they going to leave?" The Gun God asked.

"Probably!" I looked at the barracks below. Many people were dismantling their tents, and some people were loading things into the carriages, apparently intending to hurry.

Wu Gui said: "Don't you think it's strange? At this time, the Seal of the Seal of God should be on the road?"

"Could it be that……?"

"It's very likely." Pu Gui confirmed my thoughts.

The God of Guns looked at us both with a puzzled look: "What the **** are you talking about?"

I looked angrily at Gun God and said, "Do you still want to understand? We attacked so many places with soul stones in twelve hours. Even if the king is an idiot, we should know that someone is eyeing this thing . This army apparently just received the notice, so it plans to rush back to town overnight. "

Hongyue said happily, "I think it's an opportunity. We're better off marching."

Pu Gui nodded, "It's a good thing, but only if we know where that thing is."

"That's not easy? See where the defense is the tightest?"

Pu Gui pointed down. "What do you mean by that?"

I saw five extremely defensive wagons in the army below, each with the same decoration and defensive strength. One can see at a glance that one of them must be a car that transports the real soul stone, but it is not sure which one it is.

"This group is really troublesome!" Hongyue looked helplessly at the pile of suspects. "Maybe we can consider robbing them all."

Gun God opposed: "I don't think we have the ability."

I patted the gun on my shoulder and said, "What's the maximum range of your gun?"

"What are you doing?" Gun God saw my smile and felt that I was a little bit bad.

"Just tell me how far you can fight."

Gun God thought for a while or decided to answer my question. "It depends on your request. Nothing is fired. Just empty the gun. I can also hit a hundred kilometers, but I am afraid that even hard paper can't be penetrated, and the sight may be seven or eight hundred. M. You have to tell me how big I need to deal with, and what power I need to determine whether I can do it. "

"A kilometer away, beating people, can you do it?"

"As long as the opponent is not agile, it is definitely in the middle, but is it powerful ... It should be no problem to deal with ordinary people, as for perverts like you ... Xuan!"

"Enough." I patted his shoulder hard. "I lend you a guard spear, and you ride him to kill the drivers and horses of those cars in sniper mode."

"If you want the car to stop, isn't it faster to hit the wheel?"

"You don't necessarily hit anyone, can I dare let you hit the axle?"

"The person I'm talking about is a fighting profession. How fast can a carriage be? I don't think it's difficult to be so stable!"

"Okay, you are responsible for stopping all those cars and then attacking those who protect the cars. The enemies chase you and run, anyway, no one will chase you, and you will play sniper battles with them within the range of constant advantage. . "

"Do you want me to be a bait?"

"There is a spear as a mount. As long as you don't fall down, I promise you nothing will happen. The real danger is us, okay? After you lead them away, I have to take someone down and grab it. We are the most dangerous. "

Gun God protested: "How many people can I attract? Is that useful?"

"You go down from the sky with a spear, and those who chase you must be empty riders. You just have to draw them away, and I will take care of the rest."

"Ok. I'll help you get them out, lend me a pistol, right?"

I lent my guardian spear to Gunslinger for temporary use. Anyway, I have birds to use myself. Everyone determines the action steps, and then starts to act. The Gun God rode in a large circle and circled across the ground from the army. Then, when the enemy just started to hit the road, he suddenly rushed down from the sky.

Distance too

He couldn't hear the gunshot at all. I could only see one of the cars suddenly crooked, and then fell to the side. Fortunately, the car was a whole metal box, so nothing spilled out. However, it is because of this metal compartment that the weight of the body is increased. After falling to the ground, the soldiers couldn't help it.

The following team had not yet responded, and another car fell down. The marksmanship of the God of Gun is indeed accurate, but what a horse-drawn carriage destroys any soul is definitely the right one. The five cars turned over in less than twenty seconds, and the other's general did not respond until then. A large group of air cavalry hidden in the team flew up. Gunslinger pointed out three cavalry soldiers in a row before he started to escape. The spear under his feet is the guardian of the guild that I use, according to the system settings. The guild guard used by the president is the leader of the guild guard, so this lance is stronger than the general lance. The griffins and bipedal dragons that fly up can not even catch up with the general lances, let alone my What about the king's spear?

Watching the air cavalry drift away, I opened the Fenglong space and released three dragons. I didn't let him out because he was the slowest among the four dragons. In addition, I released Xiaofeng again, and then switched to Silver Moon mode to release Hung Hom. The three dragons, a phoenix, and a divine fox, are all large enough to fly quickly and be large flying creatures. They are the main robbery force this time. Under my command they circled from high altitude to the other side of the army waiting for my signal. When they flew to the designated location, I summoned the steel teeth again, and then switched back to the purple sun form to summon both Emmenes and the tank.

See if the preparation is almost done. With an order, Gangya immediately stood at the edge of the mountain and raised a roar, and the ground shook with sound. Aimenis, who had long copied the form of a tank, fired a cannonball with the tank below. There are many people on the other side, and these two shellings actually don't play much role, only disturbing the audiovisual.

Originally, the people in the army were staring at the direction of the escape of the Gun God, and now there was such a sudden movement behind them, and they immediately turned back. Under the command of the opponent's general, the army's rapid formation formed a defensive formation, and by this time the opponent had not forgotten to divide the troops into five. He did not let us see which one was true. But I don't worry about this, because I originally planned to do everything.

The soldiers of the other side saw that our side was shaking, but they didn't see us rushing forward. They felt strange, and suddenly felt the huge wind pressure coming from behind. Fortunately, their five magic pets rushed from behind them at a very high level. Each of the five magic pets aimed at a carriage, and flew softly as they passed over the carriage, and then took the carriage and the tethered front The horse swept over the soldiers' heads and rushed towards us. Because the incident was too sudden, the other party did not react at all. By the time they responded, the five carriages had been taken to the sky. The other's general wanted to let the mage knock them down, but unfortunately the distance had been widened, and he could not reach it at all. So these generals wanted the flying unit to chase again, but suddenly they remembered that the air cavalry had already been led away, and the rest were air cavalry for the communications soldiers.

The poor general could only angrily curse there, but we couldn't hear it. The five carriages were dragged all the way without even opening their covers.

Gun God hasn't run far away ~ ~ After seeing our success, he immediately chased after him, as for the air cavalry. To their degree, it's almost like eating farts behind!

We dared to land when we hung this car all the way and dared to land. It is estimated that the other party could not catch up so far. The five carriages were carefully lowered, the magic pet was withdrawn first, and then we surrounded the carriage together. Gun God was stopped by me as soon as he was about to unpack. First let them drive away the horses still hanging in the car, then I turned eternity into a sledgehammer and smashed into the carriage board.

The steel carriage was knocked by my sledgehammer, and the sound was really shocking. The Gun God didn't know what I meant, and finally Rose explained it to him before he understood it. Hongyue smiled and said, "Let's use the heart of a villain to spend the belly of a villain. Don't bully, don't be bullied."

I smashed into the car, the car that was hit was completely deformed, and then I changed eternity back to the sword form and cut off the top cover of the iron box. It turns out that my idea is correct. As soon as the top cover was taken, two people rolled out of it. Both of them are masters, and after being confirmed as a big swordsman of class 1400, they definitely belong to the kind of fierce person who can bring down a group of people. But Niu Ren is also a human. Just being trapped in an iron can gave me a smash, and now I am stunned. I was worried that the other person would smash the car in the ambush of the car. I didn't expect to guess it right.

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