Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 11: Finally came out!

I smashed five cars in succession, and there were two assassins in each, and in addition to the assassin in the total car, there was a small box, which should be our goal.

"Ah ... how can this thing be opened?" Gun God grasped the lid of the small box with both hands and pulled hard, but the box did not respond at all.

"Is there a lock?" I asked.

Gun God threw the box over. "Then you look for it."

I grabbed the box and studied for a long time, and finally determined that this thing was either unlocked or locked, anyway, I couldn't find where the opening was. "If you don't mind, I'll cut the box open."

"I just want the soul stone, and the box is useless to me, you just cut it."

I thought about putting the box on the ground, then pressed Eternity into a dagger and stabbed it in. The eternal sharpness is unparalleled, and it easily penetrates into the box, but the problem is that it cannot be pulled out!

"I rely on, what is this broken box?" I stepped on the box with both feet, holding the eternal handle with both hands and pulling upwards, but I couldn't pull it out. "Wow ...!" With too much force and a slippery hand, I fell off the box myself, and Eternal didn't just pull it out. Instead it was flowing into the box.

Yes, that's right. It really is flowing. Eternity can be liquefied. And now it is liquefying, and it is flowing inside the box.

"Don't!" I rushed forward, but didn't feel anything. Eternity completely penetrated into the inside of the box, and even the incision slowly healed.

"This thing eats your weapon!" Gun God looked at me with a gloating expression.

All of them came around in a moment, and it seemed that this box had a big problem. Eternity is a multi-artifact complex and has its own instrumental spirit. Such things can be forcibly sucked into the box. One can imagine how much power is needed. At least the contents must be able to hold the eternal power, otherwise it will not be possible to **** eternity into it.

"Give me back my weapon!" I shook with the box. Just when everyone was going to speak to stop me. The ring-shaped pentagram on the front of the box suddenly lit up a yellow light, and then my body instantly added a layer of yellow light, then the light flashed, and the box landed with a bang, and I was gone.

The Gun God pointed with surprise at the small box that looked like he couldn't hold his head: "Will Ziri ...?"

"Go in." Pu Gui made up his words.

The people outside were amazed, and I was no better than them. I just felt that my eyes were dark, and when I lighted up, I was already in a huge room. The area of ​​this room is about the size of a standard football field. The four walls and ceiling and the ground are all of the same material, and no seams can be found. I'm familiar with this material, because the box I was holding just now is made entirely of this material. Then again, the shape of this place. Look how it looks like the box just now, but it should not be so big. Of course, maybe I'm younger, maybe.

"Wow! Boss, are you here to save me? I am so touched!" A red ball flew up and down, it was my eternity.

"What did you do?"

"I don't know. I just felt a strong suction forcing me in, and it was useless to resist me." Eternal jumped onto the back of my hand and embedded directly into the groove belonging to him.

I looked around. This place has moderate light. Not glare or gloom, but no light source. Although the space is relatively large. But the area of ​​a football field is not so small that you can't see the side, and there is nothing in this place, you can see it all at a glance. If it is special, that is, there are some strange words on the walls and the ground, and these words are all printed on the walls and the ground in the form of relief. I opened my wings and flew up to the ceiling and looked at it. There was the same text on it, but no one could understand it.

"Where is this?" I was studying the text on the zenith, and a voice suddenly appeared below, and one after another appeared on the ground.

As soon as my wings closed, they fell directly to them. "Why did you come in?"

"Isn't that stuff yet?" Rose looked around and immediately recognized where it was. "Isn't this the inside of that thing?"

"It should be, but it's probably not that simple. It's a bit like space. It's a completely independent three-dimensional space. It's not proportional to the outside volume, but it really exists."

"I just care how to get out." Gun God took out his gun and fired at the wall.

"No!" I shouted a little slower, the gun **** had pulled the trigger. With only one sound, the bullet hit the wall and was immediately bounced back.

"Ah!" Gun God himself had a big heel with a bullet, and a terrible hole appeared in his shoulder.

Fang Gui touched the wall and said, "This is a magic metal. Your gun cannot be worn."

Eternity also uttered a voice on my arm: "There is nothing to destroy this kind of wall except my demon-stealing weapon."

Gun God looked at me in confusion over his shoulder and asked, "Is that you talking?"

I raised my hand. "It's my sword, he's the sword spirit." I said to Eternal instead: "You say you are a demon-stealing weapon, do you mean you can eat magic?"

"Correct." Eternal said in a very proud voice: "I was just a demon to kill thousands of people, but then you fused too many things into my body in one breath, which greatly increased my ability, at the same time In order not to be blasted by power, I evolved the nature of demon-eating. Of course. It mainly depends on the property of the destroying blade. But I eventually evolved into a demon-eating spirit. Any weapon, as long as it has energy, I can swallow its power to strengthen myself, so the weapons against me will become more and more brittle, and I will become stronger and stronger. "

"Will you drain the magic here and let us break through here?" Rose asked.

"Impossible." Eternal said: "Just now you should have noticed that I and you came in different ways. You are

I was sucked in like being teleported, but I was infiltrated. There is an absorption array outside this box. You can **** in nearby things, but I just pierced the box. The space was cut directly, so it was forcibly sucked in by space gravity. In fact, I didn't cut into the box at all, but cut the space where the box is located. This box is said here, but it is not here. "

"What's on the ground? I don't understand at all!" Gunshen looked white.

Eternally reluctantly said: "You have poor understanding ability, I ca n’t help it. Anyway, I can only tell you that this is not the box you see, that box does not exist. What you got before is just this space in The projection of the real world. Or the phantom will be better understood. In fact, the two spaces are not related at all. The box you see is just an exit. This box itself represents a space, which is not the same as the space we live in. The same, this space is so large, although small, it is still an independent space. It is completely independent of the two spaces we are in. So I ca n’t destroy it here. I just put a weapon, not the founder, it ’s impossible Eliminate even one space. "

"What then? Can I get out of here?" I asked.

"Of course not." Eternal replied, "Although I don't know the principle, I can be sure that the world in this box uses completely different rules."

"Different rules?"

"Yes. Each space has its own rules. For example, iron is harder than copper in the spaces we usually live in. This is a rule. But it is not necessarily here. Rules are made by spaces, and each space has its own rules. .At the moment I only find that this space stipulates the infinite hardness of these walls around us. It can be considered to exist invincibly. "

"Are we going to stay here all the time?" Gun God asked excitedly.

"Please, I just have a sword, okay? Don't ask me anything! I'm not almighty god!"

Su Gui suddenly said to me: "Husband, can you still open the space door? If not, let's discuss with the Mother Earth and turn back from her?"

I shook my head: "Fenglong space can be opened, but the earth's door cannot be opened at all."

"That is to say, the detour is not expected, is it?"


"We can't always wait here until the mission time, the Seal of the Seal of Throne, is over?" The Gun God asked.

"That was lucky." I added: "The most terrible situation is that we are still trapped here after the Arrival of the Seal of Thrones during mission time."

"No, isn't it? This is just an item in the mission, won't we hold us here for a long time?"

I shook my head: "I can't sit here anyway, I have to find a way out."

"Then you think about it slowly!" Gun God sat down on the spot.

I shook my head helplessly, went to the wall to study the text on the wall, and wanted to see what was gained. First called out all my pets that can transform into humans, and then let them see the text on the wall. "Who do you know?"

Ling Dao: "This is an ancient language. Legends are written by the higher god. Many secret records of the Dark Temple are written in this script."

Xiaochun said: "The Temple of Light also uses the same text to record confidential documents."

"That means you all know these words?"

"I don't know." Xiaochun shook his head and said: Tianxiajian uploaded "These are the work of a cleric and priest. I have never touched these things and don't know them at all."

I quickly turned to Ling, hoping that she would not be as troublesome as Xiaochun. Fortunately, Ling nodded. "I used to work a little bit in the Dark Temple before. Before becoming a goddess, I had been the administrator of the Protoss material. So I am very proficient in these words."

"That's great. Hurry up and help me translate."

"This won't work." Ling shook his head and said, "I need a beginning. The text here can't find a head at all, and there is no way to translate it."

"Then you find the beginning?"

Ling pointed to the top of his head: "When will I find such a large place alone? You can also help me find it. There will be a special mark at the beginning, like this." Ling drew a magic figure in the air, because it infused magic And has been suspended there. This symbol is very simple, I looked at it and let everyone find it immediately. The **** of guns, the **** made up his mind to wait for the time to reach the throne of God Seal, and he didn't help at all.

Many people are easy to do, and soon the opening mark is found by Ziyue. Ling ran over and started reading the text in that place. I didn't understand why Ling wanted us to start at this time. If it were ordinary text. Even if you start reading in the middle of a passage, you can actually understand the meaning. But this strange writing method is completely different from our writing. It is written around the ground like ribs. The special symbol is the starting point of the article, and the word above it is the first word of the article. The following words will start to circle around the center standard and then write a circle. At the time, it was still a roughly square. If you don't know the opening mark, you simply can't figure out where the text starts to turn, so you can't read it. It would be even more ruined if we followed the habit of arranging characters according to our locality. The translation would be garbled with no meaning at all.

Ling interpreted for a while and suddenly said, "Master."

"what happened?"

"We seem to be grabbing the wrong thing!"

"Stuck something wrong?"

"This box is not a container for the soul stone at all. We may be mistaken for the goal!"

"Isn't this thing for the soul stone?"

"Well." Ling pointed to the text on the wall and said, "This box is called a claustrophobic cage, and its role is to seal enemies that are so powerful that they cannot be killed even if caught. If an enemy is too strong, his soul may Eternity, and in case this person is very dangerous, ca n’t let him move outside. Then you can put people in this. So that this person will not threaten people outside. This is equivalent to a permanent Sexual seal, and it's only inaccessible. "


It's over. What should I do if I can't get out of this stuff? The quintessence of our guild is all here, and if we ca n’t go out, the loss will be great! "Did you just say this isn't a box for the soul?"

Ling nodded: "This thing is an advanced artifact that can seal anyone, and its value is much stronger than the soul crystal. No one will use this box to hold the soul crystal, right? I guess that army is just for protection This thing. Soul crystal they may just **** by the way. "

After listening to Ling's words, Pu Gui nodded and said, "That's right. The first soul crystal we got was used to purify the water in the water source. At that time, there were only thirty guards. It can be seen that this thing is far away. It's not important enough to send a legion to escort, otherwise there will not be more than thirty people in that water source area. It seems that we are indeed grabbing the wrong thing! Ling, you can see if there is anything written on it ? "

"It's actually very easy to get out, as long as someone who knows the secret can operate outside, even people who can't magic can use it."

"But we have all been sucked in, who is going to help us out?" The Gun God did not know when it had appeared by our side, probably because I had just heard that it was a permanent seal and became nervous.

"Is there a way to open this thing from the inside?" I asked.

Ling looked at the words on the wall and said, "It's not written at all."

Wu Gui said: "Even if there is, people will not write it on. This is a place to seal powerful enemies. If you write the way out on the wall, anyone who knows this word can go out. So this There won't be any instructions on how to open here. "

"That's what it is!" The gun **** looked helplessly. "No, you have to find a way, I don't stay here forever!"

Suzi suddenly said: "Don't worry. I have an idea that might work."

"what idea?"

"Vulnerability. We drill holes in the system. Gold coins."

"Here." Gold Coin shouted, raising one hand. "what's up?"

"Don't move. Whether we can go out depends on your hand!"

"My hands?" The gold coin dropped his hand and looked. "Don't you want me to make a hole in this wall? You think I'm really red?"

Pu Gui pulled the gold coin in front of her, then grabbed her hand, and then pointed her finger. "It's up to you if we can go out."

"Ring of love?" I immediately wanted to understand the meaning of roses. "Do you want Awei to summon gold coins with the space summoning power of the ring of love?"

The gun **** immediately said: "That can only summon one person!"

"But she has Fenglong!" Rose said.

Hongyue Road: "But Fenglong Space can't hold living people?"

I immediately pushed Yeyue out. "It's not a living being turned into a stone statue."

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered together. Fortunately, there are a lot of messes in our guild, otherwise we are really in trouble today!

Wu Gui cried loudly: "Don't be too happy, can you summon two more words!"

"Don't you know if you try it?" I immediately said to the gold coin: "Open the ring of love to see, if the calling permission status is on, there should be no problem."

The gold coin took a look at me, and then called out excitedly. "Really yes. The summons permission is bright."

"That's good." I said to the others: "Everyone should stand there and put away the pets and useless things. I'll let Yeyue help you petrify."

Knowing that everyone was able to go out, everyone was excited, and put away their own pets. Then Yeyue gave them one by one for petrification. Because the other party did not resist, the petrochemical was very simple. After a while, everyone except me and the gold coins became sculptures.

The gold coins opened her phoenix dragon space, and then I, together with the humanized lucky, started to put everyone into the sculpture together. After the completion, Yeyue gave me the petrochemical first, and then she and me shoved me in together. Although I was petrified. But Ling is still there. She is loyal, and she has my full authority when I can't control the magic pet. She opened my Fenglong space and then took everyone into it, so that only gold coins were left in this space.

The gold coin called A Wei and asked A Wei to summon her out. A few seconds later she arrived at Essinger, and then dumped us all out. Now we are leaving the mission early, but the scores have been cumulatively exaggerated. It doesn't matter if you leave early.

My phoenix space automatically opened after my sculpture left the phoenix space of gold coins. Ling came out of it with Yeyue and began to return to normal.

"Huh! I didn't expect it to come out!" Gun God immediately called out when he saw the blue sky above his head. "Looks like you still have a lot of land in your guild!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Just know the big words ~ ~ I despise the gun **** like:" Without us, you are still in that box! "

"I wouldn't go into that box without you."

"What do you want to fight?" Zhen Hong was even fiercer than me, and rushed up to hold the neck and lift the gun god. The pair of hands on this girl's hands was a pounding arm, and the profession of gunslinger was not of the strength department, and the pinched face suddenly changed color.

I patted it really red to signal her to shoot down. How to say it is just the end of cooperation, killing him now seems a bit of a little frustrated.

As soon as the gun **** landed, he said angrily, "Huh! Sooner or later, I will compete with you."

"We won't let you wait too long," I replied in a pun. They all know what I mean. As for whether the gun **** can understand, it is not my concern.

The location of the system-rewarded Isinger copy city has been selected. We are about to land him on American territory. By then, the gunman will definitely appear in the rebel team, so I said that he would not let him wait too much. Long. At that time I will let him know that our Frost Rose League is not a mess.

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