Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 12: Clouds of war

The game ended soon after we left the game and switched to the map, because the last remaining team was also honorably hung back. There were originally five teams in the competition area, and four teams were missing. The rest of them can only collect points for the soul stone, but unfortunately, the difficulty of collecting the soul stone in the throne of the seal of God during the game is shared by everyone. In other words, no matter which team we get the stones, it will make the next task difficult, and just after we and the Gunslinger Alliance, we took a bunch of soul stones at a stretch, and the rest of the team went to find the stones. The difficulty was natural It is infinite, and it is normal for them to hang back so soon.

The system helped us to count the points. Our bank ranked first, the Paladin Union ranked second, and the last hanged out guild was third. Of course, the two guilds that we hung out were of course eliminated directly. The system prompts that the final test of the next phase will be performed using a special task, and the specific execution method will start suddenly at any time within the Seal of the Throne at any time later, as in the first phase, probably the system will be in our three When the guilds are very lax, they make sudden attacks, otherwise it is not necessary to tell us nothing.

After reporting the results of the battle, it was time for the prize. There are a lot of rewards this time, and some of them can be optional. The first of the non-selectable items is that all participants are promoted to the third level, and the percentage of experience after the upgrade is unchanged. I used to be 982, and this time I made up for 985, but it was cheap but it was too big. Players like me need to experience astronomical numbers for each level. The use of supplementary levels is not useful for us. Also. I took advantage because of the double number. This third level actually took two copies, and the size increased together.

The second non-optional reward is a training card for each person. This thing is actually a leveling area specially prepared for you. Activate the card when you think it is appropriate, and then you can send yourself to the task space. This task space is independent and not connected to the normal map. The monster inside is also a monster designed completely based on personal characteristics, which is especially suitable for the use of cards. Exercise. For example, priest professional players usually have difficulty leveling. It ’s hard to upgrade without anyone bringing it, but in this card the system will modify monster attributes. Making the priests also play very easily, so it is said that leveling in this thing will be faster than outside, and this card also has the option of multiples of experience, depending on how you decide. The higher the chosen experience multiple, the stronger the enemy. If you are not afraid that a monster can't be killed and then thrown out, you can consider a level experience with 10,000 times experience. Of course I would not do that.

The third reward is ten good cards per person. This good man card is also a magic equipment, as long as you use it, you can burn it. After the card is lit, it will continue to burn for an hour. During this period, attacking any enemy will not add evil value, and the third party will never intervene in helping your enemy, it will only help you attack your enemy. Of course, if it is in the other city. Then it won't work. Because this thing is only bsp to third parties; the latter two are optional rewards. The first is to choose a special piece of equipment. The system gives us a large list of options for us to decide for ourselves. Anyway, there is only one piece for each person. It doesn't matter if you repeat it. Another optional reward is a bunch of pills. The so-called optional is almost the same as guessing. There are at least a hundred pills in the pile, and each one has a different effect. What you get depends on your luck. Let us rest assured that all the pills here are only good, at least not to draw poison.

After the fixed rewards are collected, everyone starts to choose their own optional rewards. A space door appeared in front of me. After entering the room, I entered a large arsenal. All I saw and saw were optional items. As long as I took any of them and left the arsenal, I chose it. As for taking a few more things like this, it is impossible at all, because you can't pick up the other one without putting down the other one.

Originally, I was going to get the most expensive equipment. After all, everything on me was superb. Such a task would not give too exaggerated prizes. There would be no more equipment on me. The most expensive thing could be sold back Off. However, this idea could not be realized, because the eternal sword spirit suddenly saw a sword hanging on the wall and had to merge with the sword. I had no choice but to take the sword out.

The shape of this sword is very strange. It has no substance, except for the sword-shaped black mist. I tried it with my hand, and it was possible to pass through it, it was completely a ghost. Sometimes a bit more force will even blow away the mist that makes up the blade body, and it will take a long time to gather again.

"Eternal, what do you want this thing to do? You are already strong, even if you want to merge, you don't have to have such a weak sword?"

Eternal shook my hand in response to my question: "What I want is not as simple as this sword. What I want is its special attributes. The name of this sword is Soul-Cut, which is only produced for undead creatures without entities. Function, and its lethality is stronger than ordinary weapons in the face of the undead. I do n’t know how many times. But this does not completely hide its weakness. This sword is completely waste when facing physical weapons, because it ca n’t hurt at all. People. However, once Ben Yeye is fully integrated with it, it will be different. "

"How is it different?"

"After merging it, I will gain the ability to blur. When the host encountered an enemy with a big gap between me and you, you cut off the opponent ’s weapon directly, but among the people we have encountered for so long, it is not Everyone has junk weapons, and some people have very strong weapons. At this time, I often have to attack multiple times to cause damage to the other party. Isn't this bad? "

"Oops is terrible, but that's nothing else! Besides, I don't rely on your sharpness to fight. Although you are strong, I still rely on my own skills. When you could n’t cut the iron like mud before Aren't I using it equally well? "

"It's true to say so, but after I merge this sword, I can gain the ability to blur. And you don't have to worry about other people's weapons. Don't say those weapons that are not as good as mine. Do n’t be afraid, because I can blur at will. For example, if the other party is wearing a large invincible armor, how can you not penetrate it?

When I can, I can blur. Once I blur the armor, I can't stop my ghost, and once the ghost enters the opponent's body, I can quickly materialize and directly hurt the opponent's internal organs. What do you think? "

"Don't you mean to ignore defense?"

"Neglecting defense on general equipment is actually just a property, only partially ignoring defense. I'm different. I can really ignore the defense and attack of the other side completely. In the future, if you want me to hold the enemy's weapon, I can Hold on, you want me to penetrate other people ’s shields and armors and I can penetrate, and nothing can stop me. You can even cut the person behind the other person without harming the person in front. Wouldn't it be convenient to encounter something like hostage abduction? "

"That's what it is. Then you quickly merge! Anyway, I'll help you out."

"Of course I want to merge immediately, but do you have anything right now?" Eternal asked seriously.

"What can I do?"

Eternity immediately said: "Then say okay. The fusion takes thirty hours to seal the throne of God. During this time, I will be completely unusable, you have to think about it. If there is a need to fight, the situation is best Avoid first, or use some other weapon to make up the Seal of the Throne for a period of time. "

"Rest assured. I still have Bladeclaw and Moonblade. I can't switch to Silvermoon with the same staff."

"Then I will start to merge, and I will call you." Eternal said immediately burst into a red silk thread like a bomb, and then huffed and wrapped the black foggy sword completely. Then quickly contracted into a ball and rolled back and jumped into my back to the groove prepared for him. It seems that eternity is useless for more than 30 hours.

Solved the equipment reward is the next drug reward, this simple. Anyway, I do n’t know which is better. I do n’t even need a comparison, just take one. My luck was neither good nor bad, and I got a medicine of experience. The effect is to double all experience points obtained within seven days after taking it. Just in time to build a forward base in the United States to fight with the Americans, this large-scale war escalated the fastest. At that time, I will have a double experience again. Maybe I can reach the level of 1,000 in seven days.

After everyone had completed the decision of their reward project, we convened the guild backbone for a simple meeting, and finally decided to place the new rewarded Isinger copy between Eureka City and Colamas City, And named Rock City, meaning indestructible. Here in reality is the American Redwood National Park. The terrain is relatively flat and there are no high mountains, but in the game, this place is completely hilltop and hilltop, and there are large lush primitive jungles nearby, which is definitely not suitable for the Corps. Fighting place. Putting a city in such a place can guarantee the defensive security to the greatest extent. Anyone who wants to attack the city must first solve these mountains, otherwise the corps will not develop at all. In addition, not far to the east is the most famous west coast mountain line in the United States. The continuous mountains will make the assembly of the Corps very troublesome. Even if the number of enemies cannot be reduced, at least they can pull the line of force very long, lower Attack power of enemies in the Seal of Throne per unit time.

In fact, this position is also a last resort. According to our most perfect plan, this rock city should not be near the coast at all. The American fleet is not as good as the fleet of Little Japan, and the worst is that our fleet has to cross the Pacific to fight against them. This battleship is too long, and we are defeated. Our original plan was to place the Rock City in the inner 6 area, so that many things can be saved regardless of sea battles. As a result, the system was notified when the city was placed that the terrain did not match. We asked for help to know that Isinger is a harbor city with a port, and Rock City is exactly a replica of Isinger, so Rock City is also a harbor city. The system can make slight adjustments to the surrounding terrain according to the city's conditions when placing the city, simulating a suitable location to place the city, but the system cannot be changed too much. The coastline unevenness system can be adjusted, but it is impossible to place a port city where there is no water, so the system requires us not to rely on the sea. It must be a large lake or a river wide enough. It can't be a dry zone anyway.

We want to put Rock City inside 6 because we don't want to be harassed by the American ground fleet. Anyway, our fleet can fight with Americans at sea. If we put it on the inner lake or river, it will be completely done. Americans have warships in both the Inner Lake and the River. Our fleet can't enter the Inner Lake again. By then, Rock City will become a singular song. It would be better to let the fleet help the sea.

After the location is determined, we can't throw the city down immediately, otherwise the God of Throne Seal will start the countdown immediately. We still have to get some things ready. There is a complete set of weapons and equipment and war resources in the copied Rock City, but no one is there. So once the city is thrown away, it must start to replenish personnel immediately. Fortunately, cities with territorialization can use ordinary domestic transport arrays. We can move quickly, but we must prepare them in advance, and we must start transportation as soon as the cities appear.

More important than normal is to move in combat. During the time of our guild, the Throne of the Seal of God made a lot of money, and the roses began to spend a lot. In one breath, Tianbing Tianjiang, who introduced one billion crystal coins from Tianting, was introduced. When the Jade Emperor heard it, he helped our country to develop the territory. With a big wave, the price gave me a half-fold on the basis of the original. As a result, the force doubled. In addition, it seems that Tianting attaches great importance to our overseas exhibitions, and even brought out the good stuff at the bottom of the box.

We brought a gossip mirror when we handed over the heaven soldiers in heaven. It is said to be a class weapon used in the formation of the heavenly court, which is said to be able to call a ghost army to fight. When I look at the attributes, what kind of ghost army is it! This thing is completely a spiritual warrior array that uses the power of the necromancy. Anyone who has died in a certain range near it, no matter which side it is. After death, the soul will be sucked into the gossip mirror as an energy source, and then the gossip mirror can release ghost soldiers to participate in the battle. The most abnormal thing about this thing is that it can be made in plural. Basically, for every person dying on the battlefield, there are ten more ghost soldiers on our side, which means that the number of deaths will increase. But it ’s not a bad thing, he made

Although there are many ghost soldiers, the level is not high, and it is purely for trouble.

In addition to this mirror, the Jade Emperor gave me a full ten-carat paper by the way. These rune papers are not the words of the town ghosts, but the intensified spell of hardness. The Jade Emperor asked me to stick this thing on the inside of the wall, which can increase the hardness of the wall and offset some magical damage.

Opening up territories is an increase in guild territory for us and an increase in their territory for heaven. That ’s why Jade Emperor has given me so many good things. If it is usually, this one piece of rune paper may get hundreds of crystal coins. Now the entire vehicle is being given away for free. It is unknown where the people are still wondering if Jade Emperor is getting a rebate.

Of course, the court gave the face so that the other allies of the guild should not be too shabby. The monster alliance sent us hundreds of tons of pills in one breath. I thought that it was to strengthen our attributes. I almost ate one. Fortunately, Shuixuyan rushed to grab it. When I asked, I realized that this thing is not for ordinary players and battles. They play the role of ordinary citizens in the city, making the game world more real. However, this medicine can make the freedom to eat it smaller quickly become a brutal and brutal beast, and the combat power can compete with players of four or five hundred levels. Although the current player level is generally above 600, but it can't hold up many people! Freedom can be said to be as much as you want, and you don't need money. When you grab a lot, these hundreds of tons of medicine have made billions of monsters. In addition, according to Shui Xu, this thing is not light energy to create garbage monsters. About one hundred people will produce an enhanced version of monsters, which can have a level of 600 players. In addition, there may be a level monster in every 10,000 people, and its combat power is approximately equal to the strength of 900-level players, or even stronger.

Although it can be said that the combat effectiveness is very good, the monster is actually just a supplementary means. According to Shui Xu, the monsters have no intelligence at all, and rely on instinct to fight, so once they fight, they will not distinguish between me and the enemy. They will not recognize anyone except the monsters. But Rose soon worked out a way for us to maximize the monster light ~ sword book, city capacity, that is, air transport and thrown in the enemy base camp. When the time comes, we will see which guild is coming to attack the city, and we throw a bunch of monsters into the city where their guild belongs. The old nest is anxious to see if they continue to stay with us and die or return to the fire. In addition, it is also a good idea to drop the monster directly into the center or rear of the enemy position. Anyway, these guys have no brains, and being surrounded will not affect their morale, but will only cause him to cause greater riots.

After the demon and the court of heaven have finished expressing their meanings, the Chinese Dark Temple and the Light Temple have their own meanings. However, these two are generally very strong. Second, they are not sure about our relationship, so they do n’t give much. The Temple of Darkness supplemented us with a thousand shadow killers, which helped us assassinate enemy brains. In contrast, the Light Temple is more practical. It added 100,000 priests in one breath. Although it has no fighting power, it can make our striker more resistant, and it has a great impact on the battle situation.

After the heavens ran, we began to run the major guilds separately. Hongyue was responsible for the Blood Alliance, Rose ran the Northern Alliance, and I sent the Iron Crusaders. These three allies had to pull anything. The final result is slightly different than expected. Feng Yin Piao Miao is a enthusiastic member, and was strongly encouraged by her sister, Red Moon, to jump on our chariot completely. At that time, all guild players will be dispatched and buy a lot of war. Not to mention the Iron Crusaders of Ashford, I heard that it was very exciting to fight with the Americans in their guild. These guys have long wanted to play a battle with the Americans to test their combat effectiveness. I finally got the chance. We have the money to help us fight, and the Americans cannot yet anger them. After all, they are only helpers. Even if Americans are in trouble, they will find us and will not find them. Ashford promised to dispatch more than 80% of the players in the fleet and guild, and will mobilize a large number of defensive weapons and bsp; the only problem lies with the Northern Alliance. Several major forces within the Northern Alliance have had serious differences of opinion with each other. Some people think that it is not suitable to start an early war with the Americans. They should temporarily maintain a good cooperative relationship. In addition, there is another side who believes that a forward base will only make Americans face our strength squarely, and will not really anxious them. It will make Americans value us more, so they support sending troops. The other is a centrist, who has been undecided and wants to fight but is afraid of something wrong.

Yan Gui and Yan Yu talked for a whole day, but the meaning of Yan Yu still wanted to join the war ~ ~ but their guild is different from us. The Northern Alliance is a bit like the original anti-Japanese united front. It is a guild complex composed of multiple guilds. It is not entirely a guild. Its internal affiliation is not too strict. There is no way to decide things like our guild. However, at least Yan Yu promised to mobilize his hands to participate in the war, but how many people can come is uncertain.

We are also aware of the difficulties of the smoky rain. He is different from us. Our guild relies on Margaret's powerful economic wrist and my absolute strength. Such a guild is extremely strong. It can be said that I can call where members are. Feng Yin Piao Miao's hot blood alliance was formed by a group of like-minded people, including Feng Yin Piao Miao himself, a strong man in charge of economic power, and unified command is naturally no problem. Ashford ’s Iron Crusades were built by Ashford himself, exactly like his wholly-owned company. As long as he is happy, no one can say anything. But the rain is different. The Northern Alliance exhibition is built on the background of the in-game business opportunities of enterprises outside the game and influx into the game. It can be said that the Northern Alliance is a defensive force established by a business group in order to defend its economic interests. His leader should actually be money, not people. Yanyu is only a temporary, and his order is not absolute. Of course, when you can see the benefits, everyone will certainly not oppose him. However, if you ca n’t see the direct benefits, the companies behind him may not be willing to support him. This is also no way out.

After three days of busy work, everything was ready, and eternity recovered from the fusion. It was time to fight.

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