Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 20: Jiancheng

Several of our guild leaders were discussing the countermeasures at the city head, and the opposite positions had changed first. The water vapour that is permeating the air is rapidly gathering into the air. Obviously, what power is collecting the water vapour. Our doubts were quickly answered. The water vapor in front quickly gathered into a huge dark cloud within ten minutes, and then it began to rain, quickly removing the magmatic rock ground that had just been cooled down once. Rush again.

"They are preparing for the final attack!" Hongyue advised: "Everyone still returns to their post, and here we have to change the battlefield."

I nodded: "Go to the rear. Leave it here to direct me."

"Okay!" Zhu Gui turned and took everyone away, leaving only the two real users of the real weapon and gold coins. After all, they were not good at commanding, and their personal combat power was their main function.

The rocky ground in front of the Rocky City is now a black rocky ground, absolutely flat and unobstructed. A large number of troops are moving to the fracture that appeared before the distant mountains. The black pressure is like a flood. The initial estimate is more than ten million. Legions are available for purchase. For the Americans, this army is nothing, but I have a headache.

The army of the Paladins stopped shortly before the city. Gunslinger is very smart. The building of Rock City is completely born of Isinger, and the towering wall like a cliff has a strong psychological deterrent effect. If the gun **** took the troops directly to start the siege. Then his troops would be 100% scared by the walls. So this guy stopped the troops far away from the city first so that they could see the walls, but because the distance was not too deterrent, as long as the troops adapted to the fear of large objects, They will be scared again by the height of the city walls. Only then will these troops be able to wield 100% of their combat power.

Gun God held a telescope and looked at the top of the city wall for a long time. Suddenly I stood on the city wall and looked straight at him. He immediately smiled, and then moved the army forward a distance. This position is already within the range of Rock City's gunfire, but we are not planning to fire yet. It is unlikely that the cannonball will hit the ground at this range.

Ordered the army to stop advancing, Gunner took only a few people around him and continued to go under the city wall. "Zi Ri, do you know what I'm doing?" The walls are too high, and the sound of this guy's amplified magic sound is small like a mosquito.

I found the leaves of the city tree from my body. Here is a copy of Isinger, and of course there are city trees. Let the tree of the city connect this leaf of mine to the magic array of sound reinforcement on the wall. "Of course I know. Don't you just come to the dead?" I deliberately opened the PA magic array to its maximum power. The giant magic array carved on the wall of more than 30 meters in diameter was stronger than the temporary PA magic of the gun god. Many, loud, like stuffy thunder. Zhen's gun **** almost fell off immediately.

"Okay, you're ruthless." The gun **** pointed at me. "It doesn't matter if you ruin my city. Today I'll let you return me all the benefits."

"It depends on whether you have that ability."

"You ...!" The God of Gun suddenly pointed me at a gun and intended to crash me, but his action quickly stopped because the foot of the city wall suddenly vibrated. A row of openings suddenly opened in front of the gun god, and a three-meter-high metal cylinder popped out of each hole. As soon as the metal cylinders were raised, the ground was closed again to fix the cylinders. At the same time, the tops of the cylinders suddenly spread out in all directions, forming a bowl-shaped structure. Buzz. In the small bowl on the top of each pillar was a purple crystal stone like an olive nucleus. At the same time, these crystal stones lit up quickly, and a red electric ball appeared around them to rotate around the crystal. Watching these crystal gun gods suspended in mid-air already knew what it was.

Yusina, who has been following the God of Guns, held the God of Guns: "That's the God of Electricity column, or don't be impulsive. These few of us can't deal with city-level defense weapons!"

"I know!" The gun dropped the gun dimly.

I lay on the edge of the wall and looked down at him, deliberately provoking him. "Haha! Why don't you shoot? Come on? I'm right here, are you here to shoot? Don't be afraid! Would you be afraid of that little thing?"

The **** of guns crackled. But I dare not move. He also knows that these things are not easy to mess with, but it's better to put up with them. After humming, he said nothing and took back again. As a result, the players on our side gave a neat boo on the top of the city wall. The companion fought back.

After returning to the battlefield, the gun **** stopped struggling. The oriental man was leaning on a rocking chair and said, "Don't go, you can't call him. Think about what the kid did. You've been doing middleman business all the time. Do you think such a population will be poor? What age is it, and you still run to call the two armies, is it necessary? "

"Which side are you on? How come you hit me?"

"I'm not on your side anyway." The Orientals threw away the kernels they had just eaten. "I have already told you at the beginning, I am just the staff officer you hired, I will advise you on your actions, and it is your business to adopt or not. Once the contract expires, I will not need to follow you, so I am not your person, I ’m not a Ziri person. I ’m still a free person now, and I ’ll always be. Do you understand? ”

Yusina said immediately, "Your plan to level the mountains has shown that your strategy is very useful. If we fight in our own way, we may have to reduce one-fifth of our staff. However, the city is now in It ’s before me, would you please be more careful to help us think about any way to get in? ”

"The easiest way is to storm. Use people to pile. Of course, the people here are probably not enough to pile into the city. So my suggestion is to mix special operations personnel with general troops, and then special operations personnel forcibly log in to the city wall area. Even if they can't control the city wall, at least they can win time for the people below to seal the throne of the Seal of God, which won't cause much casualties. The most terrible thing in Rock City is the outer wall. Just go in. ”


Upon hearing it, he asked in amazement: Haven't you met Isinger?

"Why did I meet Essinger?" The Oriental asked arrogantly.

"Don't you know that Isinger has three walls?"

"Three?" The Easterner apparently froze. Before he changed, he sat up from the rocking chair, and immediately went to the temporary tent to pull out the map, and then asked someone to show him the rough drawing of Isinger. After listening for a while, he said, "That's a big idea! I didn't expect such a city, I always thought that Isinger was just an exaggerated thickness and height of this outer wall! I didn't expect it to be so troublesome! Since Rock City is Ai A copy of Singh. That means the structure is the same, right? "

Yusina said: "We haven't been in Rock City yet, but the city is a copy of the system reward, and there should be no mistakes. Moreover, according to the spy response we sent to the interior of Frost, Isinger was far from what he thought. simple."

"Three walls are indeed not simple." The Oriental nodded admitting.

"It's not a problem with the city walls," Yusina said. "According to the spy report, Essinger exists in the underground city and has more than one floor. Our spies have entered at most three underground floors, and there seem to be many floors below. .But the utilization rate of Frost Guild is too high, and our player spies are not easy to mix in. Also, you should also see that there is a symmetrical inverted city on the top of Rock City, this city above and below this city Known as Mirror Twin Cities, they can support each other in battle, and their connection point has only one central geo-gathering tower in addition to the teleport. If we attack, the tele-form will definitely be shut down. I want to capture the poly-turret again It's probably not easy to climb to the top, so ...! "

"It's really difficult!"

"This is still a small problem." Gunshinto: "According to previous experience, Essinger has something that can instantly wipe out all enemies within a certain range. We do n’t know the specific range, but it certainly covers the whole city, and it also Automatically distinguish between the enemy and me. So if we really attack it, they will definitely start it once. Fortunately, that thing has either a cooldown time, the seal of the throne or special money, which ca n’t be used anyway. But this shows that we must at least occupy it. It is only possible for the city to completely control it twice, so it is best to divide the current army into three points, and use two copies for the first pass and keep the last one again. "

The Oriental nodded and said, "Isn't it really that stupid of you! That's the case. So that's it ...!"

It was more than an hour after the gun **** discussed with that guy before he started to dispatch tasks. Everyone received a very detailed mission statement, but there was a problem before the battle started. A red beam suddenly appeared in the heavy camp behind the army formation. The gun **** immediately called out when he saw the thing: "Hide away, that's the laser sight."

There is a flood of guns in the United States, and everyone knows the laser sight. Although the description of the gun **** is not accurate, the effect is still achieved. Players around the place begin to quickly direct the positions where the cars and horses shine, but the beam is constantly Follow these carriages and move. Suddenly, the clouds in the sky spread out a hollow, and a white light bounced straight down, hitting exactly where the beam hit.

"Lying down!"

With a bang, the white light bomb landed next to a carriage with a cannonball shell. The cannonball on the carriage was detonated instantly, and the shock wave directly lifted the surrounding carriages out. Before the chaos was over, the beam suddenly moved to the camp next to Gunshen, who quickly picked up the Oriental and jumped out. The white light bullets arrived later, and the camp was blown apart.

"Fuck, what is this? Action?" The Easterner complained as he rose from the ground.

Yusina explained: "This is the Babel Tower of the Frost Rose Alliance. According to the analysis of the data we have, its characteristics are similar to a space-based weapon, as if it can strike any target worldwide."

"This is too exaggerated, right?" The Oriental man spoke intensively in several places.

"In fact, this thing's role as a reconnaissance satellite is far greater than its attack power." Yusina said: "But the problem is that its arbitrary strike ability has too much influence on morale!"

"Don't worry. This thing can't hold a few cannons." The gun **** knows the situation of our guild very well, and he also knows that the characteristics of Babel Tower are unsustainable. Sure enough, the attack was over soon. The damage caused is actually small, but the impact on combat effectiveness is very serious, because most of the hits were heavy carriages, and all were ammunition carts.

Because he was worried about what tricks we would play, the gun **** simply calmed the army and started to order the attack. Of course, the tactical guidance of that army division has also been notified.

"Finally willing to move!" Zhen Hong, who was almost asleep on the top of Rock City, finally came to spirit.

The gold coins also rubbed their hands and said, "Look how I pack them this time."

I smiled wryly and shook my head. The two girls were really more violent than one. But I am also very concerned about the following news. It's just that my focus is a little different. I am more concerned about what methods American players will use to deal with the outer wall of Rock City. The 400-meter-high city wall is already a mountain, and the thickness of two kilometers guarantees that it will collapse in a small area at most even if it is hit by a forbidden spell. Such a city wall runs across the front. I don't know what method the gun **** will attack. ■ The car and the ladder cannot reach the top of the wall at all, and the gate of the broken dragon stone structure can not be opened by the rushing car. Do they intend to climb up?

Seeing the American players coming down like a tide, there are no strategic tactics at all. Do they really plan to use people to build a slope? Shake your head. Waving his own guess. I can only change now, no matter what the American players do. Anyway, I just need to see the tricks.

The messy army quickly entered the city range, but our side did not even fire. The shock effects of wasting rounds of artillery for these miscellaneous soldiers are a bit too wasteful, and they are not used yet. When the messy soldiers shouted and rushed to the foot of the city wall, they scared off the gun **** and Yusina.

The thing bounced out, and at the same time, a dazzling gleam was shining on the crystal.

Paw ... A terrible arc of lightning flashed from the crowd near these metal sticks, and those who were hit immediately turned into burning torches. High voltage can not only kill people, but also directly ignite the charred corpses.

After seeing the tragic situation of the first batch of troops sent to death, the God of Guns finally began to rejoice that he was not shot at me just now, otherwise he should be one of those charred corpses.

The killing of Dianzhu can only be described as horror. Even if it is such a crazy shock, no one can step over the thunder pool, and a large number of scorched bodies fall in front of Dianzhu. Speaking of which, this thing is actually very bad. Depending on the material, each electric **** column has its own level. When Dianzhu slaughters people below their level, the efficiency is probably not comparable to any other weapon, but for people who are higher than their level, Dianzhu is a complete display. But now all the soldiers are hitting. Dianzhu was almost on the side of a massacre, and a corpse mountain was piled up under the city wall shortly after.

Just under this chaotic city wall. Some special personnel suddenly moved carefully under their walls with their belongings. A player put the strangely shaped iron plate in his hand on the ground. Four people next to him immediately lifted a long tube and put it on the iron plate, and connected them. The player in the back sent a few more parts. , This thing was assembled quickly.

If you look closely, this thing looks like a mortar, but it certainly won't be a mortar. I saw a player move out of a strange-looking thing, this thing looks like a reduced bundled launch vehicle, the center part of which is also connected to a rope, the rope is placed on the ground, there is a large roll. The two players made some adjustments to this thing, and then dropped the shell into it. As soon as he lost his hand, the player immediately turned around and hugged his head and squatted, listening only to the empty sound of a beep on the back. The one with the rope cannonball flew straight to the top of the city wall. The rope on the ground was moving at a rapid rate. Pulled up.

At first, the shells were flying well, but the wall of more than 400 meters high was not easy after all, not to mention the rope was dragging behind the shells, and it would only fall when it reached halfway. However, when everyone thought that this thing could not come up, there was a long flame erupting behind the thing. The specially treated cables are not afraid of fire, and the cannonballs dragging the ropes rushed to the top of the wall with a lightning degree, and then suddenly exploded in the air, emitting a black rain.

"! Cluster bombs!" The gold coin could not help swearing.

Don't blame gold coins. The roped cannonball exploded, and even thrown a bunch of small things, gold coins are not a physical attack type occupation, of course, they will be afraid. However, the small black spots thrown by the shells did not explode on the ground, but a long series of impact sounds on the ground. When we settle down, this is a sub-bomb! All the cannonballs were thrown out of nails, and a rope head was connected behind each nail, which was finally aggregated together to form a large rope connected under the city wall.

I finally understand what this thing does. These are the rope hook guns with rocket range extension. The walls of Rock City are too high to be thrown with flying claws and the like. The only thing that can be considered is the rope shot with mechanical force. Americans are more experienced in this area, so they soon came up with special rockets that can fire rope hooks. As for those loose nails, it is completely for insurance. Even if a rope hook hangs something, once the other person pulls out the rope hook, the person who climbed to half must be killed. But this kind of bomb is different. Each rope head is connected with a nail, and each nail hits the ground again. If you want to break the rope, you have to cut the thickest main cable, or those nails. Cutting the rope off one by one is a tiring job.

"Oh, is the idea good for the Americans?" Zhen Hong looked at the rope from the side of the city wall, which was pulled like a ribbon. The entire front of Rock City was hit by ropes for thousands of days at almost the same time, and almost all of them were successfully hung. It's not easy to hang the rivets like these things, and it's not easy to hang them.

The players and players on our side were startled a little at first, but immediately after they reacted, they started desperately chopping the rope in front of them. These ropes are specially processed, and they are all very strong. Not only are they not afraid of fire, but they have to be cut for half a day before they can cut some of the rope ends, which has little effect on the main cable.

The following American players are now chopping the rope, and immediately start to climb up the rope proudly. The physical strength of the game is much better than reality. Even if the level is very low, it is much stronger than the real world power, so the rope climbing is not worth mentioning to players. Seeing that the white rope under the city head was full of players, I couldn't help thinking of the mouse who stole sesame oil ~ ~ I suddenly thought of the mouse again. Since this rope is not afraid of fire, players are always afraid of fire?

The archer first suppressed the enemies climbing up the rope with a long-range attack, and under my command, the city quickly sent a large amount of fire oil to each wall section.

The gold coin looked at me puzzled and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"You'll know right away." I carefully picked up the hot oil jar, and then slowly lowered the exit at the rope. I fell very slowly. The oil did not drip after it reached the rope, but began to flow down the rope.

An American player who had climbed more than half of his hands suddenly became greasy. He put his head up and smelled it. He immediately realized that it was bad, but it was too late. On the top of the city wall, I put a small fireball on the rope covered with kerosene, and the flame immediately burned along the kerosene on the rope.

The more than a thousand ropes that hit the top of the city wall became more than a thousand fire ropes. All the players hanging on them were burned down and no one dared to climb the ropes.

"Master, your strategy doesn't seem to work well?" Gun God said to the Eastern man in a bad tone.

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