Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 21: resistance

It ’s okay. If this trick does n’t work, I have other ways. The Easterner is no longer calm. Before that, his strategy has been very good. It just doesn't work out. He whispered something to his followers, and the man immediately ran out to get ready.

After ten minutes, there were some new things under our city walls. These things looked like a bed crossbow, but there were a lot of arrows on this crossbow. Each crossbow vehicle is loaded with more than thirty giant arrows, and is arranged vertically with a peacock opening the screen. The bottom crossbow is placed horizontally, with an arrow above the elevation of one degree, an elevation above the elevation of the arrow, and so on.

Of course I found these big guys easily on the wall, and soon realized their usefulness. "Tree of the city, do you see those strange crossbows under the city?"

The Eye of Hell between the Twin Towers in Rock City suddenly turned, and a beam of yellow light shone straight on one of the crossbow cars. "I've seen it."

"Give me all this stuff."


The front walls of the Rock City suddenly opened small holes one by one, and then only heard a bang, a row of steel **** with a diameter of one meter flew out. These things are launched by air pressure, with a maximum range of 300 meters and no minimum range. They are specifically used to attack targets that are too close to the city walls and cannot be fired by the weapon at the head. The landing points of these steel **** are very accurate. Almost every one hit a crossbow car. Except for one of the crossbow cars successfully launched, the rest of the crossbow car were all smashed. However, the only successful launch also made Gun God understand the path of this thing. The rising crossbow was sent out by a strong spring and inserted into the wall more than one meter deep, and the part left outside just formed a gradually upward spiral ladder, and it was just right to climb on these arrows. It ’s just that the walls of Rock City are too high, and a row of crossbow arrows is far from the top of the city wall. They must hit dozens of rows in order to reach the top, but the problem is that they did not succeed in one launch, let alone the second and third. Already.

"Get ready for the second beat." The military division ordered.

"Slow." The God of Gun stopped his order. "You still have another way! This row of things only nailed me a few nails, and the loss was too great. Think of another way!"

"Then have to dispatch the Air Force!" The military officer said, gritting his teeth. This time it wasn't just the gun god, even Yusina stared at him. He asked in wonder, "What are you all watching me do?"

Yusina turned her head and asked the God of Guns, "Where did you find this living treasure?"

"What do you mean?" The Oriental asked angrily.

The Gun God ignored him, but just said to Yusina: "He used to be the chief military consultant of Chinatown. The results have been good. I didn't expect ..."

The Easterner was still anxiously asking, "What do you mean?"

"I mean you're a big idiot!" A girl beside Usina finally couldn't help it. "Are you here to help us come up with an idea or to make trouble? With the air force? You think of it. Don't you know how Frost has grown up?" The military officer shook his head, and the girl scolded fiercely: “Do n’t know, do n’t swell your face and pose as a pig ’s head. Frost Rose League ’s housekeeping skills are absolute air domination. No guild can clamor with air for any air domination. Even we dare not say so. Our flying World of Warcraft can only be regarded as A piston aircraft, but Frost has a spear. It is a jet-flying creature. As long as it is launched, they will have an absolute overwhelming advantage. Therefore, we will never go to Frost to fight the air force unless we have to, because that is definitely hopeless. Fight. Do you understand now? "

"That's the case, it seems that they really underestimated their guild before." The Oriental came to the **** of guns and said, "You don't have to worry, although my think tank is not a fighting genius. But my ingenuity is absolutely unmatched. Before It was too small to investigate this guild without doing any investigation. Now I will study the information of their guild and immediately prepare the attack plan. You first let the troops reduce the attack intensity, but do n’t stop, you must keep the oppression war .We need to consume their energy first. "

"Then don't need it." Yusina said: "It seems that the people in Frostland never sleep, I don't know how they do this, but I can be sure that Ziri and Rose can often last for two or three consecutive days. Online, this is a common thing, so do n’t expect to use this method to drag across their command system. That will only make us sacrifice more people. We have so much information for you is not a display, please trouble after you read it good or not?"

"Then stop first. I'll go through the information."

In fact, the intelligence of this think tank is very high, but he has a rather fatal serious flaw, that is, the pride of this boy has completely covered his light of wisdom. In such a big battle, he can be so proud that he can level the other side without looking at the other party's information. Although some legendary generals can indeed win the war without knowing each other, most of them rely on experience or luck, and not everyone can have such good shit.

Because of a problem with the military plan, Gun God had to withdraw the army back. The blow to morale between this advance and retreat is terrible. Fortunately, Gunslinger said that this is a tentative attack, so most players have not responded much to this.

Our city is even simpler, and the walls are almost unharmed. The range of American artillery is not as good as ours. Besides, our artillery is on the top of the city wall, which is a big advantage. Therefore, the Americans did not prepare any artillery or anything. As for the ground offensive force, it seems that no one has jumped over the electric **** column, leaving only a corpse wall made of barbecue.

The battle on both sides was so miraculously silent for two hours. When the think tank returned to the headquarters again, the army **** almost jumped. "You finished watching?"

The think-tank nodded: "The strength of the Frost Rose Alliance is indeed very terrible. Previously, because our plan did not take into account some of the characteristics of Frost, this time there will be no problems

Already. You will be like this for a while ... "

After sending out the order again, the gun **** began to order the siege again. A cavalry team consisting of more than 100,000 people appeared at the front of the team.

Zhenhong stood beside me for a moment. "Cavalry? What are they thinking? Do they intend to use the cavalry to knock down the city walls? The walls of Rock City are two kilometers thick! Is the opponent's commander an idiot or a neurosis?"

"No, very clever strategy," I reminded, "watch the mounts of the knights."

Zhenhong picked up the telescope and looked at the mounts. "Ghostly Beast? Isn't that something rare?"

"But we are fighting more than half of the United States. How many heads do you think players from all over the United States can gather?"

"It's not strange to say so." Zhenhong nodded. "I think I understand the other party's strategic intent. Dead souls ignore gravity and can run up as long as they are flat, which means these guys can run along the wall Climb up directly. If they occupy a short section of the wall and throw the rope down, they can indeed get enough time for the follow-up troops to climb up the wall. "

"But it's impossible." Gold Coin said: "If it's just a fixed breakthrough. There are also a lot of masters, and we can easily throw all of them together."

"Their goal is not that simple." I said to them both: "Watch out for those guys."

"Want to bring a mage into the city? Is it useful?"

"Pay attention to those mage badges." I reluctantly reminded again.

"Specialization in the wind? Isn't it your intention to wash us all down the walls?" The gold coin answered a silly answer.

It was so red that I understood it. "They went to the city gate."

This red coin has also been reflected. "I see. First bring the wind mage up with a knight who can climb the wall, and then they will use anti-gravity to raise that gate, so that the gate is fully opened."


"They won't succeed." Zhenhong said.

I shook my head: "It's really possible to let them rush in." I pointed to the distance: "Look what else is around the knights."

"Isn't that the special crossbow car just now? It seems that there is that kind of line gun, etc. There are other things, but I don't know what it is."

"I'll know when they unfold, it won't be a good thing anyway." I patted Red Road: "You two are in charge of one side of the city wall. I'll go to the gate."

"Okay." The two nodded and ran to both sides immediately. In fact, letting them guard the sides of the gate is nothing more than to stabilize the army. Rock City is a replica of Isinger. Even the half of the city wall is more than ten kilometers long. If you stand alone, you can't see the head on either side. Not to mention the defense, the guards are not fully taken care of.

I ran over the broken dragon stone in the center of the city wall, and here is the gate. The broken dragon stone is now laid down and connected to the city wall as a whole. You can't see any difference. If the city gates are usually open, it should be much higher than the city walls on both sides.

As soon as I arrived here, the American player on the opposite side had already launched the charge, but the charge method was a bit strange. The first to move were not the special knights with wind mage, but the miscellaneous soldiers before, and the team was deliberately scattered. Forming a sparse array of skirmishers, which can greatly reduce the damage to them from artillery fire.

Millions of miscellaneous soldiers sent to death screamed and rushed to the city wall. These are hired miscellaneous soldiers, which are worthless at all, and killing dozens of them is not enough for my shells. What's more, they are so sparsely arranged that one shell may not be able to bring down a few people. But soon I realized it was bad. When these people first rushed under the Electric God's Pillar, they were slaughtered as before. But all of a sudden, a guy jumped out of the crowd and slashed to the **** of electricity. When a metal impact sounded, the electric **** column was directly cut off, and then collapsed, but the guy was already electrofocused while jumping.

Masters are mixed in the miscellaneous soldiers. I instantly understood the current situation. But it doesn't make much sense to react to this kind of thing. If you fire the gun, you do n’t know where you want to go, and it ’s meaningless to blast. In just ten minutes, all of our first electricity gods' lines of defense were brought down, but the people involved in the attack also failed, and they were all killed. The setting of Dianzhu will give priority to attacking those who actively attack it, so no one can escape the attack.

After setting up the electricity **** column, the miscellaneous soldiers finally rushed under the city wall, but they immediately felt depressed that even if they reached the city wall, it was not equal to victory, because they could not climb up the wall. But if they don't come up, it doesn't mean that I intend to let them go. At the bottom of the city wall, a row of thick finger holes suddenly opened at a height of two meters from the ground, and a thin tube of ground protruded from the inside. Then all the nozzles blew a flame of fifty meters long at the same time . The people below were immediately screaming.

At the beginning, Isinger was scared by Warcraft when he was building the city. Later, we summed up the last experience and added a lot of small things. Although it was not very powerful when seen alone, it suddenly achieved unexpected results. The most important thing is that these small designs are not difficult things. They are cheap to install and do not affect the defense effect of the original equipment.

The fired crowd screamed and fell, but others rushed back, but they just continued to add some meat to this barbecue event.

Rear of the position. The special cavalry finally moved. Following them were more strange equipment and some messy cavalry, it seemed that the **** of guns had grounded the cavalry. Although these air cavalry feared our air force, they did not dare to take off. But after all, they will be enclaves, and they can climb up the walls to serve as vanguards. Now, these people have been mixed into the special brigade, intended to be used for the battle of the city wall.

Although the units of these cavalry units are very promising, I am more concerned about those behind the command of the gun god

thing. Although the world of "Zero" is only a game world, all other places are humans in reality. Americans are well-equipped in reality. In the game, they will naturally have inertial thinking and will actively engage in weapons research. We and the Germans have very good research results in magic, and the Russians and Japanese also have similar technologies. Is there such a thing in the United States that there is no reason?

The God of Guns couldn't help it anymore, and the canvases on some of the carriages hidden in the army behind the team were lifted. From there, a large number of rectangular mechanical parts are revealed. The all-American coalition organized by Gunslinger has almost as many heavy troops as the regular army in front. The supply in the game is not very important. Taking so much weight can only show that there are many combat equipment in it. Sure enough, immediately after opening the canvas, a player directed a few giant pets to start organizing those things, and soon. I saw a dozen cannons.

The easiest way to increase the range of the cannon is to increase its volume. Influenced by gravity and material strength in reality. Cannons cannot be made too large. There are anti-gravity magic arrays and solid magics in the game, which can increase the strength of the materials by a factor of two, so you can easily make the cannons very large. Of course, it's not easy to get big guys, at least not everyone can do it. The Japanese have built a door before, and it can be used up a few times. The guild trials are still available, but there are no targets worth hitting. And those cannons are mounted on the walls, I ca n’t help others without attacking the city!

Gunslinger's strength is that they have activated the artillery. This thing in our guild can only be mounted on a fixed object and cannot be moved randomly. They can actually take this thing apart and run, which is really good technology.

That thing was quickly installed, but I was not in the mood to target them. "Tree of the city, bombed those things with Babelta."

The sky soon fell a red line on a giant cannon, and a white light mass arrived later. But when the white light group was only a few meters from the top of the cannon, it suddenly hit an invisible wall. The red light flashed and the light bomb exploded in midair. Although the flame was isolated, it spread along the invisible wall The flame also marked the appearance of this shield. This is a dome-like protective cover, without any energy fluctuations, and no light refraction. If the flames were tossing along the surface of the protective cover, it would not be visible.

The energy beam cannot destroy the shield, so change it. "Tree of the city, fire arrows."

The inner city of Rock City suddenly flew out three magic cruise missiles with long tail flames. The City Tree's intelligence is much better than expected. He also knew that the missile may not hit the protective cover, so it only fired. Three experiments to see the effect.

Although the missiles dragging long flames stung the people below, the effect of them hitting the shield made me sting. Those shields were completely unresponsive, no cracks and no flashes. I couldn't tell whether they were crumbling or didn't care about the attack just now. Anyway, the attack was invalid.

"Full protective cover?" I sighed to myself. "Tree of the city. Push out our heavy artillery. I'm going to see if the shield is really invincible."

The top of the outer wall of Rock City suddenly shook, and then opened a dozen huge caves. Rock City's weapon systems are basically built-in, but such a large exit has rarely been seen. The most prominent thing in the huge cave entrance is a huge cave entrance. With the sound of a huge metal impact, a gentle and powerful sound of mechanical operation gradually sounded in the cave, and the large iron pipe in the center actually started to rise. A dozen seconds later, the metal cylinder, which stood like a smoke ■, rose completely from the top of the wall. At the same time, the huge mechanical mechanism connected to the lower part also rose up.

The turret rising to the top stopped with a click. Inside the invisible wall, thirty-six metal columns with a diameter of ten meters were inserted into the corresponding holes below the turret to completely fix the turret. Several military brackets on the upper part of the turret rose up, clamped the smoke-like barrel lightly, and then began to level the barrel slowly in the sound of a mechanical movement.

The tail of this super cannon has a magazine like a revolver. This is something that was borrowed from the structure of a special gun used on a battleship to launch a puppet for assault. The large artillery shells are very heavy and loading will be slow, but it is much simpler to have something like a revolver magazine. Firstly, six rounds of ammunition can be loaded in advance, and secondly, when one shell is in the firing position, in fact, the remaining five positions can be loaded at the same time, so that a relatively sustained firepower can be formed.

After tapping in place, a row of yellow crystal **** popped out around the gun base ~ ~ These crystal **** regularly flashed yellow light, and at the same time a pre-recorded prompt sounded under the gun rack: Plus ■ is in place, please all the people back out of the yellow line, as far as possible from the vicinity of the gun, pay attention to protect the eardrum. Countdown before launch, three, two, one, reflection. "

boom. Dozens of guns made a unified sound, all of which were operated by the city tree, so the firing time was naturally very accurate. Almost at the same time as the shelling, all players near the cannon were shaken down. These cannons with a diameter of more than three meters are definitely a miracle. Even with the strength of our guild, only a dozen or so are installed on the outer wall of Isinger. The side of Rock City is completely copied. It saved us a lot of money.

Although costly and complicated to maintain, compared to their power, those can be ignored. In the opposite position, Gunslinger was proud that his shield system had successfully blocked two attacks, and suddenly there was a dozen more pits on his position, and six super artillery were reimbursed. The cannons in our guild are powerful, but there is no point in hitting this far, and hitting six in the first round is already a component of luck. According to my calculations, it would be good to be able to knock down two goals. I didn't expect to hit six rounds.

"Okay, it's beautiful." The players with telescopes around me shouted excitedly.

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