Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 103 The face, [soul doll], a lunatic who is incompatible with Phantom Troupe

"Is there not much liquid for treatment?"

Hearing this, Feitan could only be a little disappointed in his heart, and erased all the extreme operations that he thought of in his mind one by one.

However, while he was disappointed, he was also somewhat relieved.

That's right, with such a powerful effect, how can this kind of props have no restrictions?

It seems that in the future, it is necessary not to use this kind of props as much as possible, and it is the correct way to use it for teammates at the critical moment.

Thinking of this, Feitan squinted at the Phinks lying on the ground in a large font on the beach.

Can't help but put two feet on this simple and long leg.

This idiot knows to cause trouble.

It's better to die if you waste such important things.

At this moment, even in Feitan's heart, the effect of the healing liquid has surpassed the brainlessness that he feels to match his appetite~~

Of course, he would not let Phinks just leave it alone.

Anyway, it was a life saved.

After throwing Phinks on a reef at random, he chose a random place to sit down and looked at Shalnark and Kubei.

Well, Feitan acted together with Phinks, and he didn't have any impression of the newly joined Shalnark and Kubei.



The three of them greeted very weirdly, and then stared at them.

At present, counting the arrival of Feitan and Phinks, there are already seven members present.

Three new members and four old members.

Six members have yet to come.

Those who did not arrive, in addition to Machi, Uvogin, Nobunaga and Franklin, there are two new members who did not show up.

However, it's coming soon.

Mo Lin didn't walk back to Pakunoda's side, but looked in a certain direction.


Others also gradually noticed Mo Lin's unusual behavior.

Although I don't know why, several people showed their breath at the same time and looked at the direction Mo Lin was looking at.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone, a slender figure slowly appeared at the 913 horizontal line.

And hurried over here at a very fast speed.

"Unexpectedly, I was discovered so soon~"

The sound comes first before the person arrives.

The voice is low and full of magnetism, just like a polite man greeting kindly.

And when that figure appeared in front of everyone, it was just as its voice revealed.

The man here is a gentleman who looks like a European aristocrat, but his face is much more feminine and thin.

His face and skin were pale, as if he had been living in a sunless environment, like a vampire.

His characteristic is a ring on his left lip, a spider tattoo on the palm of his right hand, and a large "4" number on it is clearly visible.

With a bandage on his left hand, he has long silver-gray hair that is not inferior to Kate. He is dressed in white-trimmed clothes with a black hem. He is a lanky man.

His own breath seemed a little gloomy, and the atmosphere in the entire court seemed to have dropped a few times after his arrival.

Both Feitan and Pakunoda noticed the spider tattoo and number on the person's hand, and they also knew that this was a new member they had never met.

The two of them looked at Chrollo, who was there again to read the book.

"This is our No. 4 member, the puppeteer, the face.

Chrollo raised his eyelids slightly and gave the answer.

In this way, Feitan and Pakunoda light their foreheads, although they are no longer defensive and repulsive in their actions.

But the vigilance in the eyes from time to time also shows that they are not at ease with this guy.

Without him, this guy called Mianying, his temperament is a bit too weird.

Although the other members of the brigade are relatively cold-blooded and have the kind of pretentiousness that doesn't care about any rules in the world.

But the temperaments of several people are still normal, and they are more compatible.

And this face feels like a neuropathy, it seems to be faintly (dafg) sick and crazy, which makes people very concerned.

Pakunoda and they don't mind that the new members who join are very eccentric.

But if it is the kind that might pull other teammates and teammates, and even the entire brigade, into a situation where it is impossible to recover because of their extremes, then let's talk about it~~~

Not only Feitan and Pakunoda, but Mo Lin is also observing the newly arrived No. 4.

"Face? The lunatic who looks very sane but actually very sick

Since just now, Mo Lin has noticed that someone is hiding in a relatively far place, observing the situation here.

Both Killua and Gon were on the initial grassland of the island of greedy, and they could not see the side at a glance, and they could detect the peeping of other players from a long distance.

So for Mo Lin, this perception is naturally nothing.

Face Shadow is the fourth member of Phantom Troupe before Hisoka, the character who appeared in the theater version of "Crimson Phantom".

The purpose of the face to join Phantom Troupe is not to agree with Chrollo's philosophy like others, but to have different ideas.

Later, Xisu, who also had ulterior motives, challenged the face in order to fight Chrollo.

Just as the purpose of the face shadow had been achieved, he used a puppet instead of him to feign death in Hisoka's hands to escape.

The face automatically withdrew, finally allowing Hisoka to successfully take his place.

Face Shadow is a puppeteer. He joined the brigade to collect dolls from the members and leave after achieving the goal.

He calls himself [God Puppet Master], and Nen is also involved in making puppets.

He collects dolls from brigade members. It's very simple. He wants to make powerful dolls to enhance his strength and so on. This is the standard purpose of villains.

The face doesn't care about the existence of Phantom Troupe, and never considers himself a member of Phantom Troupe.

Although they all come from Meteor Street, they are like people from two worlds, they are incompatible.

"I remember this guy's ability is also a trait system, it seems to be called [Soul Puppet]."

Mo Lin recalled information about facial shadows in his mind:

"The effect of this ability is that a doll made by a person can have the same appearance and characteristics of that person, and even add memory. Although the strength has only a small part of the body, it can be used with Nen and have the same Attack method and combat experience."

"And above this main ability, there are two extended abilities, [Soul Call] and [Puppet Catcher].

Nen can expand and extend some branch capabilities based on the main capabilities developed.

For example, the ability of Kurapika, one of the protagonists, is Manipulator's [Chain of Contract].

But each chain corresponding to the finger has a different branching ability.

They stand for [Tracking], [Trial], [Treatment] and so on.

Even Kuroru will develop the [Bookmark Chapter] based on the ability of [Thief's Intention], so that you can free your hands from the book of thieves and use Nen.

These two branch abilities of the face also strengthen the power of [Soul Doll].

[Soul Call], that is, use a doll to capture the eyes of others.

The eyes of the original dolls are holes, but you can snatch the eyes of others by looking at them at close range.

After the doll faces others and captures the eyes of others, the doll becomes a doll with a soul, which is much better than a doll without eyes.

And if the doll takes away the eyes of the body, then the strength will undoubtedly be more perfect.

However, if the doll is defeated, the eyes will return to the owner.

Another ability [Puppet Catcher] is to allow the doll to be attached to oneself, then the capable person can use the abilities of the doll, including Nen.

This ability seems very powerful, and only puppets and eyes are limited, which seems to be at no cost.

Even if the puppet does not have eyes, he can still use Nen and attach it to himself so that he can use his abilities!

It seems that this unrestricted ability is even more powerful than Chrollo's [Thief's Desire].


In order to cultivate this ability, Mian Ying also paid his most precious things.

There is a very important point. Like in some places, the face shadow guy has a perverted love and selfish desire to control his younger siblings.

The face happened to have a younger sister, Leizi, who was very sensible and likable.

This has also led to the fact that the face is an extreme heavy sister control~

He practiced this doll, Nen, on the one hand, he is better at making dolls, starting from his own situation.

On the other hand, it was for his sister Leizi.

In order to be able to obtain this cute and cute sister forever, Mian Ying wanted to let her sister have the ability to live forever like a doll according to his own ideas.

Thus using his sister Leizi as the price of practicing Nen.

It is equivalent to the fact that Mian Ying has acquired such a powerful ability after blood sacrifice to his sickly loving sister.

So later, the ability training was successful, and his sister passed away.

But under the madness, his face was both painful and ecstatic, and two completely different emotions appeared on him at the same time.

The pain is because of the death of his younger sister, and the ecstasy is that after the ability to cultivate successfully, he can let his younger sister live in this world again in another posture!!

The first figure made by the face using the power of [Soul Puppet] is his sister Leizi.

The created doll has the same appearance and characteristics as the body, and can also be added to memory.

After the face made Leizi's doll, Leizi's original memory was added.

In this way, Leizi, the doll that has awakened from the memory, looks no different from the past!!

Even in the face of the face, it was even more perfect.

Because the original Leizi was trained to death by him, and there is no bones left.

The created doll Leizi has no eyes. If you want to go out and see the outside world, you need facial eyes.

Of course, it is not impossible to put other people's eyes.

But under the extremely selfish love of the face, he did not allow others to defile his dearest sister, even just his eyes.

Therefore, through the eyes, the face can better control Lei Zi, and Lei Zi also realizes the existence of eternal life by retaining the memory as a doll.

This is simply the best result in the eyes of the mentally perverted face.

However, it is a pity that the doll is only a doll after all, and the real Leizi has already been killed by his own hands.

And later, more and more paranoid faces in order to get more powerful dolls.

He digs through the graves of the dead Uvogin and Pakunoda to collect eyes, and snatches the eyes of Kurapika and Gon.

The decent villain, he was provoked to death, and finally provoked both groups of people.

In the end, he was defeated by Gon, Kurapika, Killua and Leorio, and the created doll was also defeated by the members of Phantom Troupe.

Later, he was also unable to accept that he existed in this form, and realized that his brother had been so crazy that Lei Zi could not turn his head, reluctantly used a dagger to give a righteous backstab of a kidney attack.

In the end, the dying face and the doll Leizi disappeared into the raging fire together with the mansion.

It is God that if he let it perish, he must make it crazy first.

This is a lunatic who is incompatible with Phantom Troupe.

Mo Lin lost interest in him just after seeing the face shadow twice.

The face shadow, after what happened just now, is very interested in Mo Lin!

[Excuse me, how to insert the picture, I just have some permanent photos of Machi and Pakunoda in my hand].

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