Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 104 Machi, long time no see! MachiX Mo Linx Pakunoda's three-person field, the purpose

The face shadow looked at Mo Lin from the corner of the eye.

He pressed the corner of his mouth lightly, and the ring on his left lip shook along with it.

"I thought Chrollo was strong enough, but I didn't expect that there are even more powerful characters in this Phantom Troupe!!"

Emotions gradually rippled in his heart: "Not only is his physical strength extremely excellent, but also the [talent] and [Nen] are exceptionally outstanding!!

"This is the doll I need most!!!"

The corners of the mouth unconsciously formed an arc, and there was an unstoppable fiery inside.

"It seems that joining Phantom Troupe is really the most correct choice."

The shadow looked around at the surrounding members: "You have to find a way to make other people's dolls."

"Even if it is difficult for other people to make it, you must make this deputy leader~ doll!!"

"With his doll, after attaching it to myself, he can use his [Nen] and [Talents]. By that time, with these magical props, I will be much stronger than I am now. !! -"

Her face licked her lips indistinctly, suppressing the impulse and desire in her heart.

Now is not the right time, there are many opportunities in the future.

The arrival of the facial shadow did not arouse any other attention.

He didn't want to communicate with other people, and other people didn't want to come forward to talk to him actively, his arrival seemed very ordinary.

It is not clear that Mo Lin, whose face has been staring at him, is sitting with Pakunoda and continuing the topic that was not finished just now.

The two posted closer, at least during the chat, Mo Lin could feel the unique fragrance of the woman on Pakunoda.

I just don't know if it is her own body fragrance or something else.

When Pakunoda spoke, Mo Lin also understood what it means to breathe in the air.

Einstein has a famous example of relativity, namely:

Staying alone by the fire for five minutes, you will feel as difficult as an hour, but if you have a beautiful woman to accompany you, then after one hour, you only feel that only five minutes have passed.

Mo Lin probably has this experience now.

The other members of the brigade turned a blind eye to the relationship between Mo Lin and Pakunoda.

In other words, there is nothing to care about at all.

In their eyes, Mo Lin and Pakunoda had traveled and practiced together before, and it is reasonable to have such a relationship.

Members who have no thoughts or thoughts about love at all, or even don’t know what these are, don’t care about these rather intimate little moves between Mo Lin and Pakunoda.

Except Shalnark.

This veteran who has been in the tens of thousands of flowers with no leaves, looked at Mo Lin and Pakunoda.

Rubbing his chin, his eyes gradually changed, and a smile of "knowledge" appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Time passed, and soon, two more figures came to the scene.

Big brother Franklin, there is a strange guy with bandages all over his body and red boxing gloves on his hands.

Today's Franklin earlobes are more elongated, and the scars on his face are even more hideous.

It can be seen that he has been tempering himself in the past three years.

More importantly, there were cut marks on the fingers of Franklin's hands.

This is Nen, [two-handed machine gun] he built.

Franklin has transformed his two hands into muzzles and fired blocky bullets from ten fingers to attack the enemy.

Of course, it is possible to launch the bullets without deliberately modifying the fingers, but he thinks that "this seems to be more powerful", so he cut off the fingers.

It is a kind of restriction and oath.

The cutting of the fingers is transformed into the muzzle of the gun, so that the destructive power of the bullet is greatly increased, and more effective bullets can be launched indefinitely.

This big brother not only has a calm personality, but he can also be cruel to himself.

The fingers are modified to cut and wrap the chain to make it easier to fall off.

Ordinary people can't imagine the pain suffered during this.

But in order to strengthen his own strength, Franklin did so resolutely.

Coming with him was a new member with the number "10" on his back, named Follow Lev.

He is a member of the regiment tied up with a bandage, also known as a mummy, a descendant of the Pyotundu ethnic minority who was expelled from his original place for development.

The body in the bandage has many wind holes of different sizes, which were formed by piercing the body with wooden thorns when they were young.

This also makes the air flow through the wind cave when the body is beating, making different sounds.

They call themselves the most beautiful fighting clan, but they look scary.

In the fight with the ant king's men, the bandages all over his body were unwrapped to reveal his body, his hands were wearing boxing gloves, and his punches attacked with the rhythm of music.

Nen, who peeled off Lev, is Manipulator's [Combat Performing Martial Arts].

Able to dance and play different music with the body, thus launching different attacks.

The musical tricks I have seen so far include "overture", that is, when used, the costumes and weapons of the race will be manifested. The speed is very fast, and the weapon is used to attack the enemy.

[Jupiter of Combat Dance Music] is to manifest Jupiter, a giant sphere that envelops itself, and smash the enemy at the same speed as the speed of sound.

It can be said that it is also a very powerful ability, which was paid for by the tortured body from childhood.

After the two arrived, the atmosphere became more relaxed.

After greeting a few of the original old members, Franklin introduced Lev to everyone one after another.

As the big brother, he has always taken good care of the new members.

Later, he and Lev Lev expressed their gratitude specifically to Mo Lin.

One of them is a Transmuter and a Manipulator, and they have obtained the practice experience shared by Mo Lin to practice the mind, which makes the strength development fast.

This is considered to be a gift to them, and they all remember it in their hearts.

In this way, Phantom Troupe's first collection was only three people away, that is, Uvogin and their trio.

In this regard, Mo Lin still has some doubts:

"It stands to reason that Uvogin is the person with the most stringent requirements on time in the most brigade group. It has always been the first to arrive first. Even if something is delayed, it will never be the last to come."

"Hahahaha, it's not too late at last!!"

On the beach reef, a hearty laugh suddenly came from a distance.

From this laughter, you can hear the fullness of the air and the huge lung capacity of the person making the sound.

"That fool~"

Feitan pulled out his ears, "The energy is still as vigorous and energetic as ever."

No need to meet, just listen to the voice Feitan knows who is here.

The loudness of the sound and the wide spread of the sound also awakened Phinks who had fallen asleep on the ground and opened his eyes leisurely.

"What's wrong?"

After opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was far away, and three people rushed toward this side quickly.

The one walking in the front is naturally Uvogin, who has wild muscles and a face full of excitement.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, Mo Lin, Chrollo, Parker, Feitan, Franklin!!!"

A long way away, Uvogin greeted him there.

"Idiot, call the leader and deputy leader!!"

Behind Uvogin, Nobunaga's complaints came.

Machi followed behind them without saying a word.

But after seeing Mo Lin, his eyes lit up slightly.

But immediately after seeing Parker who became more beautiful beside Mo Lin, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After a few gleams of her eyes flashed, her complexion became calm again.

The three of them came together, seeming quite aloof along the way.

""Why is it so slow~

Seeing the three arrived as expected, a smile appeared on Mo Lin's face.

Stepping forward, he stretched out his fist at Uvogin.

"I ran into a little trouble on the road, and it was slightly delayed."

Uvogin also grinned, stretched out his big fist, and touched Mo Lin.

"It feels like you have become stronger again, Mo Lin!!'

"Aren't you too?"

Mo Lin also quickly scanned the three of them, they are in good condition at the moment.

"In the Sky Arena, I'm afraid I also got a lot of experience, right?"

The breath of the three Uvogins is also deep, but they seem to have just experienced a battle.

There is a lot of aftermath of battle in the whole body of the three people.

It was as if someone was chasing them and getting rid of them.

Did they come here from the Sky Arena?

Looking back, you can see what happened over there.

Mo Lin thought so.

"It's not thanks to the directions you gave us, and the tips that Parker sent us over."

When it comes to this, Uvogin is even more happy.

"Thank you, Mo Lin, that's not right, deputy head!!"

"Between us, do you need to say more thank you?"

Mo Lin slapped Uvogin's thick arm muscles and turned to look at Machi behind him and Nobunaga.


He learned Shalnark's way and said hello.

"Long time no see, Machi~"

Mo Lin's face, which gradually grew and became more handsome as he got older, smiled at this moment. If those little girls had seen it, the deer would have turned red from a random collision.

"You have become better than before~"

Mo Lin continued to smile, but he was relieved.

He almost told Machi what he said to Pakunoda before.

Although these words are useful to praise girls, Pakunoda must be watching from behind.

In front of a woman, praise another woman with words that have praised her

What kind of fairy is this to be able to do such an operation?!!

However, although there is nothing wrong with what Mo Lin said in a hurried turn, Machi just glanced at him calmly, with some unexplained gazes in his eyes~

After nodding in a perfunctory manner, he stopped paying attention to him.


Mo Lin couldn't touch his head now, and he didn't know where he had offended her as soon as the other party came.

But soon, relying on nuanced observation, Mo Lin found that Machi's gaze was looking at Pakunoda if nothing.

Pakunoda also put his hands on his chest and looked at Machi with a smile on his face.

His arms seemed to inadvertently lifted his stalwart place, and there was a wave of rough waves.

On the other hand, Machi lowered his head and looked at himself subconsciously, his eyelids jumped involuntarily, and he was even more reluctant to pay attention to Mo Lin.

Well, even during this period of time, she was well-nourished and developed well, but she still couldn't match the scale of Pakunoda.

This may also be a natural gift for physical development. In Meteor Street, Pakunoda has already begun to show its scale, and it is more than a little bit stronger than Machi.


Mo Lin also understands what's going on.

After thinking about it, I found that I had no good idea.

Now that he said too much, he left this place quietly.

Being caught in the middle of two women and facing two very powerful women, this is not so easy to deal with.

What's more, Mo Lin really couldn't help much with Machi.

Among his props, basically nothing has an effect on this aspect.

After all, Doraemon is a children's comic, not an Aiqu comic.

The arrival of Uvogin also signaled the completion of the assembly of all members of Phantom Troupe.

Chrollo waited for a while.

After Uvogin greeted Feitan, Franklin and the others, they touched their shoulders with Phinks again to see who had more power.

"Okay, everyone."

Chrollo stood up from the rock and patted his hands lightly.

The scene fell silent all at once, and everyone looked at Chrollo.

Looking at so many of his own members around him, Phantom Troupe has officially gathered the number of people and reached the spider's specifications.

Chrollo also raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and slowly closed his eyes.

"It's been a long time.

At this point, the Phantom Troupe personnel have been gathered, and the members are as follows:

Leader: Chrollo [Number 0], Deputy Leader: Mo Lin [Number 1].

Members: Feitan [No. 2], Machi [No. 3], Face Shadow [No. 4], Phinks [No. 5], Shalnark 6 [No.], Franklin [No. 7], Nobunaga [No. 8], Pakunoda [No. 9], Peel Lev [No. 10], Uvogin [No. 11], Kubei [No. 12].

This is the full scale of the original Phantom Troupe!!

Among them, there are 8 initial members and 5 subsequent members.

"It's rare that I haven't seen it in three years. At the first gathering so far, everyone has grown a lot."

Chrollo smiled and whispered, "I won't say more about the extra words, so this time the purpose of bringing you together~"

His expression gradually calmed down, "One of them is for someone who came from our Meteor Street.

.. door.

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