Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 105 The wronged tramp in Meteor Street, seven beautiful treasures! Compete with your wrists!

In 1990, ten years before the official plot began, that is, this year.

There was a murder in a certain country.

After investigations by local organizations, a vagrant without an identity card was suspected of committing a murder and arrested him.

After checking his identity, the homeless person has no nationality and no proof of social existence.

He himself claims to be a resident of Meteor Street, which, in the eyes of the outside world, has been a waste landfill since 1500 years ago.

Discarding anything here will also be allowed and accepted.

According to official records, this is a no-man’s land, so even if the baby is abandoned here, there is no need to register the national number and physical data.

No one knows how the residents live or what education they receive.

Therefore, that country forcibly prosecuted the lone vagrant who denied the charge and had no background and was despised, thinking that even if he died, no one would stand up and shout for him.

The so-called fair and impartial organizations such as the court and the procuratorate convicted him without giving him a chance to explain.

It wasn't until this incident happened three years later that the drug abuser was arrested, and the remaining crimes were exposed.

This proves that the tramp is innocent.

Immediately after this incident, police officers, magistrates, prosecutors, eyewitnesses, "September 13" jurors, lawyers, and 31 people involved in the injustice of the homeless were all killed.

Regarding the method of killing, it is said that they carried switch-type bombs and died with each other, which is no different from suicide.

According to witness descriptions, after they smiled and shook hands with each other, the bomb exploded.

31 people in different places were killed at the same time.

Of course, these are all things to follow.

"One of the reasons why we gathered this time is this thing."

After telling the cause and effect of the matter, Chrollo also said one of the reasons for the rally.

"It turns out that it's because people from Meteor Street can get an unfair trial outside?"

Uvogin casually grabbed the small beard of his chin, "But although the tramp was born in our Meteor Street, he is not relatives to us, right?

"We don't seem to have any reason to really do something for him, not to mention whether he is really guilty or innocent, we are not sure."

"If he really committed a crime, being caught and sentenced by someone else would be his own answer."

Others also agree with Uvogin.

In Meteor Street, they are constantly fighting with other people. There is no reason to stand on the same front as soon as they go outside.

This is also inconsistent with the belief that their brigade was originally established.

They are thieves, and they are not the so-called righteous chivalry and justices who help others to deal with justice.

"I know~"

Chrollo said flatly: "In fact, our main purpose was not this. The reason for mentioning this is because the trial happened at the destination of this main operation, which is called the King Capital of the Kingdom of Moses."

"And the royal family of the Kingdom of Moses Biya has an extremely precious treasure, and that is my main goal.

Speaking of which, Chrollo looked at Mo Lin and Uvogin:

"The tramp who was arrested was the first person who ran over to inform us when Uvogin, you and Nobunaga were arrested by the elders."

"Is that so?

Uvogin just realized, then nodded:

"Then I know. When I go to the capital of the Biya Kingdom, I will take a look at the person's situation. If he is really wronged, I will rescue him.

Uvogin said casually.

"Me too~"

Nobunaga also nodded slightly.

When they were about to lose their lives in Meteor Street, the tramp did something for them.

So now, Uvogin and Nobunaga, two Enhancer men with clear grievances, don't mind what they do for that down-and-out homeless man.

"Then this matter will be settled first. The goal is the royal treasure of the Kingdom of Mosesbia. By the way, check the situation of the tramp."

In a few words, Chrollo finalized the subject of action this time.

He also specially put the wanderer's affairs in front of the treasures.

It can be seen that he attaches great importance to brigade members and Mo Lin to his own desire for treasures.

"By the way, commander, how did you know this news."

Mo Lin asked suddenly.

"The elder of Meteor Street told me."

Chrollo's face was calm, "Because the homeless man claimed to be from Meteor Street, it also attracted the attention of the elders.


Hearing these two words, Uvogin and Nobunaga's hands started itching again.

When they left Meteor Street last time, they demolished an elder's house, and it was still not completely enjoyable.

"Don't worry, it's not the one who is doing the right thing with you~"

Chrollo continued, "There is more than one elder on Meteor Street, and the one who has contact with me is another.'

Phantom Troupe is the main funding provider of the military forces on Meteor Street, and Chrollo naturally has connections with this group of elders.

And when fighting Hisoka in the future, Chrollo also used the ability from the elders of Meteor Street [pair of destroyers].

"Then the leader~"

Machi Te then raised his hand, "What is the royal treasure of that kingdom?"

She is still more interested in the word treasure.

"It is a strange treasure constructed together from several of the seven beautiful colors in this world!!

Having said that, Chrollo's eyes clearly showed a look of yearning.

The seven most beautiful colors in the world are the seven most beautiful colors in the world.

The seven beauty colors mainly include:

1. Fire red eyes: The pupils of Kuhu Luta people will turn bright red when they are emotional. If they die at this time, the red will never dissipate.

2. Colored eggs: The eggs of a peculiar beast with a very thin shell, which can appear in various colors irregularly.

3. White Fire: A kind of fish commonly known as "white fire" that grows in the deep seas of the two poles of this world.

This fish is flammable all over, and when it is lit, a beautiful white fire appears (only when it is alive), which is a pure white that is more pure than everything in the world.

4. Shui Liuli: Full of vine plants, growing on the dormant volcanic shoulders that are frozen all year round.

Due to the absorption of a large amount of certain sulfur compounds, the anthocyanin is lost, and the whole plant is transparent and has mineral-like luster.

5. Liquid ore: The generation environment is unknown. There was only one case of liquid titanium ore (not pure titanium) in early antiquity. After the mined ore body was taken out, the temperature dropped and solidified (the temperature in the liquid titanium ore was extremely high).

Titanium ore is extremely easy to metamorphose, and only a few of them have been successfully preserved in the world. The feature is that the ore body is hard, water-blue, and emits a faint pale ice blue glow at night.

6. Crystal feather bone: a bird's feather bone, the color is like black crystal, and it is highly poisonous. This kind of bird is not extinct, but the number is extremely rare. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 200 in the world today.

The seventh beauty, there is no relevant data record, it is very mysterious.

It is said that the royal treasure of the Kingdom of Moses Biya is a treasure made of several seven beautiful colors and forged together!!

"Are the seven beauties?"

Machi's eyes flickered slightly, wondering how much this kind of thing could sell for 0

After clarifying the goal of this operation, the group has no other problems.

Just when Chrollo planned to take the team to the capital of the Kingdom of Moses~~~

"Wait a moment!!"

Uvogin suddenly stopped everyone's pace.

He shook his hand vigorously and grinned: "Now that the personnel are finally gathered, it would be too boring to go directly like this!!"

"Uvogin, do you have any good ideas?" Chrollo asked.


Uvogin laughed, and hit the rock next to him with a punch, and the rubble flew up, hitting a smooth platform.

This strange power and Nen's mastery and application are actually much stronger than before.

Let a group of people look at Uvogin while avoiding the flying gravel.

"bring it on!!"

Uvogin sat in front of the stone platform and put his right arm and elbow on the stone platform.

"Let's try your wrist strength!!

He was eager to try.

"Wrist Strength"

A group of people looked at Uvogin, it was obvious that they had to catch up with the waist-length big arms of normal people~

"You did it on purpose?"

Feitan squinted at Uvogin late.

"I thought for this competition for a long time!!"

Uvogin did not deny it, and said frankly: "I just want to see how many people in the brigade can be in the same position as me if only by strength!!"

What you want to say is, how many people can compare to you, right?

The other members complained to Uvogin silently in their hearts.

However, Uvogin's proposal of ranking ranking by wrist strength is also quite interesting.

"It looks great!!

It was also the Enhancer. Not long after it had just recovered, Phinks, who had regained their energy, jumped out again.

He stepped forward to the stone platform, and put his elbow up, eager to try:

"Then start with me~"


Uvogin grinned, his eyes sharpened instantly, and the two of them held their hands together at the same time.

These two self-assertive guys

The other people rolled their eyes 5.6 and also came behind the two of them, watching them breaking their wrists.

Uvogin and Phinks both had bruises on their arms and forehead.

Gritting his teeth, working hard, staring at each other fiercely, his eyes are extremely fierce.

Obviously they just wrestled their wrists, but both of them came out with an aura of life and death.

Even the stone platform carried under the elbows of the two of them was somewhat unbearable, and cracks opened up.

In the end, it collapsed completely with a "boom"!

"Hahaha, I won!!"

Uvogin laughed and looked very excited.

"How can it be repaired, it's just a little bit short!!"

Phinks murmured unwillingly, shaking his hands.

Unhappy returns unhappy, but if you lose, you lose, and he won't be unable to lose.


Succeeded in taking down Phinks' Uvogin's arrogance and dry cloud, with a big wave of his hand, as if he was holding the sun and the moon in his hand, his self-confidence was bursting.

"The stone platform is already cracked~"

Feitan looked at the sky, "Let's compete on the road, we have time."


Uvogin, who came last, had his firm hair lowered slightly, agreeing with Feitan's opinion.

The thirteen people were just like this, walking in the direction of the destination.

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