Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 106 [Spy Combination Device], [Stealth Stick], [Blind Spot Star]

The capital of the Kingdom of Moses is very close to the city of Van Balot, which is the reason why Chrollo set the meeting place here.

The purpose of the establishment of the capital in this neighborhood is probably to follow Van Balot, drink a bit of broth, and enjoy the dividends of its development.

As far as the effect is concerned, the king capital of Mosesbia has developed really well over the years.

But the filth and hidden darkness in the back are more than a little bit more than Van Balot.

After all, it is the royal capital. At the feet of the king, there are many powerful ministers.

In such a realm, any dark and shameless situation can happen.

But having said that, the kingdom of Moses is on the continent of Aizhen, while Meteor Street is on the continent of Yulubian.

How did the homeless man without any identity documents cross the distance between the two continents and come here?


In a dark alley somewhere in the capital.

A different-dimensional independent room in the wall.


A muffled noise came out of the room.


Uvogin laughed excitedly, and the two thick bucket arms waved wanton in the sky.

"Now I have won the game!!"

Along the way, after reaching the capital, their wrist strength rankings have also had results.

The number one, of course, is Uvogin.

His strange power and muscles, coupled with the undisputed power of Enhancer, made him top the list.

The second is Phinks, which is also an Enhancer, ranking runner-up.

As for the third, it is Mo Lin.


When he broke his wrists with Uvogin and Phinks, he didn't go too far.

In terms of strength, although it may seem to be full of strength, in fact there is still room for it.

Fourth is Franklin, fifth is Feitan, sixth is Machi, seventh is head Chrollo, and eighth is Lev Lev.

The ninth is Nobunaga, the tenth is Shalnark, the eleventh is Pakunoda, the twelfth is the face shadow, and the thirteenth is Kubei.

Well, Pakunoda and Face Shadow are definitely staying alive.

The former and Mo Lin have been practicing with Biscuit for so long, even if strength is not a strong point, they have long been mentioned.

As for the face, this guy is like a poisonous snake, and may jump out and bite from time to time.

While Uvogin cheered, everyone else was busy with their own affairs.

Feitan and Chrollo are reading quietly, Nobunaga is wiping his knife, and Machi is counting how much he can gain from the Sky Arena.

Phinks, Lev Lev, Shalnark, and Kubei and other newly joined members are curiously looking at this different space house presented by [Out of Nowhere with Door Stickers].

Shalnark and others also admitted that a very safe room like this is really suitable as a place for them to gather.

Mo Lin was observing something with his arms folded in front of a black-purple machine supported by a vertical stand.

"found it."

I saw a hexagonal screen in the center of the machine in front of him.

The picture displayed on the screen is exactly a dark prison cell.

Props: [Spy Combination Device].

Effect: A spy prop that looks like a human face. Press the top button and start it by saying the person you want to monitor. After starting, the eyes and ears on the face will fly out and hide automatically to find the person who wants to monitor. The eyes will synchronize the picture, and the ears will synchronize the sound, which are presented together in the mouth-shaped hexagonal screen.

From Doraemon's "Spy Fight", Nobita, who is threatened by the husband with a vase, asks Doraemon to monitor the husband and learn about his bedwetting and narcissism.

Mo Lin also took out this prop to find the tramp.

It didn't take long for [Spy Combo Device] to automatically find the prison where the tramp was located.

Judging from the pictures displayed on the hexagonal screen, his current situation does not seem to be very good.

After observing for a while, Mo Lin immediately communicated to let the spy's eyes and ears go to detect the location of other characters in the case.

For example, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, eyewitnesses, jurors, etc.

After finding the locations of all these people, Mo Lin put away the props.

"Head, when will we start to act? I want to go out, don't I delay the action?"

"It's okay tonight~"

Chrollo read the book and said, "Tomorrow night, the Kingdom of Moses will give them a birthday celebration for their ninety-something old queen."

"At that time, the treasures of the Kingdom of Moses will appear at that celebration banquet, and then it will be the best time for us to act."

"Tomorrow night? Tonight plus tomorrow daytime, time is enough."

After time is no problem, Mo Lin plans to go out.

"And us!"

Nobunaga and Uvogin naturally followed.

After all, it was the tramp who had reported to them at the beginning, and there is still some sentiment for a trip.

"I won't follow."

Machi, who has always formed a three-person team with Uvogin and Nobunaga, originally wanted to follow them.

But I glanced inadvertently from the corner of my eyes, and was looking at Mo Lin's Pakunoda with a full smile, Machi was a little uncomfortable and didn't have the mind to act together.

"Then we will go first.

Mo Lin pretended not to know anything.

After greeted everyone in the brigade, he planned to take Uvogin and Nobunaga, two guardians from left to right, to the outside world.

Just when they are going out~


Mo Lin thought for a while, "It's boring to stay in this small room, so why don't I leave you a fun game from my hometown?"


Feitan, Phinks, Shalnark, Machi, Pakunoda looked over at the same time with doubts and curiosity.

After Mo Lin and Uvogin Nobunaga came out, according to the location given by the spy device, they first walked towards the target prison location where the tramp was detained.

Along the way, the three of them clearly felt the atmosphere of celebration on the street.

As the birthday of the old Queen's birthday approaches, other places may not be clear, but the royal capital is basically a sea of ​​joy.

Banners and signs of various celebrations swept almost all the streets and alleys.

At the same time, there are also many celebration teams on the street, such as singers, royal etiquette teams that beat drums, etc., all located in various places in the royal capital.

The three Mo Lin shuttled among the festive crowd, hiding their own sense of existence and indifference.

On the way to the prison, Mo Lin also learned about the situation in this country.

The kingdom of Mosesbia, and a fading country on the planet of Mo Lin's previous life, and a country with blind eyes, but a small life is good, and the situation in the radiation country that is madly ravaged by its beautiful dad is very picture.

The Kingdom of Moses Biya has a royal family, but in fact, it is the prime minister of the country who manages the entire kingdom.

The royal family is the monarch in name, but only in name.

Like Yingjili's royal family, it only serves as a symbol of national strength.

Although there are still greater powers under the laws of the Kingdom of Moses, including the dissolution of the parliament and the appointment of the chief executive, the royal family does not actually use the power.

The current reigning royal monarch is the old queen of Mosesbia, who is now 92 years old, and tomorrow's birthday celebration will be the 93rd birthday.

The ceremony was hosted by her grandson in her fifties. Her two sons, seventy-four and seventy-three, the prince and prince of the royal family, will also attend the ceremony.

Originally, this old queen had four children, but only two survived in this dangerous world~~~

Well, the white-haired person sent away two black-haired people in a row, and it was difficult for her to sustain it till now.

And it is also said that she even gave away several of her grandsons

After Mo Lin listened to these unnutritious gossip gossips, he speeded up the pace.

In a short time, the prison cell was in the distance.

The three came to the street not far from the cell.

"Mo Lin, what should we do next, shall we go in?"

Uvogin broke his fingers in his hands there, making the street rattle.

He looked at the guard at the door of the cell and licked his lips bloodthirsally.

"The noise made in this way is too great, and it will easily affect tomorrow's actions."

Mo Lin shook his head, "And I don't like trouble.

From the four-dimensional pocket, he took out a short stick with a red handle and a yellow overall.

"Grab my clothes and don't let go.

I told Uvogin and Nobunaga. After they did as required, Mo Lin gently waved the 913 short stick in his hand.

Suddenly, a burst of light changed, and the three figures disappeared in place at the same time.


But when Uvogin's surprised voice suddenly sounded, people knew that they were still there.

It's just that the body shape cannot be seen by people, just like being invisible.

"A prop that makes the figure disappear, is this invisibility?!"

Nobunaga also asked in surprise.

"This is [Invisibility Stick]. It can indeed hide the body, but it does not disappear. Others just can't see us, or they can hear and see. Hold on to me. If you let go, I don't care if you expose your body."

Mo Lin responded.

Props: [Stealth Stick].

Effect: This is a secret prop that can bend the light. As long as you hold this invisibility stick in your hand, it will seem to disappear.

【Stealth Rod】, it achieves the effect of invisibility by changing the refraction and bending of light.

This is similar to the props that will enter the opponent’s blind spot and make others’ eyes unable to see your existence [Blind Spot Star].

They all achieve the effect of their own invisibility by changing external forces.

Although the effect is also very good, there is still a gap in comparison with the [Invisibility Cloak] among the invisibility props, as far as the unreasonable rule props "as long as you put it on your body, others can't see it", there is still a gap.

[Blind Spot Star] This item, Mo Lin, was also drawn, and many more were drawn.

Props: [Blind Spot Star]

Effect: Blind spot refers to a point in the imaging principle, although the optic nerve can be felt, but there is a part of the retina that cannot be imaged, so it causes a point that cannot be seen visually. By sticking the blind spot star on top of the object, the object can stay on the blind spot continuously, making it impossible for vision to see the object. One of the invisible props has a time limit of only one hour.

Well, because it only works for one hour, Mo Lin's first choice is the [stealth stick].

It is the higher-level effect [Invisibility Cloak] that has not yet been drawn, which is a pity for Mo Lin.

Under the effect of [Invisibility Stick], the three of them swaggered in in front of the many guards. .

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