Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 107 Meet and rescue the homeless, [Truth Words Sticker], the spokesperson for the protection

Especially after all three of them used 【Jie】 or 【Hidden】, no one even noticed their existence.

Following the route presented by the spy’s eyes, the three went around and quickly reached the innermost part of the prison.

Go inside and after passing through the guard posts, you will see a long corridor.

On the east side of the promenade is an open space, behind it is a wall, and behind the wall is a row of prison cells.

A lot of criminals are usually caught, but today, most of them are empty.

It may be that the Queen’s birthday is approaching, and she is also learning to amnesty the world and freeing many people~

Or is it that this group of people are all people with backgrounds?

In the innermost cell, only two cells hold criminals.

One is detaining several criminals of rape and robbers, and the other is detaining homeless people.

When Mo Lin took Uvogin and the three people to the door of the cell, he saw two men dressed as soldiers, pressing the arms of the tramp.

Put your knees on his waist and force him to lie face down on the ground.

This kind of thing seems to have been done many times, and they all have a funny face, looking at the tramp like an ant.

In addition to the two, another soldier was holding a soft stool, and quickly exerted force on his right wrist. The soft whip was hit in the air and slammed heavily on the prisoner's back.


The homeless man was whipped and let out a heavy wailing sound, which quickly passed through the cell to the promenade.

The three of Mo Lin, Uvogin and Nobunaga looked so sad and unhappy outside.

It wasn't until the beating soldier felt that it was almost time to stop.

He stepped forward, squeezed the chin of the homeless man, lifted it up vigorously, and looked straight into his eyes.

"Why do you think you are?"

The soldier said viciously, "Now there are witnesses, prosecutors and judges, and they are all already in place."

"The Queen’s birthday will be held tomorrow evening, and you will be sent to court in the second half of the night. You must be finalized before tomorrow."

"If you admit it now, you can still suffer less."

"After a while, as long as you wait to admit in the court, you are the murderer, then before you leave, we will definitely give you a decent one."

"Even before the day you are executed, we will not treat you badly, why bother to bite so hard, so miserable at the last moment of life?!"

The soldier's tone gradually softened, and he spoke to the tramp well.

"You know, you are just a homeless man with no background. No one can save you. Your ending is already doomed."


The tramp, who had been beaten all over his body and had some difficulty breathing, suddenly raised his head and grinned at the soldier.

"I also know that after I come in, I don't want to go out alive, but"

He suddenly spit blood at the soldier:

"I didn't kill anyone, I didn't kill anyone!!"

"Don't want to just buckle a basin of shit on Lao Tzu's head, even if you are tortured to death like this, Lao Tzu won't admit it!!"

"Lao Tzu is from Meteor Street, even if he is dead, he still has the backbone of Meteor Street people!!

The soldier was caught off guard and was spit on his clothes with blood.

He immediately furious, and knocked the homeless Han Rui to the ground.

"Spine w*?"

He was so angry that he laughed, "Boneness is a fart!!"

"Such a stiff mouth, then let me see how much your backbone can support you!!"

He raised the whip in his hand high, intending to pull it down again.

And at this time.

"? ?? "

The soldier looked at his hand holding the whip stagnant in midair in amazement.

I want to swing hard, but it doesn't move, as if frozen in mid-air, caught by something like iron tongs.

"The spine of other people may be regarded as a badass, but the spine of our Meteor Street people is more fragrant than your meal!!"

A rough voice suddenly sounded in this room.

Then the soldier saw a big hand suddenly appeared and grabbed his face.


As if pinching a watermelon, with a light force with a big hand, the entire head of the soldier was squeezed into a mass of red and white.


The palm of the hand was loosened, the soldier's headless body fell feebly, and the whip fell to the ground.

The smell of blood permeated the room instantly.

The two soldiers who were subduing the tramp saw this scene, and their hairs stood up.

They watched in horror at the tall man who suddenly appeared and killed their comrades.


Before they could do anything, there was a dazzling white light in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, there was boundless darkness.


There were two dull hits on the ground again, and there were two more headless corpses in this room.


Putting the katana into its sheath, the spotless Nobunaga glanced at Uvogin's big bloody hands.

He didn't think Uvogin's actions were dirty, but he felt that the blood from the soldier in Uvogin's hands was dirty.

People are dirty and blood is dirty.

"You are "

The tramp came back to his senses as if he had just awakened from a dream, and his eyes widened immediately.

As a Meteor Streetman, death and struggle have long been commonplace.

He is not uncommon for the deaths of soldiers, but for the coming

"Uvogin? Nobunaga?!!"

He cried out in surprise, "It turned out to be you?!"

The tramp obviously also recognizes Uvogin and Nobunaga.

"Why are you here?"

The homeless man is a special surprise when he meets his old friends in another country: "I heard that you have set up a brigade outside, which has greatly increased the prestige of our Meteor Street people."

"It's okay. This time I came here mainly because I was idle and okay, and I came to kill two people.

Uvogin answered casually, and then looked at his rather miserable appearance:

"You really didn't kill anyone?"

"If I really killed someone, I would have confessed it a long time ago. After all, I will definitely not be able to get out of this cell alive, so why bother to suffer this crime?!"

When the tramp heard this, he scolded angrily: "But I really didn't kill anyone!!!

"It's mine, I will never deny it, but it's not mine, and no one can impose on me and take away my innocence!!"

His eyes were flushed, and he said viciously, "I still remember the purpose of our Meteor Street!!"

"We don't reject anything, but don't want to take anything from us.

This is the belief that Meteor Street people have always upheld!

"We believe what you said, but to be on the safe side, you'd better post this and say it again.

Mo Lin held a square sticker with black and white stripes in his hand and walked in front of the homeless man.

Props: [True Words Stickers].

Effect: As long as you put this sticker on your body, you can reveal what you want to say and all the actions you want to do without any cover.

"Are you the Mo Lin who demolished the elder's house? Meteor Street's fiercest newcomer ever."

The tramp was uncertain.

His remarks also made Mo Lin's actions a stop.

"I admit the demolition of the elder's house, but the fiercest newcomer."

Mo Lin's eyelids twitched.

When does Meteor Street have the habit of giving people a nickname?

Moreover, the fiercest newcomer does not sound very good.

Not as good as [The Destroying Dragon of the Empire], [The Fierce Tiger of the Empire], [Hexagon Warrior], [The World's Strongest Arms] These titles sound loud.

After Mo Lin put the [Truth Words Sticker] on it, he asked again.

The answer is still "no murder".

In this way, the facts are already obvious.

"Want to be wronged?"

Both Uvogin and Nobunaga have raised eyebrows, with murderous intent brewing between the eyebrows.

Although their Meteor Street people are abandoned by the world, they also have backbone and dignity, which does not mean that anyone can trample them at will.

If the other party does this, then you must be prepared to bear the consequences!

"々" Let's go~"

Mo Lin also looked calm and said, "Aren't they going to court to convict?"

"It just so happened that all the people involved in this case were gathered together."

"I want to see how far they can pretend to be blind.

The court, which represents justice and dignity, is not far from the prison.

In the first-tier trial court of the court, many people have arrived one after another.

Except for the judges who have not yet arrived, there are no more or less, exactly 30 people.

They are either sitting in the auditorium or lying on the chairs.

They all sat together casually, chatting with each other, laughing and chatting with each other, without the solemnity and solemnity of being in this so-called "sacred" place.

In other words, they didn't take the case to be tried next to their hearts at all, and they were talking excitedly with each other about the Queen's birthday tomorrow.

At this moment~

The judge who kept a roll of instant noodles was only late for Shanna's arrival.

He walked to his main seat like a leisurely walk, and then looked down and found that there was no one in the dock.

Can't help but frown:

"What's going on? Why haven't the prisoners been brought here yet?"

He increased his tone and said with some impatientness: "When is this, what are the soldiers doing? Are you gambling crazy?"

"It might be dealing with things~"

The assistant next to him walked to the judge's side and whispered:

"Have you forgotten (Nuo De Zhao)? Someone spent 20 million nuns before and planned to fish out the special person who committed that thing in the prison..."

"Of course I remember!"

On the face of the judge who showed justice, there was an ugly sneer at this moment:

"The second son of Duke Moangka's impeccable son, tomorrow will be the Queen's birthday, and today he dared to do such a stupid thing."

"It was so overplayed that we even got caught."

"What kind of days are these, and it's still not constrained, and he doesn't need to say much when looking for those who are born in poor people. The result is like choosing the duchess. The girl tricked over to communicate."

"After the exchange, he continued to coax irresponsibly, and was awakened and sued.

"That's fine. After all, it's what you want, and you can find a way to settle it. As a result, the idiot actually stretched out his hand where it shouldn't be."

"You know, Her Majesty is currently the most concerned about this aspect. The second son of the Duke of Moangka did this, isn't he hitting the Queen in the face?"

"It's also thanks to the people's attention that is now on Her Majesty's birthday. Otherwise, don't talk about 20 million nuns, 200 million nuns are hard to do."

"If the Duke of the Moangka family is to be inherited by this second son, then without thinking about it in the future, the decline of their family will be a matter of time."

The judge continued to express his contempt and disdain for the family of Duke Moangka.

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