Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 108 Massacre! The murder of more than 30 people! Your son is fate, isn't my fate?

After giving a vent, the judge urged the assistant to quickly check whether the transaction was completed.

No matter how despised they are, they also paid 20 million real money, but they also had their own share in it.

However, before the assistant could go far, the door of the court opened with a "wow".

Four figures walked in one by one.


The judge raised his eyes and frowned.

"Who are you?"

Except for the tramp who is about to be determined to be a capital offender, he does not know the other three people.

"Do you know what this place is? Do you dare to rush in casually?!"

The judge's face was pulled down all at once, and the manner of dominating the court gradually emerged on his body.

"Where are the soldiers? Call the soldiers over!!"

He scolded there.

"They are all sleeping, and they won't be able to come tonight.

Mo Lin, who was walking in the forefront, replied plainly.

"Well, not much to say, we will come one by one."

Then he didn't have any interest in continuing to speak.

"you "

Hearing this unrespectful untouchable, who didn't know where he came from, the judge wanted to yell at him.

But the next second, when he reached his throat, he would get stuck in his throat and couldn't get out.

Mo Lin looked at him calmly, but in his eyes, it was like a tiger with fangs, staring at him sternly, making him stiff.

Not only him, but the other people in the house, under the influence of Mo Lin's malicious thoughts, could not even swallow.

They all sat on the spot with horror, the cold sweat constantly flowing out.

"Take this thing and this knife, and ask yourself."

Mo Lin gave the [Truth Words Sticker] and a handful of ヒs to the homeless.

The tramp rolled his throat twice.

Although he was not maliciously targeted by Mo Lin, he could also feel the pressure on his body.

But for 917, I thought about the humiliation I have suffered these days, and the unreasonable charges imposed on me by the other party, and even wanted to take his innocence and life.

All of this echoed in the head of the tramp.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and copied the dagger and [Truth Words Sticker] in Mo Lin's hand.

He first came to the distance of the eyewitness.

Other prosecutors, courts, etc., all wear a pair of trousers, and he recognized the tramp.

But these so-called witnesses who saw him kill with his own eyes, the tramp really doesn't understand what hatred the other party has against him? Why did he kill himself?!!

There were two witnesses. One was in his twenties, with flustered yellow hair flashing in his muddy eyes, and the other was in his thirties and dressed very plain and honest.

Seeing the tramp coming over with a dagger, Huang Mao was so frightened that he swung his whole body and his pants were all wet.

But the honest and honest uncle had pain and anxiety in his eyes.

These emotions of the two people, even if they don't need to do more, maybe they can directly confess.

When the tramp puts the [Truth Words Sticker] on Huang Mao's body first, and then after inquiring.

Only then did he know that Huang Mao was a small gangster who passed by the scene of the incident at that time, and he had a criminal record.

After a lot of beatings and reprimands, he came here to give false testimony.

He poured beans in a bamboo tube, told him how the prosecutor found him, taught him what to do, and so on.

As for the honest and honest uncle, he also cried loudly in front of everyone under the effect of the [Truth Words Sticker].

"I can't help it, really can't help it!"

His face was crying, "If I don't testify, my son will die!!"

The real murderer was the son of this honest-looking uncle.

People who look like honest people are not so honest.

"So your son is fate, but my fate is not fate?"

Facing the pain of the other party, the tramp was not affected at all, his eyes were fierce and cold, and he sent the dagger in his hand into the uncle's throat.

After taking it out, Huang Mao's neck was crossed in the splashing blood.

Both of them fell into a pool of blood.

If they want the innocence and life of the tramp, they must be prepared to pay the price!!

Even if they are not dead now, in the next three years, they will be blown to pieces by Meteor Street people.

Nobunaga and Uvogin witnessed the death of each other, their expressions were flat and there was no twists and turns.

If you want to frame others, you must be prepared to give your own life.

After the murder began, the tramp kept asking questions one after another.

Some of the answers that came out made him dumbfounded.

Some are afraid of trouble, some are lazy and don't want to continue the investigation, some are perfunctory, and some are just for fun.


"So I sacrificed my life for fear of trouble, to be lazy, to perfunctory, or even to feel fun?"

He took the dagger and dropped the knife one by one. Some of these people pierced seven or eight holes in their bodies, some directly penetrated the heart, and some cut off their eyes, ears, and nose and tongue. Only later did he die.

This group of people are all surviving.

Mo Lin looked at the tramp like a rain of blood, then looked at the fallen corpse.

Finally, he raised his eyes and looked at the court, the blood-stained words and signs representing axiom and justice~

"It's really ironic~"

He looked at the judge who was increasingly pale and ugly.

After thirty people were harvested by the tramp, besides the tramp, Mo Lin and Uvogin Nobunaga, the only judge was the only one who was panting.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Without the [truth sticker], Mo Lin knew that the judge in front of him was very problematic.

Before coming in, they all heard the words he and his assistant said without a word.

"I "

The judge with instant noodles trembling lips, said several words "I" in a row, but after all, there was no follow-up.

He is just an upper-level figure who plays well in this kind of powerful circle.When has he seen a counterattack from the lower-level figure he most despise on Meteor Street like the tramp Mo Lin?


When he uttered several more words "I" in a row, Nobunaga was so impatient that he wanted to give him a knife.


Suddenly his throat twitched, his eyes rolled, his neck tilted to one side.

The tramp strode forward immediately, fumbled under his neck and nose twice, and then shook his head.

"It's out of breath."

"I scared myself to death."

Uvogin sneered disdainfully, "It's really an asshole."

He looked down upon this group of people who looked like clothes, but in fact they looked like dogs. They were especially timid and timid with bad stomachs.


The homeless man stabbed several large holes in the judge's corpse in succession. He slowly died of anger when he watched the battered corpse that was bleeding out.

I was so scared to death, but it was cheaper for him.

"Thank you so much!"

-The homeless man who only felt his body and mind was comfortable when he vomited out of turbidity, quickly returned the things to Mo Lin and thanked him sincerely.

"It's okay. Many friends are away from home, maybe someday there will be a time when I can need your help."

Mo Lin put the things away and made a joke.

The atmosphere between the few people is very harmonious, even if they are standing in this pool of blood.

"You are the one who is wronged, and you are the one who kills. What do you want to do after you think about it?"

"Of course it is the first time to escape from here."

The tramp shook his head with a wry smile, "Otherwise, what else?"

Mo Lin did not continue to question.

Helping him rescue him from prison, he was rehabilitated, and he personally avenged him. This is already a big enough kindness.

What happens afterwards depends on his own thoughts.

However, his ability to come to this place from the Yulubian Continental Meteor Street shows that there is still a bit of a doorway.

Afterwards, Mo Lin briefly chatted with him. He was patted on his shoulder by Uvogin, grinning with pain, and then left first.

He still has to go to that uncle's house,

"Let's go too~"

Regardless of the blood spreading under his feet, Mo Lin also greeted Uvogin and Nobunaga to leave.

The three of them pulled silently, and they walked without arousing anyone's attention.

It's just the blood and corpses all over the ground, highlighting the uneasy things that happened before here.

Moreover, under the court logo, which is known as fairness and justice, this line of words was also written in blood:

["We don't reject anything, but don't think about taking anything from us."-Meteor Street. 】

When the smell of blood that permeated the whole house gradually spread out, the people outside noticed something was wrong and then broke in.

After seeing everything that came into view~~~


King Mosesbia was boiling.

At the time of Her Majesty's birthday, this kind of apocalyptic case involving the lives of more than 30 people unexpectedly occurred.

This is no longer a simple one that can be easily summarized in terms of "bad nature" and "great social impact".

Even thinking about it in a deeper level, this kind of murder at this critical moment may be a sign, but more, it may be a provocation to the royal family!!

Especially on the walls of the court, a line of quotations written in bloody words.

The three words "Meteor Street" in the inscribed place were also deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

"Meteor Street?"

Just when a new storm is about to brew outside.

Mo Lin took Uvogin and Nobunaga who had been shopping enough, and the two returned to their original places.

This time when I went out, Uvogin and Nobunaga didn't make much effort and didn't have much sense of existence, but they were playing hard outside.

In their words, I have been in the Sky Arena for these years and I haven't seen the outside world much.

Although the Sky Arena can meet strong players from all over the world, it is only limited to that one place after all.

Of course, if you go online, you can understand all kinds of information in the world.

But Uvogin and Nobunaga don't look like the kind of people who can surf the Internet.

It is better to expect Feitan to grow two centimeters taller if you are expecting two people to be able to solve the problem online.

Mo Lin also took the time to ask why the two of them finally came.

Uvogin and Nobunaga also told the truth.

Sure enough, they were exposed in advance and were chased by the Sky Arena. .

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