Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 109 Phantom Troupe of playing mahjong! If you can't do it, come down early and change t

After all, Uvogin's big and wildly exposed specialties, and Nobunaga with a knife, these two distinctive features come together, it is simply not too obvious.

After hearing the cause and effect of the matter, Mo Lin was also quite speechless.

He really didn't know how to evaluate this matter.

Should I say how bold Machi is and how big the money is, or should I say that she is too crazy~crazy, more gambler than a gambler?

With the two people getting along since they met until now, they haven't said a few serious words, Mo Lin feels that it is better not to talk to her for the time being.

The three of them were able to get rid of the chase in the Sky Arena. They were not injured yet, so they should be-no problem.

After arriving at the original place, Mo Lin knocked on the wall.

After three seconds of silence, there was still no one to open the door.

"? ?? "

Question marks appeared on the three people's foreheads.


Mo Lin increased his strength and knocked a few more times. This time the wall reacted and a pink door appeared.

Only then did a few people relax slightly.

"I thought there was something wrong with the [Posting from Out of Nowhere]~"

Mo Lin jokingly said that after the door was opened, the person who opened the door for them was revealed, making Mo Lin a little startled.


The person who opened the door to them was not someone else, but a face that was somewhat incompatible with the brigade from the overall style of painting.

The face did not speak, and after a slightly weird smile at a few people in silence, he walked back.

Uvogin and Nobunaga looked at each other and felt something was wrong.

On the other hand, Mo Lin faintly heard the clattering sound coming from behind the door sticker, and his expression was a little weird.

"Should not..."

He opened the door with a certain idea and walked in.

The sight greeted Mo Lin's eyes slightly twitched twice.

In the middle of the room, there is a standard table of Eight Immortals.

And around the table of the Eight Immortals, there were eight people gathered there, all watching the situation on the table attentively.


Machi dropped the white cube in his hand into a pile of cube pools on the table.

"Thirty thousand."


The Phinks opposite her immediately responded with excitement.

"Before you used to slap me, now it's my turn to slap you!!"

With that, he hurriedly took the square and piled it with the other three squares with the same characters.

"Idiot, you have a kong, but in this way, all the wiping that you could draw will be let you open it.

Next to Phinks, Feitan held his favorite candy book in his arms, and pointed at Phinks's punishment there and criticized it.

He is even his favorite book before, and he doesn't have much interest at this moment.

"Shut up, Feitan!!"

At this time, the big brother Franklin, who was watching the cards next to Machi, frowned and scolded:

"When playing cards, outsiders are not allowed to interrupt!!"


Feitan curled his lips with his hands in his pockets, but didn't say much.

"Phinks, you haven't drawn a card yet."

Shalnark, who started Phinks, kindly reminded him.

Then he discussed with Kubei who was watching the cards next to him.

"After the kong is played, the card is to be drawn.

"Of course I know, isn't this looking at the cards?"

Phinks stubbornly said, then drew towards the neat stack of cards.

"You caught it wrong."

Pakunoda, who was facing Shalnark, pointed out Phinks' mistake, "If you have a kong, you must draw the cards from the back."

Lev, who was sitting next to her, kindly pointed out the direction to Phinks.

Feeling that he was making a joke, Phinks coughed twice, then continued to draw cards without changing his face.

"Look at it~"

Feitan glanced at the cards Phinks had drawn, and immediately came to his senses.

"If you didn't make a bargain just now, you would draw this card by yourself!!


Phinks said angrily, "If I don't play, I won't be able to catch this card."

"So you can't~"

Feitan squinted his small eyes, and began to rub his fingers, "If you can't, come down and replace me as soon as possible.

"I can't, but I don't know who fired the gun just now and lost.

Phinks relentlessly sneered: "Moreover, there are more than one shot. Three guns were fired!"

"My luck was so bad!!"

Feitan definitely does not admit that it is because of his technical cooking, and he is even more reluctant to admit that he is better than Phinks.

"Don't say these are useful and useless~"

Phinks sat down firmly, "I won't give you my seat anyway!!"

"You two are going to quarrel out!!"

The big brother's Franklin has a gloomy face, don't know why, obviously he is not in a good mood now.

"Feitan, I am willing to bet and lose, and in addition, you must honestly abide by the casino rules, and if you interrupt and talk, be careful that I shoot you in the forehead!"

"And Phinks, when will you get that card?! Don't play it soon!!"


Phinks grabbed his hair and played a card that he didn't think was important.

"Six cakes.



The three players simultaneously pushed the cards in front of them onto the table.


Machi, Shalnark, and Pakunoda said in unison.


Feitan: ".. Hehehe o(*-)*)o"

He squinted at Phinks and laughed directly.

The meaningful gaze in the small eyes of a pair of foxes made Phinks extremely annoyed.

"how so?!"

He banged on the desktop and said depressed: "Why is my luck so bad?!"

"No, I want another plate!!"

Phinks desperately wanted to find his place.

"You pay the lost money first.

Machi directly suppressed Phinks' thoughts.

"PE ."

At the mention of money, Phinks's momentum weakened.

"More, how much..."

He reluctantly took out his wallet.

As an Enhancer, he didn't have much savings.

"First of all, you are more than a hit and lost to the three of us.

Shalnark quickly figured it out there, "Then Machi did it once, and Parker did it once, doubling it.

"Finally, you fired the cannon after the bar passed, so the call was transferred and doubled on this basis."

Shalnark snapped his fingers, "In other words, you lost to me twice, Machi and Pike each four times.

"Take the money~"

After the settlement was over, Machi was the first to reach out to Phinks for money.


He has no bottom just to listen to you settle the accounts.

His savings are simply not enough.

After shaking the wallet and taking out the last money in it, he owed Shalnark Machi a large sum to them.

In this way, Phinks, who was completely bankrupt, could only leave the market sadly.

"Let me come~"

Feitan pushed away Phinks, who was a little self-closing and suspicious of life, rubbed his hands, and gradually narrowed his eyes:

"This time, I must kill the Quartet!"

Murderous aura gradually emerged in his eyes.


The sound of mahjong rubbing and the clear sound of tiles colliding sounded.

Mo Lin: ".."

He rubbed his eyes, and once again confirmed that he was not mistaken, his expression was a little dazed.

Machi and the others, they actually played mahjong?!!

That's right, what Machi Feitan and the others are playing now is the national quintessence of Mo Lin's previous country, Mahjong!

This is what Mo Lin left for the brigade before leaving to relieve boredom and pass the time.

After all, the space in this house is small, and it’s easy to get bored after a long time.

Everyone in the brigade also likes to play cards. Shalnark once stole Hisoka's cards.

…0 for flowers,

While Uvogin was fighting the Yin Beast to kill the Quartet, Shizuku, Machi and Franklin were on the hillside and played lively.

Mo Lin originally thought, let them not be so boring.

After taking out the mahjong table, I briefly talked about the rules and went out with Uvogin.

But now I came back and found

Seeing again, it feels like a group of mahjong grandparents in the community.

The gestures of a few people playing cards, and some terminology, are very tasteful~

In this short period of time, several people have not only mastered the rules, but also played quite vigorously.

Machi sits east, Franklin sits next to him, Pakunoda sits south, Peel Lev sits next to him, Shalnark sits north, and Kubei sits next to him.

It was Phinks to the west, but now it's Feitan.

Ha people surrounded the Eight Immortals table, four people playing cards and four people watching, it looked very lively.

"They had a great time.

Chrollo sat quietly by himself, flipping the books in his hands that he could never see enough.

Seeing Mo Lin coming back, he looked up and smiled.

In the room, in addition to the faces that were somewhat incompatible with the brigade, Chrollo did not participate.

Compared with the heat at the mahjong table, the two of them looked a bit deserted here.

"At least it's not boring to stay here.

Mo Lin didn't know what to say.

It can only be said that it is worthy of mahjong, and its charm, even in another world, is unstoppable.

After all, it is the game that the rich old thieves are addicted to.

Even if he is asked to choose only one hobby for the characters in the Hunter X Hunter world, maybe he will choose Mahjong without hesitation.

and many more!!

Mo Lin suddenly thought of something:

Mahjong makes Machi Shalnark familiar with them so quickly, will it be an existence with the will of the world?

After all, this is a hardcore mahjong enthusiast, a work written by the rich old thief.

In that case, anyone in this world has the talent to play mahjong and become obsessed with it?

Mo Lin suddenly felt that he seemed to have done something wrong.

In addition to the works, the rich old thief playing mahjong is too much, and in this Hunter X Hunter world, he himself led Machi and the others on the path of mahjong.

This way, from the inside to the outside, if Machi and the others are really addicted to mahjong like the old thief Fu Jian and forget other business, then it will be a sin~!

"This game called Mahjong is really interesting. I also watched them play a few games before."

Chrollo continued, "It's just that the size of the card is a little too small, Franklin's hand is too big, it may be more difficult to grab it."

Is it laborious?

Mo Lin observed Franklin, too. With his huge size, it is very difficult to occupy a corner of the Eight Immortals table, let alone on the table.

"That's why he who can't play is in such a bad mood?"

Mo Lin found out the reason for Franklin's anger.

"Peel Lev wears gloves, it is not convenient to draw cards, but Kubei is not suitable for his ability to play this kind of game.

Kubei is the ability of Manipulator, named [God's Left Hand, Demon's Right Hand].

Touch the dead or inanimate body with the left hand and copy it with the right hand.

The fake can last for 24 hours and has all the functions of the original. Touching the real can sense the location of the copy.

If Kubei comes to play mahjong, using this ability, it is really easy to copy cards to play mahjong.


"If you use Nen to live, you will definitely have traces of surging thoughts on your body. As long as you use [Ning], you will definitely be able to detect it at the first time."

"So Kubei's ability to activate will also be discovered. It doesn't make much sense.

"Most of the purpose of a group of people not letting Kubei play is because they can play a few more laps."

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