Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 110 The Big Three! The reaction of the royal family of Moses, the arrival of all parties!

Mo Lin speculated on the thoughts of several people at the table.

He also found that several people not only knew the rules of mahjong well, but also expanded to the point where they started playing for money.

Each round has a prescribed amount, and how much money you lose is calculated based on the way the cards are lost.

Phinks has been successfully lost all his savings and left the market in bankruptcy.

Playing mahjong games, although many times depend on luck, but with the shuffling and drawing of the cards, there are still certain skills.

After playing at least a few rounds, Machi, Shalnark and Pakunoda have all realized the key to this on their own.

Even Feitan saw one or two, knowing a little bit how to fight.

Only Phinks, the iron and hanky man, only knows how to catch and play, and he doesn't even record the cards.

And for some unspeakable tacit understanding, several people did not teach Phinks the skills of playing cards.

Kubei, Lev Lev, and Franklin are also happy to watch the excitement next to them, and won't remind them at all.

"Forget it, you just have to be happy.

Mo Lin feels that if the brigade gathers to take action in the future, mahjong must be their must-have entertainment.

Uvogin is not interested in this kind of card-playing entertainment, but Nobunaga walked over and watched it interestingly.

From time to time, he asked Fulan "September 17" Klin next to him about how to play this kind of card.

Mo Lin sat in a corner of the room casually, and explained to Chrollo what he had done after a few people went out.

After speaking briefly, Chrollo nodded slightly:

"In this way, I can settle this matter with the elders on Meteor Street."

He took out his cell phone and initiated a text message.

They didn't care about the inconvenience that Mo Lin and the others would bring to tomorrow's action after the murder of more than 30 people.

There must be an impact. This extremely bad event happened at the feet of the Queen, near her birthday.

Even a fool can think that the outside world must have turned into a mess at this moment.

Even considering the influence of society and the prestige of the kingdom, as well as the date of this festive stall, the royal family of the Kingdom of Moses will definitely keep this news from spreading.

But at the upper level, there will definitely be undercurrents, and a series of countermeasures will be made.

But Chrollo didn't care at all.

No matter how the other party arranges it, they can't stop them from taking the treasure, everything is in vain.

When they Phantom Troupe, put their goal on that treasure, the end was already doomed.

Chrollo didn't ask anything else, and instead sent a message.

Apart from the sound of shuffling cards, there was nothing else in the room.

At the same time, the royal capital outside was upset.

Especially in the cabinet meeting inside the palace.

A group of noble princes and prime ministers blushed with thick necks, and spit wildly to make a noise.

"This is an unprecedented top bad event since the establishment of the empire!!

A pale-faced noble also roared, and the blue veins on his face were exposed.

That ferocious appearance, it seemed that there was no aristocratic demeanor at all.

But other people can also understand him, because the Duke of Moangka, his most beloved second son, also died in the prison next to the court.

Well, when he came out of the prison, Uvogin smoothly killed the robber and rapist in another prison.

The second son of the Duke Moangka who planned to spend 20 million renminbi to pay the crime, also died in the hands of Uvogin.

The grief of losing his son in his later years made other dukes sympathize with him.

But the most important thing is that even members of their noble family members died in this storm.

This is what these ministers and nobles cannot bear!!

"Check! Be sure to check!! Dig the ground three feet and dig them out!!!""

The Duke of Moangka roared there heartbreakingly, smelling the tears of the sad listeners, there was no aristocratic demeanor at all, and his tolerance was lost.

"After investigation, so far, there are three reasons for the death of the victims. One is that they were stabbed to death with sharp blades and other objects."

The person in charge of investigating this case also came out with a gloomy face to report:

"Also, in the prison guarding the wanderer, there are three soldiers and the robber rapist, as well as the second son of Duke Moangka, whose heads were crushed by heat."

"There are also two soldiers whose heads were cut off by a sharp knife across their necks.

"The result of the inference is that there were at least two people, one of whom was good at making knives, sneaked into the prison, killed the soldiers and criminals and the second son of Duke Moangka, and rescued the tramp."

"Immediately, the infiltrated gangster and the vagrant came to the courtroom, used a certain method to contain a group of people, and then the vagrant killed everyone with the first knife."

The person in charge also investigated the ins and outs of the whole matter clearly, and in general there was nothing wrong with it.

The others also nodded calmly.

They understood the killing process, but what about the criminals?!

They only knew about the wanderer, and the two gangsters who rescued him. They didn't even know who their name or name was, or how they got into the prison.

This makes it impossible for them to start at all.

"No matter what, you must find them out!!"

Duke Moangka's eyes were red, and his teeth were about to be crushed. "Since they came to rescue the wanderer, they must be with the wanderer!!"

"As long as you find that wanderer, you will definitely be able to find another accomplice!!"

Indeed, there is only one direction for investigating cases, which is better than nothing.

"The most important thing now is that the Queen's birthday banquet must be held as scheduled!!

The person in charge looked irritable, "There must be no mistakes in this regard!!

"Tomorrow night, not only will other royal nobles from neighboring countries arrive, but the Kajin Empire will also send their princes to the scene.

"Even the VIPs in the V5 Ferry Hall will come here to congratulate Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Everything must not be lost. The news must be blocked, otherwise we will become the laughing stock of the whole world when the time comes."

As he said, he looked at the Duke of Moangka who wanted to face the air with a stern look:

"In everything, the overall situation is the most important thing. If anyone dares to put his emotions above the country's major events, I will be the first to spare him afterwards!!

"And it's not just me, the Prime Minister, the royal family of Moses, and I will never tolerate such a rude person who is not clear about the importance and importance, and continue to stay in this country!!"

His words can basically be regarded as a threat from Chi Guoguo.

However, the other noble ministers did not have any objections, and all cast their eyes at Duke Moangka, warning or threatening.

"I see!!!

Moangka gritted her teeth hard and swallowed the breath into her stomach for the time being.

He also knows that the Queen’s birthday celebration is a national event. 0

Because Her Majesty's ten-year-long figure has not abdicated so far, it will naturally occupy the topic.

Coupled with the wonderful and legendary experience of his first half of his life, tomorrow is destined to attract the attention of the world.

At that time, if you really did some irrational behavior, maybe the person in charge would really do what he said.

And maybe even it will make oneself disappear forever, it is very possible.

As a member of the noble ministers, he couldn't be more aware of the twists and turns in it.

Just a suicide or a car accident is enough to make yourself who jump up and down shut your mouth forever.

The parliament discussed the various details of the case, and then emphasized the suppression of the media and attention networks in the country, and this matter was completely suppressed.

After that, this temporary meeting ended in a hurry.

A team, under the leadership of their respective chiefs, looked for the wanderers and their accomplices through various clues such as cameras.

All this is done in secret.

The front of the royal capital of Moses Piya must be an ocean of sunshine and joy.

Under the leadership of the Queen of the upcoming birthday banquet, the entire King of Mosesbia will always be a city where justice and light coexist!!

In this way, when the undercurrent was surging, the whole night passed like this.

Although this incident still caused some ripples in some places.

However, under the strong suppression of the Mosesbian government, it was hidden in the dark after all, and was unknown.

As for the families of the 30 dead people, they were naturally threatened or intimidated by some soldiers and did not dare to speak out.

In this way, as the Queen’s birthday ceremony is about to be held today, the whole city is filled with a joyous and festive atmosphere.

Everyone, from the official royal family to the small grassroots below, absolutely does not allow any mistakes in this birthday celebration!!

So, day comes.

The various celebration activities were implemented one by one according to the previously formulated plan.

Airships and vehicles from various countries have also arrived one after another.

The royal family, nobles, high officials and ministers all came to send the most noble blessings to the queen of the royal family of Mosesbia.

One by one, they walked out of every airport in neat suits and dressed 5.6.

With a smile on his face, waving his arms gracefully and calmly, bathed in the cheers of the crowd, he got on the special car that had been prepared for them by the Kingdom of Moses, and rushed to the palace first.

Ordinary people are also immersed in this once-a-year pleasure, and the whole city looks like a bright, majestic and prosperous one.


It's in the corner of this so-called bright city, a place out of the sun.

In the dark alley, from yesterday evening until now, there were some clattering and scolding sounds from time to time, making people nearby feel creepy.

It's not that no one has reported this situation, but it is because the important moment is approaching, and all factors of instability will be suppressed.

Then, in this small alley, it was rumored by people, and they all walked around from here.

And in the depths of this small alley.


Machi knocked the card he had touched on the table, and at the same time pushed down the card in front of him.


Machi looked at everyone with a flat face, "Give me the money."

"This deck"

Shalnark looked at Machi's card, his eyelids jumped wildly:

"Hongzhong, Fa Cai, Whiteboard, you are a big three yuan!!".

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