Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 112 What a pity, group action! The abilities of Machi and Parker Sister

At the critical moment, it was still when the regiment leader came forward to disappear the storm into the invisible.

Chrollo said so, Machi and Pakunoda can only give up like this.

But from their pouting mouths and a trace of unwilling eyes, it can be seen that they have no idea of ​​letting go.

Maybe someday in the future, old things may be brought up again.

But that's something for the future, anyhow better than the current Shura Field.

It's a day to hide for a day~

Mo Lin wiped his sweat in his heart, but also a little annoyed.

Pakunoda, the little fairy, actually set her off at this time.

It seems that it has been missing for such a long time, and it has really drifted a lot.

After the event is over, see how to "clean up" her!!

"It's really a pity."

Shalnark got up from the poker table and patted Nobunaga on the shoulder, looking regretful.

Nobunaga: "

What a pity, you told me clearly, hello!!

Nobunaga wanted to ask, but when he saw the calm eyes of Machi and Pakunoda~

I couldn't help but shrank my neck and dared not speak any more.

Am I really doing something wrong?

He doubted something in his heart.

"Well, it is indeed a pity."

Next to him, Uvogin was still there and followed up with a certain incident.

"What do you idiot know?!

It's fine for other people to mute Nobunaga, but Uvogin said Nobunaga unceremoniously and went straight back.

"I don't know anything~"

Uvogin said confidently, "But I think this sentence seems to fit the current atmosphere, and it feels quite interesting."

Nobunaga: "I'm going to you interesting X!!"

If the venue was not too small, he would directly cut the knife on Uvogin's neck!

Franklin and Lev Lev may have seen one or two of them.

After all, the atmosphere is so obvious that if they don't see it anymore, they are fools.

But they are not interested in this aspect, and they have no idea to join in the excitement.

Except for Shalnark, his sense of participation in this is very strong~

"According to the current situation, many foreign noble ministers should have arrived at the scene?"

Chrollo looked at Mo Lin and asked.

"It's not just them~"

Mo Lin took out the spy props and confirmed again, "There are also some important officials from V5."

He did not specifically say that it was a member of the Ferry Terminal.

Now is not the time to talk about this.

The secrets about Dark Continent and Ferry Hall have been kept and studied by V5.

They have never given up the idea of ​​marching into the dark continent.

As for why this time in the kingdom of Mosesbia, the queen of a country will have staff from the ferry hall to celebrate the birthday of the queen of a country. That is not what Mo Lin can know.

However, according to what Mo Lin has previously inquired about, the wonderful love affairs of this queen when she was young~

Maybe, the old queen had formed some "love/"destiny" early in the ferry hall?

Listening to the conversation between Mo Lin and Chrollo, everyone noticed that the sky had already started to get so late.

They play Mahjong so much that they forget about it.

At this moment, the celebration is about to begin soon, right?

When several people thought of this, they gradually became serious.

"Our goal this time, everyone should be very clear, right?"

Chrollo put both hands in the pockets of his black coat, his eyes gradually deepening.

"Get the treasure of the royal family of Moses."

"What about the other things?"

Feitan asked, this is about his debt, he can't care about it.

"If conditions permit, you can also get other treasures in the inventory. You can figure out what you should do.

After all, it was the first gathering, and Chrollo gave this action the greatest autonomy.


Uvogin raised his hand excitedly, "Then what if someone who is in the way runs over to stop the target?"

"Don't talk about killing.

Chrollo smiled and said unsentimental words.

"Then if it is ministers of other kingdoms, what other powerful officials and nobles are there?"

Uvogin's eyes widened slightly, and he asked.


What he got is still Chrollo's unchanging words.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Uvogin suddenly laughed presumptuously, "Are you enemies with several countries? I like it!!!"

"I'm so excited!!"

Not only him, but Phinks also showed a slightly sullen smile on his face.

Feitan next to him, with his fingers twitching, was a little impatient.

"Since I don't have any comments~~~"

The smile on Chrollo's face rippled:

"Then go!!

In the first event, everyone was dispatched.

Chrollo and Mo Lin started the lead, and the others followed closely behind.

Since today is the annual big day of the Kingdom of Mosesbia, there are still many strange people gathered in the royal capital.

They are celebrating Her Majesty the Queen in their own national way, with all kinds of weird costumes and behaviors.

So that when Chrollo, Uvogin and others are walking on the street, they are not so noticeable.

They are not the most maverick group.

On the way forward, Chrollo also made arrangements and plans for this operation.

With Chrollo taking the lead, Feitan, Uvogin, Phinks, and Nobunaga will keep up with the main offensive force.

Franklin and Lev Lev, based on the particularity of their abilities, assisted by side by side, forming firepower suppression when necessary.

Shalnark, Kubei, and Face Shadow are in a team, responsible for scheduling and support.

The face can use the puppet ability to deal with troubles from all sides, while Shalnark relies on a calm mind and strong intelligence and observation ability~

Come and make timely judgments on the brigade’s next action.

As for the last remaining people, naturally they are all in the same group as Mo Lin.

The rest are naturally

"I was wrong, I was really wrong~"

Along the way, Mo Lin muttered to himself with his eyes open,

"I always thought it was either Shalnark or Hisoka, who would join the brigade in the future. The two of them are the most black-bellied people."

"But now it seems that your Chrollo may be the darkest one, and there is no one!!

Except for Mo Lin, aren't the remaining members Machi and Pakunoda?!!

At this moment, the two of them are walking in front, one left and the other right, keeping a delicate distance between them.

Mo Lin followed the two of them with a look of lovelessness.

Originally, he thought he had finally started to act, and he could suppress this dispute back.


Chrollo gave Mo Lin such a hand.

"The three of you have special abilities and can save the brigade Yunyun in time in times of crisis." Waiting for Mo Lin sounded a painful and unnecessary reason, and arranged them together.

Do you think it's not too big to watch the excitement, or are you worried about your position as the head of the team because you are afraid that I will not die fast enough?!!

Mo Lin frantically complained to Chrollo in his heart.

Of course, he also knows that maybe Chrollo really thinks this way, and there is no other idea that contains other meanings like Shalnark to arrange.

When it comes to the activities of the brigade, Chrollo certainly doesn't be foolish or joking.

He took the lead, and obviously the main attacker in the regiment was taken away.

Franklin and Lev Lev, one is Transmuter, the other is Manipulator but also a long-range attack, the two are also just suitable for cover work.

Face shadow, Chrollo also doubted his true thoughts a bit, and arranged for Kube and Shalnark to follow him.

With Shalnark's cleverness, one should know what to do.

And Kubei's ability is just able to mix and match with the figure's abilities of the face, producing a wonderful effect.

In this way, it can be said that Chrollo's arrangement is plain and clear.

Then the remaining Machi and Pakunoda naturally followed Mo Lin.

And their abilities are indeed very special, they need Mo Lin to protect and be responsible.

Machi's ability is Conjurer's 【Mind to Suture】.

Able to change one's own Qi into a slender thread shape to attack or strangle the enemy.

"々, Nian Xian" is the use of thread to sew wounds for healing, fix the displaced joints, make a set of loops to deal with the enemy, and bind them. Therefore, they are particularly good at catching the enemy alive, and can also fix the needle and thread on the enemy to track the enemy.

The strength of the thread is inversely proportional to its length, and the longer it is, the easier it is to break.

What Chrollo values ​​most about the ability of "Suturing Sutures" is the ability to suture blood vessels, bones, nerves and muscles 100% perfectly at an ultra-fast speed.

In other words, for trauma, it has a very powerful treatment ability.

The ability cultivated by Pakunoda is named [Memory Explorer].

As long as you touch the other party's body, you can retrieve the memory, and the memory can be realized (promise) into a bullet, which can be shot into the head of the partner, so that the memory can be shared.

And if you use the same method to fight back the extracted person, you can make the other party amnesia and become a baby.

The maximum number of memory bullets used per time is six bullets.

Because the memory bullet is the same as the ordinary bullet, the absolute trust of the other party is required to use the ability to be effective.

Ask questions before reading the other party’s memory, and you will see the other party’s hidden memory as soon as you touch the other party.

Asking questions is to make it easier to read the deepest memory of the other party, so other things imagined in the other party's mind will not affect the reading of the memory.

Through ability, Pakunoda can easily influence the target's mood with words and cause the target to collapse.

This ability is actually very good, and it plays a big role in interrogation and investigation.

Pakunoda was also called an indispensable member of the brigade by Shalnark because of this ability.

However, after Mo Lin had the [Truth Words Sticker], the abilities and effects seem to overlap for the most part.

There is only one [memory bomb] that can transfer memories, which can be effective.

Therefore, a prop that Mo Lin readily handed can be regarded as a Nen purchase with different effects.

But at this moment Mo Lin is not too happy, he is trying to reduce his sense of existence.

I don’t know when, and what matters about Machi and Pakunoda are inexplicably affected. .

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