Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 113 You don’t deserve to be human if you don’t stab anything

After Chrollo worked out the relevant plan, he split up.

He led the main attacking team and directly raided the treasure house of the palace's treasures.

Lev and Franklin followed closely behind.

The Shalnark trio always made judgments by observing the reaction and actions of the royal family after the attack.

What Mo Lin they mainly did was to use his props to complete a series of activities based on the judgment given by Shalnark.

For example, retreat, attack, or send the old queen and old ladies to heaven by the way~~~

The main battle does not require Mo Lin to participate.

In Chrollo's words, using Mo Lin's props to launch an offense is really a waste.

"Your prop abilities should be used in better places~"

It was Chrollo's words that made Mo Lin's argument fall into an embarrassing situation now.

Fortunately, Machi and Pakunoda still know how to measure.

Now, anyhow, it is also the first official gathering of the brigade, and they will not be too reckless.

Drink, just don't know which step they can do~~~

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, in this noisy night, there were banners and hanging lanterns everywhere.

The sound of trumpets and drums are constantly in your ears, and you can see the atmosphere of joy everywhere.

"It's a sad group of people~"

Machi looked at this scene coldly and gave her opinion.

Pakunoda next to him also nodded slightly, it is rare that there is no other rhetoric.

In the eyes of their meteor street people, the joy in this scene is in sharp contrast with the upcoming tragedy.

They seem to be out of tune with this joyous world, bringing a sense of peace to the atmosphere of this wild dance.

The three of them just walked forward slowly along the main road.

The more you go in, the closer you get to the place where the palace and the nobles live together, the joy and excitement become smaller and smaller.

The joys and sorrows of people are not the same. The joy of nobles and the joy of common people are completely different.

At this time, relying on his dynamic senses that surpassed the mortal 920, Mo Lin could almost guess that the current palace is about to start officially holding banquets, right?

The spy detection device was lent to Shalnark by Mo Lin to observe all aspects of the movement and to chart the best route for Chrollo's attack.

"Prosperity and rundown, maybe overnight~

Looking at the brightly lit and magnificent palace, maybe the world's top celebrities inside are still talking and laughing, pushing each other's cups.

Under the wall, Mo Lin was shrouded in darkness and shook his head.

"Hurry up, hurry up~!"

Suddenly, not far from the root of the wall, there was a slight noise in the vault room, which was also mixed with some people's whispering urging.

"You clumsy guys, you have delayed the good things of the Lord Duke at the dinner, and disturbed the interest of the nobles. At that time, the adults will not be able to spare you!

"Should I say you have to chop off one or two fingers of your group of guys, so that you have a long memory!!"

He lowered his voice and cursed, and his tone was a little irritable and impatient.

By hearing this, I knew what shameful things I was doing.

Originally Mo Lin was not interested in this kind of thing.

But then from the other party's continued cursing words, a different taste was heard.

"Are you going to get something to indulge in the banquet?"

Mo Lin suddenly had some guesses in his heart.

His expression gradually calmed down.

"You two are here waiting for me not to move, I'll go see the situation~"

Without looking back, he rang out to Machi and Pakunoda, and Mo Lin left them behind.

Before they could react, he turned and disappeared.


Machi looked at Mo Lin's back and frowned slightly.

It's not because of Mo Lin's (dafg) unusual behavior, and it's not because of Mo Lin's worries.

In the entire brigade, there is no need to worry about Mo Lin. Otherwise, if there are characters that even Mo Lin can't deal with, then their Phantom Troupe will basically be GG.

Machi's upset is that her feelings tell her that Mo Lin seems to be taking advantage of her?

Sing, I'm sorry, Mo Lin doesn't want to be Machi's father.

He just said something like this.

Following the curse tone, Mo Lin quickly found the source of the sound.

It was a fat man who looked plump and had a pile of fat on his body.

Every time he yelled at him, the fat on his body would continue to roll, and it seemed that the scale was quite arrogant.

"hurry up!!"

He lowered his voice and kept urging there.

"Hurry up?"

Someone behind him asked.

"Of course I send these [Baby] to the palace, adults and nobles, they are still waiting to use it!!"

The fat man replied subconsciously, and then suddenly came to his senses.

He just wanted to turn his head to check who was speaking, and then he felt his neck was pinched, and then he picked it up like a little chicken.

"I ask, you answer."

Mo Lin turned the fat man's somewhat horrified head, and looked directly at him with small eyes.

Those other people who were more than the fat man to direct the work were also a little blindfolded by this sudden accident.

But soon, they reacted.

This small group of five or six people at work, one by one, eyes scurrying, trying to escape from here.

They have done shameful things in the first place, and they want to escape here alone rather than calling for help.

"If anyone dares to run around, I will be the first to chop off his head.

There is an unquestionable taste in the words of peace.

That is what it means to be able to do it.

A group of people suddenly stiffened in place, not daring to move at all.

Not only because of Mo Lin's intimidation, but also when he was speaking, he released a trace of malicious thoughts, which made the bodies of this group of people completely fixed there.

"Do not hesitate to ask what you want to ask, but if I know anything, I must say it!!"

The fat man in the lead shivered with fright.

However, it is a bit courage to be chosen as the person in charge of the unseen things.

Under the coercion of malicious thoughts, the words can be explained.

"No need~"

Mo Lin didn't give the fat man a chance to explain at all, and backhanded the [Truth Words Sticker] on his face.

"What's in the bag in your car?"

Mo Lin pointed to the cart in front of the five or six people. There were several pockets on it.

The fat on the lead fat man's face visibly trembled a few times, obviously he didn't want to tell the truth.

But under the effect of [Truth or Words Sticker], I can only bite the bullet and tell the truth:

"It's the kind of thing that doesn't stab, it will make people feel very happy after smelling it, and it will become more and more inseparable.


After listening to the lead fat man, Mo Lin fell into a slight silence.

Then, he let out a sigh of relief in the increasingly horrified gaze of the lead fat man.

"Sure enough~"

He continued to ask: "Who made you do it? Where did you get the goods? What is the purpose?"

Three consecutive questions made the lead fat man's body tremble constantly.

Even though he was reluctant in his heart, his voice was still trembling, and he told Mo Lin everything.

"I see.

After understanding everything, Mo Lin nodded at him, "In order to thank you for telling the truth, then I will let you go not so painful~"

Without giving the lead fat man time to react, Mo Lin instantly pinched his neck with one hand.

Accompanied by a "click", the neck turned 180 degrees, and the lead fat man's eyes completely lost their brilliance.

"It's you guys~"

Mo Lin peeled off the [Truth Words Sticker] from the lead fat man's face, and looked at the five or six strollers.

The death of the lead fat guy directly scared them.

If it wasn't for their bodies being so scared that they couldn't move, they would all want to kneel down and kowtow to Mo Lin.

"If you don't know what's inside, it's not impossible to spare your lives."

Mo Lin saw the struggle in their eyes, begging for mercy, and said slowly.

"But, not only do you know, but you are also engaged in this aspect of work, so hey, let me tell you this group what are you doing."

Mo Lin suddenly shook his head somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"Guys like you are not worthy of being human at all.

As soon as the voice fell, under the shroud of night, there were a few clear skeletal sounds.

Under the high hanging moon, Mo Lin, standing among a group of corpses, raised his head and looked at the heated palace in the distance.

"This is the so-called royal family and nobility."

He murmured, and walked towards the secret door dedicated to transporting this white thing.

Only the body with the neck dislocation all over the floor fell to the ground feebly.

The piles of trolleys filled with white thorns were also put away by Mo Lin.

Tonight's moon, especially ambiguous, is destined to reveal the darkness that can't be irradiated in ordinary days.

Inside the central main hall of the palace.

Here, many guests gathered together with the signature elegance, gentleman and lady-like smiles on their faces.

The dinner is in the form of a buffet as a whole. Each guest is holding a glass of champagne or wine, looking for their own goals and talking.

Such a dinner not only highlights their identity and status, but also highlights the nobility and upper-class level of their taste.

But those who came to this dinner were mostly veteran aristocrats with profound family history, or ministers of other countries.

It is the last time, and also the world's top richest man.

They gathered here to celebrate the birthday of the ninety-something queen.

After the queen simply showed her gratitude, she was supported by her two sons and went back to the house to rest.

After all, he is more than ninety years old, and if he is not paying attention, it is likely to turn this happy event into a funeral.

In addition, it is precisely because there are so many upper-class people here.

So it is possible that in such a party, a lot of good things can be promoted.

For example, a conversation may lead to a nun business of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

Or the male gentleman and every lady looked at each other, resulting in the marriage of the two families and a strong union.

This kind of party, gathering so many high-class people together, can be described as a rare and very good opportunity.

Many people are eager to get something and gain something in this party.

And from the Kajin Empire, on behalf of his father Nasby-Huiguorou, on behalf of the Kajin Empire royal family to congratulate the seventh prince Luzlus-Huiguorou, have no interest in this kind of communication at all.

I even feel bored and bored, which is disgusting. .

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