Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 114 The seventh prince of Kajin, Luzlus, the action begins! Everyone, let's make a big

"Everyone has a false mask on their face."

Young and energetic, Luzlus, who seems to have a ball-shaped head on his head, was disdainful in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

Although his city is not deep, he has grown up in a royal environment like the Kajin Empire, and he still knows what to say and what not to say, what to do and what not to do.

Luzlus sat casually on a big sofa, casually dealing with the crowd who came to him to talk to.

Seeing that he didn't want to exchange ideas in this dinner, other people also kept away from him more intriguingly.

Just when I drooped my eyelids and was about to yawn and fell asleep~

"Oh, isn't this our Highness the Seventh Prince of Luzlus?"

A slightly exaggerated and pleasant voice came into his ears.

"So it's you~"

Luzlus raised his eyelids a little, and still said casually, "Why did I only see you, your little brother?"

He said unceremoniously: "I heard that he doesn't even let go of underage girls. Isn't this kind of high-level banquet exactly his favorite place to hunt for beauty-?"

"Hahaha, my ineffective brother is worrying you."

The visitor was a man with bright clothes, a big back with bright hair, blond hair and blue eyes, and a handsome face. He looked only in his twenties.

He smiled and pretended to be familiar with Luzlus's side.

Luzlus, on the other hand, didn't even look at him.

Their Kajin Empire is a well-deserved overlord on the Ezhen continent, especially in the hands of his father, the master of the revitalization of the country, Kajin's national strength can be said to be increasing day by day.

On this continent, other countries simply do not have the qualifications and strength to compete with Kajin.

As the prince of Kajin, with the big tree Kajin on his back, Luzlus usually doesn't even care about the royal families of other countries.

Not to mention a small nobleman who looks inconspicuous in a country.

If it weren't for this little nobleman to have contact with his friends, Luzlus would not even take care of it.

"Is it annoying for you to want to come to such an unchanging party?

The big-backed man pretended to be familiar and greeted there, with a trace of flattery on his face.

"Well, you should root this.

He reached into his arms and took out a cigarette.


Luzlus still looked like he didn't respond, his eyes closed slightly, "I have too many."

That means, obviously, I don't plan to pick up the cigarette in the opponent's hand.

"Don't make a conclusion so early, this is no ordinary cigar."

The big-backed man smiled mysteriously, took out the lighter and lit it "pop".

"This is a good thing, it's refreshing and refreshing~!!"

The big-backed man took a deep breath, and his face appeared intoxicated.

"What smell~"

Luzlus frowned, and the smell of the substance burning in the other party's cigarette was obviously not the smell of normal cigar.

He doesn't like the taste very much.

"It doesn't smell very good, but it's a good thing!!

The refreshing energy on the face of the man with the big back gradually passed and slowly opened his eyes.

A knowing smile was projected to the neighborhood, and the gentlemen who were also fans of this aspect nodded before introducing Luzlus again.

"As long as you try one sip, you will definitely experience the feeling of being ecstatic, the feeling of being the ruler of God!!"

He took another cigarette out of his arms and looked at Luzluz with eager eyes.

"God? Floating like a fairy?!!"

The frown on Luzluth's eyes tightened.

Hearing what the big-backed man said, Luzlus almost knew what he was holding in his hand.

"You actually suck this stuff?!"

"Don't be so fussy~"

The man with the big back head still smiled and said, "This thing is very popular among the nobles, and many people are enjoying the fun it brings."

"Even at some gatherings and banquets, this stuff is an indispensable one."

"A lot of people use this kind of thing to experience the unusual feeling.

"Some people even think that to be able to enjoy this kind of pleasure freely is worthy of being called an aristocrat."


Luzlus sneered disdainfully, "It's just an excuse to make up for them because they can't get rid of their addiction."

The royal family of their Kajin Empire, from top to bottom, none of them touched this stuff.

This does not prevent them from becoming the strongest overlord on the continent of Aizhen.

"Isn't this forbidden? Where did you get it?"

Luzlus asked.

"The royal family of Moses has a special service to provide this thing."

A mysterious smile appeared on the face of the man with a big back:

"Furthermore, according to the information I have inquired about, the royal family has collected a lot of this stuff. It seems to be to start a war. It still wants to achieve some purpose. He has made great efforts in this regard.

"Start a war? Want to use this kind of thing to pry open the door of a country?"

Luzlus once again expressed his disdain.

From the bottom of his heart, he despised those who played dirty and despicable little tricks to gain victory.

None of them have the courage and ability of their father. With their own power, it took more than 20 years to govern the Kajin Empire from a declining small country to its current hegemon.

"I warn you, you can just suck this kind of thing by yourself, don't bring him to anyone next to me."


Luzlus' eyes gradually showed cold light, "You know the consequences."

"Yes "

An ugly smile appeared on the face of the man with a big back.

He was boring to ask himself, and he slapped his horse's hoof with a flattery and spitted twice in his heart:

"Isn't the reincarnation skill good, and relying on yourself to have a good family? What's so great? I'm pooh~!"

The man with the big back was very angry there, and felt very lemony towards Luzluth in his heart.

For many nobles, being able to be born in the royal family of the Kajin Empire is simply the best gift God gave them.

As the Kajin Empire has become more and more powerful in recent years, even the veteran powers in the world, including V5, are all in fear.

This also created the princes of the Kajin Empire, no matter which country they visit or participate in a banquet, they will become a respected existence by everyone.

If it is a person with courage and domineering like the eldest prince Benjamin, it will easily become the focus of the audience.

It is reasonable for a man with a big back to have such a mentality of envy, jealousy and hatred.

There are definitely not a few people who think like this.

The banquets all looked glamorous, and they were intertwined. It was a scene of harmony and tranquility.

But what kind of situation it will look like behind the scenes is still unknown.

Outside the palace, the treasure house of the royal family of Moses.

…0 Seeking flowers………

Five men of different heights and builds slowly emerged in the dark night.

"Cut, it's really boring to walk over so plainly along the way~"

In the spotlight, Uvogin's unhappy face grumbled.

"Thanks to Mo Lin's props or Shalnark's command, it allowed us to avoid all the whistle of detection and reduce unnecessary trouble."

Nobunaga is happy that the task is so easy.

"Anyway, I'm here, and I'm destined to have a good game.

Phinks clenched his fists and even shook his neck to move the bones around his neck.

"I heard that the power to guard the treasure house is the elite of the palace~"

Feitan held his pockets with both hands, and a pair of narrow eyes flashed with killing intent.

"I just don't know their level~"

"The level of defense also represents the level of treasures inside."

Chrollo smiled, "When I came here, I didn't delay the action, but now I have come here."

He slowly raised his arms:

"Everyone, let's make a big fuss!"


Condensed thought power gathered on everyone's body surface, like boiling steam, demonstrating the master's zeal to fight.


At the moment the order was given, Uvogin was the first to rush out, at the forefront.

The guards guarding the door of the treasure house saw Uvogin coming aggressively, and did not even ask, indifferently raised the muzzle and fired a murderous rain of bullets at Uvogin.

Although I don't know who they are, how did they get here.

But that obviously had a charge-type action, which still made them respond in the first place.

No matter who he is, if he dares to rush into the royal family's treasure house, there is only a dead end!!


Regarding the firearm, Uvogin gave a cold smile, showing all his white teeth.

He deceived himself against the rain of bullets with a powerful body that had been strengthened by condensed thoughts, with a strong wind in his palm.

Under the stunned gazes of the guards, the group of people who shot the shot suddenly turned upside down, and a large amount of blood splashed on the front door of the treasure house on the spot.

Subsequently, Nobunaga, Feitan and Phinks also joined in.


Under the dark moon night, there seemed to be a meteor-like day.

Nobunaga holds the sword in both hands, and the condensed tyrannical thought on the blade is accompanied by his habitual movements.

With the force of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, the people around him were cleared instantly, and his neck was cut off.


Feitan was like a ghost in the night, his body disappeared in a flash, and when several guards were dumbfounded, their heads were already flying in the air.


With a pair of hands, Phinks either turned their heads to the other side at a speed that the guard could not react, or they pierced their chests with a hand knife, killing them on the spot.

Ten seconds.

This is the time that a hundred guards held in the hands of the Uvogin four.

The sudden attack and the bloody scenes caused large-scale lights to spread nearby.

Many spotlights were projected, focusing on a group of them.

This movement has already successfully aroused the attention of the kingdom.


It seems to have no effect~~~

After killing all the guards present, Uvogin hit the iron gate of the warehouse with a punch, grabbed it and knead it into an iron ball.

Once again, he threw a few hundred meters away, and by the way, dozens of guards who rushed over were shot dead on the spot.

"Uvogin, good job!" Door.

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