Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 122 I am a gangster, you are all my hostages now, I want to ask you to play a game

The temperament of that man was completely different from those of the nobles present.

If you insist~

It should be the same as the characters under his elder brother Benjamin, who are said to have come out from the sea of ​​blood in the dead mountain, and some unknown place called Star Street.

All in all, the other party is definitely not a fault, nor is it a good thing!!

Perhaps, the fault of the royal family of Moses, and the abnormal performance of Qiao Grama are all related to this man.

"Well, fortunately, before I came, I didn't leave alone~"

Mo Lin stepped forward and looked around condescendingly, then nodded slightly.

"Then distinguished guests present, I would like to ask, who are the people from seven countries including Bolube, Cabudilla and Kailuucia?"

"Can you raise your hand and show me where you are?,

Sure enough, it is the royal family of Moses, do you want to unite us?

Or is there another change?

The representatives of the seven countries looked at each other, and then slowly raised their hands, doing a little temptation.

Even if the young man in front of him is not a royal person, he is a dubious person, he will not be in the public, and it is not good for them in front of so many top guests in the world, right?

They grow up so big, in their entire life, they have never seen such a beautiful

"Bang!", "Bang!",

Before some of the thoughts in their minds were fully expressed, they heard a muffled sound.

Then, the brain seemed to have been hit hard by a car. Accompanied by severe pain, it was instantly black.


Seven fascinating blood flowers appeared in an instant.

With the last glimpse of the rest of their lives, they stared in astonishment at the young man holding a black gulongdong pistol and still breathing gunpowder.

Now they can see


Several corpses fell to the ground feebly, and gradually gathered on the ground into pools of blood.

The scene was quiet for a second.



The screaming female voices that reacted come one after another.


A large circle spread out in the pool of blood of the fallen corpse.

Many people stared in horror at the tragic appearance of the dead person in front of them, their hearts beating and beating continuously.

They suddenly felt that death was so close to them.


Another gunshot shot into the sky.

"Shut up to me, stop arguing!!"

Mo Lin, who was impatient with the noise, fired another shot into the sky.

Suddenly, the audience was quiet.

The sopranos all covered their mouths with their hands.

I was afraid that I would make a noise and annoy the lunatic in front of me, so I raised my hand and shot them.

Even for those sopranos who can't control their own homes, naturally there will be "kind" men next to them to get started, hold her mouth, and make a "Mum w" "Mum" voice.

Everyone looked up, looking at the sudden appearance of Mo Lin with shocked and fearful faces.

Even the dull and stupid people know it.

The murderous master in front of you is definitely not from the noble class!!

"Very well, it's finally quiet.

Mo Lin's expression relaxed slightly, and he blew the gun smoke from the muzzle.

Strictly speaking, this gun is also a prop.

Props: M1917 beautiful lighthouse national system Smith & Wesson.

Effect: Launching wars and shooting freely every day's universal props.

Sing, it can be regarded as a hot weapon that can be used in a pistol, and its power is not bad.

At least Mo Lin used it to kill the representatives of the previous seven countries, there is no problem.

"Well, don't talk nonsense, everyone's time is precious~~"

Mo Lin hooked the trigger with the pistol in his fingers, spinning it back and forth in the air, seeing a group of people be frightened.

"As you can see, I am a gangster.

Mo Lin simply introduced himself there.

"Now I declare that you are all my hostages and have been kidnapped by me."


Some of the world's first-class billionaires breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that, the problem is not big, and it should be fine.

Some people began to prepare those extremely tightly hidden security calling devices on their bodies, intending to activate their bodyguards.


"Okay, now please raise your hands first~"

Mo Lin loaded his pistol, "I counted to three. It was the lady who hadn't raised his hand. I just assumed that he didn't plan to cooperate with my work."

"Then send him to reunite with the gentlemen on the ground before, okay, one or three!!"

Mo Lin just counted one, and then immediately jumped to three.

Many people subconsciously raised their arms and raised their heads too high.

But there are still some people who are calling for the safety device, and they are a little late.

And this point represents two worlds apart.


The relentless tongue of flame reappeared.

Reaping the lives of those one by one.

"Give you a chance, you are not good at it~!"

Mo Lin seemed to sigh with regret.

"Okay, so far, you guys should believe that I am not joking with everyone, right?"

Mo Lin showed a pretty sunny smile, "In terms of attitude, I'm all serious."

All the guests here: ""

That's really serious!!

"I knew it.."

Luzlus, who also raised his hand, had a slight pain on his face.

He was listening to the so-called "Firework Salute" outside, and originally thought it was just the kingdom of Moses that was in trouble.

But I didn't expect that this trouble would cause fire to my upper body and burn myself.

This is really people sitting on the sofa, and disaster comes from the sky!!

"His Royal Highness Seven Prince!!"

The big back with his hands raised next to him was also full of panic, "We will have nothing to do, right?! What the hell is going on?!!"

"You ask me who am I going to ask?!"

Luzlus was very speechless in his heart, "I want to know too!!"

"He didn't care at all. He killed so many ministers of the kingdom and the world's richest people! By doing this, wouldn't he be afraid of being an enemy of the nobles of the world?"

Daditou hadn't come out of his own world yet, and he was guessing unrealistically there.

"I don't know if he is afraid of being an enemy of the nobles of the world, I know I am quite afraid that he will take my life!!"

Luzlus felt weak in his heart, "It would be nice if this key stall survived!!"

His cognition is very clear.

Although he was born in the Kajin royal family, he has the pride of being a prince.

But when will I be proud!!

Like now, if you raise your hands obediently and save your life, there is nothing wrong with it.

Anyway, this is not an insulting practice, everyone does this, and it does not appear to be so humiliating~~~

"Well, after everyone has cooperated so well, then I will briefly talk about my thoughts.'

Mo Lin started his performance:

"I'm a gangster. I don't want money or profit. I have no interest in the resources and power you have."

"I only know that you are all my hostages now and follow my arrangements.

Mo Lin's voice is not loud, but it can reach everyone's ears clearly.

"々, now, I would like to invite you all to play a game."

"One, a game that concerns your lives!!"

A kind smile appeared on Mo Lin's face, but what he said made everyone feel cold:

"If you want to survive, just behave well, otherwise, the gun in my hand will not recognize people."

He turned the Vissen pistol again, "The rule is very simple, that is, I choose a person at will, let him state first, what is the worst thing I have ever done."

"Then, let him find a person among the crowds on the court to do something worse and more sinful than him.

"As long as I can find the words spoken, then I will let him go and aim my gun at the person he found."

"And so on and so on, until you find the guy who does the most intolerable forgiveness on the court.

"I'm finished, have you heard the rules clearly? Who agrees? Who opposes?"

No one answered.

"Does anyone have any other opinions?"

The audience was still silent.

"Very well, then it seems that there is nothing wrong with it."

Mo Lin nodded slightly.

Then he flicked the gun in his hand and casually aimed it at a middle-aged guest with a cheeky face and a forty or fifty-year-old.

"It's you, it's up to you to talk about the worst thing you have ever done.

Mo Lin pressed his finger on the trigger, "If you can't speak for ten seconds, then I will send you to see God.

"I am I"

He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. After hesitating for a while, he suddenly raised his hand and shouted:

"I used to embezzle tens of millions of nuns' funds for disaster trafficking!!"


The other guests suddenly looked over with strange eyes.

Although there are many corrupt officials in this group, they are also greedy for disaster-trafficking money!

"Corruption of relief funds? Are you sure this is the worst thing you have done?!"

Mo Lin looked at him with a smile.

" Yes!"

His tone became faint for a moment, and then suddenly became normal again.

The skill of changing faces is the most basic ability of being a politician.

"Well, if you insist~"

Mo Lin glanced at the bridge Gramma beside him.

The latter smiled bitterly knowingly, picked up the [truth sticker], and walked towards the bearded man with a complicated expression.

"Mr. Bridgegrama, you, what are you doing

The beard-faced man wanted to stop, but looking at Mo Lin's black hole muzzle, he could only swallow, letting the other party stick the sticker on his body.

Then, just in the next second.

"Actually, embezzlement of disaster relief funds is nothing at all! System!"

He suddenly opened his mouth and shouted.

Everyone looked at him happily.

I saw that his eyes were filled with horror and horror, but his mouth was uncontrollable and he said it.

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