Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 123 Hello, I am good, everyone is good, the coup of the nobles! All you can eat melon!!

"Not only did I embezzle the relief fund, but I also planted and blamed a colleague who worked hard and worked honestly and honestly. That guy is too hateful. I don't know if I don't know what to do, but it depends on our close eyes!

I wanted to kill that guy a long time ago, and it happened to take this opportunity to take him down, and then tortured him in the prison, and gave him a murder.

The more the bearded man said, the paler his face became.

Not only is his mouth out of control, he desperately wants to cover his mouth with the hand, but also completely out of his control.

After he finished speaking, the audience was silent.

Everyone's fearless face looked at him, as if they were looking at a dead person.

"me "

After speaking, I finally felt that my tongue was okay, and I wanted to say something to quibble.


Mo Lin did not give him this opportunity.


There was another gunshot, and after the enchanting blood bloomed on the forehead of the bearded man, he also followed in the footsteps of those in front of him.

"I still said that, time is precious, don't waste it~"

Mo Lin said calmly, "You have also seen what will happen to a lie."

"Moreover, it is important that I have the means to test whether you are lying.

"So, introduce the evil things you have done concisely, and that's it."

"So, hello, me, everyone.

With that, Mo Lin turned the gun hole again, this time at a fat lady who was covering her mouth.

When the lady saw that she was hit by a gun, she was so frightened that her face turned pale.

Before Qiao Grama brought the [Truth Words Sticker] to her, she just poured beans in a bamboo tube, and said all the things she had done.

Including but not limited to: [The maid who is favored by my husband spends money to hire someone to ruin his innocence, is dismissed by her husband, and then is concocted by her own 923 times and thrown into the wilderness], [Parents and children of the lover's family who raised her husband outside, one Burned the fire clean]

One by one, this pile of things involved a lot of human lives, and it was much worse than the dead beard before.

"Very well, you are telling the truth."

Mo Lin's face calmed down:

"Just find another person who has done something worse than what you have done, and you will be fine."

"I report the Countess of Kanyes!!"

The fat woman's fat fingers swept to the side and pointed accurately at the somewhat mean-looking old woman.

"She told me all the methods I did and implemented them personally!'

"She must have done more evil things than me!!"

The old woman with a mean face was pointed at, and her face suddenly became pale.

"I, I, I, I don't, it's not me, don't talk nonsense!!

The quality of denial is triple.

But judging from her lack of power and inability to give a one-two-three defense, I am afraid that the truth is exactly what the fat woman said.

"Is it right? I can check it out naturally.

After Mo Lin finished speaking, Qiao Grama proactively stepped forward and affixed the [Truth Words Sticker].

Then, there was a confession of the truth.

And just as the fat woman said, the so-called countess of the Principality of Kanyes did more evil things than she did.

"Congratulations, for being the first lucky player in the game.

Mo Lin pointed the fat woman with a pistol and posed aside:

"Now you can stand on the far right to distinguish from players who have not yet participated in the game.


The fat woman almost cried with joy (dafg), no, she was already crying.


She kept saying thank you, covering her mouth and wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes.

The speed at her feet was completely inconsistent with her own body shape, and she quickly stood on the far right.

"you "

The prince of the Principality of Kanyes, is almost going to be angry to death.

Obviously he was so good to her, so put his heart in his heart, and taught her the "coup" of how to manage the house one by one.

He was sold by the other party at such a critical moment of life and death!

For a moment, she looked at the fat woman who thought she was safe and relieved, her eyes full of resentment and hatred.

At this moment, even her inner resentment towards the fat women far surpassed Mo Lin, who kidnapped them here as hostages.

Drink, after one felt out of danger, he thanked the kidnapper Mo Lin instead.

A fellow hostage who is out of trouble expressed his resentment far beyond the kidnapper~~

It's really ironic enough.

But this is a good start for the fat woman.

Many people present saw that Mo Lin really didn't do anything to the fat woman, and they couldn't help but lift their spirits.

Especially the countess of Duke Canyes.

No matter how high a woman she is, she has an extremely gossip heart.

She spread the gossip about the gossip of the various kingdoms nearby, and she simply came to her fingertips.

Soon, under her confession, another minister was found to kill his wife and abandon daughter, be a guilty man, and went to the thigh of a big man in the kingdom and married the big man's daughter.

Later, the big man and his daughter were killed. With the help of the Zhengzhi assets left by the other party, they climbed all the way to a high position and came to the present.

The means can be described as omnipotent.

As for why she knew this thing so clearly, it was because the person who did it was her own brother.

That's right, she, the sister, did not hesitate to sell her younger brother during the crisis.

After that, there was another hop around~

I have to say that this group of noble ministers tore up, it was more enjoyable than ordinary people on the street.

Just those auras on them can make many people talk about it.

The nobles are all upper-class society, most of them marry each other, and each family has inextricable relationships.

Therefore, basically everyone can say one, two, three, four or five to those wicked things done by other nobles.

Even if you really can't tell, you can directly identify the Tao based on the rumors that you have heard in the past.

And these bad rumors are basically facts.

Knowing the nobles is always the nobles themselves.

Then they are the ones who can't wait for the other party to die.

Even some seemingly intimate families, father and son, husband and wife, brothers, sisters, etc., are all accusing and scolding each other.

Mo Lin was also hit by a series of noble family ethics dramas.

Sure enough, the "expensive" circle is really messy, not just for fun.

These nobles really dare to play, and some of the deeds they have made make Mo Lin feel an eye-opener and insightful.

"These idiots"

Luzluth's eyes twitched, "I really naively thought that this guy would let them go."

"This is obviously the other party's play, and he also said that he is playing a game with us that is related to his life!!"

"Just to find a guy who is worse than the bad things you have done, can you escape?"

"Don't dream!! The other party didn't plan to let them go from the beginning!!"

Although I don't know what Mo Lin will do next, Luzlus sees it very thoroughly.

And Mo Lin really intends to do so.

In the old queen’s palace before, Mo Lin not only asked Qiao Grama for information about the Dark Continent.

By the way, I also learned about the situation of all the guests who came here.

The news is that if all the people present are killed, they may be wronged.

But if they are all lined up in a row and killed every other, there will definitely be a large number of fish that slip through the net!!

From the current progress of mutual accusations, it can be seen that there are quite a few things that these nobles have done to have children without assholes.

Soon, after some mutual accusations, a guy who couldn't find others worse than the bad things he did was screened out.

"No, it's not me!!"

The one who was selected was a bald old man with a mustache.

His lips trembled, and trembling words retorted: "There must be someone worse than me, because there are many people present who I don't know or are not familiar with!!"

"It's not that there is no more, it's just that I can't find it!!"

Facing the threat of death, he retorted vigorously.

"But you didn't find out by yourself. This is the truth."

Mo Lin pointed his gun at him, "Since you have participated in this game, then you have to abide by the rules of this game."

"Who wants to participate in this shit game~!

Seeing that he was basically inevitable, the old man couldn't help but his eyes were red, and he completely broke the jar and said in hysterics:

"If you didn't point your gun at us, who would risk your life and play this kind of jokes game with you!!"

"How old are you T*, what do you think you are, and what qualifications do you have to make us accuse each other of each other's sins?!

"Do you think you are a messenger of justice who punishes evil and promotes good? No!"

"You are just someone who wants to see us who are born on top of your head make a fool of yourself, to satisfy your deformed desire to control!!"

"How about a low-level character like you, even if we can hold our lives now? You yourself will always be the bottom ant at the bottom, rubbish!!"

He vented his emotions freely there.

After speaking, the panting sound was as thick as a cow, as if the exhaled breath had turned into a white mist.

The whole audience silently looked at the bald horoscopes who were performing themselves there, all with their mouths wide open and their eyes staring round.

Luzlus also stared at this scene in a daze.

He didn't have any surprised opinions about this remark, but felt that it was just the wailing of a defeated dog, and it was a bit harsh. Don't worry about the identity of the other party or who it is.

Anyway, the other party is the existence that can control your life and death, no matter what the other party will do next, anyway, for now, you will definitely die.

Luzlus saw clearly that no matter how wailing the balding old man was, he couldn't change the fact that he was a loser.

Mo Lin feels the same too~

"Are you finished?".

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