Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 124 What will happen to the Red Eyes in the future? Second generation ancestors~

Mo Lin looked a bit like an idiot, looking at the bald old man:

"I am a gangster, I just have a gun in my hand and I want you to play."

"Isn't it justified for the bandits to play hostages? Is there anything questionable about this?"

"As for the other aspects you mentioned, the idea is worthy of recognition, but it also takes me too far."

"What messenger of justice? There is pure justice in this world, or do you represent the so-called justice?"

Having said that, Mo Lin laughed himself.

Slightly boring shook his head, and said: "Besides, what is there to talk about with a dead person like you~"


After he finished speaking, in order to prevent the bald old man from spraying dung with his mouth full again, he rushed to send him away first.

"But he is right about one thing-~"

Mo Lin looked at the scene and clearly divided into two waves.

A wave is gathered on the far right. It belongs to people who have successfully reported bad things and people that are more serious than they have done, and Succeeded that they had escaped from Mo Lin's gun.

The other wave just stayed in place, and broke off at the old man in Xiutou Bazi Hu, and did not continue to look for the remaining group of people.

"It's not that there aren't people who have done worse, just can't find them.

"So, I plan to give you a chance~"

Mo Lin turned the pistol beautifully:

"The remaining group of you will continue to report to each other according to the rules I have just mentioned, and find out who has done the worst."

"If you find it in the end, and all the others stand to the right, leaving only one person in place, then everyone will be happy and only kill one person."

"But if it breaks down again like the bald old man in the middle, then take the person who was interrupted and continue to look for the rest.

"Until you completely separate all of your people."

"Do you understand everything?!"

The rest of them nodded quickly.

Mo Lin casually pointed at another person, and he started to do a self-examination, and then found the next person.

If you listen to evil things too much, you will gradually become numb.

At least Mo Lin listened to the various methods used by this group of nobles, and the endless scourge thoughts~

I don't know why, after hearing the deeds from Qiao Grama, his slightly angry mood calmed down.

Instead, it was dull.

"Maybe this is the nature of the nobles, and I have a certain degree of psychological preparation for this world, so when I heard them speak out evil things, I didn't have much impact. Instead, I felt that it should be right.

As far as this world is concerned, Mo Lin himself is not a good person, which he does not deny.

Good guys, who would mix with Phantom Troupe and kill people mercilessly?

Although he lives in this world, strictly speaking, he has a certain sense of alienation and estrangement from this world that does not belong to him.

So compared to normal life in this world~

He felt even more that walking in this world was playing a live game.

Just like a virtual simulation, you are the player and everyone else is NPC.

So he cares more about people, except for those with special relationships such as Machi, Parker, Biscuit, and Hashik Doulang.

Other people, in Mo Lin's eyes, are not very different from NPC.

Although Mo Lin thinks he is not a good person, he does not think he is a lunatic pervert, like the kind of thing he can't do for the pleasure of killing.

Strictly speaking, Mo Lin feels that he is in a similar state to Killua.

Both of them take various measures for the things and goals they care about. The most common one is killing.

For example, in the Killua family, in order to let him inherit the family business of the killer assassin, he was tempered to accept the task of killing people from an early age.

And in the final Hunter test, Killua had to be separated from Gon because of the intervention of Il fans.

Before he left, he also killed Baudrillard who had no grievances with him~~~

There are not many good people in Hunter's world.

Ten gangsters are prevalent, and V5 extradited the queen ants to prepare for a trip to the dark continent to give birth to a family of chimeric ants, and slaughter village residents wildly.

Both good and bad world organizations don't do personnel affairs together.

Even the protagonists of the Hunter world, Gon and Killua, are not strictly good people.

If you have to give a definition to your position, Mo Lin feels that he is in the gray intertwined with light and shadow.

Because of this ridiculous world, Mo Lin will not completely turn to the light.

But he won't be completely as cold as Phantom Troupe, the original version of the slaughter of the whole clan for the sake of red eyes.

But now that he has become a member of this brigade, he has also become one of the leaders.

This kind of anti-human thing in the future should naturally be prevented from happening.

Human destiny can be changed.

Mo Lin felt deeply about this. At least the fate of Hua Shi Dou Lang, who became his own disciple, was completely reversed by him.

The intersection of Phantom Troupe and Kurapika can naturally be changed by him.

Just as Mo Lin's thoughts drifted away, the mutual reports in the field suddenly changed.

"I didn't do too many things that hurt the truth."

The Seventh Prince who had been pointed out, Luzlus said calmly.

"you are lying!!"

The oily pink face and big back head that had been hovering around Luzluth screamed out of voice.

It was him who reported Luzlus.

Obviously before, he bowed and bowed his head and bowed his waist. As a result, at the moment of life and death, he stood up and stabbed his back fiercely.

"You, as the Kajin Empire, a direct prince of such a powerful country, how can you not do some evil things that bully men and women!!"

The big back head said incoherently excitedly:

"My brother was imprisoned in a dungeon for cheating on a woman. How could you not be at fault in this regard?

"Your brother and I are different from the second generation ancestor of your Moangka family~"

"I am not interested in those things at all, and there is no reason to do it."

Luzlus said silently: "Not all the second generation ancestors have that kind of virtue."

He suddenly thought of his domineering, cruel and cold-blooded elder brother, the extremely ego and hysterical second sister, the fourth brother who is extremely perverted and likes human organs, and the sixth sister who takes his subordinates to dance the dance of love.

His brothers and sisters, it seems that they are indeed all those virtues

So there was a pause, and it was slightly difficult and lacking in confidence:

"At least I am not that kind of person.

"you're lying!"

The big back, the eldest son of the Moangka family, is still in a state of instability.

"It's not a lie, do you know after a try?!

Luzlus shrugged, his face full of carelessness.

After all, he does have the confidence to carelessly.

The movement happening here quickly attracted the attention of the audience.

When the group of nobles heard Luzlus's statement that he had never done anything unreasonable, they all felt like they had heard some joke, which was very ridiculous.

…0 Seeking flowers.

But then seeing Luzlus being so confident, he gradually became surprised and uncertain.

Until Qiao Grama stepped forward and pasted it with the [Truth Words Sticker], after asking again seriously~

Luzlus, he really hasn't done anything nasty to bully men and women!!

After this result came out, the eyeballs were shocked.

He is the prince of the Kajin Empire, and he is considered the top second generation ancestor in the world!!

With such an identity and status, why don't you do anything evil?

Or do you use your own identity and power for personal gain?!

Are you right about who you are?!

For a time, many nobles looked at Luzlus with a little subtle strangeness in their eyes.

That is the rejection and dislike of people who are not like them.

In such a big environment, many people have committed crimes and have bad deeds in the past.

As long as you yourself have never done anything evil before, it seems that you can get out of your body.

In such a comparison, doesn't it seem that we are very human?

Although they were originally well-dressed beasts wearing gorgeous clothes, they did not allow existence different from them.

And in case there is a typical example of Luzlus who has never done bad things, compare it with them~

Let the gangsters think that people who have done bad things are also unforgivable, and change their minds and kill them, what should I do?!

For a while, the eyes of this group of nobles, looking at Luzlus, began to show badness.

Luzlus was indifferent to these gazes, and even wanted to laugh a little.

"It's nothing more than the grievances of a group of dying people~"

He mainly raised his head and met Mo Lin's gaze from above.

Instead of staring at each other calmly.

Not doing bad things, not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, can be said to be the true psychological portrayal of Luzlus.


"I don't know what the other party will do with me."

It's about his own life, Luzlus is still somewhat ambitious psychologically.

"Luzilus-twice-cooked pork? The seventh prince of the Karjin Empire?"

Although Qiao Grama told Mo Lin that he exists among the characters present.

But when they really met, he still surprised Mo Lin.

Luzlus-twoked pork, is the seventh prince of the Kajin Empire. In the latest plot, he participated in the succession battle of King Nasby-twoked pork.

All princes will fight on the Black Whale ship to the dark continent until only one prince survives.

The only surviving prince will become the next king of the Kajin Empire.

Some of the fourteen princes are strong and long for the throne, and some are weak and only care about their lives.

As far as the current situation is concerned, as the Seven Prince, Luzlus-Huiguorou is the only prince who has both strength and no intention of the throne.

When he first appeared on the stage, he had left and right balls with unkempt heads and smoke all over his body. He looked like a big smoker.

If you know Mo Laowu, they must get along well.

In some respects, he is a relatively naive and idealistic person.

Kurapika hired a number of Hunters to join different prince camps.

Joining Luzlus's side is Basho who uses [Haiku Daronito] to write haiku to exert the effect.

In their spare time, Basho and Luzluz-twisted pork, both of whom were the big smokers, were smoking and chatting. Basho recommended a special kind of tobacco leaf to Luzluz-twisted-boiled pork. door.

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