Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 125 The fighting between the nobles is ugly! Luzlus with three views

Suck this big one. Cigarette has no side effects, and the heavier the addiction, the healthier the more you smoke.

Luzilus-Take-boiler asked Basho seriously about the clinical data of this tobacco leaf, and hoped that it could be promoted in the Kajin Empire to save those addicts.

He also said that his friend had been completely abandoned because of smoking a lot of cigarettes not long ago.

This also gave Basho a positive view of Luzilus-twisted pork, thinking that Luzilus-twisted pork is a shortcut to promote this kind of tobacco.

This is a prince who has no intention of being a throne, but his own comprehensive qualities such as strength, character, and three views are quite good.

Although Mo Lin didn't know much about Luzlus, he showed those personalities when he was alone with Basho in the comics, as well as the three more positive views.

And there is not too much domineering, and Basho, the bodyguard, can talk and laugh, and praise the performance of brothers and sisters, and Mo Lin still has a good evaluation of him.


A gleam of light flashed in Mo Lin's eyes, and a peculiar idea formed in his mind.

As for the following, Luzluz and others are waiting for Mo Lin's verdict.

But Mo Lin hadn't said a word for a long time, so Qiao Grama had to follow the rules set before.

Luzlus has never done a particularly bad thing, so the big-backed head of the former Grand Duke Moangka's "Nine Twenty Seven" son, his report is not valid, and he needs to find someone again.

Luzlus stood back to his original position, waiting for Mo Lin's downfall.

"How is this possible, how is this possible"

The big back who was still muttering there couldn't believe this fact.

This time he reported that he had offended the other party to death.

But in the end, the other party has nothing to do, but I have to find another person

How can this be so sad?!

After this episode, the reporting action is still going on.

But many people looked at Luzlus, who was standing there alone, intentionally or unintentionally.

Soon, time passed quickly, and all the guests present finally finished reporting.

Everyone has a clear distinction.

Mo Lin looked condescendingly~

There are a total of three groups of people standing below. One group is particularly large. It is located on the far right. After the report, they successfully landed ashore.

There is a small group of people, about eight or nine people.

They are on the far left, each with an ugly expression and a pale complexion. They are all selected people who have done the worst bad things.

As for the third group of people, they are located in the middle of the left and right groups, headed by Luzilus, and there are four or five neutral groups.

None of them have done any bad things, and some of them are well-known charitable tycoons outside.

Although I don't know what nature and mind are like, I haven't done any bad things, and they have done a lot of good things.

In terms of approach alone, these people are qualified to be in the same camp as Luzlus.

"Is this separated?"

Mo Lin casually swept the three eyes below and looked at his men and horses.

He tapped on the railing with the butt of his rifle: "The group in the middle comes up first."

The faces of the rich and charitable people suddenly hesitated, wondering if they should step forward.

Luzlus, who was in front of them, took a deep breath and strode forward without fear.

The group of charitable tycoons was startled first, and then immediately followed.

If someone takes the lead, they will have no psychological burden.

Although they don't know what Mo Lin is going to do, they have no choice.

"First go to the room behind me and wait for a while."

However, when they came up.

Mo Lin didn't even look at them, and asked them to stay in the room behind Mo Lin.

The few people looked at each other again and didn't say anything, but they were quietly relieved.

If the other party wants to kill them, it doesn't have to be so troublesome, just shoot them one by one.

Luzluz opened his mouth, he wanted to say something.

But seeing that Mo Lin didn't want to pay attention to him at all, he couldn't help feeling fortunately to touch the balls on the left and right sides of his head. He also followed the charity rich and entered the house.


When the door is closed, there are two worlds.

"Well, all the scumbags present.

Mo Lin continued to lie on the railing, with one hand facing down, "Next is the second part of the game."

"Of course, this link is optional. It does not matter if you want to proceed, but it doesn't matter if you don't want to proceed.,

"I don't want to do it!!"

Among the group of successful people, someone blurted out immediately.

They are finally out of danger for the time being, so why bother to play the second part of the game to create pressure on themselves?!

"It's a pity that you people don't have the right to choose.

Mo Lin ignored them at all and looked at the man on the far left who was reported by a group of people.

"The choice is yours, whether to play or not to play."

"Play! Why don't we play?!

They have all reached this point, Hengjian are all dead, all gritted their teeth and their eyes are red.

"Anyway, we will lose our lives, do we still care about the others?!

Knowing that they can't escape the end, they have completely spared it.

"Very good~"

Mo Lin nodded, and while the other group of people's complexion changed, they swayed their hands downwards.

Suddenly, a bunch of standard knives, swords, and spears appeared from the air, falling towards the ground.

These are the personal weapons of the soldiers collected by Mo Lin outside.

"You should know that although you are a heinous person, the group of people who reported you is not a good thing, right?"

Mo Lin said so, and faintly guessed some of Mo Lin's plans, and his face changed wildly.

"Don't you want to do something and give them a good response?"

Mo Lin calmly said:

"In my hometown, I even gave the condemned a [decapitation meal] to let him go a little more peacefully."

"Similarly, you group of death row prisoners should have arranged a wave."

"But since you have just finished the banquet before, you are not too hungry when you want to come, so in my opinion, you may want this more than [Decapitation]."

"Of course, if you still strongly demand to change to [Decapitation], I will also meet this last requirement of your life.

"No need to change!!"

The eight or nine people said in unison.

At the same time, he immediately rushed towards the weapon pile in front of him.

You reported us, we are going to die, you bastards don't even think about staying alive!!

Their originally desperate eyes were instantly occupied by madness.

In my mind and heart, all were filled with murderous intent to the wave of people who successfully landed in front of me!!

"Do not!!"

When the people on the far right saw this scene, they were all frightened.

A group of people began to push and push in an instant, and frightened to avoid another group of people who rushed towards their side, holding knives, swords, spears and other weapons.

This group of mortal people now looks like a nobleman in the past, no different from thieves and gangsters.

Even the fierce eyes and hideous face are even more gangsters than gangsters!!

"Didn't you say not to kill us?!!"

When someone tried to avoid the gap, they did not forget to stretch their heads and yelled at Mo Lin above.

"Have I done it?"

Mo Lin still looked indifferent, "I just threw some swords at random."

"If you don't want to be a lamb to be slaughtered, you should know what to do."

The words are said so clearly, if the people below do not understand, then they will not live.

The dazzling big knife slashed at them, they will never be indifferent, just die without resistance!!

For a time, the flesh and blood flew from below!

After the initial panic, the group of guests on the far right hurriedly avoided the attack from the other side.

On one side, they also found the weapons that Mo Lin had thrown down. There were also many weapons.

Unable to help them, they had no choice. They picked up the weapons on the ground one by one, and fought hard with the other eight or nine people.

However, one side knows that he must die, so he has the indomitable momentum of surrendering his life and fighting back.

In addition, they are all doing the worst things, they are the worst people in their bones, and the cruelty they possess is also the most vicious.

They killed people without any mercy.

Although the person on the far right has a large number of people, as long as he thinks that he can survive until the end, he shrinks one by one.

Counting on other people to come forward and fight with the group of lunatics on the opposite side.

The morale of one party is like a rainbow, and the other party is cringing, and each has its own mind.

Even if there is a large gap in the number of people, this fight is still hard to separate.

I even laughed at Yan Yan's high-class banquet before, at this moment, it turned into a bloody Asura hell.

Many demons like Satan, who crawled out of hell, seem to be shrouded in this area, creating a bloody world.

Knife and axe added to the body, sound of meat, crying, pain, shouting, roar, strange laughter, desperate sound.

The sound is in the ears, endless like a thread.

"It seems that the fighting between the nobles is just like that."

Mo Lin silently looked at the group of nobles who fought fiercely to survive.

"And it's really not so ugly."

In the face of the hope of survival, the ugly attitude of them is really hard to look at.

But soon, the following fighting gradually stopped.

It's not because the winner is divided, but

A pair of red eyes slowly raised their heads and looked at Mo Lin at the railing.

They tightly squeezed the weapons in their hands and looked at Mo Lin's calm face, with hatred and killing intent blooming in their eyes.

Some people even licked the corners of their mouths bloodthirsty.

"Thinking that you have mastered the power of weapons, do you treat me as a prey, and the object of revenge?"

Facing such a weird picture, the nobles seemed to stand on the same front and unite. Mo Lin was not afraid of the slightest.

Instead, he smiled dumbly:

"I thought you didn't even think of this layer. It seems that you are not stupid either."

"But don't forget, I gave your weapons. Do you think you can really resist me?".

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