Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 127 Mo Lin and Machi are alone, Machi is punished! You are too close to me!!

Just thirty-six counts, the best count!!

Can't afford to provoke, can I still not hide?!

Of course, things have not yet reached this point.

And Mo Lin doesn't think he can cure Parker and Machi.

If you can't hold it now, what should you do in the future?!

Husband's failure, family status is not guaranteed!!

"This time our initial collective action has come to a perfect end. We have already got the things that should be obtained."

Fortunately, Chrollo came forward at this time and didn't let the atmosphere continue to be subtle.

"Although some of you may not participate too much, or feel that they are still unfulfilled, it doesn't matter.

He looked at all the team members present and smiled and said:

"This is our first collective action, but it is not the last. There will be many opportunities and actions like this in the future."

Having said that, Chrollo took out the crown Feitan handed him.

"Our goal this time has some small accidents, and it has become what it is now."

"If you want to restore its former beauty, I can't do it~"

"And among us, the only thing we can do is "

Chrollo looked at Mo Lin, "Mo Lin with many wonderful props.'

He walked over and returned the crown to his hands.

"Only you can repair it."

"Give it to me?"

Mo Lin looked around, and saw no other opinion.

And he glanced at Chrollo, and noticed that his eyes shone slightly.

There was a slight movement in my heart, but there was no change on the surface.

Mo Lin reached out and took it, and said, "Then put it here for now, and when it's fixed, let's talk about its distribution."

"I'm not interested in that kind of stuff~"

Uvogin was the first to refuse and waved his hand. "Compared with this result, I actually like the process of action more."

"Now, I am even more looking forward to the next action!!"

At the thought of facing those numerous opponents, Uvogin's militant temperament could not be restrained and burned.

"I'm not interested either~"

Phinks and Feitan also expressed their meanings one after another.

So, after a few people gave up, the problem of the distribution of the crown fell on Mo Lin instead.


He glanced at him and said nothing, still looking at his Machi and Parker calmly, Mo Lin's expression remained normal.

Putting away the crown calmly, the matter was revealed.

"Okay, everyone."

Chrollo clapped his hands and waited for everyone's eyes to converge again~

He closed his eyes gently, and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly:

"This time our action ends here.

"Next time, we will meet again.

The first collective action of Phantom Troupe has now officially come to an end.

After Chrollo made his final speech, the first god disappeared.

What left afterwards was the face that had been floating among the people of the brigade.

He followed Chrollo's order of the two, and he obviously had a certain kind of indiscretion towards Chrollo.

Followed by Franklin and Lev Lev.

They all belong to the type of taciturn when there is nothing.

It is not noticeable when I come, and there is still not much sense of presence when I leave.

Phinks and Feitan are thinking about the remaining gold, whether they can build a pair of mahjong, and then practice their skills.

Muttering while leaving, strive for the next assembly action. When playing mahjong with Machi and the others, you won't lose too badly.

Shalnark and Kubei, two difficult brothers, also greeted everyone and waved their hands to leave.

It's just that Shalnark, who is slightly dark-bellied, did not forget to wink at Mo Lin when he returned the spy props to Mo Lin before leaving.

"come on/*!"

Although he didn't say it, Mo Lin was able to guess a general idea by looking at the shape of his mouth.

"Thank you!"

Mo Lin also took the props with a silent smile, conveying his meaning with his eyes.

He believed Shalnark could understand.

The latter also gave a slightly sunny smile, leaving Mo Lin with a meaningful look, gestured to the side, and left with Kubei.

Mo Lin followed Shalnark's gaze and found that Pakunoda had left by herself at some point.

Only a fuzzy back was left, at a corner of the horizon.

Mo Lin's eyes turned slightly.

However, he turned his head back and looked at Machi who had not left yet, standing still holding his arms around his chest.

After thinking about it, there was no action after all.

"Mo Lin, do you want to act with us?!"

The others are gone, leaving only Mo Lin, Uvogin, Machi and Nobunaga.

Uvogin is no longer formal and quite casual, but it is full of expectation to invite Mo Lin.

They first met the Meteor Street group of four who got together. After so many years, they finally got together again.

It is also not easy.

Uvogin hopes that Mo Lin can continue to be with them in the future.

Nobunaga has the same idea.

"No, I still have my own business to do afterwards."

Mo Lin shook his head and refused.


Disappointment flashed in the eyes of both Uvogin and Nobunaga at the same time.

Machi paused slightly with her hair, and then continued to caress it casually.

"Well, since you have something to do, then we don't force it, but"

Uvogin fists to his palms and bumps hard!

"So many years have passed, we have been apart for so long, I really want you to see my progress!!"

He grinned, his face full of eagerness and boundless fighting spirit!

"Since we met, Nobunaga and I have handed over many times, but I have never done anything to you, Mo Lin!!!"

The last time he roared directly, causing the gravel on the nearby hillside to shake off.

"You guy...

Unexpectedly, Nobunaga, whose ears hurt, just wanted to scold him angrily, but the eyes of Mo Lin were burning with Uvogin's eyes.

Opening his mouth, he swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

After fighting with Uvogin for so many years, he is naturally very aware of Uvogin's desire to fight against Mo Lin.

Even in the past three years, Uvogin has been practicing so hard, except for his own thinking about the outcome of the battle.

What's more, I want to prove myself in front of Mo Lin and fight him head-on and earnestly!!

For three years, Uvogin has been practising the Enhancer cheats that Mo Lin brought to him every day.

It's so hard, all I want to do is to see if the gap between me and Mo Lin has diminished, and whether he can catch up with him!!

Uvogin has been looking forward to this battle for a long time.

"Do you want to fight me for a fight?"


Uvogin nodded fiercely!

Mo Lin rubbed his chin and smiled, "It's not impossible~"


Uvogin's eyes widened instantly.

But before he cracked the corners of his mouth and let out a pleasant laugh, Mo Lin interrupted him first, saying:

"But I have conditions.

"What conditions?!"

Uvogin blurted out and made his debut.

"You, and Nobunaga, stay away from this place temporarily, let me talk to Machi alone.

Mo Lin pointed to the distance, "When I call you, when will you come back."

"and many more!!"

Machi, who was listening to the silent onlookers, immediately frowned when Mo Lin pointed at him.

"Is there anything I need to say alone? Isn't it OK to say it in front of other people?!

Machi protested, but unfortunately, her opinion is not very important.

"Then it's settled!!"

Uvogin cheered very much, and without looking at Machi's cold gaze, he dragged Nobunaga violently, and was about to leave here in the distance.

"Sorry, Machi.

Nobunaga made an insincere apologize to Machi, and was dragged by Uvogin to leave in a hurry.

Anyway, Mo Lin wants to talk to Machi, it will definitely not hurt her, it is not a bad thing.

And Mo Lin said that, there must be something important to talk to her.

The two of them won't join in the fun.

What's more, if he doesn't agree, Uvogin will pursue it afterwards, and Annoyance will annoy him to death.

As for what Machi would think

She squeezed the final surplus value of the two in the Sky Arena, this matter, Nobunaga has not said anything!

Uvogin and Nobunaga ran away very wittily, and soon disappeared.

At the scene, only Machi and Mo Lin were left.

"々, what do you want to tell me?"

Machi raised his eyebrows slightly, frowned, and looked at Mo Lin.

This is the first word Machi and Mo Lin have spoken proactively since the brigade assembled.

"You seem to have lost a little recently."

Mo Lin stepped suddenly and walked towards Machi.

This action made Machi jump his eyelids and didn't say much.

"It seems that you have been through quite hard.

Mo Lin stretched out his hand to Machi affectionately.

I want to touch the ends of the hair on her forehead.

"It's no better than you~"

Machi tilted his head slightly, avoiding Mo Lin's hand, and sneered slightly:

"With so many props, you want to have a good time outside, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Mo Lin's eyes rolled slightly, and asked with a chuckle.

"You know it in your heart."

I don't know why, seeing Mo Lin's cynical look, Machi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and said in a bad mood.

"You're outside, huh??"

Before Machi finished speaking, he felt like his chin was pinched, and then his perspective changed.

"Are you telling me your grievances?"

Mo Lin's handsome face with a small smile appeared in her field of vision up close.

At this moment, Mo Lin was gently pinching his chin with his hand, looking at Machi's gaze with him.

Those eyes, as calm as the surface of a lake, and as dark as the shining galaxy in the sky, trembled slightly at this moment.

"(No Zhao) What do you want to do?!"

Machi tried his best to keep calm, trying to keep his tone of voice as normal as possible.

"You are too close to me!!"

She wanted to push Mo Lin away forcefully.

But Mo Lin's feet seemed to be rooted, standing still in place.

"Don't do anything.

Mo Lin leaned down and brought himself closer to Machi's face.

"It's just a long time no see, I want to talk to you well.

"Have you talked so well?!"

Machi's eyebrows trembled slightly, and a blush gradually appeared in his ears.

"Who told you to be ignorant of me in the past two days? I'm very curious, I don't know where I have offended you?"

Mo Lin asked pretendingly.

"You still say?! Keep away from me, I don't want to talk to you!!"

Hearing this, Machi felt even more uncomfortable.

The tone gradually turned cold, pushing Mo Lin's arm harder.

Both he and her knew what it was for.


Seeing Machi's reaction, Mo Lin knew that she could no longer stimulate her.

Both of them were in a tacit understanding and did not mention Pakunoda.

"But if you ignored me, you did something wrong."

"If you do something wrong, you often have to be punished."

Mo Lin smiled, and then made the next move.

".?!! "

Machi's eyes widened instantly when he felt something.

Those eyes that were calm as water finally looked like a small stone falling into the lake.

Waves are set off on the flat ground, and the ripples are rippling quickly!!

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