Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 128 Mo Lin of the hexagon warrior! The achievements of these years of practice! The victory

"Why is it so slow?!"

On the remote hillside, Uvogin was holding his fist in place, while spinning in place.

"I said you can stop it?!"

Nobunaga's turned eyes are almost lost, "Anyway, you can't run away in battle, why are you in a hurry?"

"You don't understand my mood at this moment!!"

Uvogin's eyes surged with enthusiasm, "I want to fight Mo Lin, it's been a long, long time!!!"

"There was even a time period when I thought of being crazy!!"

"You guy

Nobunaga shook his head and said no more.

Now that I am anxious and nervous, there is more than Uvogin alone?!

Nobunaga held the katana tightly around his waist, and then slowly released it.

You are not the only one who wants to fight Mo Lin, Uvogin!!

"Beep Beep Beep~"

Suddenly, Uvogin's phone rang.


Seeing the call from the name "Mo Lin" noted on the phone, Uvogin's spirits instantly refreshed.

"It seems they are over there.

Nobunaga also got up and gradually gathered momentum.

"Shall we go back?"


Uvogin laughed and whizzed towards the original place.

It didn't take long.

When Uvogin and Nobunaga came back to the scene, Mo Lin and Machi were standing there neatly and neatly.

"Are you ready?"

Mo Lin wiped the corners of his mouth, licked his tongue slightly in his mouth, and cleaned the fragrance remaining between his lips and teeth.

From the corner of Machi's eyes, the movement of Yu Guangjing to Mo Lin's movement is also a little unnatural and will show his hair.

But it can be clearly seen that the atmosphere at the scene has been much relaxed.

Those little people between Machi and Mo Lin had already flown out of Jiutianyun.


The muscle mass on Uvogin's body instantly bulged, and the air volume up and down all over his body surged and gushed out!!


Mo Lin nodded, and 927 moved his shoulder.

"None of us are outsiders, let me tell you the truth first."

Mo Lin's face gradually became serious:

"If you really want to make a real move, all the props in my hand will come out, and you can't make it through a round.

Mo Lin is not joking, he really has this ability to do it.

In the past three years, Mo Lin has obtained a lot of powerful props.

Not to mention other things, Uvogin can't break his defenses just with the [Protection Cover Ball].

"So if you want me to use my full strength, I advise you to give up as soon as possible."

"If you fight like that, not only will you lose, but the battle will be quite meaningless.

"Ah, I know!"

After hearing the ugly words Mo Lin said ahead, Uvogin grinned too.

"I thought about this issue long before I wanted to fight you.

"I'm not so stupid to be boring."

"In the past three years, when treating you as an imaginary enemy, I have never considered the issue of your props."

"Because I know better than anyone else, when you take out those props, you have declared that the battle is over!!"

"I will definitely not be your opponent at that time!!"

"It's not just me, even the leader Chrollo, if he fights with you, if I guess right, he is probably in your hands, he can't pass three tricks, right?"

Mo Lin was silent.

To be honest, his props are also really incomprehensible.

Uvogin continued: "So, I want to fight with you, but"

"A fight between men?

Mo Lin loosened the buttons of his trench coat and took off his coat.


Uvogin laughed, "You still understand me!!"

After speaking, Uvogin saw Mo Lin's body and suddenly exploded with a strong anger!!

This breath is not only amazing in power, but also profound and far-reaching, as vast as the ocean, and as boundless as the sky.


Strong light burst out in Uvogin's eyes, and his hands moved subconsciously, and there was a warm flame burning in his heart.

"In addition to the props, your own aura is so broad, and your thoughts are so strong!!!"

"The props are so powerful, your own basic strength is really not weak!!!"

"I've been looking forward to this battle today for a long time!!"

Nobunaga and Machi, who had retired from the battle circle, were also the first to see Mo Lin with full firepower.

Feeling the powerful breath coming from the other party, making them feel depressed and palpitating, they couldn't help their pupils suddenly shrinking.

"So strong!!"

Although I have overestimated the strength of the opponent in my heart in advance, it is really when Mo Lin shows his true strength~

They were still shocked.

That kind of feeling, like it was in Dragon Ball, on the Star Namek, when Captain Kinou saw that Monkey King used the King's Fist to explode more than 180,000 battles, he was just as shocked.

"This is the real battle. It's not in vain that I have been looking forward to such a long time!!"

Uvogin laughed, stepped on the ground, and rushed towards Mo Lin.

Along the way, waves of rubble and smoke were thrown up, and the sky was rumbling.

"Come on~"

Mo Lin's face was calm, facing Uvogin who was rushing, put on his signature posture.

A battle, in this wilderness, opened the curtain!!

In the learning process of Mo Lin following Biscuit, he learned that there is a certain division of Qi.

The air volume is divided into two aspects: the apparent air volume and the potential air volume.

In Chapter 211 of the manga, the quantification of mind was also mentioned. The potential energy and manifest energy are some quantitative data about Nen.

Potential air volume refers to the amount of air stored in the body, and the upper limit will increase in response to training.

Appearance of Qi is the amount of Qi released from the body, that is, the Qi that can actually be used at a certain moment.

The upper limit will increase in response to training, but it can be exceeded under special circumstances, such as Gon's guessing boxing.

To put it simply, the potential aura is equivalent to the blue bar of casting a spell.

After playing the game and upgrading to become stronger, the upper limit of the stored gas will also increase.

Visible energy is the external air. For example, you obviously have a lot of potential air (dafg), but you have very little apparent air exposed to the outside.

In this way, it can show the enemy's weakness and play the effect of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Mo Lin's potential is very high. Under Biscuit's effective exercise, it can be said that it can be completely described with the word "profound".

Therefore, when he burst out and truly appeared in front of everyone.

It was a shocking eye, and at the same time, it also made the battle a winner.

Uvogin was defeated.

The defeat was complete.

In terms of strength, Uvogin is already at an absolute disadvantage.

As for the intensity of reading, Uvogin's will is very firm, and Mo Lin is naturally not bad under Biscuit's training.

In terms of ability, Uvogin's [Super Destruction Punch] may be very powerful, but if it fails to hit, it will be completely useless.

In combat experience, basic physical posture, on-the-spot response during a battle, etc.

It’s really not bad to get the Enhancer practice secrets from Mo Lin and study hard Uvogin every day.

It is even said that even if he encounters a strong man with more than his aura, he is more than 50% sure that he can turn defeat into victory.

But unfortunately, what Uvogin encountered was that it was better than him in every aspect, and even more powerful. It was an upgraded version with no dead ends~

Mo Lin can be called the [hexagonal warrior]!

Over the years, relying on his own powerful talent and Biscuit's training and training, Mo Lin is real and has no weaknesses!!

"You are simply a monster!!"

The bumpy hillside land is filled with potholes everywhere.

Crushed stones and dusty wine fell throughout the venue.

Uvogin was in the shape of Kata Kuri who was knocked down by Luffy, with his hands and feet spread out and lying on the ground.

He was panting slowly there, humming, and then he popped out such a sentence.

He is now completely out of the strength to speak.

"You too."

Mo Lin's strength gradually disappeared, and he took out the collected black windbreaker from the treasure bag, and put it on again to cover his strong tendon muscles.

He concealed the exposed sharpness of his whole body, and turned back to that ordinary, handsome boy with only a handsome face.

"The power of [Super Destruction Fist] is really good.

"There is still a big difference from you."

Uvogin, who was breathing well, spoke smoothly.

He stared straight at the blue blue sky and white clouds in the sky, his eyes were hollow, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Immediately, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"But this battle is really heartbreaking!!

"Have fun! Enjoy it!!"

"You can be considered wishful now."

Nobunaga put his hands under his robe, walked over and looked at Uvogin up and down, and shook his head:

"Unfortunately, I didn't get any serious injuries."

"I won't suffer if you are seriously injured!!"

Uvogin still has the strength to reply, but it shows that his condition is not bad.

After all these people are a group, Mo Lin will naturally not make any heavy moves.

But this battle was really fought heartily.

As a representative figure of Enhancer, Uvogin is simply a qualified sandbag. No, it's an opponent.

"Your injury, shouldn't I use healing items?"

"No, this little injury."

Uvogin grinned and climbed up from the ground, "I can bear it myself."

"That's good.

Although it was a strong support to stand up, but at least with Uvogin's physique, this injury is almost the same for a few days.

Mo Lin didn't say anything anymore.

"Originally, I was thinking, after Uvogin finished the fight with you, I would also like to have a try with you, but now it seems."

Nobunaga also sighed slightly, and said: "My practice is still not enough, wait a few more years~"

Perhaps, after a few years, the gap between Mo Lin and us will be even wider, right?!

Nobunaga and Uvogin both thought silently in their hearts.

"Okay, are you finished?

Machi also leaned forward and looked at Uvogin's body without any injuries that needed to be sutured.

I deeply regret that Machi, who can no longer make a fortune, no longer pays attention to Uvogin, but dislikes it:

"After the fight, it's time to talk about me.

She took out sheets of bills from her pocket. .

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