Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 130 Disagreements? Toss a coin? Red-eyed disagreements?! Chrollo's thoughts!!

Chrollo suddenly took a deep breath, "At least this time let me know the true face of the world, and also let me know what to steal."

Chrollo seems to have found his new goal again, "Is the Dark Continent? A place where there are so many magical things?"

"Those so-called hopes?"

"Haha~" He chuckled, "That place, I am destined to set foot on it!!

"It shouldn't be too late to start preparing now. Of course, the most important thing is to raise the strength first.

"If you don't have the strength, going to that dangerous place is going to die.

Kuo Luo raised his eyes and glanced at Mo Lin, suddenly feeling pressure and fighting spirit.

"At least, you have to practice as strong as Mo Lin!"

He muttered to himself, setting a standard for himself.

"Are you targeting the Dark Continent?

Mo Lin squeezed the smoke out, "Then the treasures on the six continents, do you still think about the group leader?"

"If there is something suitable, of course we will not let it go~"

Chrollo smiled, "After all, we are thieves, aren't we?"


Mo Lin paused, "Then if it is the other seven beauties in the world, are you still interested in the group leader?"

"The other seven beauties?"

As if thinking of the crown with five seven beauties, Chrollo's eyelids twitched:

"Forget it~"

He shook his head, "The remaining seven beautiful beauties, one is red eyes? It is said to be the eyeballs of the Kuluta people when they are angry."

Mo Lin also took out his phone at the right time and searched for photos with red eyes.

Thanks to Yixu Kubei, even in this wilderness, Mo Lin's mobile phone can still connect to the Internet normally.

"Is this the so-called red eye?"

Chrollo glanced at the red-colored eyeballs that burned like flames in the photo, and became slightly interested:

"I heard that when the Kuluta people die, if their eyes can keep this color, then after the eyeballs are dug out, this color will appear forever.

A small admiration flashed in his eyes, "This is worthy of the name of the seven beautiful colors."

"It's a pity, I just don't know where the Kuluta people are."

Chrollo regretted, "Their ethnic group should be quite small, so they should also have a considerable number of beautiful and fiery red eyes in different shapes."

"Head, you are very interested in the red eyes?"

Mo Lin asked deeply.

"There is interest, but it is not too obligatory.

Chrollo, who has a dark continent and "hope" to broaden his horizons, and has seen the beauty of other worlds, has clearly broadened his horizons.

"The reason why the red eyes are so rare outside is because the Kulutada people are basically isolated and don't go out very much, but also because they have extraordinary combat effectiveness."

Mo Lin explained, putting away the phone.

"Unusual combat power"

Chrollo brows slightly.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly looked at Mo Lin:

"You don't seem to want me to trouble the Kuluta tribe?"

"I am not interested in the business activities of human organs, and even hate it~"

Mo Lin shrugged, "So if the brigade wants to attack the Kuluta tribe, I don't plan to participate."

He told the truth.

"In this way, there seems to be a disagreement within the brigade?"

"And the two leaders of us?"

Chrollo smiled, and a golden coin with a spider pattern appeared in his hand.

"According to the rules of the brigade, if members disagree, the decision will be made with special coins."

Chrollo casually threw the coin representing the fate of the Kuluta tribe into the sky, and then fell on the back of his hand to instantly cover it.

"Positive or negative?"

He smiled and asked Mo Lin.

"It's the opposite."

Mo Lin casually said.

"Is it?"

The corners of Chrollo's mouth deepened, and then he said something that surprised Mo Lin:

"I also choose the opposite."

He did not open the coin, but put it away with his backhand.

"It won't be a disagreement.

Chrollo spread his hands, "I want to know why you don't want to attack the Kuluta people? Is it because there are people you care about or something?,

Of course Chrollo saw that Mo Lin's excuse for "dislike the business of human organs" just now was an excuse.

Therefore, he also needs a suitable reason.

"why "

Mo Lin pondered slightly,

If there is a reason, it is

"Yes, but not necessary.

Then he gave Chrollo a more casual answer.

No need?

These three words made Chrollo slightly startled.

Then he put his thumb on his chin and fell into thought.

Long time~

"you're right."

Chrollo's brows gradually stretched out: "The red eyes can be taken, but it is really unnecessary."

Instead, he figured it out himself:

"Like this kind of treasure that is only ornamental and does not have other functions, it will not be of any benefit to our team."

"Moreover, the fighting power of the Kuluta tribe is extraordinary. It is not worthwhile to start a huge project for the sake of eyeballs."

"After all~"

"I now have a brand new goal, and I can't waste the brigade's combat power on this meaningless people and things."

With the Dark Continent as his goal, Chrollo has stricter requirements for treasures and pays more attention to practicality.

His interest in the red eyes is also rapidly waning.

Mo Lin heard that Chrollo had made such a decision, Wei Wei first:

"Then you have no idea about the red eyes?"


Chrollo chuckled, "After all, it is one of the seven most beautiful colors in the world, so it can be regarded as a rare treasure."

"I will not deliberately pursue it, but if it happens to be met by me, such as in the collection room of a rich man's house, at an auction, or in a treasure vault."

"I will take it away without hesitation.

Well, as long as you don't fight the idea of ​​the Kuluta tribe.

Observing carefully, after discovering that Chrollo really lost his thoughts on the Kuluta tribe, Mo Lin also nodded lightly in his heart.

The two talked again about the Dark Continent.

This is also the first important parliament conducted by the two heads of Phantom Troupe.

During this period, Mo Lin also noticed that he mentioned a person to Chrollo.


Chrollo thought for a while, "When I invited him to join the brigade, I only valued his puppet abilities, and didn't care much about his character.

Well, people from Meteor Street, how can their personality and triple-double view be worse?

"It's just that I didn't expect that he seems to be crazy, extreme, and radical than I thought."

Chrollo was naturally also in contact with the facial shadow, and gradually discovered that there was something wrong with him. 0

"Anyway, he didn't feel like a normal person.

Mo Lin shrugged, "Although we are not normal people, at least we can communicate normally."

"But the shadow of the face, to be honest, it is very difficult to communicate with him."

"It's true~"

Thinking of the face leaving behind him, Chrollo nodded slightly in agreement.

"But if he doesn't cause any disturbance in the brigade, just like the current activity, it doesn't show too much abnormality, then he will have no problem staying in the brigade."

"But if he really has a different purpose for the brigade members, and has already taken action to hurt other members~"

Chrollo whispered, "That's not the way it is now."

The brigade has the most untouchable bottom line, that is, betraying and hurting companions.

If the face figure really got to this point, then Chrollo would be the first to refuse.

The two continued to talk for a long time~

When the hot noon sun in the sky appeared on the horizon.

The two also knew that it was time to officially separate.

"After that, things in the palace can't be covered up and presented in front of the world, then this world will become quite lively."

Mo Lin looked at the blazing red sun and said softly.


Chrollo slightly foreheaded, and then looked at Mo Lin with a smile.

"But I am more concerned about your own personal problems than this."

"My own personal question?"

Mo Lin was startled slightly, and heard Chrollo continue:

"Machi and Parker are both good girls~"

Chrollo turned around, leaving Mo Lin a back:

"I think this, you should have cleared it too."

After Chrollo said the last sentence, his figure disappeared into the dust and wind.

"You can tell me clearly, hey!!"

It was a failure to be teased by Chrollo.

Mo Lin shook his head helplessly.

But immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, his body stiffened in place.

"He saw me fighting with Uvogin before, so before the fight, I did 5.6 things with Machi.

"No, no, maybe not."

Mo Lin shook his head quickly, "I only noticed someone coming when I was fighting."

"In other words, Chrollo didn't see everything that happened before.

"It's okay~"

Mo Lin breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fears.

If it were really seen by Chrollo, it would be social death.

"However, things about Machi and Parker really can't be delayed any longer~"

Mo Lin glanced sideways, looking at where Pakunoda had left before.

"It's time to fix it."

"Machi has been punished by me and I am obedient, next one, but it will be your turn right away, Parker~"

"But before going to find her, there is one more thing to do.'

Mo Lin's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Soon, this small soil slope was once again lost.

It has become barren again, except for the potholes on the ground, it still shows the traces of the battle that happened here before.

After Mo Lin and the group of Phantom Troupe left, the wine fell into the world with the hot light from the horizon.

The entire royal capital of Mosesbia has been completely exploded!!.

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