Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 131 Strange turmoil? The follow-up handling of the palace tragedy, it's up to me whethe

The lingering strong smell of blood surrounding the palace made the civilians next to him be frightened.

"So what happened?!'

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, and the palace had already turned upside down.

I noticed something was wrong, and the attendants and accompanying officials, who had not yet come back late at the time, entered the palace one after another.

The first scene greeted by the eyes after entering was the scattered soldiers' corpses and the ground soaked in dark red blood.

This scene was like a purgatory asura on earth, and a group of officials were numb.

All of their faces were frightened, showing a frightened look.

Such casualties are simply too exaggerated!

What happened inside this palace? How could such a tragic picture appear?!

While a group of people were afraid, they choked in their hearts, and the ominous premonition in their hearts grew stronger.

The soldiers alone are such a miserable situation, then their master

Thinking that their master might have an accident, everyone was convulsed uncontrollably.

They can't afford such consequences, and they have even anticipated the future results:

The master went to the banquet and died, but you servants are still living in this world honestly.

Then what face do you have to live? What's the use of being alive!!!

Go down and accompany your master!!!

Thinking of the result, many attendants turned black in front of them.

The other officials also wiped the sweat from their foreheads with handkerchiefs.

No matter how you say it, if the boss who led the team died, they will at least be charged with a charge of unfavorable care!!!

Come, my mother, this can affect the official career!!

With a trembling mood, a group of people finally walked to the main entrance of the banquet hall.

The door that was broken by Uvogin, and the smell of blood coming from inside, made their hearts sink, their cheeks twitched, and their faces turned ugly in an instant.

They bite the bullet and walked in.

The picture that appeared in their eyes caused their breathing to be sudden, and some people even had a blank brain, and they almost fainted!!


This is the movement of people falling to the ground.

Someone really fainted by the picture in front of them!!

It's not just how nauseous and unacceptable the situation is.

It is the result of not having a living person, which means that their life and career will also go in an unpredictable direction!!

After this unspeakable grief, many people gradually regained their senses.

Silently stepped forward to collect the bodies of his masters or officers.

There is no way, you have to see people when you live, and the corpse when you die, you have to give an account to the country behind you and the family of your masters.

As for the far-reaching impact this will have, it is not something they can consider now.

Some people have even begun to think silently in their hearts, planning to go back and find a way out in advance.

And just when a group of people are all red eyes and quietly tidying up~


The door opened, Luzlus and the remaining wealthy men came out with their heads.

"It seems that he has left here.

Luzlus glanced down, and seeing so many people in suits and costumes, he knew that the turmoil was over.

The impatient people waiting outside have already been found, which means that the killer has left.

"Really lucky!!"

Luzlus let out a sigh of relief and said with joy.

The few charity rich people behind him also have a leftover look.

They both looked at each other, and they all understood the meaning in each other's eyes:

"It seems that doing charity is still right, at least it can save one's life at a critical moment."

"Go back and continue to increase charity!!"

Several people made up their minds silently.

"His Royal Highness Seven Prince!!"

Luzilus several people came out and saw the scene below, and naturally someone raised their heads when they heard the movement and saw them.

Many people are a little confused.

Why are so many guests so horribly dead, but these few are left?!!

"His Royal Highness Seven Prince!!!"

Suddenly, a heart-piercing shout rang, which shocked everyone!

"What's the noise?!"

Luzlus also had a good spirit.

But when he saw that it was his subordinates who were shouting, he couldn't help but scolded him angrily.

"Are you still alive?!"

The subordinate quickly stepped forward, knelt down on the ground, and said with tears streaming down his face:

"So you are still alive?!"


Luzlus said angrily, "Otherwise, it's a ghost standing in front of you?!"

"ーIf you roar and scream like this all day long, if you don't get rid of it, you will be scared to death!"

"It's okay for you! It's okay for you!!"

The subordinate cried with joy.

Great, His Highness the Seventh Prince is okay, so you don't have to be sacked by the Kajin royal family! His little fortune is saved!

Not only Luzluz, but the few remaining rich men were also greeted by their bodyguards and butlers, and a series of cold and warm greetings.

"His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince"

Finally, someone couldn't help but stepped on the blood and walked over and asked:

"What happened here before?!"

Everyone looked over, eager to know the answer.

They only feel that their brain capacity is not enough, and feel very caught off guard for such a sudden event.

"Could it be that some weird turmoil happened here?"

Someone asked with an open mind.

Because of the existence of Nen in this world, there are naturally many objects attached to mind.

Among them, some of the antiquities entangled by Nian were collected as collections by a rich man when they were excavated from the ruins.

Then at a certain point in time on a certain day, Nian was accidentally released by someone, which caused a murder in the family.

Almost every year, there are so many collectors, rich and nobles who die in the hands of these items, which are defined as weird turmoil.

The people present naturally hope that this is the result.

If it is intangible and weird, then it is good for them to each other, and there is a suitable explanation.

"Is it weird?"

The ball on Luzluth's head trembled, "Uh

He turned his head subconsciously, and just met a few other rich men.

He understood the meaning in seconds:

"Yes, it's weird!!"

In the eyes of many expectations, Luzlus nodded resolutely.

He won't admit that this is a man-made disaster!!

Otherwise, he told the truth and told the other party that these guys who were present had committed countless crimes during his lifetime, and were convicted and cleaned up by the culprits?!

The nobleman was tried by the bandits? Killed?

This is a great shame to the nobles!!


"Our people have been tried and killed? Why are you still alive and well?!"

"You said you didn't do anything that hurts the world and was let go? How is this possible!!"

"You are the second generation ancestor of the Kajin Empire royal family! How could it not be that kind of cold-blooded and cruel person?!"

"He must have made an agreement with the gangster to get a good chance. Maybe the gangster was called by him and killed so many nobles, so Kajin will be the only one!!"

Luzlus: ""

I'm sick, ask the bandits to kill the nobles?!!

Although this theory is extremely mentally handicapped, Luzlus believes that there will definitely be such a voice coming from various countries.

Don't suffer from widowhood but suffer from unevenness. If everyone else is dead and he is still alive, then he has a problem, which is sin!!

What's more, the standard of being judged is because of whether you have done something evil~

And a series of behaviors made by his brothers and sisters of the Kajin royal family that gave outsiders a very bad impression~

Luzlus felt that he had better not say more.

And, besides this, his side.

If it is learned that Mo Lin is the culprit, then nobles, rich people, and ministers from various countries will be held accountable and pursued.

If you are annoyed and offended by the leak of Mo Lin's movements from Luzilus and the others, if the lunatic kills the gods and settles the account and comes to them in the middle of the night

Luzlus shuddered at the thought of that scene.

Forget it, 940 just assume that nothing happened.

If you say this, you will be able to prevaricate this matter and minimize the impact.

The group of people in front of you can also have a good explanation, and you and others can not be disturbed and hate.

The only flaw is that the truth of this incident is destined to be buried.

The only ones who are damaged are the dead aristocrats who have no one to avenge their grievances.

As for whether they will no one redress for it~~~

Luzlus said: "It's up to me whether they die?!"

What's more, they are all scumbags who have committed that series of harmful behaviors. It is best to die!!


Under the silent tacit understanding between Luzluz and the few rich men who also survived, as well as the many people present.

Soon this incident was defined as a weird turmoil.

As for the source of the bizarre turmoil, it was also placed on the crown of the royal family of Moses Piya from generation to generation.

Without him, this treasure of the royal family of Moses, known all over the world, is really too famous.

Only when there is a problem with such a famous treasure can people believe the authenticity of this matter.

And this crown has undergone the Initiation of the Dark Sonata, and there is indeed a problem.

When many people found the corpses of the old prince and the old queen of the Moses Piya royal family, they found that the crown had disappeared.

It took a lot of setbacks and energy to find no results before it was determined that the crown was indeed lost.

In this way, a group of talents dare to blame the crown on the source with confidence.

As for the owner of the crown, will the royal family of Moses have any opinion~

Because of the death of his own queen mother and the elder brother who was the first heir, he made up for the second prince who became the new monarch of the royal family of Moses.

He held back his joy and smile, and expressed sorrow that it was nothing.

Um, this is really horrible sadness, the kind that can laugh and cry in dreams!!

[Following chapters are very busy during the day and afternoon, sorry].

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