Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 132 I intend to accept you as my disciple, Luzlus's horror!

Compared with his getting the throne, the second prince would rather never return this crown.

Pitiful Tian, ​​he, who had been completely hopeless in the first place, turned back and became a monarch for the first time.

Life is indeed full of uncertainty and drama!!

In this way, after checking each other's answers with all parties, and completely unifying the caliber, the incident ended with such a result.

Luzlus and several other surviving charitable tycoons have a standard answer:

I was drunk and rested in a small room for a while. When I woke up, this tragedy had already happened outside.

No matter who comes to ask, I always answer like this, I don't know all! It has nothing to do with me!!!

As for the other seven countries that were united by the royal family of Mosesbia and prepared to launch an offensive, they would never mention unity.

The top priority now is to suppress this storm and calm it down as much as possible!!

Finally, under the efforts of all parties and various purposes~

The terrible disturbance in the palace of Mosesbia was defined as a weird turmoil and was forced to suppress it.

And brought this result to various countries.

This set off a lot of wind and turbulence in other kingdoms.

It's not that no one doubts the authenticity of this existence.

However, all the people were all right, and everyone gave this opinion together.

As well as the official Moses Biyah gave the same answer.

The second prince, who has already trained his acting skills very well, officially issued a concession to the world with a distressed appearance.

His mother and brother are dead, and the royal treasure is lost. This time the banquet was such a failure, and his reputation in the world has plummeted.

No matter how it is calculated, the royal family of Moses is the biggest victim of this incident.

Officials have all issued statements and defined the definition, and others can only give up.

There are also many people who secretly poked and wanted to investigate, or wanted to learn the truth from the surviving population such as Luzluz.

But those who came to the banquet were all upper-class celebrities, each with their own identities and methods, and of course it is impossible to be at the mercy of others.

At the same time, paper cannot contain fire.

The death of so many famous world celebrities will naturally cause a sensation.

There are countless tabloids following the trend and even making up a lot of news.

At least on the airship returning to the Kaljin Empire, the Seventh Prince Luzlus looked very happy.

He stayed alone in his luxurious room, watching the news with interest.

"All this is a conspiracy made by the second prince of the Mosesbian royal family. He killed his mother and eldest brother in order to inherit the throne, and killed all the guests by the way." This is a good idea."

"There must be someone with schizophrenia, who happened to have an attack during the banquet and killed other people, and he himself died madly." Well, this is not very good.

"It was made by Luzlus, the seventh prince of the Kajin Empire, in conjunction with those rich men. Huh, huh?! n!"

Luzluz sat up and curled his lips.


He rolled the newspaper into a ball and threw it aside.

A newspaper was handed over at the right time.

Luzlus took it without knowing it, and continued to browse:

"The one who killed the guest was a vicious gangster, and he was also a hypnotist. Because he attracted the attention of others, he hypnotized the seven princes and others who were too late to commit the killing, and left in a hurry. Hey!"

Luzlus chuckled, "Is there really any nonsense and hypnotism? Why doesn't he say that our memory has been tampered with?!"

He expressed disdain for the views of the tabloids.

"It's not impossible~"

There was a chuckle from the side, "If you want to try it, I can't satisfy you.


Hearing these words, Luzlus's cold hair became firm, and the two balls' heads tightened instantly.

He will never forget this voice, it can be said that since that night, it has been carved into the depths of his memory!!

Luzlus raised his head in horror, and saw that familiar and unfamiliar face came into view.

Strange, because Luzlus didn't know each other. Strictly speaking, this was the second time they met.

Familiar, because that night, this man grasped the momentum of life and death in control of the audience, so that he who escaped by chance was particularly impressed.

He will never forget this voice, nor will he forget this face!!

"Why are you here?!

Luzlus's scalp was numb for an instant, and he squatted to say it with a trembling face.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that his tongue was trembling obviously.

"Don't be afraid. If I wanted to attack you with malicious intent from the beginning, you would be dead."

Mo Lin patted him on the shoulder.

The latter trembled and showed an ugly smile.

"Also, don't be eager for someone outside to hear something coming to rescue you.

The smile on Mo Lin's face is even more playful, "Because I lent them all to hypnotize and tamper with the memory.

Luzlus: ""

The stiff smile on his face could no longer be stretched.

With a wailing, the newspaper in his hand was thrown aside and scattered on the ground.

He also gave up his resistance and sank into the sofa with his body broken.

"Why are you looking for me?!"

Luzlus's face was unlovable.

"Couldn't it be because of the thing that night, came to me to settle accounts after Autumn?"

He is weak.

"After Autumn? Do you think it's worth a trip for me to do something like this?"

Mo Lin was not polite, moved a stool and sat on the opposite side of Luzlus.

Seeing Mo Lin's posture, some believed that the other party was really not here to take his own life, Luzlus straightened his body immediately.

Quickly shook his head and said: "No!!"

"Then you might as well guess why I made a special trip to find you?" Mo Lin said leisurely.


Luzlus choked, and immediately turned his head.

Then after a moment of silence, he pointed to himself with some uncertainty.

"For myself?"

His weak way.

"It's still a bit clever, not so stupid that people want to get around~"

Mo Lin gave him a slightly admiring look.

Luzlus: ""

Although you are complimenting me by this, why do I always feel that you are harming me?

And since you didn't come here for that night, it must be for me?

I'm not so stupid

The corners of his eyes twitched, and he was a little afraid of staying with Mo Lin, a ruthless, murderous person.

Although he himself didn't take his life seriously.

But the lives of others and your own are two different things after all~

"May I ask, why are you looking for me?"

Luzlus carefully used honorifics.

"I am looking for you, of course because I am more interested in you."

Mo Lin looked up and down Luzlus, and suddenly smiled:

"I don't scare you, so I'll tell you straight."

"Your character is more to my appetite, and your talent barely meets my requirements, so~~~"

Mo Lin said solemnly: "I intend to accept you as my disciple.

Luzlus: "々 ?? ???"

What did I hear just now?!

This ruthless person wants to accept me as a disciple?!!

He stared blankly at Mo Lin in front of him.

Shaking his head a little, Luzlus rubbed his cheek, and the machine-like smirk reappeared on his face:

"Sorry, I didn't hear what you said just now, can you say it again?"

He stiffly said.

"I said, I plan to accept you as my disciple."

Mo Lin added, "And he's still the second disciple."

Luzlus was silent.

He suddenly felt nothing wrong.

Such a ruthless gangster, who can play such a game, may have an abnormal spirit in the first place.

Now they have found him here to talk nonsense and have begun to pester him.

"Well, the matter of accepting apprentices is too important, can we take a long-term view?"

Luzlus suggested cautiously.

‘I’m kidding! Lao Tzu is mad, so good princes don’t do it, go and be an apprentice with you, a ruthless man who is mentally ill, and what kind of apprentice is he?!,

On the surface, he is cautious, and in his heart he has already started the serial spit mode.

Even because there are too many slots, Luzlus can't find the spot to set the fire.

"for example?"

Mo Lin looked at him with a faint smile.

"At the very least, I have to let my relatives, that is, my father, know about this, right?"

Luzlus rubbed his hands and smiled.

As if seeing Luzlus's insincere, Mo Lin didn't say anything, just smiled.

(No?) Ah!

With the speed that Luzlus couldn't react, he directly covered the Heavenly Spirit Cap on his head with a big hand.

Luzluz was shocked.

"Is it because of my refusal that caused the other party to become angry and kill me here?"

"Chek Hugh!! Because he was too harmless just now, did he relax my vigilance a bit?!"

"The other party is a ruthless person who kills without blinking. How can I be stupid enough to negotiate terms with such a character?!!"

"If I knew it, I would agree to it! Being an apprentice is much better than dying here in a muddle!!"

"So I am destined to die in this place because of my stupidity? Now I change my mind and say that I am willing to be his apprentice. Is it too late?!

In just an instant, Luzlus's mind was full of thoughts and thoughts.

Just when his hero doesn't suffer from the immediate loss, he wants to change his tongue and save his life immediately~

Suddenly, he only felt a powerful force, constantly emerging from the depths of his body! Nephew!

"this is?!"

Luzlus, who had never encountered such a situation before, was a little caught off guard.

"Constrain your mind and guide this force with your mind!!"

Mo Lin's calm voice suddenly sounded in his ear, making him seem to have found the backbone, and immediately did what Mo Lin said. .

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