Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 134 Communicating with Pakunoda, a natural relationship! I want it all, adults!!



Before she was loaded and loaded, she heard two muffled sounds of dislocation of bones coming from behind.

Then, there was a sound of brisk footsteps.


She raised her eyebrows and didn't wait for her to do anything.

"Where are you going so fast?"

The sound coming from behind made her body slightly stiff.

Mo Lin came up, walked around her gently, and came to her.

"When I leave, don't say hello to me, it's too chilling for me-right~"


Mo Lin looked directly at Pakunoda's beautiful golden eyes. While smiling, his eyes were tender and tender.

"Isn't there Machi with you there?"

Pakunoda was originally embarrassed by Mo Lin, but after thinking of this, he tilted his head stubbornly, avoiding Mo Lin's eyes.

"Because of Machi, that's why you are like this. When playing mahjong, you have also destroyed the secrets that we have talked about. Should you tell her about the existence of [Ligunli Bank]?"

"I didn't.

Pakunoda's tone didn't change.


Mo Lin deceived him and hooked Pakunoda's chin with his fingers, forcing her to look at herself.

Well, this is the method Mo Lin used against Machi.

And facts have proved that this kind of domineering president's behavior is indeed very effective.

At least Mo Lin saw Pakunoda's eyelashes, and started to beat slightly.

"You said, almost betrayed the secret between us, how should I punish you?!"

Mo Lin stepped forward, Pakunoda stepped back.

Soon, the two retreated to the corner of the wall, leaving Pakunoda no longer a way back.

"If you are outside, it would not be great if you are seen by others, so~~~"

"Let the two of us have a good chat about this matter separately, and see how to deal with it?!"

Only then did Pakunoda discover that Mo Lin had already taken out the [Poster from Out of Nowhere] and posted it on the wall.


The door opened, and Pakunoda was forcibly pushed into the door by Mo Lin.

In other words, she didn't have much resistance, she was just struggling to behave on the surface, and was taken in by Mo Lin with half a push.

Immediately, the door closed and then disappeared on the wall.

The dark alley became deserted again.

Except for the muffled hum that suddenly sounded in this alley, which means that there are traces of people's activities, peace has been restored again.

The galaxy and moonlit night is the beautiful scenery of the good day.

With a beautiful woman accompanied, how can it not be a perfect match?!


Pakunoda is eighteen years old.

Well, this year is exactly eighteen, and belongs to the kind of adult who has full ability to act.

Therefore, under the common travel in the past, the feelings that accompany each other day and night are carried out naturally today.

[Door stickers out of nothing] has the advantage of being able to have a safe and tidy room that is not disturbed anytime and anywhere, and it is ready for all-weather preparation.

Even Mo Lin once felt that the effect of [Made from Out of Nowhere] was even more useful than his other props.

Especially at this moment of being alone with Pakunoda~

Mo Lin and Sister Parker stayed in the hut made of door stickers for three or four days without going out.

Until the fifth day, Pakunoda felt that it was almost enough, and the two came out of the room.

The clothes of the two who came out were very neat, and they looked like they had been specially cleaned.

"Do you have any plans next?"

Pakunoda looked at Mo Lin gently.

After the time comes, the relationship between the two can be said to be further development and heating up.

"I plan to go to the Kajin Empire. There are some things to deal with.

While talking, Mo Lin stroked her hair.

"Are you going with me?

"Of course not."

Pakunoda smiled, "Although I really want to be with you, but I think it would be better for us to separate for a while."


Mo Lin asked subconsciously.

Then he saw Pakunoda staring at him scorchingly.

Mo Lin, who almost knew the meaning of Pakunoda's gaze, couldn't help being silent.

Needless to say the extra words, two people can be said to be heart and mind, body and body, after they have communicated, they can also understand each other's thoughts.

"Because of Machi?"

Mo Lin sighed slightly in his heart.

Obviously there is a close relationship, but Pakunoda still does not want to be officially with Mo Lin.

Mainly because of Machi.

Perhaps, when Mo Lin considers it, she will make a corresponding decision.

If it is in other worlds, Mo Lin can sit on all directions with great pride, and announce to them loudly and domineeringly: both of you and me.

But in the Hunter world, especially Machi and Pakunoda from Meteor Street, there is only one end for Mo Lin to do this:

Get Machi's chanting thread winding and dividing, and Pakunoda's bullet hello.

Therefore, Mo Lin still has to make his final choice.


Why should I choose?

Isn't this kind of getting along?

Both sides knew each other's existence, and they were both tacitly silent about this matter.

In this way, in fact, the most beneficial is Mo Lin himself~!

Well, although there is a little scum on the sea king, there is no way.

This is also the best way for both parties to get along.

If you insist on choosing one party, the other party will definitely stay away from Mo Lin completely.

And Machi and Parker Nooro make choices for children, and I want them all!

Mo Lin is absolutely impossible to give up! Absolutely not!!

So, I saw Pakunoda, who Mo Lin "has not thought about yet", and finally trimmed Mo Lin's clothes like a good wife and mother, and after giving him a gentle reminder.

Then disappeared in this dark alley.

As for where to go, Mo Lin didn't ask, nor did the Parkernow woman.

She is also an independent person and has a life of her own.

Just before leaving, Mo Lin gave her a prop.

Props: [Transport Bows and Arrows].

Effect: Shooting a bow and arrow will bring the user to a pre-placed target with the same color as the bow and arrow.

This prop is one of the teleport props that appeared in the Doraemon A Dream's Any Door Daily Damage series.

Mo Lin gave the red target to Pakunoda.

If Pakunoda wants to see herself in the future, call herself and Mo Lin can shoot a red arrow to her side.

[Any Cannon] After using it, there is still the disadvantage of the props staying in place, [Transport Bow and Arrow] but not.

However, the former can go anywhere in this world, while the latter can only go to where the target is.

The two can be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages.

…0 Seeking flowers……

After Pakunoda left, Mo Lin also continued his unfinished work.

The Kajin Empire was just a humble small country many years ago.

But later, in the era when the heroes competed, as the leader of a small country that would be annexed at any time, the ancestor of King Kajin at that time made a peculiar pot.

Then around this pot, a series of succession battles were launched to select the best heir, thus leading Kajin to today's prosperity and strength.

After Mo Lin came to this country, he also had a better experience.

Whether the national power is strong or not can almost be reflected in the appearance of the city.

Strong national power is also the future, and Kajin has become an important reason for v6.

Mo Lin is not interested in Kajin and the princes at this stage.

When he twisted around and came to Kajin Palace, the palace belonging to the Seven Princes~

Luzlus was sitting there, closing his eyes and practicing meditation.

After noticing that someone came in, he opened his eyes instantly.

But after seeing Mo Lin, he hurriedly stopped and got up to greet him.


Well, in the past few days, as I have learned about mindfulness, I have become more and more aware of the power of this power, and gradually understand the preciousness of this secret book in my hand~

Luzlus was completely thinking about it.

The other party has already achieved this step on him, so the mentorship must not be able to run properly.

Rather than twitching and worrying about this and that, it's better to accept and admit it openly.

As for whether the other party will accept disciples for a different purpose in the future~~~

Just like Mo Lin said, if he really has any malicious intent, would he be so troublesome to himself?

And if it's for the Karjin Kingdom, the royal family clearly has a lot of younger brothers and sisters, which are easier to control, why choose him?

Therefore, Luzlus came to the conclusion that Mo Lin's acceptance of disciples is two: fate and seeing the right eye.

He has a close relationship with Mo Lin, and Mo Lin sees him pleasingly, so he is honored to be the other's disciple.

Luzlus, who has a relatively simple mind and thinks that the problem is not complicated, takes it for granted.

Perhaps, there are some strange habits that the other party has as a strong person?

Luzlus's thoughts radiated, but his face was respectful.

"It seems that you are not in a hurry these days, it is very good~"

It can be seen that Luzlus's thoughts are more condensed. Obviously, he has worked hard in the past few days and made Mo Lin light his head.

Hardworking disciples are liked by everyone.

"Do you know everything about reading in the book?"

"It's all clear."

Luzlus nodded repeatedly.

The book is very detailed, and he has firmly grasped what is "qi", what is "reading", and the four major activities of reading.

"Are you clear about the six major departments?"

Luzlus graciously moved a stool for Mo Lin and let him sit down.

After hearing the question, he continued to answer: "It's all clear."

He paused, "It's just that I haven't tested my department.

"Why?" Mo Lin asked.

"I want to wait until you come back, Master, and then test."

Luzlus said honestly.

Mo Lin looked at him standing respectfully, and said nothing, backhanded out a cup and a leaf.

[This chapter originally wanted to be written on Qixi Festival yesterday, but it's a pity~] Door.

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