Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 135 One year, what happened to each other! Become Hunter's Wasek Doulang!!

The method of inspection is of course the same.

This method Luzlus has also seen in the book.

After seeing Mo Lin take out these things, he also took them immediately, and was ready soon.

He put both hands on the side of the cup filled with water, and slowly activated his mind.

Under his tense gaze, he could see some crystal particles slowly emerging from the water in the cup, visible to the naked eye.


According to his performance, Luzlus, who knew how to judge the system, quickly classified himself.

Mo Lin also nodded slightly, this result was not beyond his expectation.

In the original version, after participating in the ritual of succession to the throne and [Egg in the Pot], the guardian spirit beast born by Luzlus belongs to the Manipulator.

His guardian spirit beast is a centipede-like worm-shaped beast, belonging to the Manipulator, semi-compulsive operation ability.

After the desire of the target is realized, a trap is set up. Once the opponent is hit, that is, the desire is satisfied, it will be launched.

From his ability to guard the spirit beast, it can be seen that although Luzlus-Huiguoyu has a simple idea, he is also a person who likes to forbear and calculate the opponent after he relaxes his guard.

After knowing the specific department, then it is easy to have targeted practice.

Manipulator, as one of the five common "nine and four zeros" categories, has many methods of practice.

Soon, Mo Lin found the best fit for Luzluz from the bunch of training methods.

"Nen's cultivation is a steady and gradual process. Unless there is some adventure, the cultivation can only be done step by step."

Before the formal training, Mo Lin told Luz Luskop:

"I came from the heart of the world's number one martial arts genre. The iconic character in it, the master of the genre, that is, the Netero president of the Hunter Association, has been along the way."

"Take punches 10,000 times a day as a training, and the results have been achieved over time.,

"The heart flow?"

Luzlus nodded earnestly, "I thought this genre was just a genre of martial arts practice techniques. Didn't I expect it to be related to Nen?"

"When you step into the Nenka circle, you will find that behind the big forces in the world, there is a shadow of Nen."

Mo Lin continued to teach: "This will be learned in our next study.

"At the moment, you must immediately start learning from the foundation of reading, step by step."

"This is a long process, which requires you to understand and comprehend with your heart, and then consolidate it through hard cultivation!!"

"I see!!"

Luzlus hurriedly stood up and responded with a serious expression.

"Very well, starting from today, I will give you all-round guidance, but in the middle will be very strict, don't drop the chain for me!!"

"Definitely not, Master!!"

Luzlus is just a teenager now. After a few flicks in Mo Lin, his blood becomes boiling.

Soon, Mo Lin began to target Luzlus and began the next training.

So time passed slowly.

When Mo Lin was instructing Luzlus, the outside world was still in turmoil.

What happened in the palace of Moses is just a microcosm of the extraordinary outside world.

First of all, after Machi dressed up in disguise, he returned to the Sky Arena.

When she came to the casino to redeem with a series of gambling tickets~

Looking at the series of gambling tickets, the casino that would lose a lot of blood after changing it, of course not do it!

Coupled with the fact that the opponent's bet was the previous very problematic duel between Uvogin and Nobunaga, the casino contacted the official Sky Arena for the first time.

At the same time, they also planned to take down Machi, who was in front of him to exchange money.

The results of the Uvogin and Nobunaga two buildings both abandoned the game a few days ago, but the Sky Arena really hurt the Sky Arena.

Whether it is from reputation, professionalism, or business, etc., it has been greatly affected.

Like the ridicule and dissatisfaction from the fighting fans and the audience who bought the tickets, these can be easier to handle.

But that comes from a higher level, it is not easy to explain.

Not to mention other things, the Sky Arena was all sold at a high price for the broadcast rights, advertising fees, etc., to broadcast the battle between Uvogin and Nobunaga.

In a blink of an eye, the two masters disappeared, and the battle became a joke.

Those merchants who have spent a lot of money but haven't seen the results they want, they really don't finish the calculation with Sky Arena.

The Sky Arena was arguing with this group of businessmen, and when it was annoying, he got such a news from the casino.

The Sky Arena, which was already very aggrieved, saw that the righteous master finally showed up, and hurriedly sent the master in the tower over, and must seize that guy and make it hard.

Naturally, Machi will not sit still.

She was very vigilant and immediately used the [Blind Spot Star] given to her by Mo Lin when she saw that the situation was not right.

At that time, she disappeared from everyone's sight.

Then with a cold eye next to the next series of practices in the Sky Arena and Casino.

"Chrollo they talk a lot, we are already thieves."

After tearing up all the bills in his hand, Machi went to the warehouse of the casino and took away his share of money.

She did not move the rest, but poured two barrels of gasoline into it.

Then, a big fire was lit.


The blazing flame reflected the entire sky arena in the city half of the sky.

Uvogin and Nobunaga are still the same, they have also started their own travel.

Along the way, find some powerful characters to fight, fight and kill, so continue to temper yourself.

Shalnark, in the image of a baby-faced sunshine boy, continued to walk through his own tens of thousands of flowers, leaving no leaves on his body.

When chatting with the little sister, Shalnark did not forget his essence as a thief.

However, after looking up a lot of information on the Internet, I couldn't get the information that I wanted, which was secret and had no authority to investigate.

Shalnark also made the decision to take the Hunter test and get a license.

Mo Lin's eldest disciple, Hua Shi Dou Lang, also carried his bags, and started his self-cultivation practice along the way.

And when you pass a big city, you must go to challenge the most famous martial arts hall in the city.

And at night, you must also go to the underground black boxing place to participate in and feel the atmosphere.

Contrast the specific differences between the formal training in the martial arts and the life and death struggle in the underground darkness.

At the same time, the world's largest killer family, the Zoldyck family, also ushered in the fourth son of the family, Kalluto-Zoldyck.

The most talented Killua- Zoldyck was three years old.

Meet the head of the enemy Hakka family, go out to find a suitable beast as a watchdog, and named it Sanmao.

And in the small country of the Republic of East Gorda on the southernmost part of the Ulubian continent~

A girl who is blind and can only play military ritual chess, Mai Mai created "Lone Fox Gu". There was no solution at the time, which caused the military rituals to scramble to learn. 0

Jin, holding Mo Lin [Restoration Light Lamp], is still following his companions, repairing the ruins of Luluka,

Chrollo, the leader of Phantom Troupe, began to pursue the clues to the dark continent.

And during this period, I established contact with the elders of Meteor Street because of the tramp.

Thus became the main provider of funds for the military power of Meteor Street.

After three months of separation from Mo Lin, Pakunoda occasionally felt unwell and vomited constantly.

I thought it was possible to get pregnant according to the method stated on the Internet.

After being diagnosed, it was only because of being invaded by a local "vomiting virus" that caused symptoms.

Since then, Pakunoda no longer believes in the medical issues mentioned on the Internet.

As a result, as everyone has their own wonderful journey, 1990 just passed.

In a blink of an eye it came to 1991.

Kajin Kingdom, in the palace room that represents the Seven Princes.

"Did you pass the Hunter test?

On the balcony, Mo Lin was shining in the sun and listening to the report from his big apprentice Hua Shi Doulang.

"Yes Master."

On the phone, Hua Shi Doulang also smiled and said:

"After a year of experience, I think I am ready to become a Hunter, so I came to participate in this Hunter test."

"In the end, it also lived up to the cultivation of Master, successfully passed several rounds of tests, and got the license.

On the other end of the phone, Hua Shi Doulang was walking on the street, turning the Hunter license in his hand from time to time, and seeing the people around him envy.

"Nothing unexpected happened, right?"


Hua Shi Doulang shook his head, "Except for the beginning of the [newcomer killer], after a person called Tonpa made some noise, nothing else.


Thinking of this running Hunter test, the hard-hitting newcomer killer, Mo Lin couldn't help but smile.

He still persisted, but his luck was not so good this time, and he ran into Hua Shi Doulang.

5.6 "I and the other newcomers were fine, and they didn't pay attention to him. He might also see that I was not good to deal with, so he left."

Hua Shi Doulang said, "It's just that when he went to harass an examinee named Shalnark, he was given a good lesson.


Mo Lin's expression moved after hearing this, "Did he take the Hunter test too?"

"Master, do you know this person?"

Hua Shi Doulang's tone is also rare and a little serious:

"The strength of this person is very strong, and all aspects of quality are very outstanding."

"Regardless of strength, if it is to say that it is all the comprehensive strength, he may be the best among all of our candidates this time."

"Is it?"

This result Mo Lin can imagine.

It's just that I didn't expect even the dignified Tonpa god to be deceived by Shalnark's appearance.

It is also said to be the old rivers and lakes~~~

"As for Shalnark, how do you feel compared to you?"

Mo Lin thought of this question and asked jokingly.

"I don't know his abilities. Other aspects, such as the experience of walking in this world, and his decisive, old-fashioned style of acting are better than mine."

Hua Shi Dou Lang told the truth.

But then~

"But if it is in terms of strength, he will not be my opponent!".

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