Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 136 Can kill him in seconds! Two or three things in the Hunter test this year

A confident smile appeared on Hua Shi Doulang's face:

"Even if it is a life and death struggle, I can kill him in seconds before he activates Nen!"

With extraordinary talents, under the tempering of Mo Lin and Jin, Hua Shi Dou Lang, who has been practicing for a long time, has the confidence and capital to say this.

If Shalnark and Hua Shi Dou Lang face each other, Hua Shi Dou Lang will use [Phantom-Tiger Bite True Punch] when it comes up. Maybe Shalnark really can't stand it.

Unless Shalnark uses his Super Saiyan's stand-alone mode.

Otherwise, he is really not enough to fight Hua Shi Dou Lang.

"Before joining the Hunter Association, I traveled everywhere, but I still couldn't find the trace of Master Tai."

Huashi Doulang felt a little guilty about not being able to find Biscuit. He felt that he had let Mo Lin down.

"It's okay, she was originally a dragon who saw the head but didn't see the end. It's the same if you can't find her. By the way, how do you feel about the Hunter test?"

Mo Lin didn't care, but asked about the Hunter test.

"There are still a lot of difficulties.

Wah Shih Doulang recalled for a while, "There are five rounds of Hunter test this year."

"In the first four rounds, some were relatively simple, but some were very difficult, and many people were eliminated."

"Similarly, some examiners are very strong, but some are just so so-so, weak to the point that I can beat them to death with a single punch."

Hua Shi Dou Lang concluded more realistically:

"Simple test questions are all made by weaker examiners, and the ones that I find more difficult are all made by those who seem to be very strong examiners.

"There are two examiners who feel very strong. One is called 30 Miza Aston. It is said that he is a well-known criminal Hunter recently and works as a lawyer for a private security company."

"And he has already got a star, he is a very capable person."

"The other one is called Saqiu. It looks gentle and kind, but the arranged test questions are actually very difficult to complete."

"He is also an annoying Hunter who has been rated as a star, and his strength seems to be very good.

Mija Aston? Saqiu?

As Hua Shi Doulang said these two names, Mo Lin also followed the impression of these people in his mind.

"They are all members of the next twelve earthly branches~"

Mi Zai Aston, full name: Mi Zai Aston-Nana.

The ugly cow, one of the twelve earthly branches in the future, is dressed as a black and white spotted cow, and its appearance conforms to the characteristics of [cattle].

The future two-star crime Hunter, a lawyer for the private security company, is also a conscience among the twelve earthly branches, and a person with common sense recognized by the non-chairman faction.

Since he is also a lawyer by profession, he prohibits all acts of violence and has special search rights.

Its Nen is 【Secret Chamber Judge】, making an independent secret room as a court.

Restrict the opponent's actions by showing the opponent's cards in three colors. Blue allows the opponent to go to court, yellow can restrain the opponent, and red allows the opponent to leave.

In the mission of the journey to the dark continent, it was assigned to the intelligence team.

He is a prudent faction who values ​​balance and is conservative.

Sa Qiu, full name: Sa Qiu Kobayakawa.

Wuma, one of the twelve earthly branches in the future, has a very typical horse face and exposed teeth.

The future two-star trouble Hunter, detective, chores, and the person in charge of the conversation in the twelve earthly branches, hopes to transform the association from an internal perspective.

But it has its own opinions, not to ask about political affairs, and not to join any factions.

In the mission of the journey to the dark continent, it was assigned to the intelligence team.

Both of them are the mainstays of the future Hunter Association. Now they are both star Hunters, and they are also relatively strong, which is a matter of course.

"How do you feel compared to them?"

Mo Lin asked Hua Shi Doulang, he had been in close contact, and he should have an intuitive judgment.

"In comparison, I don't know much about other aspects, and I haven't seen them take any action."

Hua Shi Doulang pondered slightly, and then gave a more pertinent answer:

"But if you only compare the strength of your breath and the intensity of your thoughts, then I think I will be better than both of them."

Indeed, under the guidance of Mo Lin and Jin, Hua Shi Doulang played extremely solidly.

In addition, his own talents are really strong, and after a few years, his strength can't be viewed with normal eyes.

"When the final round came, it was the President of the Hunter Association, Netero, who personally presided over it."

At the mention of this, Hua Shi Doulang was a little excited.

Netero, this is a name that must not be ignored for all martial artists!!

"Sure enough, I am worthy of being a great master. I feel invincible with that profound bearing and hidden power.

Hua Shi Doulang said with emotion, "I didn't expect that under the chairman's seemingly thin body, there is an unusually powerful force hidden."

"I'm still the posture of the fairy style, this is the strong style standing at the top of all the Nen people!!"

Strong style. That's when you haven't seen him look like an old naughty boy~

When he asks you to play, you will understand that anything that is not charming is a lie.

Mo Lin spit in his heart and continued to ask:

"By the way, how many people passed the test in the end?"

"Two, only me and that Shalnark."


It seems that Shalnark's Hunter license was obtained during this Hunter test.

"So what are you going to do next?" Mo Lin continued to ask.

"I got the license, and I want to go to the Sky Arena.

As soon as this question was mentioned, Hua Shi Dou Lang straightened up immediately.

"I think, with my current strength, I should be qualified to go there and make a difference."

His eyes were filled with yearning, "That place where masters gather!!!"

The Sky Arena, the martial arts holy land for fighters, has a fatal attraction for martial arts such as Hua Shi Doulang.

"After learning Nen, you got the Hunter license, and there is no problem going there."

Mo Lin will not stop his apprentices from pursuing their dreams.

He just exhorted one last sentence: "Be careful."

"I will!!"

After hanging up the phone, Mo Lin looked up and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds outside.

Now Hua Shi Dou Lang has also obtained the Hunter license, which is the same time as Shalnark. It can be said that he is a veteran.

"Unexpectedly, the apprentice got the license one step ahead of me, the master."

The smile on Mo Lin's face bloomed slightly.

Hua Shi Doulang has already broken away from the original track of fate, and he has undoubtedly shown a more brilliant brilliance than the original version, and he shines.

Mo Lin can clearly feel that he is now, his demeanor is calm and degree, and his temperament is becoming more mature and stable.

Not only is the strength enough to be a good player who is not weak in this world, but also has done very well in all aspects.

The current Huashi Doulang Institute will definitely not die as easily as the original version.

On the contrary, the growing up of Hua Shi Dou Lang will be the existence that makes many people fearful.

What he lacks is only a stage where he can perform.

The Sky Arena, a holy place for fighting fans, is also the most suitable place for him now.

The big disciple can be said that he no longer needs to worry about it, so now the second disciple~~~

Mo Lin turned and walked into the house, and saw Luzlus standing upside down, supporting his whole body strength with a thumb.

When he stood upside down, with one hand on his back, his body was as steady as loose, without a trace of shaking.

His eyes were also lightly closed, and the corner of his mouth yawned subconsciously, looking very relaxed.

"Let's stop here for today's practice."

Mo Lin clapped his hands, Luz Luston, who was yawning with his eyes closed, was refreshed.

As soon as the thumb was pushed hard, the whole person's body made a difficult rotation of 360 degrees in the air and landed safely.

"Yes, Master!"

Luzlus made a heart-warming signature gesture and replied enthusiastically.

Over the course of this year, his strength has progressed and grown rapidly.

After Mo Lin taught him what he should teach, he also practiced step by step without arrogance or rashness.

This is very good, and it's a fight with Hua Shi Doulang.

But in the end, his identity is a prince, and he is not born in a humble background like Hua Shi Doulang.

Luzlus this guy did not forget to smoke a cigarette and rest in his leisure time in 943.

Although he also longed for Nen's power, he did not have the overly aggressive attitude of Hua Shi Dou Lang.

For example, Luzlus frankly clocked in at the end of eight hours.

On the other hand, Hua Shi Doulang worked overtime almost every day to stay up late at night.

This kind of work efficiency is clear at a glance.

In addition, Luzlus's talent is not as outstanding as Hua Shi Dou Lang, so compared with Hua Shi Dou Lang in the same period, he is still a bit short.

Of course, Luzluz's performance is much better than most of the world.

"Your mind has improved a lot this year.

"The temperament is barely in line with my satisfaction. Overall, it can only be regarded as good."

"After all, you are a prince, and I won't ask you too much. Just be able to protect yourself.

Mo Lin gave such an evaluation.

"It can be said to be good by the master, that is enough."

Luzlus touched the head of his puffy ball, also quite contented.

After this year of contact, he also gradually learned what kind of character Mo Lin is, and was also impressed by Mo Lin's strength.

One master, he shouted sincerely.

"You are just getting started~"

Mo Lin shook his head lightly, "It's the same sentence, guard against arrogance and rashness, otherwise it will be difficult for you to achieve something."

"I know Master!!

Luzlus responded quickly.

Then he took out a special royal cigarette and handed it to Mo Lin respectfully.

Seeing this smoke, Mo Lin remembered it, and asked casually:

"How is your Nen's practice?"

"Hey, thanks to Master, it's not bad!"

Speaking of Nen, Luzlus had a confident smile on his face.

Although he enjoys smoking in his free time, Luzlus developed his own Nen because of this.

When the voice fell, a thought surged in his hand, and soon a rather huge pipe appeared. .

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