Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 137 Nen:【Seven Loves and Six Desires Pipe】! Separate and leave, Hunter Association~

Although it was a smaller model compared to Mo Laowu's pipe, Luzlus was just right to hold it in his hand.

Nen: [Seven emotions and six desires pipe].

Effect: Manipulator ability, can spray smoke representing different "seven emotions and six desires" from the pipe. Each kind of smoke corresponds to different emotions and desires, thus exerting different effects.

This is the Manipulator Nen developed by Luzluz.

He is passionate about cigarettes, and with the help of Mo Lin, he developed a concrete pipe.

And every kind of smoke in the pipe has different effects.

In the original version, Luzlus's ability to guard the spirit beast is to realize the desire of the target and then set up a trap. Once the opponent is recruited, the desire will be activated when the desire is satisfied.

And the [Seven Emotions and Six Desires Pipe] also involves Nen related to desire.

In addition to desire, there are also "seven emotions" on that basis.

The conditions for launching are not like setting traps and launching after the other party's desire is satisfied, which is trivial and troublesome.

You only need to realize the tobacco pipe to be effective. You can do whatever kind of smoke you want to use.

Moreover, there are thirteen types of smoke in total with seven emotions and six desires, and there are many types.

Seven emotions are joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and shock.

Six desires, namely eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.

Later generations summarized the six desires as: the desire to see (vision), the desire to hear (hearing), the desire for fragrance (olfaction), the desire for taste (taste), the desire for touch (touch), and the desire.

With so many types of smoke, some focus on offense, some focus on defense, and some focus on escape.

Some focus on the auxiliary function of laying traps, and some focus on the decrement and increase of the status of both the enemy and the enemy.

It can be said that there are many kinds of functions, enough for Luzlus in battle or life, various combinations can be used together to exert different effects, so as to achieve the goal.

Of course, things have two aspects, both good and bad.

The advantage of this ability is that there are many types and there are many controllable options.

The disadvantage is that with so many types, you cannot practice all of them to the extreme.

Human energy is limited, it is impossible to do everything.

Even Kurapika's [Contract Chain] only corresponds to five fingers, with five abilities.

There are thirteen types of smoke in Luzlus, and they will definitely have the focus of development.

As for which aspect to focus on, whether it is the main offense, defense, or auxiliary ability, it all depends on Luzluth's personal choice.

"Your Nen can be developed in many directions, but you don't want to be too greedy. You want to develop all of them to the extreme. That will only hurt yourself."

When Mo Lin developed this ability, he told Luzlus, and now he will tell him one last time:

"Don't be too complacent and think of yourself too well, thinking that you can manage it. In fact, you can't.

"When I first developed this ability for you, I was hesitant, because this ability is not bad, but it is also a double-edged sword."

"It is the desire of other people, but it is also aimed at your desire."

"If you can't control your desires and want to master all types~"

"Then I can only say that it is not that you control and use the ability, but that you have become a puppet of the capacity."

"At that time, you are also destined to be abolished."

Mo Lin spoke very seriously, Luzlus also listened very seriously.

"I know Master, so based on my current situation, it is appropriate to focus on the development of several types of smoke first?,

After Luzlus was taught, he humbly asked Mo Lin for advice.

"With your current power of mind, it is already very reluctant to support the development of three or four directions."

Mo Lin glanced at him and said his current state ruthlessly.

Let Luzlus frustrate for a while: "Am I so bad?"

"It's not bad, it's much better than the people outside~"

Mo Lin took it for granted: "But, compared to your brother, you can say it's not even a bit worse."

"Whether he is talented, talented or hardworking, he is much better than you."

"Don't I have a place to beat him?"

When Mo Lin mentioned his brother, Luzlus was not convinced.

During this year, Luz Luss clearly felt that he was doing very well, but Mo Lin always put his brother as an example and urged him.

I think I am inferior to my fellow brother in all aspects

As a result, Luzlus was very impressed with the brother named "Huashi Doulang", although he did not meet.


Mo Lin nodded truthfully.

"Let me just say it~!" Luzlus sighed with relief, with a triumphant smile on his face.

Then the next second, his smile froze.

"In terms of your family status, it can be said that you are crushing him.

Mo Lin has one thing to say.

"Then what if I leave behind my identity?"

Luzluz was a little aggrieved.

"That's totally incomparable.

Mo Lin attacked mercilessly.

"Co-work with me, in your eyes, Master, it's just such a penny?!"

Luzlus wailed angrily.

"Then why did you accept me as a disciple?"

"That's naturally because of your family background."

Mo Lin joked half-truth.

Luzlus: "...

The battered Luzluz simply rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Mo Lin saw Luzlus at first, and it was indeed for the succession war and the doorway to the dark continent after many years.

However, Luzlus's own talent is indeed acceptable, with talents worth teaching, Mo Lin will consider accepting him.

"Okay, it's all right here. I've stayed here long enough, and then I have to go to my own business."

Before Mo Lin finished speaking, Luzlus, who fell on the ground, jumped up.

"Master, what did you say? You said you want to leave?!'

Luzlus had an "I heard you right" expression on his face?

Seeing Mo Lin nodded, he was anxious at the time:

"Don't, Master!! I feel that I still have a lot of places where my cultivation is not in place. You can stay and teach me for a while?!

He was dancing there, expressing his feelings anxiously.

This year, he also regarded Mo Lin as his true master.

To hear Mo Lin leave, he is really reluctant to give up.


Mo Lin patted him on the shoulder, "There is such a saying in my hometown, there is always a banquet in the world.

After comforting Luzluz, seeing that there was still obvious resentment in his eyes, Mo Lin smiled:

"It's not that I will never see each other again."

"Anyway, you also have my phone number. You can call me at any time later."

"The short separation is for a better reunion in the future, I think you can understand this too."

Luzlus was silent, picked up the cigarette on the table to light it, and took a deep breath.

He knows all the truth, but it is really difficult to let him do it and understand it.

"The Nen skills that I should teach you have already taught you, and your abilities have already told you what to do in the future."

"々. From now on, Kajin will need you to face it alone."

Mo Lin retracted his hand, "Although I didn't help you much~~~"

"No, you taught me a lot!!"

Luzlus spoke loudly.

"Well, the farewell words are almost done, we will come back in the future."

Mo Lin made a farewell gesture to Luz Luss, and took out the [transportation bow and arrow] from the treasure bag.

"Is it so urgent?!"

Luzlus was shocked, "It's never too late to leave for a meal and a glass of parting wine, Master!!"

"In that case, maybe I won't be able to leave~"

Mo Lin jokingly left such a sentence.

"Then, goodbye!!"


The red bow and arrow shot out and disappeared over the Kajin Empire with Mo Lin.

"Go away.

Luzlus was a little lost with a cigarette in his mouth.

But he quickly cheered up:

"Master is right. The difference now is for a better reunion in the future.

"I also want to cheer up, and when I meet again next time, I definitely can't embarrass Master and make Master look down on it again!!

"Save him when he meets me and talk about my brother, so I won't be worse than that guy!!"

Just do what you want. After Mo Lin left, his sad mood didn't last long.

Soon, it was replaced by firm determination and fighting spirit.

When Mo Lin was there, he failed to motivate Luzlus's progress (good luck), but after he left, he seemed to have awakened and began to work hard.

If Mo Lin knew, he would definitely laugh and scold:

People are really itchy animals.

But Mo Lin flying in the sky is destined to miss.

The red [transport bow and arrow] flies to the position of the red target, which is where Pakunoda is.

When Pakunoda vomited in the vomiting zone before, I also contacted Mo Lin.

But after diagnosis, it was found that it was a virus symptom, and Pakunoda was so angry that Pakunoda did not get along for several days.

Now almost a year later, Mo Lin went to find Pakunoda, and it can be regarded as a little bit better than the newly married.

And just when Mo Lin rushed towards Pakunoda~

The headquarters building of the Hunter Association.

"Wei spit, are there only two newcomers who passed this year?"

Netero, wearing a blue-striped white exercise suit, appeared in the president's office this time, watching the report from Mr. Dou Mianren.

On weekdays, this room is basically not patronized by Netero, and all affairs of the association will be handed over to the vice president appointed by him, Parisstone and Mr. Bean Noodle Man to take care of him on his behalf.

In addition to particularly important things, such as the arrangement of the annual Hunter test, as well as the candidates who passed, the follow-up additional Nen learning assessment and so on.

All of them were personally attended by Netero to be responsible. .

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