Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 138 Focus on training objects! Netero's consideration, a bean noodle man who is impress

"Are both of them Nen?"

Netero stroked his beard and said with a smile:

"This saves the need to find a suitable Master Hunter to teach them to learn Nen."

"They can also be directly counted as real Hunters."

For Hunter test questions, in addition to getting the Hunter license, in the following prescribed time, formally learn Nen, can be counted as a true pass.

"Huashi Doulang and Shalnark?"

Netero's face was full of smiles, and he didn't know what funny things came to mind:

"I heard from the examiner this time that both of them are very strong, even far beyond some examiners."

"It made those senior Hunters feel the pressure, and it seems that they are also extraordinary.

Netero pulled out a red portfolio with "Top Secret" printed on it from the pile of documents next to it.

Just look at the inscribed mark, which is the little old man painted by himself, you can understand~

This is not an official document of the Hunter Association, but a personal archive organized by him.

"I've personally watched the last Hunter test, and the two candidates named Hua Shi Dou Lang and Shalnark are also really good."

"Especially, the two of them seem to walk the orthodox path of my heart's origin~"

Netero opened the portfolio,

"One is the Enhancer, the other is the Emitter. The route and principles of the two people's practice are all the experience and experience left by the famous masters in the source of the past."

"Although there are also other people's teachings, or practice according to one's own circumstances, which makes them different, the basic foundation of their cultivation remains the same."

"Those experiences, beans?"

Netero called out Mr. Dou Mian Ren, and the latter who had been listening to the side immediately said knowingly:

"Yes! The experience and experience of the past masters of Xin Yuan Liu are all kept in the top secret archives of the 943 Association, and there is no loss or omission."

"I have recently entered the archives room and read these tips. In the past two years, Mr. Freecss unearthed the ancient golden veins and made great contributions to the Hunter Association, and thus got an opportunity to enter the archives room to browse through the materials. "

"Is that so?"

Netero quietly took out a copy of the material from the opened portfolio, and suddenly said:

"I remember, Biscuit went in before, right?"

"Ms. Biscuit?"

Mr. Dou Mian Ren thought for a while, then nodded:

"Decades ago, when she made a merit and was designated as a one-star Hunter, she also got an exceptional opportunity to enter the archives room.

"In addition to the two of them, the Hunters who have also entered the archives room, except for you, President Netero."

Mr. Dou Mianren touched his head in his hand and recalled: "There is only Gourmet Hunter, Lin Nie-Oldberg."

"The other Hunters are dead.

In Mr. Doumian's heart, if he is looking for someone with such an exodus, then Lin Nie Oldberg will also be ruled out.

Because the latter is too old, she has rarely heard of her actions in recent years.

After all, the other party is the same era as President Netero, and then he has set foot on the dark continent with President Netero.

Netero, Linne-Oldberg, and Jaeger-Zoldyck, the three of them once formed a team together and went to the Dark Continent by smuggling.

"Is that so?"

Netero replied casually.

"It looks like it's not gold, it's Biscuit."

The Doumian listened, but his mind gradually drifted away.

He just didn't say one thing.

In fact, apart from Lin Nie Oldberg, there was another person who sneaked in.

But he was not caught, and there is no evidence to prove it.

This person is named Billand Netero.

It is the son of President Netero.


He seemed to think of something and looked at Mr. Doumian:


"Ah, oh, I'm here, you say!"

Mr. Dou Mian Ren, who had recovered, immediately tensed his face, trying to look serious and serious.

"Where's Parisstone? Hasn't he gone inside to take a look?"

Netero is more curious about this.

"Yes, Vice President Parisstone did want to take advantage of his position before, and go inside to check if there are any missing documents."

The bean noodles are very familiar with what happened within the association: "However, he was strongly opposed by Mr. Porterbait and Ms. Chidor."

"They resolutely resisted Vice President Parisstone going in. It is said that Mr. Porter White had the strongest reaction. He even used Nen at the door of the archives room."

"So, Vice President Parisstone just gave up."

"There is such a thing?"

Netero grinned and said, "I didn't expect Porter White to take those things very importantly."

"After all, that is the holy place in his heart. He hasn't been in it yet, and naturally he won't let Parisstone take the lead.

"Although those experiences are indeed very useful, some of them are relatively old things. Of course, if they are really studied by some people, they can still learn some ways."

That is obviously a very important training experience. How can it be an old thing? President, you obviously ran into the archives room in your early years.

It is precisely because Mr. Porterbai knows the situation inside that he is so angry with Vice President Parisstone.

Mr. Doumian thought silently in his heart.

"Moreover, no matter how old things are, they will definitely be much better than groping on their own, so it's better for these things to fall into the hands of those who have good in their hearts~"

"But it is more dangerous if it is acquired by someone who has evil in his heart or has no scruples.

In front of Netero's eyes, during the Hunter test, Hua Shi Doulang and Shalnark's assessment screen was played back.

Hua Shi Doulang, there is no big problem, but that Shalnark~~~

Netero has been alive for so many years, but the eyes of people are very vicious.

He naturally saw the essence of Shalnark at a glance, and even dafg guessed where Shalnark came from.

"He should come from Meteor Street, where the people are lawless habits."

As Netero said, the documents taken out from his private top-secret portfolio were placed in rows on the table.

Those files are all personal information materials, as well as their photos.

There are Parisstone, Potter White, Mija Aston, Kang Jae

All are the information of a group of people in the current Hunter Association.

"Hashik Doulang's information is stored here first, and Shalnark should forget it first."

Netero lived about a hundred years old, and he himself had already seen good and evil, and he didn't care about it at all.

Even he himself had a very good personal relationship with the killer organization Zoldyck family. When he went to the Dark Continent, he always went with Jaeger-Enemy Guest.

He even held Zeno-Zoldyck as a baby.

No matter if Shalnark is from Meteor Street or wherever he is, he is a light messenger of justice and awe-inspiring, or a visitor from hell who has fallen into darkness~

It has nothing to do with him, and he does not have any prejudices.

But as the president of the Hunter Association, for the sake of the association's consideration, a person like Shalnark would not be included in the key training targets.

Mr. Dou Mian Ren brought in the information of Wah Shi Dou Lang in a timely manner, and asked Netero to put his photos and files with Parisstone, Miza Aston and others.

If you take a closer look, you will find that most of the people in this portfolio are old faces from the later twelve earthly branches.

"I also heard that this Huashi Doulang, have you heard about Biscuit?"

Netero didn't know which picture in his memory had dug out the news.

"Is that right?"

Mr. Dou Mianren was startled, "I have never heard of this.

"Lihaohao, it should be, there must be some connection between that kid and Biscuit."

Netero pinched an irregular beard with one hand and pulled it out.

"But Ms. Biscuit has been active in the Republic of Bartoria for some time."

Mr. Dou Mian Ren reported what he knew, "And the Hua Shi Dou Lang is from the Ulubian mainland, and Ms. Biscuit should not be able to meet."

"He and Biscuit can't meet each other, but~~

A gleam of light flashed in Netero's eyes, "I remember, the big disciple Biscuit collected from the mountain seems to be from the continent of Urubian."

"The two are also in the Urubian Continent, have they determined the relationship between the teacher and the apprentice?"

"Well, it is.

Reminiscent of the Hunter test a few years ago, Mr. Doumian nodded and confirmed.

He was also very impressed by that test.

He wounded Crook and Kang Jae (resolutely claiming to have injured himself), and brought Potter White down.

Later, it seemed that he gave up the qualification of Hunter test and chose to quit, which caused Ms. Biscuit to furious.

What's more rare is that the opponent's Nen has so many items with magical effects.

The most impressive thing about Mr. Dou Mian Ren is this prop by Mo Lin.

Although he hadn't met Mo Lin himself, he simply passed the test photos to see what he looked like.

But when the other party was chatting with Ms. Biscuit, he had been using many effective props, which opened his eyes.

Especially in the end, the other party sent it over, which was very valued by Ms. Biscuit, and even President Netero was unwilling to give it [Age Spring].

Later, President Netero followed Ms. Biscuit and harassed her for a long time before Ms. Biscuit gave the President a glass.

After the president drank it, he sprayed and wondered:

"It turned out to be one year younger.

Just one year old, Mr. Dou Mian Ren couldn't see the difference.

But with the exhilarating look of President Netero, it is not difficult to see that the so-called [Age Spring Water] may really have the effect of making people younger!!

No wonder Ms. Biscuit has become a lot more lively since then, presumably she is also much younger.

For the sake of President Netero, Mr. Doumian also started a lot of relationships secretly, and wanted to find Mr. Mo Lin.

However, it is a pity~.

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