Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 139 Mo Lin's connection, V5's attention! The object of play in leisure time

No matter how Mr. Dou Mian Ren looked for it, the other party seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Well, Mo Lin at that time was teaching Hua Shi Doulang with Jin on the island of greed, an isolated game island.

Later, Mr. Dou Mianren also began to check information about Mo Lin, but no matter how he found it, no such person was found.

It's like this ~ people appear out of thin air.

Although there is a proof of identity, the information before that is all-zero.

In such a situation, there is only one possibility-explanation.

That is the other party, born in the Meteor Street abandoned by the world.

Only people who come out of Meteor Street will not have any identification, and the resume of the first half of their life is almost nothing.

Wait? Meteor Street?!

Mr. Doumian suddenly felt a flash of lightning flash across his head.

"Hua Shi Doulang and Shalnark both have the training policy of the orthodox line of heart."

This kind of relationship is easy to sort out, and it is easy to establish contact.

"In this way, it should be that when Mr. Mo Lin was studying with Ms. Biscuit, he learned the secrets and then passed them to Hua Shi Doulang."

"Moreover, Mr. Mo Lin and Shalnark were both born in Meteor Street, so the two may have excellent personal relationships, so

"Is Mr. Mo Lin used as a link to connect Hua Shi Doulang and Shalnark?"

Doumian guessed in his heart.

At this time, Netero has also classified Hua Shi Doulang's information and re-sealed the portfolio.

"I always feel that something is missing."

Netero groaned a little while looking at the portrait of his little old man painted on the cover of the portfolio.

Afterwards, he raised his eyebrows, picked up the brush on the table, and splashed ink on the portfolio.

"That's it!!"

After the pen was done in one go, Netero put down the pen in his hand, looked at the cover and nodded in satisfaction.

"this is "

Mr. Dou Mian Ren looked over curiously.

"Playing object in leisure time"

With these dazzling characters, a drop of sweat was dripping from Mr. Doumian's smooth face without hair.

"This is really the style of the president~~~"

Mr. Doumian said silently, and at the same time mourned for the characters in the portfolio in his heart.

If you are so "valued" by the president, you will have a very colorful life in the future.

"Jingling, bell, bell, bell~"

Suddenly, the phone in the office rang.

Netero took out the special mobile phone from his arms, looked at the phone number on it, and coughed lightly.


"This is Netero, the Hunter Association."

After the call was connected, Netero said this first, and then there was a slight silence on the other end of the phone, and then such words came out:

"Do you know the bloodshed in the palace of Moses a year ago?"

"You know, didn't it mean that it was caused by the precious crown of the royal family of Mosesbia? It also disappeared afterwards, leaving behind many weird legends.

Netero nodded.

After this incident happened, there were too many people involved and their identities were extraordinary.

The Hunter Association also sent an excellent Hunter to investigate and concluded that:

"These people were all killed."

This conclusion is known by the Hunter Association and V5.

But they did not announce this result.

After all, compared to the external claim that "the nobles were killed by others", the Hunter Association and V5 have to apprehend the perpetrators and be blamed by the public fishing boats, etc., which is a thankless statement~

Simple and casual announcements are all due to accidents. On the contrary, they are easier, more acceptable and easier.

Anyway, it is not the important people in the Hunter Association and V5 who died.

But this matter can't be finished, because among the dead, there was one person, and Qiao Grama was an important person from the V5 Ferry Hall.

When it comes to matters related to the Dark Continent, V5 pays strict attention to it.

After a year of searching and prospecting, and finding suitable Nen, the culprit was traced and so on.

V5 is finally today, and found out the culprit that caused all the bloody crimes that day.

"Phantom Troupe?"

Netero, who learned the name, also nodded slightly.

"I see, the Hunter Association will also define it as a criminal organization, and its leaders and members will be judged as wanted criminals."

"In the future, the Hunter Association will follow up on this matter and keep an eye on it.

Netero expressed its attitude and also said the next move of the Hunter Association.


Apart from convicting Phantom Troupe as a criminal organization, there were absolutely no other substantive actions.

In this world, are there few criminals offering rewards?

It can be seen that in the face of the pressure from the V5 side, Netero's skill in pushing the ball is also quite thorough.

After listening to Netero's answer, he didn't say much.

Although the Hunter Association is the largest non-governmental organization backed by V5, it is not realistic to let it all take orders from V5.

The attitude given by Netero is sufficient.

After a few more exhortations, the phone was hung up over there.

At the same time, some images and pictures of the criminals found were sent by fax.

There are a total of five criminal pictures found by V5.

They are: team leader Chrollo, team members Uvogin, Nobunaga, Feitan, Phinks.

It just so happened that it was the five-man combat team that stormed the treasure house of Moses Biya.

Either it was photographed during the battle, or it was photographed by a nearby camera.

"Is there only five people in Phantom Troupe?"

Netero took the lead in picking up a photo, "Distributed from the way they committed the crime, and the time of death of the royal family of Moses, and the way the soldiers died, etc."

"Phantom Troupe has more than five people."


Mr. Doumian nodded, and said with emotion in his heart.

Sure enough, in terms of combat analysis, there is no Netero as rich as the president.



Mr. Dou Mianren saw the picture of President Netero put his hand on the table, and clicked on the picture of Uvogin with his finger:

"This person has a spider tattoo on the back with a number on it" 11. "

Netero said seriously: "In other words, there are at least eleven people in this organization!!"

Mr. Doumian: ""

Co-author, you did not infer it based on the battle analysis, but you can see it by looking at the picture~

He twitched a little face, not knowing where to start.

"And I took a closer look. The spider tattoo behind this person has twelve legs, plus a head or torso~"

Netero continued to analyze and observe: "According to my estimation, the total number of people in the opposing group is almost between twelve and fourteen."

…0 Seeking flowers

Can a spider tattoo show so much content?

Mr. Dou Mianren looked at the picture subconsciously.

In the next second, he was stunned.


He whispered and couldn't help looking at the photos carefully.

"What's wrong beans?"

Netero also noticed the peculiarities of Doumian, and asked aloud.

"this person "

The bean-faced man pointed to Uvogin with a silver-haired shawl in the photo, "He is the owner of the Sky Arena.


Netero reviewed the past again, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure.

The bean noodles man affirmed, "At this time last year, a very embarrassing incident happened in the Sky Arena.

"There were two very popular posters who were ready to compete in the ring, but in the end they all disappeared, putting the sky arena and the eagerly anticipated spectators all over the world pigeons.

"This has made the Sky Arena lose its face, and its reputation has almost fallen to the bottom."

"And the person involved in one of the two posters is the one named Uvogin.

"As for the other one!

The bean noodles also found Nobunaga's photo, "The other poster is him, and the two of them are very close partners."

"Unexpectedly, they all came from a criminal organization, right!"

The Doumian knocked his head and suddenly realized: "No wonder the two of them let go of the sky arena pigeons. It turned out to be a criminal activity."

"Obviously he is a powerful poster, but he wants to do something like that."

Mr. Doumian is a little bit sorry.

"It turns out that they are all the posters of the Sky Arena, so that would be easy."

Netero's little finger squeezed his ears, "When the time comes, ask the Sky Arena for a copy of their information. The follow-up hunting issues can be arranged more conveniently."


Mr. Doumian was stunned, "During the last Olympia Fighting Tournament, I passed you a copy of the information about all the posters at that time?"

"Have it?"

Netero asked suspiciously, then looked at Doumian's firm eyes and closed his eyes slightly:

"It seems that there is such a thing.


The black line on Doumian's face, "Have you never read the information I gave you?'

"of course not!!

Netero's righteous words are the negative way.

That's okay~

Mr. Doumian got a little relief in his heart.

"It's just that I left in the middle of the last martial arts meeting. I didn't finish reading the information you gave me.

"Not finished"

The Doumian nodded subconsciously, then his eyes dimmed instantly:

"You left halfway?!!!"

He yelled at Netero, "When is this, why didn't you tell me at that time?!"

"You are also putting the pigeons in the sky arena, what is the difference with those two posters?!!"

"Well, it's not a pigeon release anymore, halfway through, I let Potter White, who happened to be there, watch instead for me for a while."

Netero is still indifferent to the popularity of the bean noodles.

Instead, he still used the tone of "just such a small matter, I don't need to tell you in detail", which made Mr. Doumian very speechless.

"Then the speech draft I wrote for you and my post-match speech

"Well, this link is skipped."

Bean Noodle Man:""

That's the manuscript I wrote with painstaking effort!!

He covered his face in one hand. door,

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