Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 140 [One Hundred Treasure Bag] An extended branch of abilities! Gon who is regarded as a mon

No, if you have such an event in the future, you must always keep an eye on the chairman, and you can't let him let himself go when he attends such an event.

Thinking of this, Mr. Doumian made up his mind and started to deal with the reward of this new Phantom Troupe.

Since many details of this bloody case cannot be disclosed to the public, after weaving a few charges for Phantom Troupe, he first defined it as a "B-level wanted criminal."

However, in the column of hazard level, it is actually marked "A level".

In the opinion of those senior bounty Hunters, this gang is no different from ordinary A-level wanted criminals, except that it has not done enough evil things.

Even this gang has a large number of people, and it may be a very tricky existence among A-level wanted criminals.

After the news of Phantom Troupe was sent out, the people also talked about it.

"Another dangerous criminal organization has emerged?"

"Phantom Troupe? The name is quite interesting."

"No, the Kurdish Thieves Group has finally disappeared recently. I didn't expect another Phantom Troupe to appear?"

"This still keeps you from living!!"

"Although the crime level is [B], the danger level is [A]. Perhaps this is on the same level as the Kurdish Bandit Group in terms of danger!!"

A group of people wailed and complained at the latest news.

But soon, when the pictures of some personnel of the Phantom Organization were printed out~


"Nine Forty Three" looked at Uvogin and Nobunaga, the two particularly familiar portraits.

Fighting fans all over the world were shocked.

The original poster they pursued turned out to be a member of a criminal gang?!!

What a horrible world this world is, I made such a big joke to them.

At the same time, they also made their heads buzzed to realize once again that reality is so illogical.

Let the host have a good life and live a life without a lack of reputation and money, but they just want to engage in some criminal activities.

This is simply incomprehensible.

Also shocked and incomprehensible, there is the Sky Arena.

They never imagined that Uvogin and Nobunaga would go to kill and arson when they put the key to the world's sleep without fighting.

Could it be that their Sky Arena is already so unattractive?

But fortunately, when they learned from the Hunter Association, Uvogin and Nobunaga and other Phantom Troupe members were all from Meteor Street, and they came to realize.

It turned out that it was someone who came out of that place, so it's okay.

People who come out there are generally different in mind and personality from normal people.

Thinking of this, the Sky Arena regained confidence and signed a cooperative pursuit agreement with the Hunter Association.

At present, Uvogin and Nobunaga have become angry again because of this incident, and the heat is once again unprecedentedly high.

They have to squeeze the flow of this one enough.

When the outside world was disturbing, Mo Lin had nothing to worry about.

After finding Pakunoda by using [Transport Bow and Arrow], the two got together again for a while.

Of course, apart from that, Mo Lin did not let go of his own practice.

The most important of these is his own reliance, the prop ability of the [Four-dimensional Hundred Treasure Bag].

It seems that the ruins of Luluka are being repaired to the most critical part. Mo Lin can clearly feel that the energy and thoughts consumed by the [Restoration Light Lamp] on his body have gradually increased.

All the props extracted by Mo Lin will consume Mo Lin's own energy and thoughts when used.

The same goes for the lent props.

But Mo Lin also lent some props back and forth.

Although it doesn't look obvious now, the more props that he borrows later, it is a time bomb-like burden for him.

So, when taking a break with Pakunoda, Mo Lin also took this into consideration.

After talking to Jin over the phone to explain, Mo Lin began to branch out some extension directions based on his own ability.

[Four-dimensional Hundred Treasure Bag] It is a pretty good ability in itself, and Mo Lin doesn't need to be superfluous.

Just make certain changes on the right to use the props.

One of the most important changes is the [lending] of props.

Throughout the entire "Doraemon", Doraemon lent the props to Nobita, and gave him very little to use.

Mo Lin renewed the [Lend] and [Give] of the props, giving a new definition.

Namely: 1. When props are lent to others for use, the thought power and energy consumed by the props come from the user, and the effect of the props can only have about 70 to 80% of the original effect.


2. When the props are given to others to use, the thought power and energy consumed by the props are also from the user, but the consumption is twice that of Mo Lin.

However, the original effect of the props can be played out 100%.

In other words, if it is simply borrowed, whoever borrows it and uses it, then the thought and qi consumed by the use of the props is his.

If it is to give a relationship and give control of one's own props to others, then the party who is granted must pay a certain price if he wants to obtain his own props.

That is, Mo Lin consumes twice as much when using props.

The difference between the two is the degree of effect of the props.

Although it seems that each has its pros and cons, if you think about it carefully, you can still see that [Lending] is a bit more cost-effective than [Gift].

To give a simple example, consider the use of props as buying a house.

[Lending] is to pay a down payment, and then you can use the provident fund loan to repay it.

[Gift] is to pay the entire purchase price in one lump sum.

No matter how you look at it, it’s more cost-effective to "loan out".

Although you may have to take a loan to become a house slave (the effect of the props is not perfect), it is easier than taking out a large amount of cash.

At least I can catch my breath~~~

After Mo Lin determined the direction of his Nen extension, it was a series of expansions.

And after the development of the two directions of [Lend] and [Give], Mo Lin also called other people who had his props.

Such as Jin, Machi, Yixiu Kube and so on.

Most of Mo Lin's props are borrowed, but few donated.

Among them, Yixiu Kube, who has the game presented by Mo Lin, has a huge network virtual world as support, so he is not worried about this problem for the time being.

And Kang Jae, who has [self-fighting gloves], was aggrieved after receiving Mo Lin's call.

"I won't use your item in the future, definitely not!!"

According to the ruthless words, he hung up the phone directly.

Later, Mo Lin also felt his own difference.

I borrowed so many props before, I only feel that I have a lot of invisible machine locks in my body.

But now, I just feel completely empty and refreshed.

In a good mood, Mo Lin also accompanied Pakunoda, traveling in various places one after another.

Although they have traveled almost all over the world in the past, they are all practicing with Biscuit.

But now it is based on the mentality of traveling and having fun, and the purpose is different, so the fun brought by the journey is naturally different.

Even Mo Lin accompanied Pakunoda and the two of them walked through the places they had walked in the previous practice, all as if they had revisited their old places.

During the period, Sister Parker also asked Mo Lin a lot of questions about reading.

Mo Lin is also very empathetic and "intentionally" to help her answer, but in the process of answering, he often goes to other places.

Mo Lin and Sister Parker had a great time, but this year's world is extremely lively.

Not to mention other things, just the name Phantom Troupe has really entered the public eye, and after the popularity of Uvogin and Nobunaga has risen again, they have contributed a lot more topics than before.

In this way, when the world is turbulent, spring is passing and autumn is coming, and it is another year of scenery flow. 0

In this year, without knowing that he was regarded as a key training object, Hua Shi Dou Lang began to break out of his own world in the sky arena, and gradually declared his success.

Uvogin and Nobunaga also suffered a lot of chasing and killing from all sides under the heat of the whole year.

But the people who chased them, without exception, died under their iron fists and sharp knives.

On a small island named Whale Island in Hunter's world, a certain protagonist as a child gradually revealed his own outstanding talent.

Begin to shuttle in the mountains and forests from the wild, playing with various beasts.

He always wears a certain strange hat on his head, which also makes his body always bend the rubber.

After seeing this phenomenon, the residents on Whale Island were all shocked.

They think that the little boy with a hedgehog head but a hat on his head that is not against him is an out-and-out monster.

The adults began to tell the family and children to stay away from him, and the children began to laugh at him and not play with him.

And he kept throwing stones at him, grimacing and calling him a "monster".

Mito, the adoptive mother of the little boy with a hedgehog head, was very angry and distressed about it.

Distressed the little boy's experience, but anger was anger that his unreliable father left such a hat on his child and was bullied.

But the little boy with a hedgehog head didn't feel anything by himself.

His face always seemed to have such a pure sunny smile.

No one was playing with him, so he went to the mountains and wild animals to play and play by himself.

I can always find fun alone, and look at the world with sunshine.

Moreover, the rubber-like body also brought him a lot of convenience, making him more handy in his control of the body.

Later, on a certain day, he suddenly noticed that his body no longer stretched like rubber.


The hat on the head can also be taken off at any time.

This moment happened to be when Mo Lin developed the [Lend] and [Gift] branching capabilities.

The monster hats that are given out need to consume more thought power and vigor to use.

But for the little boy who is only a few years old and ignorant, his thoughts are too far away from him.

And without the support of the power of mind, then the [Monster Hat] will naturally not be effective.

As a result, the 5.6 boy with a hedgehog head regained his normal body.

After the infectiousness of his smile and the real recovery, the people on Whale Island also hesitated from the beginning to the kindness later, and their attitude towards the little boy had a big change of 180 degrees.

They all said that the child's eyes are very pure and that he is a very good child.

He was not as vigilant as he was when he was called a monster before.

In this way, the little boy's life seemed to be on the same track as the original destiny.

But this peculiar hat had a profound effect on him and completely aroused his curiosity.

His adoptive mother Mito was also hugged tightly when he planned to throw this hat away.

Instead of feeling that the hat brought him hardship, he was very interested in the effect of the hat.

Although his body can no longer become rubber, because of the previous expansion, it makes his body more adaptable to make various difficult movements.

Flexibility and motor nerves have been increased to a certain extent.

Although the little boy with hedgehog head does not understand why this is, he can know that this hat has brought him some benefits.

Therefore, in his days in the future, besides running to play in the forest, he will have another activity to study hats in his original life.

As for whether you can study the specific effects of this hat~

These are all things to do

In a blink of an eye, time passed quickly, and it came to Hunter AD, 1992. .

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