Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 141 S-rank gang of thieves! Uvogin and Nobunaga's lingering love story, the Kurdish thi


A lot of things have happened during this year.

Among them, in a certain game of Junyiqi, Mai's opponent used the trick "Lone Fox Gu" developed by her and was cracked by Mai herself.

Since then, the "solitary fox solid" trick disappeared in the military.

This event, which has a very significant impact on the military chess world, did not cause any splashes in this world.

At present, the front page headlines in this world are all contracted by a topic:

"The Kurdish Thieves Group is coming back!!"

The Kurdish Thieves Group, a genuine S-class thieves gang.

Both in terms of strength and danger, they are the most famous, most stinking, and most well-known groups in the entire world.

It is said that this group once committed an astonishing event that destroyed a royal family.

Mo Lin, who has also done this kind of thing, said: "Is it difficult?"

In a luxurious five-star hotel, Mo Lin was lying on the bed, watching all kinds of alarmist reports in the recent newspapers.

Many of them are carrying private goods, using the existence and reputation of the Kurdish Bandit Group as an entry point, constantly criticizing the current world regime and pattern.

I was mad about V5 and the Hunter Association, where I didn't know what to do for attention.

This is very similar to when the identities of Uvogin and Nobunaga were revealed.

Mo Lin couldn't help but laugh now when he thinks about it.

There is a super gossip tabloid that specializes in blogging reports to gain sales.

After the identities of Uvogin and Nobunaga were exposed last year, their editorial copy actually gave such an entry point:

Uvogin and Nobunaga shared weal and woe and supported each other.

Uvogin has an uncontrollable desire to kill in his body and is very eager to commit criminal acts 30.

And Nobunaga, who has given all his heart for the other party, is willing to let go of all the reputation and status he has now for his beloved Uvogin.

For his lover Uvogin, he is willing to become a criminal villain who has been cast aside by thousands and wanders the world.

The two depend on each other for their lives, and go to the ends of the world together

That's right, you read that right, this tabloid specially brought together Uvogin and Nobunaga, specializing in big books and special books.

Moreover, many versions of the song and the touching story of love between the two have been edited.

Even some of these thieves are good at handwriting, the storyline is bizarre and ups and downs, so many people even believe that it is true.

In the story, Uvogin is attacking and Nobunaga is thin.

In addition, Nobunaga hasn't been sloppy like that, and is quite white, which makes the two's poignant love story more authentic and credible, which has moved many people.

Mo Lin was shocked when he saw this report.

He thought he almost came to Shanmei's Hunter world.

Fortunately, this Hunter world looks normal at the moment.

Later, when he pressed the urge to rub his whole body with goose bumps, after reading the story of Uvogin and Nobunaga~~~

After laughing all night, my mouth was almost stiff.

Pakunoda shared the happiness with him.

Then both of them desperately wanted to see Uvogin and Nobunaga's reaction.

When Mo Lin called the two of them, they happened to be together, but they didn't know about it yet.

Only later when they grabbed the newspaper from a newspaper shop, from the trembling boss, and read it~

Mo Lin failed to use [video phone] and saw too many expressions on the two of them.

Uvogin squeezed because the phone was anxious.

But before the phone was pinched, Mo Lin still saw Uvogin's swollen liver-colored face and Nobunaga's horrible look in his eyes.

I even vaguely heard Uvogin's angry roar.

Mo Lin, who couldn't see the expressions of Uvogin and Nobunaga, regretted it, and then distributed the happiness to other people in the brigade one after another.

Chrollo, Feitan, Phinks, Franklin, Machi, Peel Lev, Shalnark, and Kubei have all received group messages from Mo Lin.

Several of them, like Chrollo, are not very interested in this matter, or can't get that point.

But for the black-bellied Shalnark, it was a series of jubilation.

First, it naturally expressed sympathy, indignation, and relief for Uvogin and Nobunaga.

After that, there was a series of "hahahaha".

Sing, Shalnark, you can be a man somehow.


Especially when Mo Lin heard Shalnark say he wanted to call Uvogin and Nobunaga and had a good chat about this matter.

It even felt that Shalnark was jumping repeatedly on the edge of death, not far from the abyss of death.

Afterwards, Mo Lin did not pay much attention.

Only when I heard that Uvogin and Nobunaga partnered to smash the newspaper, there was no follow-up.

Other newspapers have published more serious news one after another.

After all, although I have the life to make that sales, but I have the life to spend it.

The other party is a vicious gangster, and he may do something.

Therefore, when the Kurdish Thieves Group came back again, many newspapers gave the most serious page information except for the entrainment of private goods, but there was nothing else.

It just lists the dangers of this group, the glorious deeds in the past, and what kind of harm it will bring to the world after the comeback, and so on.

These are all commonplace tunes.

The Kurdish Thieves Group, the name Mo Lin still has some impressions.

I still remember when Luo Lijin-Freecss made the achievements in the early years, he once wrote:

Jin’s great achievements were almost established ten years before the beginning of the plot, such as [Discovering and repairing the Ruluka civilization site], [Establishing a two-headed wolf reproduction method], [Excavating the ancient golden veins], [Annihilation library German Bandit Group] and so on.

This kind of outstanding achievements is enough to make an ordinary Hunter promote to a Samsung Hunter. You must know that there are no more than ten Samsung Hunters in the world, and Jin didn't apply just because he felt troubled.

In his opinion, the goal has been accomplished, and other achievements and the like are all imaginary and not worth mentioning.

But these real deals have brought Presidential powers and huge amounts of money to Kim.

Among them, [Annihilation of the Kurdish Thieves Group] is just one of Jin's many achievements.

Jin has made indelible contributions in the fields of heritage science, biology, geology and metallurgy, and the bounty Hunter community, which are enough to be included in textbooks.

For Samsung Hunter, the absolute condition is that it must complete several historical new discoveries or create a world-wide cause.

There are as many as five kinds of achievements just known by Jin.

He is completely qualified for the Samsung Hunter, but because it takes too many formalities to become a Samsung Hunter, it is too much trouble, and Jin feels disgusted.

"Being able to become a representative one among Jin's many achievements, it seems that this Kurdish thieves group still has two brushes."

Mo Lin thought so, and suddenly, the phone in his arms rang.

Looking at the caller ID above, Mo Lin directly connected the call:

"Hey, Razor, what's the matter?"

The one who called Mo Lin was Razor, who was acting as an NPC and a GM on the Island of Greed.

"It seems you haven't slept yet~"

Razor's gentle laughter came from the other end of the phone: "I call you so late, won't you bother you?"

"not bad."

Mo Lin looked up at Pakunoda, who had just walked out of the bathroom, wrapped in a bathrobe.

"Just talk about it.

"Then I'll be straightforward."

Razor said directly, "In the last few days, you should have heard about the Kurdish Thieves Group, right?"

"Well, I know, what happened to them?"

Mo Lin looked at Pakunoda, who was gradually coming towards him, and said calmly.

"That's it~"

Razor said warmly: "Before, when Jin went to repair the ruins of Luluka, he had arranged for the Kurdish Bandit Group."

"He originally wanted to keep it for himself, but he didn't expect that the bandit would start to be active in the world sooner than expected."

"Most of it was affected by the Phantom Troupe, which made a huge noise last year. It may be uncontrollable and came out early."

"Is that so?"

Mo Lin thought for a while.

Also, Uvogin and Nobunaga went to the Sky Arena under the influence of Mo Lin, and then became the host.

And under Machi's squeezed last trace of value, it can be said that there are constant headlines in this world, and the scenery is boundless.

That's why the Kurdish Thieves Group is also ready to move, has it come back early?

947 "Jin can't get free now, it should have been solved by me, but because of the island of greed, I can't go away at the moment."

Razor talked about the current situation on his side.

Well, as the island of greed gradually spread, more and more players have poured into the game recently.

Razor, who is in charge of the Transmuter ability spell card, cannot leave the island casually.

Moreover, he himself was caught and held here by Jin, and he was also a prisoner, so he could not leave without permission.

By the way, speaking of prisoners~~~

Mo Lin also remembers that Razor was also an S-rank death row prisoner before.


Later, he was overthrown by Jin and then caught here.

He and the Kurdish Bandit Group are at the same level in terms of risk.

"If it's Razor's strength to benchmark

Mo Lin made a slight comparison in his mind, and then he soon had a decision idea.

"I get what you meant now.

At this time, Pakunoda was already sitting on the bed, and Mo Lin's tone couldn't help speeding up.

"Leave it to me to solve it.

"Then I beg you, Mo Lin."

After Mo Lin accepted the matter, Razor's laughter came over the phone again:

"When will you come back to the island of greed, we haven't decided the victory or defeat the last time we broke the wrist."

"There will be this opportunity.

"And your [Any Cannon], put it here on my stadium, it's about to rust."

"I know about Razor, we'll talk about this another day, it's not convenient for me now.

Razor didn't want to recount the old talk, but Mo Lin interrupted the conversation quickly, and then hung up the phone.

Razor on the other side of the phone was slightly surprised.


"What's the matter, so anxious?"

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Razor was a little confused.

At the same time, in the five-star room where Mo Lin stayed on the other side.

With the uncovering of the white robe, there were waves of preaching and karma.

And the sudden cry after the doubt was answered.

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