Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 143 A surprise attack from the sky!! The instant kill of Huashi Doulang!

Want to harvest my blood?!

The Kurdish Thieves Group now seems to be grand, but now they are already on fire.

On the surface, it looks bright and beautiful, but the strength inside is not as good as before.

Maybe other people in the group can't feel it, but as the leader of the Kurdish Thieves group, Kurd has the most thorough observation.

Their group has been famous in this world for dozens of years, and the peak period of its heyday has long passed.

Just like a movie, it has a beginning, a development, a superb and an end.

Their group has long passed the peak period, and now it is almost not far from the time for the curtain call.

It is precisely because of this that the brothers in their group have actually realized this.

However, as the new thieves group Phantom Troupe was launched last year, the whole world was heated up, and there is a climate of the world's number one thieves group.

This also made my older brothers feel extremely unconvinced, and they had negotiated to avoid the limelight for a few more years.

However, some of the newspapers outside are simply saying too much for the sake of sales.

Take their Kurdish Thieves Group as a stepping stone to brag about Phantom Troupe.

Although the newspapers are trying to get people's attention and create a sense of panic to attract sales, every sentence just happens to be stuck in the anger of their brothers.

Even Kurd could not disobey the will of all his brothers.

As a result, the Kurdish Thieves Group, in Kurd's view, is not in a perfect state of preparation and once again returned to the world's vision.

Although the momentum of the comeback at the beginning was extremely large, so far it is still growing in power.

But Kurd is very clear that their Kurdish Bandit Group is indeed going downhill irresistibly.

Not to mention other people, he was already in his fifties and began to feel that his qi and blood were gradually declining.

Although he is in his fifties, he is still a man with plenty of energy, and his vigor increases over time, he can also take care of his body gently.

But Kudd's Nen was too energy intensive. In the past, he used 947 without restraint when he was young. Of course, he has gained a huge reputation and also named the band of thieves to the world after his own name.

However, this kind of practice has brought too much deficit to his body, so that it is the kind that can't even make up for the increase in vitality.

And in the early years, Kurd was brave and fierce, relying on his own fierce strength and fighting momentum to break out of the world.

Injuries in previous battles have gradually begun to recover.

In the dead of night, the dark wounds that have accumulated in the past will gradually occur.

Kud already knew that his body was no longer enough to support him to continue walking.

Not only him, but his brothers are also weak, and their bodies are gradually weakening.

Moreover, the situation of the Kurdish Bandit Group is gradually becoming a target of public criticism.

Kud deeply understood that in such a world, no matter how chaotic it was, a band of thieves could not occupy the mainstream.

So when they become more and more quarrelsome, there will eventually be powerful players from the Hunter Association or V5 to solve them.

Perhaps when he was young, he might be comfortable and not afraid.

But with his current reality

Then we can only find another way.

Thinking of this, Kud firmly squeezed the note in his hand.

This is his last straw.

This idea of ​​Kudd has just arisen.

The third scar-faced male came to the brothers under the cries and instigation of the brothers.

He picked up the wine glass on the table and poured it into his throat.

At this moment~

Abnormal change suddenly grows!!


Suddenly, the chandelier at the top of the casino plummeted.

(dafg) At the same time, the ceiling above the roof also shattered instantly, and a figure launched a fierce attack towards the crowd below from top to bottom!!

"Is another one to die?!"

The appearance of this scene made the faces of the Scarface Man and the others show a vying smile.

A few small actions were just a sneak attack. They were the desperadoes who danced on the tip of a knife and licked their blood.


The third brother of the scar-faced man has a floating mind in his palm, ah!

A dark and sharp double-edged axe full of thought power appeared in his hand.

The axe was black all over, but the axe's blade was faintly revealing a touch of blood.

It shows that this weapon of thought power was a killing weapon that had thirsty for a lot of blood before.

"The intensity of the reading is not bad, and finally a guy who can see through is here."

The scarface male third brother used his eyes with 【Ning】, he could clearly see that the figure that fell from the sky was entwined with not weak thought power.

After all, this made him a little serious, "I hope you can bring me some fun that is barely passable!!"

Wielding the axe, the scarfaced man held the axe handle with both hands and moved upwards, sharply cutting it!

[Blood Howling Harvest!!]

The powerful thought power rolled, as if there was a boundless howl of ghosts, coming from the big axe.

Surrounded by the treacherous sound that disturbed the mind, a blood-colored sharp edge was severely cut towards the figure in the sky!!

This Manipulator and Transmuter may also contain certain Enhancer tricks, which can be described as terrifying.

And just when the Scarface Man just released his proud trick~

Bang! Bang!

On the left and right sides of the casino, several walls were destroyed and destroyed.

Four more figures broke through the wall one after another and appeared in the field.

"Five people? It seems strange that the preparations this time are adequate.

When other members of the Kurdish Thieves Group saw this scene, they also rolled up their sleeves and laughed and mocked:

"But what we are least afraid of is the crowds!!"


The other four people who had been drinking with the scarred male third brother before also greeted them from different angles from the south, east, north and west.

There was only their boss, Kudder, and the second master who was watching a good show next to Kudder. There was no opponent to attack.

Kud frowned and watched the scene quietly.

Although Kudd didn't go into battle, it was the moment when the attacking enemy revealed his figure, he immediately used [Ning] to observe and be on guard.

Although the opponent's strength does not seem to be weak, compared to a few of them, it is still not enough to see the scope of the food delivery.

But I don't know why

"Why do I faintly feel so upset in my heart?"

But Kudd's heart gradually showed a taste of palpitations.

Just as he was hesitating whether to activate the power and retreat~

"Hey, I will kill you!!"

The scarred third man looked at the figure above the casino that was about to touch his bloody edge, and his eyes flashed with bloodthirsty luster.

So far, no one has been able to face his move and easily block it.

If you eat his attack head-on, you will be seriously injured if you don't die!

"My big axe, but it's been a long time since I thirsty for the blood of strong Nen!!"

He craned his neck, and couldn't wait to see the figure being cut across by the bloody sharp edge, splitting into two, the sky full of blood and wine.


The bloody knife light slashed across the figure as expected, but the brutal scene of blood diffused did not appear.

On the contrary, after being attacked, the figure stagnated in mid-air and gradually disappeared!!

"not good!!"

The pupils of the Scarface Male Third Brother suddenly shrank.

In this situation, how can he not see that this is a phantom created by the opponent with his ability!!

However, when he understood it, it was too late.


In the next second, things will happen!!

Just when everyone didn't expect it.

The floor next to the Scarfaced man's feet was suddenly lifted, and a figure broke out of the ground and grabbed it directly at his waist and abdomen.


A tiger paw full of thoughts penetrated his abdomen in an instant before the Scarfaced man had time to react.

The other tiger paw followed the clenched claw into a fist and digs into the heart of the scarfaced man.


A sturdy right straight punch with full power of thought hit the Scarface man's left chest with ease.

He hit him like a cannonball fired out of the barrel, carried by strong inertia, and flew to the other side of the wall!!

While he was being thrown away, his own blood fell on the ground as he said.

"Three brothers (third brother)!!"

Everyone was shocked and exclaimed in unison.

"Want to harvest my blood?"

In the arena, an exquisite Chinese robe, silver-haired shawl, and Hua Shi Dou Lang, who was like the son of Shijia, appeared.

He shook the blood on his hand, with a gentle smile on his face, but there was no temperature in his eyes at all.

"It can only be said that your whimsical ideas are not worth advocating.

"You bastard!!"

The other gangs of the Kurdish Bandit Group wanted to yell at them, but the figure they greeted him had already approached them and launched an attack on them.

"Exactly the same?!""

The other thieves had to converge their minds to confront the enemy and discover that the figure attacking them in front of them looked exactly the same as the Huashi Doulang in the arena!!

"Does it have the same ability as a clone?!"

Everyone was awe-inspiring, "Be careful of the strange connection between the opponent and the main body!!"

With rich combat experience, they immediately put on a defensive posture.

Started the most conservative way of fighting, hoping to spy on the opponent's Nen in various confrontations.

At the same time, they were also a little worried about the scarface male third brother who had just been beaten out.

Look at the amount of bleeding that was hit and flew out along the way, and up to now, the opponent was beaten into the wall and fell into the ruins, and it hasn't appeared yet.

Then you can know the seriousness of the problem.

"He can't get out."

Hua Shi Doulang looked at Kud who had already stood up in front of him from a distance, and looked at him firmly, and chuckled:

"I will allow him to sleep peacefully and soundly from now on."

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