Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 144 The Zoldyck family, business! The Kurdish Thieves Group's aggrieved situation!!

The first claw that Hua Shi Doulang attacked from the ground easily shredded the scarred man's abdomen, and the internal organs were shattered by him.

A punch directly hit his chest, shaking his entire breastbone into powder, and even the heart almost turned into a pile of meat.

Under such circumstances, he would have died thoroughly, and it is absolutely impossible to survive.


Kud's national character face was gloomy and scared, he stared at Hua Shi Doulang's young face, and said every word:

"The first frustration of our Kurdish Thieves Group's comeback actually appeared on you, a stinky hairy child!!!"

His body is also fluctuating in thought, and his eyes are full of murderous aura.

It would be nothing more than a senior Hunter or a strong veteran who did all of this.

But who would have thought that the one who gave them a heavy blow now is a name that has never been seen before~ an unheard brat!!

Even if Kud's heart regressed no matter how backward, such a result still made him unbearable!

"This is your first time, and it's your last time.

Hua Shi Doulang said calmly, "Since today, the name of Kurdish Thieves Group is no longer in this world."


The leader Kud was furious, and the second master behind him was also glaring.

At the same time~


After one of the bandits hit the opponent's arm, the figure of "Huashi Doulang" disappeared in the air.

"This is a phantom?!!"

The bandits were startled first, and then immediately reacted.

"And it is a phantom that will dissipate as soon as it is attacked!!"

After realizing this, the bandits changed their previous offensives one after another.

Do not seek to hurt the opponent, but as long as the opponent is attacked, the phantom will disappear automatically.

In this way, they can free up their hands and let that arrogant kid know what the cruelty of society is and the horror of their Kurdish Bandit Group!!

"Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!"

Under the conscious launch of a targeted offensive, three successive phantoms also disappeared one after another.

Until facing the fourth figure~


The bandit's fist hit the tiger claws stretched out by the opponent, and there was no movement of phantom shattering.

Instead, it was a collision between fists and claws, and there was a muffled sound.

"this is "

Feeling the pain from the fist, the robber's complexion changed drastically.

"You guessed wrong~"

In front of him, Hua Shi Dou Lang, who had been expressionless, suddenly smiled:

"This is a real person!!"

Who said that the one talking to your boss must be the deity and not also a phantom?

When the voice fell, the tiger claw directly wrapped the opponent's fist, and his thoughts surged, squeezing the bones on his fist to smash!


The robber uttered a heart-piercing cry.

It was originally a targeted attack launched to crack the phantom, and there was not much protection entangled in the fist.

After being caught by Hua Shi Doulang, the whole hand was completely abolished!!

And this is not over yet.

After the other party's pain reached his brain, Hua Shi Doulang did not let go of this opportunity, and slammed the other party to his side.

At the same time, the five fingers of a hand that had long been entwined with amazing thought power were brought together.

A sharp hand knife slashed his neck in an instant!

Cut off his entire head neatly as silky!

"Old Six!!"

A group of people shouted again in grief and indignation.

It didn't take much time for Hua Shi Doulang to play, and he took the lives of two of them so easily.

First, they used sneak attacks to assassinate their youngest, and then deliberately exposed the weakness of Phantom to them, and specially arranged for Phantom to talk to their boss.

Let them subconsciously think that it is the body that is talking to the boss, and the four figures fighting with them are all phantoms, thus letting them relax their vigilance.

But who would have thought that Hua Shi Doulang would actually use the Phantom to talk to their boss, and the body is hidden in these four figures!!

And I found the opportunity, and it turned out their sixth brother in an instant.

Hua Shi Doulang's act of treating them as monkeys completely angered the leader Kud.

The boss of everyone couldn't bear it anymore, raising his hand was a powerful bullet.


It is extremely powerful, and the shape of Nian Bo is like a whole palm.

"A combination of Transmuter and Conjurer?"

Hua Shi Doulang judged the opponent's ability based on the opponent's move.

"This kind of power seems not weak, but the effect is not enough. It should not be the real ability of the other party, but only a means of attack."

"But from this point of view, the opponent is mostly a transmuter capable person.

"Transmuter capable people are generally good at two types of attacks, one is the bullet attack, and the other is the space raid."

Hua Shi Doulang recalled all the bits and pieces Mo Lin taught him.

All of these have been turned into his abundant and valuable experience in actual combat.

"Both types of attacks are made under the condition of keeping a long distance.

"If you want to limit him, you need to get in the distance and fight him close."

There he analyzed with a sharp change in his mind, "but that's the case."

Hua Shi Doulang glanced angrily, his eyes flushed with anger, and he was ready to pounce on the remaining thieves who had taken him down.

A little bit awe-inspiring in my heart, I decisively withdrew back more than a dozen meters and opened the distance first.

"If I tremble close to their boss, then I will definitely fall into a siege, so in response to such a situation."

Hua Shi Doulang paused, then turned and ran!!

Seeing such a scene, the raging bandits were still a little taken aback.

But soon, they all reacted.

"Little bunny, you have a kind of don't run!!!"

A group of people were furious. They were really angry with Hua Shi Doulang's actions.

Run after the fight, run away if you kill someone, and you can take the advantage of co-authoring?!

Just kill our brother and go away? Don't even think about it!!

The remaining bandits all exploded with not weak thought power, one by one, they chased behind Hua Shi Doulang!

"All back!!"

At this moment, the leader's eldest brother Kud's complexion changed slightly, and he planned to stop them.

"Let them go, brother."

The second master next to him stepped up and stopped Kudd's approach.

"If you let the other party kill our people in such a big way, and leave safely, it will not only be bad for our third and sixth brothers who died, but also for our dignity!!"

"The other party simply stomped our dignity on the ground, but if the fourth child is a bit bloody, they won't let the kid go!!

..…0 Seeking flowers…

"What's more, if we just let the other party leave and let the other party make such a publicity, where will we put the face of the Kurdish Thieves Group? !"

"What are we doing so hard to come out for? Isn't it just to remind the world of the horror of the Kurdish Bandit Group?"

"If the kid is allowed to spread it out like this, then we will become the laughing stock of the world, and the so-called comeback will become a joke!!"

"Compared to seeing this, even if they knew that there would be a trap when chasing them out, they might be in an ambush."

"But they would rather die a heroic battle than let their years of hard work become a joke."

After the second master had finished speaking, he bowed deeply towards Kud, and then, following the fourth and their steps, chased in the direction of Hua Shi Doulang.

Kud looked at the empty casino lobby and couldn't help sighing deeply.

The foreboding in his heart is also getting heavier.

"Are we really at the end?"

Kud raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky through the cracked ceiling, a little bit dejected.

The current Kurdish Thieves Group has been bullied by a young kid who has not yet grown his hair?!

"No, anyone who provokes our Kurd Bandit Group will pay the price!!"

Kud's eyes instantly turned blood red, "Pay the price of blood!!"

He spread out the note he had been holding tightly in his hand and took out the phone from his arms.

No matter where you are, no matter what your identity, when you are targeted by those guys.

You, as well as your family and clansmen, will regret coming to this world!!

Kurd pressed the dial key in his hand.

At the same time, not far from here.

It is also a famous mountain somewhere in the Republic of Bartoria.

In the Dentola area, there is a steep peak called the Kuksu Mountain.

This is one of the most famous landscapes in the area, and the gate of the Yellow Spring standing here is known as the two major death spots in the Dentola region.

And behind the gate of the yellow spring, on the Withered Slaughter Mountain.

Inhabited by a world-famous family.

The first killer family in the entire world, the Zoldyck family.

There are 10 blood relatives in this family who can feel very domineering by just hearing the name. They are great-great-grandfather, grandparents, parents, and five brothers.

The largest is the great-great-grandfather, Maha-Zoldyck, and the youngest is the fifth son of the family, Kalluto-Zoldyck, now two years old.

With the exception of the family's grandmother, everyone else lives in the "Gate of Trial" as the boundary. For generations, they have been assassinated families, and the photos of their members are worth nearly 100 million yuan.

At this moment, in this family hall that is frightening to the whole world.


Wutong, who had just taken over as the official housekeeper from the retired Zi Ponian, hung up the phone in his hand.

And reported to the current owner of the Zoldyck family, Silva Zoldyck, about a huge amount of business.

"Is the client the Kurdish Thieves Group?"

There is a silver hair that is tougher than steel, the whole person is burly and tall, and his face is as serious as a knife. Silva, who resembles the lion king, repeated it.

"When I first sent them business cards, I just did it smoothly. I didn't expect them to reach the point of contacting us.

[The squeezed drop is gone, work is too busy, and the rest will be updated to go home at night!] Door.

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