Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 145 The conversation between Zeno and Silva, the status quo of the Zoldyck family, the secon

"After all, the other party is a thief, not a killer. This is not their professional strength, but I can understand it~"

Sitting across from Silva, Zoldyck's previous generation of Patriarch, Silva's father~

With the image of an old man Rongzhi, Zeno-Zoldyck, whose eyes flashed with introverted luster from time to time, tilted Xiao Erlang's legs and twisted his long mustache with one hand.

There are two iconic classic words hanging in front of his clothes:

"Career active", "One kill in a day".

"Although the Kurdish Thieves Group is said to be a well-known thieves group in the world, after all, they are already old, too old to keep up with the times."

Zeno nodded his forehead.

When he said being old, he did not refer to age and time of existence, but the old way of thinking and doing things.

"The thief is a business, but after all, it won't last long, otherwise our ancestors will become thieves instead of becoming a family of killers."

Zeno laughed and said, "Obviously, the killer business can stand up in this world."

"Following the rules of survival in this world, the duty to make money the fastest, besides the killer, which one is there?"

"The ancestors can see it, but it's much more thorough than us!"

Zeno sighed slightly there.

He is a more talkative character in the family, but the older he gets, the more talkative he is.

Compared with his grandfather Maha, who was hiding in the "nine forty-seven" small room, lying on a rocking chair, watching cartoons without moving, he was a very active type.


Silva nodded, "When I gave my business card to the Kurdish Thieves Group, they were already going downhill."

"In fact, I also know that maybe they will have such a day sooner or later."

Silva said solemnly, "But I didn't expect this day to come so soon."

"Ha ha ha, isn't this a good thing for us? At least it's a good business."

Zeno smiled and looked at the phoenix tree standing beside him respectfully bending over:

"The person the other party is going to deal with is the owner of the Sky Arena named Hua Shi Dou Lang, who currently has a certain reputation in the fighting world."

Obviously, Wutong, the butler, is very dedicated.

When receiving the business, he immediately checked the identity of the other party.

Then, he told Zeno and Silva the price quoted from Kud.

"Is that so much?"

Even Zeno is a little surprised by this number, "This is the income of their entire team for so many years, right?"

"What did the young man named Huashi Doulang do to make Kud's kid so cruel?"

Wutong remained silent, which he did not know.

Asking for unnecessary information from customers is not something they should do as a housekeeper.

"What do you think of Dad?"

Silva looked at Zeno who was groaning, "Since the other party has put out such a large sum of money, it should be very difficult for the opponent to deal with it."

"Or, it may be that he has an unending hatred with Kud, even to the point where he can't wait for a thousand swords.

Zeno took over, "But since there is a door-to-door business, there is no reason not to accept it."

"After all, we are a family of killers."

He smiled and stood up, with his hands behind his back:

"This time, let me go with you too."

"The other party has offered so many prices, it's also worth a trip with my old bone."

Zeno intends to move forward with Silva, which is both respect for this huge sum of money.

At the same time, it is true that as Silva said, the opponent is likely to be a little difficult to deal with.

Of course, the most important thing is that Kud's money must be enough, otherwise Zeno will not be impressed.

"If there are two people, we can still have sufficient care to prevent our employer from being killed by the target in advance."

Zeno did not forget to exhort.

Otherwise, they won't be able to get any money.

Zeno can do whatever it takes for the money, even if it's two people beating one.

His principle is not to waste energy and life for things other than tasks.

"Dad I know."

Silva nodded.

"By the way, the other party is the owner of the Sky Arena, right?"

Zeno thought of something, "Little Killua should also be thrown into the sky arena to exercise, right?"

"It's still early.

Silva replied casually, "Now he is experiencing the electric current's Initiation and drug resistance connection every day, and now is the time to lay the foundation."

"Moreover, Kikyo is watching very closely, keeping up in all aspects, and the effect is good so far."

"After he is six years old, let's consider the sky arena."

Silva arranged the little Killua clearly.

"Six years old? That's fine."

Zeno didn't have any comments after listening.

"Little Killua is the most talented person in the history of our family. With good training, the achievements may not be worse than my father and grandfather, or even more powerful."

Zeno's father, Jaeger-Zoldyck, was recognized by Netero as one of the three team members who went to the Dark Continent with Netero.

And Zeno's grandfather, Maha-Zoldyck, is enough to describe in just one sentence:

President Netero is the only one who can survive after fighting Maha.

Zeno's evaluation of Killua is that he hopes to surpass his father and grandfather, which shows what kind of expectations he has.

"So I don't plan to help him open Aura Nodes early~"

Silva said in a deep voice, he also put a lot of effort on Killua:

"Let him better lay the foundation, strengthen the strengthening and mastery of his body, so that after he learns to read, he will make more rapid progress."

"Even if Killua hits the 200th floor at that time, I will call him back, and I won't let him enter the world of Nen people so quickly.

"That's good."

Zeno nodded, then shook his head again:

"It's a pity that Il is a fan."

To be honest, Irfans are qualified to become the patriarch of the next generation of Zoldyck family, both in terms of character and talent.

But on the one hand, he didn't inherit the best blood of the Zoldyck family-the heads of the previous generations were all silver-haired, but he was black-haired.

On the other hand is his somewhat distorted character.

The killer, the most important thing is a calm mentality, but Yierfan has fatal shortcomings in this regard.

"The original words were okay, but since the birth of Killua as a child, Il fans seem to have gotten worse.

Zeno sighed.

Silva also thought of Ilmi's weird eyes when she looked at the little Killua, and she was also quite moved.

The two chatted while walking outside.

"Ilmi's Nian has learned very early and has made rapid progress. I believe I will soon be able to carry the banner of the Zoldyck family."

Zeno analyzes the next generation of the current Zoldyck family:

"In Mi Ji's words, besides his temperament is often disconnected, his inventions are also quite interesting."

But it just stays at the interesting stage.

"By the way, he hasn't been out for a long time, right?"

"Well, since the last mission ended, I haven't been out of the room again. 0"

Silva was also dull, "I can't see him in person, I can't even open the Aura Nodes for him to learn."

Zeno also fell silent for a while.

"Forget it, let him go.

The children of the Zoldyck family have to accept the Initiation to open the Aura Nodes every time they reach a certain age.

Both Ilmi and the future Kalluto do this.

Only Killua and Mi Ji~

Fortunately, the former is for the purpose of accumulating key points of cultivation, while the latter is basically being manipulated by one's own meal, and the whole family is a bit speechless.

There will be a truth in the family of the world's number one killer. Do you dare to believe in the fat house?

And the temperament of this dead fat house, compared to the nervousness of the family and the cold blood of the killer, is actually very normal?!

It's like a group of wolf king families who got in

Obviously, the style of painting seems so strange, but Mi Ji's existence and interaction with Killua and others did not feel inconsistent at all.

"How is Kalluto?"

Zeno asked about the fifth youngest son in the family.

"It's better than I thought."

Silva gave a more accurate evaluation:

"In my opinion, he is more suitable to be a killer than an Irfan."

"オ Only two years old, he has matured for a long time beyond his age, and his mind is more delicate and his emotions are more calmly controlled."

Silva has a rare compliment: "It has a rare killer nature.,

"Not bad."

Zeno's eight-character Hu flickered, "How about the talent?"

"Similar to Ilmi, compared with the little Killua, there is still a distance, and he is currently being taken by the watch."

At this point, Silva paused.

Because Kalluto has a delicate mind and is still young, he is always taken by his mother, Kikyo, by Il fans Killua to teach him at any time.


Because Kikyo's expectations for Killua were too high, they turned this expectation into a certain emotion and instilled it in Kalluto.

When Kalluto's three views were established when it grew up~~~

It seems that he is also infected with the same problems as Ilmi.

Now Silva can occasionally find that Kalluto's eyes on Killua are almost 5.6 to catch up with Il Fan.

Not only that, but I don't know what Kikyo thinks, so he puts Kalluto in a women's dress, and seems to train Kalluto as a daughter.

Silva had also looked at Kalluto's face, which was more delicate and beautiful than a girl, and wondered whether it would be a bad thing to give Kalluto to Kikyo.

But seeing that Kalluto is doing pretty well, he has no opinion on his current life and appearance, and his temperament polishing and daily training are relatively excellent.

Silva put the matter aside for the time being.

However, the boss of the juniors, Il Fan, really doubted the reason why Kalluto did not resist such a dress.

Mostly because his mother instilled in Kalluto the thought of "If you dress like this, your Killua brother will like you more".

This has made Il fans complain about it for a while: the mother's action is to make more people pay attention to Killua, to attack and rob him of his important position in Killua's mind.

Although he didn't have any position~~~

Silva and Zeno combed the current situation of the juniors in the family at the same time as they were on their way.

Except for an existence that neither of them mentioned.

"How is the monster from the dark?"

Finally, Zeno's eyelids jumped and he mentioned the situation of the fourth child of the family, Aluga. .

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