Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 146 The charm of Killua!! Request and Forcing! The power of Aluga!!

Aluka-Zoldyck, the fourth child of the Zoldyck family.

When he was born, he was no different from other second-generation boys.

Even compared to Ilmi, Kalluto, the atmosphere that makes people seem to not want to get close and avoid far away.

Little Aluka is so simple and cute.

Especially since he has big eyes that are similar to Killua, he is even more popular with housekeepers and subordinates!

However, the good days did not last long.

After Aluka grew up, all of this has undergone tremendous changes!!

At the beginning, when another community within Aluga awakened, it also brought him extraordinary abilities.

This ability was inadvertently dispelled because of Killua's hug at the beginning.

Until later~

In a certain family waiter, under the desire to worship, make a wish to become a billionaire.

This resulted in the deaths of the subsequent 67 people~!!

All this is due to the life community in Aluka, from the dark continent, Nanica.

When Naniga appeared, her eyes were black and her mouth was jet-black. You can make a request to her.

It is a species from the dark continent with special abilities.

The official gender hasn't given details yet. It is guessed that he is a female, and Killua also treats him as a sister.

Father Silva-Zoldyck once commented on Naniga: "That guy is not a human at all and cannot be seen from the eyes of his family. That guy is from another world, dark."

So when she was a child, she was locked up by her family, and her family except Killua didn't like her.

Aluga’s room is hidden behind five safe vaults in the Zoldyck mansion. Each 30 safe deposit box can only be opened after entering a 10-digit code.

Naniga likes Killua very much, only Killua has been with her and Aluka since childhood.

Once Killua cried because he said "Never show up" to Naniga for the sake of Aluja's freedom. Later, because of Aluja's crying, Killua confessed that he faced her sincerely and accepted her, promising that he would never leave her.

Aluka calls Killua "brother", while Naniga directly calls Killua "Killua", and he has a sense of family dependence on Killua.

She only listened to Killua's words, Killua could make a wish directly because Nanica liked him.

One of the five disasters from the Dark Continent is presumed to be the gas life form-Angstrom, which is the dependence of desire.

Others speculate that Naniga's true identity is an educator-an equivalent exchange of happiness and life.

The unknown is pinned on Aluka for some reason, and Aluka can also awaken another soul, Nanica, at any time.

After the failure of Aluga's request, the people who turned into fleshy balls, curled into ropes and mud, were all proved to be the disaster of the Dark Continent, but the cleaning work of the enemy family was done very well.

In addition, Ai's voice and Naniga's voice after coming out are both "ai", and the most spoken word every time Naniga is "ai".

As for why things from the Dark Continent appeared in the Zoldyck family, because Zeno's father Jege, who had been to the Dark Continent with the president, was attached to something when he returned.

In the end, it was inherited from Killua's younger brother Aluka through the bloodline. Such an explanation is still possible.

There is even a bigger reason, because of strangeness.

In the generations of Zeno and Silva, Nanica did not come out.

Even Ilmi and Moji were born normally.

It wasn't until Killua was born that Naniga resurrected with the help of Aluka's body.

It can be said that Killua is full of charm, and the whole family, except Mi Ji, has a boundless love for him.

Even the creatures of the Dark Continent can't resist Killua's charm~~~

Nanija likes Killua very much like Aluga, so he has a sense of family dependence on Qi.

It can make the creatures of the dark continent feel this way. No wonder there is a joke:

"The Zoldyck family are all Killua control".

Aluja and Naniga are a community, many people think that Naniga = Aluja, hope that Naniga's appearance is only because of greed and wish, otherwise whoever sees her will think it is a monster at first sight.

However, only Killua is different.

Naniga only repeats a few words, she rarely reveals her true feelings like human beings, only Killua gave her the name Naniga in the family.

This also allows Killua to use Naniga's abilities without any cost.

Nanica's abilities can be referred to simply as "requests" and "compulsive demands."

Nanica can fulfill anyone's wish, that is, a "request." After fulfilling the request, it will turn white, that is, Aluja will appear outside. The same person cannot make consecutive requests to Naniga.

Naniga will ask people for "forced demands" from time to time. If three consecutive "forced demands" are fulfilled, it will turn black, that is, Naniga will appear outside.

When you meet his three "requests", that is, to do the three things he asked for, Naniga can help you realize your wish once, that is, to satisfy your "request", and his eyeballs will become pure. black.

After fulfilling the wish, the eyeballs will return to their normal state.

Naniga will only ask the same person for "forcing". If the subject of the "forcing" is immediately taken away from Naniga after a "forcing", the "forcing" will cease until I see this person again.

By the time the plot ended, Naniga hadn't made any "forced demands" to his family for the time being.

The larger the "request", the more demanding, and the next person to be "forced" by Nanica will pay the greater the price.

"Forced" content is positively related to "request" content. After the request becomes a billionaire, the "request" content is the brain, liver, and duodenum; the "request" content is the computer, and the forced content is the nail.

It can be said that it is a constant cycle of equivalent exchange, which is in line with Nen's basic principle at this point.

But once you refuse the "forced request" of Naniga three times in a row, you and your favorite person, that is, at least two of you, will die immediately.

When there are more than two deceased persons, the rule is: the person who refuses the "coercion" and his loved one die, and the person who has the longest contact with the person who refuses the coercion dies in turn.

The larger the last "request", the greater the number of people who died after the three "forced requests" were rejected this time.

After that, the difficulty of the "request" will be reset, and the next requester will no longer be cursed and restricted.

If the person who responded to the "forced request" died halfway, it would be regarded as the "forced request" and at least one more person would die if he failed.

Naniga could not "beg" from someone who didn't know his name, and the same person could not continuously "beg" from Naniga.

The ability of Nanica can fulfill almost any request.

But compared to destruction, she is not good at healing, so she must contact the person to be cured when he is cured.

After fulfilling the request for healing, I have never forced a bloody thing when I force it. It is a very kind animal.

Quite often Killua said that this kind of curse is not a "curse" of Aluka, but a curse of those who "request".

When you ask, you are greedy, and when you ask for it, the price you pay is extremely cruel.

Naniga likes his brother Killua very much and hopes to be praised by Killua, so Killua has special rights-he can use "commands" on him.

That is to say, if you use imperative sentences instead of question sentences, you don't need to pay any price, and you don't need to realize the three "forced demands" first, you can order at any time.

Naniga only listens to Killua's commands, and there is no risk in the command state.

When the Illusion fan forced Killua again, Qiben asked Naniga to send the Illusion home without any cost.

This is an exclusive privilege belonging to Killua.

Because only Killua was willing to accompany them in a true sense when they were young.

In other words, if Killua is willing, he can use "commands" through Aluka and Naniga to control the six continents and do whatever he wants to do.

But it's a pity that Killua was forgotten Aluga and the others after being plugged in by the fan of Illusion, until Killua took off the nail and remembered everything and blamed himself.

Fortunately, although Killua had forgotten the existence of Aluja, they did not resent Killua for it.

Instead, when Killua saw them again, he jumped on it happily.

Others sincerely treat him well, Aluka can still feel it.

But unfortunately, in the entire Zoldyck family, only Killua has a family-like affection for Aluka.

His father, grandfather, mother, elder brother, younger brother all regarded him as a monster.

Zeno and Silva, who are at least cold-blooded, would not regard Aluka as a member of their own family.

"Little Killua and Aluga are a little closer, it's better to let them separate."

"I know, I have arranged for the Illusion fan to do this. If nothing else, he will put a needle in Killua's head."

In order to prevent Killua from being harmed, Il fans took the extreme way of inserting the needle into Killua's brain to instill in him the idea of ​​"not fighting a battle with no chance of winning".

And also very narcissistic and stubborn that Killua's love for herself is the same as her love for Killua.

After listening to Silva's arrangement, Zeno said nothing more.

Although Yier fans are somewhat distorted in character, in terms of the overall situation, they have never let them down.

As for the Il fan inserting a needle into Killua's head, will it be unfair to Killua?

Neither of them considered it.

In this world, the strong dominate the weak, right?

Since the destination is not far away, the two of them don't need to use their family's traditional means of transportation, flying dragon~

When the current Patriarch of Zoldyck and the previous Patriarch were dispatched at the same time.

On the other hand, the Kurdish Thieves Group is also ushered in the biggest crisis in history.

When all of them were dispatched except for the leader Kud, they suffered a head attack from Hua Shi Dou Lang!!

There is no such ability as the Phantom, which is most suitable for fighting.

Moreover, Hua Shi Doulang has deeply implemented some of the concepts Mo Lin once taught him:

"The enemy advances and we retreat, the enemy is stationed and we are disturbed, the enemy is exhausted and we fight, and the enemy retreats and we chase."

This sixteen-character guideline can be said to be remembered by Hua Shi Doulang. .

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