Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 147 We have arrived, Machi's appearance! A lot of extra money!!

The real battle of life and death is not a treat to dinner, Hua Shi Doulang naturally took his strength to put the Kurdish Bandit Group to death.

Even if he does not hesitate to face it, he must perfectly complete the task given to him by Mo Lin this time!!

After Huashi Doulang completely abandoned the others and launched a ruthless attack, even the Kurdish Bandit Group could hardly resist!!

First, with the help of the intricate roadways in the city, Hua Shi Doulang separated the five phantoms, waiting for opportunities.

The powerful power of Tiger Bite Zhenquan, Mo Lin's teaching and Jin's training, all at this moment, became the life-threatening chain of the Kurdish Bandit Group.

One by one, in this blank night, one after another fell under the tiger claws of Hua Shi Doulang.

The harm they caused to Hua Shi Doulang was minimal.

It wasn't until later that the second master of the Nakud thieves group made a move that gave Huashi Doulang more serious injuries since the battle.

The second master's own fighting strength is not weak, and his thinking power is also very strong, but compared to Hua Shi Dou Lang, it is still a little inadequate.

It was his weird Nen who really hurt Hua Shi Doulang.

This second-in-chief Nen is not fighting head-on, but a killer move behind the scenes.

Nen: [Broom Doll].

Effect: Manipulator Nen, realized a doll that can bring misfortune and disaster to people.

Write the name of the other party on the doll, it can play a role of cursing, so that the other party suffers from various difficulties and bad luck while being physically and mentally damaged.

If you can entangle the connective tissues and organs from the opponent's body, the stronger the curse will be.

During the battle before Hua Shi Dou Lang, the second master secretly collected some of his hair, skin debris, and some blood drops that came in when he was fighting with his brother.

Based on this, after completing the doll of Huashi Doulang, he immediately activated his abilities.

This also made Hua Shi Dou Lang hit the move without any preparation, and also greatly slowed his pace of hunting down the Kurd robber group.

This move also caused serious injuries to him.

He had to stop to recuperate his injuries.

However, by the time Hua Shi Doulang stopped, he had quickly killed five people in the Kurdish Thieves Group.

In addition to the two people who were killed in the casino lobby, Hua Shi Doulang seized the opportunity, or set up traps, or used hard power to kill and so on.

The other three were resolved simply and neatly.

If it hadn't been for the second master to have such an ability, and desperately escaped the catastrophe, otherwise he might have already died under Hua Shi Doulang's tiger bite true fist.

However, even so, they still did not escape the shroud of doom and the attention of the goddess of death.

After Hua Shi Doulang closed his hands, the second master and the master also breathed a sigh of relief, when they were a little relaxed~

Two weird sharp fishing lines suddenly shot out from a remote corner at an unexpectedly tricky angle.

When the two of them didn't react at all, they instantly wrapped around their necks.

Then, pull it hard.


In an instant, a big head flew up.

The head of the second master easily achieved the achievement of separation of the head.

Looking at the face of his flying head, there is still some confusion and unbelievable look, you know that he hasn't reacted yet.

Well, he died so cleanly without suffering any pain.

For people like them, it may not be a kind of happiness.

"Run away one?"

Machi, who was behind the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole, looked at the empty fishing line on the other side of him, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

The other party disappeared out of thin air before the neck pulled in his fishing line sleeve.

"Transportation? Is it the leader of the Kurdish Thieves Group after all, or has that little hole card."

The remaining mental power fluctuations in the place gradually disappeared, and Machi also turned his head and looked at the belated Hua Shi Doulang.

"You are "

Seeing someone taking action to snatch his target pig prey, Hua Shi Dou Lang is both alert and curious.


Machi didn't say a word, but looked up and down Hashi Douro seriously.

Until the latter is quite uncomfortable~

"The strength is good, and it can force the Kurdish Thieves Group to this level."

Machi commented in the tone of a person who came by.


Hua Shi Doulang listened to the woman who seemed to be about the same age as him, but spoke to him in the tone of an elder who seemed to be a generation taller than him.

"Who are you? Why do you want to intervene in this battle of mine?"

His tone gradually became bad, and his eyes became dangerous.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that my target is also the Kurdish Thieves Group.

Machi retracted the fishing line, "You just treat me as a guy who ran out temporarily and wanted to take the opportunity to snatch the fruits of your victory."

"Anyway, the leader of the Kurd robber group, I am sure to win Kurd's head!!"

Machi said seriously.

Such serious words made Hua Shi Doulang's heart startled.

She could feel the determination and unshakable will in the other's tone.

In fact, Machi is not lying.

Originally, she followed Hua Shi Doulang out of curiosity, wanting to see what kind of person the apprentice Mo Lin took, and how many catties she had.

At the beginning, Machi was surprised to see that after Wah Shi Doulang had killed two strong men of the Kurdish thieves group, he was chased and killed by a group of people.

But later, as Hashish Doulang reaped the lives of the members of the Kurdish group one after another, Machi's surprise gradually changed.

Turned into a desire for money.

The Kurdish Thief Group, that is a veritable S-rank reward criminal group!!

Not to mention that the V5 and Hunter Association’s wanted notices have quite high rewards.

Even on the bounty list of the underground underworld, the Kurdish Thieves Group's bounty is at the forefront!!

In other words, if you can eat the Kurdish Thieves Group~

This single is definitely up to Machi, who has been doing stitching business in the Sky Arena for so long, and has made a total of money.

It's even worse!!

"Unexpectedly, just coming out to inspect the situation of the little apprentice Mo Lin, I can actually get such a large amount of extra money!!"

As long as it has something to do with money, Machi's thinking changes quickly.

The current Kurdish bandit group is dead and wounded, and the boss has almost become a lone desperado.

Such an opportunity is simply unique.

It was as if God had specially prepared a gift package of money for her.

If you don't take this, it will be like no brains!!

"The boss of the Kurdish Bandit Group has escaped, and for his head, I am bound to win."

Machi said calmly.

The rewards offered by the entire group belong to their bosses who account for the most, and belong to the absolute majority.

And once Kud is taken, it represents the collapse of the Kud thieves group, and it can also be used as a voucher to destroy them!!

No matter what, it is impossible for Machi to give up on this!!

"Do you want to snatch my prey?"

Hua Shi Doulang's hands were moving in midair.

"I want to see, where does your confidence and strength come from?"

That's what I said, but in fact, Kashi Douro is extremely vigilant towards Machi.

From the moment I saw him make a move, it turned out to be the second master of the other party simply and neatly.

Even if it hadn't been for the leader Kud to passively activate the ability to leave, he might have hated here and become the ghost of the opponent's line.

This action is definitely very sophisticated.

Especially the timing, angle, and speculation of the people's hearts, etc., when the fishing line was launched, were simply extremely vicious.

Hua Shi Doulang asked himself that although he has not had a few years of experience in walking the world, the eyesight trained by Mo Lin can also be seen.

The other woman with pink and purple hair is definitely not a waiter.

"々. The weapon used by the opponent is fishing line. Judging from the idea of ​​the line being wound on it, it is obvious that the fishing line is regarded as an inseparable part of the battle."

"In other words, she is not Emitter, or Conjurer, of course, it does not rule out the possibility of Manipulator."

"She is in very good condition now, and my injury has just improved, so it is not suitable to conflict with the other party.

"For the time being, I choose to avoid the wait and see. After I find Kud, it is best to find out and kill him in advance."

"But if it is also discovered by the other party, I will never give in anyway!!"

The waves were calm on the surface, but many thoughts surged in my heart.

His own prey was robbed, which is something that no pig Hunter can accept.

After Hua Shi Doulang made up his mind, he chose to be cautious.

After taking a deep look at Machi, he turned and left.

Follow his own method to follow Kurd's trail.

Machi also closed the fishing line, and the current Hashik Doulang is not the highest priority for observation.

Anyway, Kudd's head, she is going to make it!!

Both adhering to their respective goals, they started a new round of competition.

At the same time, a certain corner of the city (Nuo Li's).

In a darker alley.


Kud, who showed his stature, barely supported the wall next to him with his palm.

His face was pale, and the sweat left on his body was about to gather under his feet into a small pond.

"That woman, is that little bastard's helper?

In Kuder's conjecture, Machi and Hua Shi Doulang were linked together.

"I didn't shoot until the last minute. Okay, it's good, but you really have you!!!'

Kurd's eyes were blood red, as if he was about to choose someone to eat, and his eyes were filled with unforgettable hatred.

"No matter who you are, I want you to die, die!!"

He was wailing lonely there like a wounded beast.

Nothing, nothing.

His brother, his group, all disappeared in smoke!!

Even if it wasn't for his own instantaneous Nen, he would probably explain there himself.

Unable to help, he took out his cell phone and dialed the number again viciously.


"Have you guys come!!"

After the call was connected, Kuder didn't show any politeness or nonsense, he just yelled at the phone.

"If you come back late, just wait to collect the body for me, so you won't get a penny!!!"

"We have arrived.

Silva's calm voice came on the other end of the phone. .

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