Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 148 One yard goes to one yard, one bill goes to one bill, you have to add money!! Face the Z

Silva said: "You say a position, we will find you."

"Has it arrived?"

Hearing this briefing, Kud was a little relieved, but his tone was still not very polite:

"Meet on the east coast just outside the city.

"You'd better get me there soon, otherwise you just wait to collect the body for me!!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone viciously.

Kudd now has nothing but the funds left over by the group.

The only thing worthy of oneself is this life.

It is precisely because of this that he completely ignores it and no longer controls his emotions.

His life is about to be understood.

At a moment of life and death, who cares about being polite or impolite? You are polite?!!

But the only thing that can give Kurd a little psychological comfort is that in this world, money can really buy peace and life.

At least entrust the money to the Zoldyck family, once they take over, they will perfectly complete your assassination commission.

"As long as I get rid of those two damn bastards, I will save my life and have a chance to make a comeback!!"

Kud said cruelly in his heart, "No one can escape the pursuit of the Zoldyck family, no one!!"

"It's a pity that I can't kill you personally, otherwise I must torture you well!!"

This is the only thing Kudd regrets.

"You have to hurry up and go to the east coast not far from here to reconcile with the Zoldyck family."

Feeling the bursts of emptiness coming from his body, Kud's face became paler with sweat on his forehead:

"Also quickly fill up the shortfall in the body, this time the consumption of [Teleport] is really not small!!"

Kudd's Nen is a transmuter ability that seems simple, but very powerful, [Movement]!!

Nen: [Transmuter]. 950

Effect: It can be moved to another place instantly. There are two main aspects:

1. Under the active activation ability, you can specify the position of the instant movement, but the corresponding is to consume a certain amount of Qi and Mind.

If the energy and mind are not consumed enough, the movement will fail.

2. The threat of a fatal attack can be passively activated and moved to nearby places randomly.

Move to a location away from the area that is dangerous to your life.

If the dangerous area is too large, and the mental power and energy consumed when moving is not enough to maintain the ability to activate.

Then give priority to the life of the person who consumes the capacity as compensation.

In short, this is an ability to avoid disasters.

When encountering danger, the ability will be activated automatically, leading Kud to flee.

If the power of mind is not enough to support the ability, then the ability will consume Kud's life.

This is why Kudder is so pale as he is now.

Obviously, just now [Teleportation] took him to escape passively, and his thought power was no longer enough, which consumed a lot of his lifespan.

In the past, when Kurd encountered catastrophes, although it was also thanks to this ability, many lives were saved.

But correspondingly, it also made his body more and more deficiencies, more and more unbearable.

Feeling the weakness and powerlessness in his body, Kud gradually became a little frustrated:

"It seems that after this time, I really want to consider finding a place to retire."

He set up such a FLAG in his heart and walked staggeringly towards the East Coast.

I have to say that sometimes the Hunter license is really a good thing.

With the help of its authority on the Internet, Wah Shih Doulang was searching for news about the possibility of Kurd on Hunter's exclusive network.

Then after a lot of his work, he finally found a route that seemed to be his path.

"Is this place on the east coast outside the city?"

After quickly locked the position, Hua Shi Doulang decisively launched the action.

"Kud's head must be mine!!"

Rats have rat paths, snakes have snake paths.

When Hua Shi Doulang found Kud's trail~

"So that's it, East Coast?"

Machi also learned of this important news in an invisible corner of the city, in those underground black market news trading venues.

At the moment, I didn't stop for a moment, and rushed towards the same place.

At this time, at the east coastline that was about to converge, there were already two people standing there waiting silently.

The two are tall and short, one is old and the other is strong.

One is serious, the other is calm.

The only thing in common is the silver hair.

Although they didn't show any thought power fluctuations, as long as they went to that stop, they would give people an extremely strong sense of security and confidence.

When Kud arrived and saw Silva's face, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that even the bones of the whole body are loose.

"The next thing will be explained to you group of experts."

With Silva and Zeno Ruo two people, Kud's confidence greatly increased.

"Those two damn guys, please solve them for both of you!!"


Silva's gaze projected over, with a heavy sense of oppression like a lion king.

"I remember the good business we said before, the goal is only one person.

He said in a deep voice.

"I paid so much money before!"

Kuder was also taken aback, "That sum of money is enough to count the money you earned from several orders!!"

"One yard goes to one yard, one bill goes to one bill.

Zeno wore his small beard, "We said that there is only one target, so the number of people we kill will be only one person!!"

"Then I will place an order for you on the spot!!"

Kud gritted his teeth and said, he also hated Machi, who later intervened and killed the second master.

"I'm sorry, during the mission, I will not add any other orders until the mission is completed.

Zeno refused without jumping his eyelids, "This is the rule set by our Zoldyck family.

"? ?? "

The question mark on Kudman's forehead: "You don't kill (dafg) Shi Shijia, who specialize in making money by taking orders?"

"Now the same employer is still issuing a list to you, and the people who have to deal with are all in the same group as the original goal. Don't you still make this kind of money?!!"

Kud was spitting and spitting wine there, but Connaught remained unmoved.

After a while, Kurd also seemed to gradually see something coming.

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter, you guys are willing to solve both of those two people?!"

"This customer, you are too stubborn, the old man said, the rules are the rules.

Zeno continued to speak calmly.

Kudder looked at him steadily, with an expression of "Who are you kidding?"

"Of course, it is not without accommodation.

As if feeling the heat was almost over, Zeno raised his head and smiled an old man at Kud:

"You have to add money."

The location on the east coast is not far from the city, and it is rare that there is only one quickest way to get here.

This is a shady trail under a small forest. This is the fastest way to the east coast.

So, inevitably, Hashik Doulang and Machi met again on this road.

However, with a little bit of abruptness at the first meeting, the two only exchanged glances at each other this time, after they knew each other's existence.

They turned their eyes tacitly and started to walk their own paths.

The two of them moved forward silently along the way, and quickly passed through the shade of the trees, and their vision became wider.

"found it!"

The two looked at Kurd who was standing on the beach below.

It was just beyond their expectations that Kud, who was standing below, was not surprised by their arrival.

"It's finally here!!"

He even grinned and made a bloodthirsty smile at them.

"Something's wrong!!"

The vigilance in the hearts of Kashi Douro and Machi instantly rose to the maximum level.

And at this time!


An ultimate beam of light instantly fell on the top of the two of them!!


This idea appeared on both of Kashik Doulang and Machi at the same time, and then the body had already subconsciously moved to avoid it.


The beam of light fell on the ground, and boundless dust splashed out.

Countless rubble flew, and yellow fog filled the sky, obscuring the view of the entire sky.

"If you can make your expressions a little more professional, look gloomy or ugly, and make them unresponsive, you will be able to get the trick right away.

Zeno jumped down from the sky with his hands on his back and walked to Kud's side, telling the bad things about his poor performance.

"Sorry, I am a thief, not a killer, and I am not very professional in assassinations.

Kud licked his lips, there was no sorry expression on his face.

"In addition, instead of letting them die so quickly before they react, I hope to see the struggle on their faces, but there is no way."

"The resulting desperate look~"

Kud’s eyes gradually turned red, "I want them to know how serious the jitters in this world are, and what is truly cruel!!"

"I think this is your truest thought, right?"

Zeno glanced at Kud calmly, then shook his head, "Forget it, who made you the employer this time?"

"Furthermore, we didn't count the usefulness of your merits in our actions.

Zeno relentlessly threw the word "useless" on Kurd's face.

Ignoring the opponent's slightly gloomy and ugly face, he turned to look at the huge crater that was gradually dispersed in front of him and was punched out by the beam of light.

"Did you barely hide it?"

Silva looked at the surroundings of Dakeng with indifferent eyes, Machi and Hua Shi Doulang on the left and right.

Can't help but nod slightly and commented:

"Even some of the strongest people at the original poster level didn't have the chance to react when facing the trick I had just now.

"But you can successfully avoid it under the lead of your body."

"Your foundation is quite solid.

Silva, who has always been taciturn, said so much.

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