Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 149 If it were your master, I would naturally have no objection! Do you know my master?!

Just now, Silva and his father were hiding at the exit of the tree-lined path, ready for the charged attack at any time.

The blow that was just hit, although compared to the original version, Silva fell from the sky to kill the leopard Gido's fist power is even worse.

But it is definitely not something that ordinary Nen can avoid.

Not bad, but in Silva's eyes, it's worth his ~ a few more words.

After the evaluation, the silver hair in his shawl was windless, and the thought power under his body was like the sea under a rainstorm, the waves rolled, and the giant-turbulent!!

"So strong"

The two people, Hashik Doulang and Machi, got up from the ground almost at the same time.

They felt the huge pressure from Silva, which was like a mountain, and their pupils contracted in bursts.

With the attack just now, both of them reluctantly avoided.

But the difference is that Hashik Doulang simply wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, while Machi wiped the blood line that slipped from the lips of his chin to the ground.

She suffered more injuries than Hua Shi Doulang.

"Is this the helper found by Chief Kud? Sure enough, the master is right. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. No matter how bad the other party is, it is the world's top thieves organization."

"How can it be possible that you don't have a few hole cards in your hand?!!"

Hua Shi Doulang was a little annoyed, and felt that he was a little greedy.

Coupled with the fact that Machi joined in, he became a little impatient, and he didn't find out clearly when he was eager to win, so he rushed over.

This indifferent desire to win, not only did not help him, but also fell into the opponent's trap.

"If it were me in the past, I would definitely release a few phantoms to check it out, and then come back after making sure that there is no problem."

"But now it's careless, careless!!"

This small achievement made him a little ecstatic, and he believed that the so-called Kurdish Bandit Group was nothing more than that.

But he didn't expect that the actual retribution came so quickly that he now tasted the bitter fruit of underestimating and relaxing his vigilance.

Moreover, the taste of this bitter fruit was so strong that it was very difficult for him to swallow it.

"It seems that today is going to be explained here."

Hua Shi Doulang stared at Silva in front of him.

Although he doesn't know who the opponent is and where he comes from, he is very aware of the gap between himself and the opponent.

Although his own strength is not weak, but Hua Shi Doulang can clearly feel it.

The power of thought in the opponent's body is not so strong.

It's like keeping a cold heart, and it took decades of tempering to reach the point it is today.

And what about yourself?

It only took a few short years of cultivation.

Although he has the orthodox source of mind and the master's teaching and practice guidelines, but the other party's family inheritance does not seem to be inferior to his.

Mind power, vigor, combat experience, etc. are not as good as others, and it is the first time that Hua Shi Dou Lang has seen such a terrifying opponent.

In fact, with the talent of Hua Shi Dou Lang, he has been able to fight Silva for several years.

In the original version, no one taught Chrollo, who was self-taught, can play back and forth under the joint hands of Silva and Zeno.

Although I am not sure how to continue the fight, what will be the result.

But that was reluctant, and Chrollo was still able to wrestle for a while.

And the Huashi Doulang, who is more talented and taught by a profound teacher, is no worse than Chrollo.

But when he was attacked, he suffered some injuries.

Come on~

Although on the island of greed, Wah Shih Doulang has also seen Master Mo Lin and Mr. Jin-Freecss's breath when they are instructing.


As an enemy, it was the first time he felt the murderous intent that he didn't hide from himself and didn't know how much blood had accumulated on his hands.

And it was still shocking his will.

The opponent is definitely a swordsman who has killed unknown people!!

"Even so, so what?!"

Hua Shi Doulang's eyes have been kept clear, "Even if you can't win, I won't let you win so easily!!"

"Nice look."

Zeno also praised his beard:

"Under the influence of Silva's killing intent, is the fighting spirit still unabated?"

"It's really been a long time since I saw such an outstanding young man."

He leaned forward and walked forward, "But it is a pity that such a shining star is about to fall here.

Zeno's two hands slowly protruded from his back, and at the same time, one of his hands was close together and firmly in front of him.

The other hand was on his chest, slowly sticking out a hook.

"Leading drama.

Zeno calmly stated his tricks, and at the same time, his entangled aura instantly gathered in his palm.

Gradually formed, condensed into a hideous leader.

"Conjurer? Or Transmuter?!"

Seeing this scene, Hua Shi Doulang quickly analyzed the enemy's situation.

Obviously, Silva and Zeno were appointed to fight together.

"First sneak attack, and then plan to join forces."

After Machi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were cold:

"Obviously the strength is not weak, but he still did such a thing."

"Little girl, for us assassins, everything is subject to the employer's requirements."

Zeno also smiled leisurely, "Your life has been bought, so killing you is our main goal."

"As for the method, it doesn't matter at all."

"Are you killers?"

Hearing Zeno's claim, Hua Shi Doulang also tentatively said:

"How much money that guy Kud paid, I'm willing to pay twice as much as him!!"

Silva was expressionless, and Zeno smiled without saying a word.

"Hahaha, stop dreaming, boy, do you know who they are?"

Seeing Hua Shi Dou Lang began to be a little soft, Kud only felt a burst of pleasure in his heart.

He couldn't help laughing out loud:

"If they are really so easily bought by the other side and turn to battle, they wouldn't deserve to be called the number one killer family in the world!!


Hua Shi Doulang's expression instantly became serious.

Can be called the world's No. 1 killer family, except for the Zoldyck family, no one can match this name.

Machi's eyes also became more indifferent, apparently she had also heard of the name of the Zoldyck family.

"Then it seems that other methods won't work.

After knowing the sacred person who attacked him, Hua Shi Doulang completely gave up other ideas.

He also knows that once the Zoldyck family receives an order, they will never change their minds.

And it will be the highest priority to complete the commission, even if it is for your own safety, it will also be ranked behind the commission.

…0 Seeking flowers

There is only one path he can take now:

That is to fight each other to the end!!

"Have you been determined to die?"

Zeno smiled, his eyes sharp instantly.

"Then be prepared to die, mouth!!"

The golden dragon formed at the tips of the hook claws swiftly struck towards the Huashi Doulang.

At the same time, the thoughts on Silva's two hands gathered together, and the huge energy ball formed was quickly thrown towards Machi.


The attack that arrived first was Silva's energy ball.

Machi relied on the bouncing power of the thin line on the ground and the pulling of the entangled stones, and once again barely escaped Silva's attack.

It's just relative, a blood flower spurted out of her mouth again.


Machi's eyes were sharp, and the thin thread in her hand seemed to be turned into a steel wire, shrouded in her surroundings, clearing all the flying gravel.

Silva glanced at her without speaking.

Actually, he is from Conjurer.

It's just his sturdy figure, and the obvious attack style.

It's really easy to make people mistakenly think that he is the Nen of Enhancer or Transmuter.

However, this can also give the opponent a wrong judgment and make it more convenient for him to attack.

Machi's side was taken care of by Silva, and the situation on Hua Shi Doulang's side was not so good.

Facing the attack of the leading drama, he released the phantom for the first time.

In the critical moment when his life is unsafe, he doesn't care whether he will be seen through his ability or something by his opponent.


"Your phantom ability has been told to us by the employer."

There is a smile on Zeno's face, "I can feel it, your close combat is indeed very good, so as long as you keep a long distance pulling is enough!"

"Dragon Head Drama-Dragon Swinging End!!"

That huge golden dragon is like an arm in the hands of an old man as thin and dry as Zeno.

Under his operation, the giant dragon came and turned in an instant, and the huge dragon tail with concentrated thoughts swept towards Huashi Doulang~

Just wipe out his phantoms.

And the castrate bombarded towards Hua Shi Doulang.

Seeing this scene, Hua Shi Doulang's eyes flashed with lustre.

He clenched his claws into fists and slammed into the dragon's tail.

With the help of the reaction force, the body found a good angle and flew in the direction of Machi.

Silva and Zeno didn't make a move either, but took advantage of this opportunity to get together.

The division of the situation in the field instantly became two-to-two.

"We have to join hands!!"

The Huashi Doulang who successfully landed next to Machi said quickly.

"Otherwise, we will both die in each other's hands!!"

"Joining hands? Is it up to you?"

Machi glanced at Hua Shi Dou Lang coldly:

"If it were your master, I would naturally have no objection, but with you, it's still far away!!"

"My master?"

Hua Shi Doulang shook his head subconsciously, "How could my master know what's happening here and come here?"

Then, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

"Why did you suddenly mention my master? Do you know my master?!"

He asked suspiciously. door.

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