Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 150 Mo Lin is here!! I am not late, am I? [Space Converter]!

Machi glanced at Hashik Doulang and said nothing.

Since Mo Lin did not introduce his relationship with Hua Shi Doulang, then he has no obligation~

It is an obligation to solve the doubts of the guy who is a generation younger than her.


"If it's that guy, maybe he can really know our situation here."

"After all, he has many strange props in his hands."

Machi thought silently in his heart.

Although she also knew that this was an unrealistic hope, it did not prevent her from making such a vision.

"It seems that this time, it is really possible to explain here."

The sixth sense conveyed the reaction, and the extremely dangerous sense of the two opposing people gradually caused Machi's heart to drop to a low point.

Her sixth sense has always been very accurate, giving her various feelings before every action or when making judgments on things.

This time, her sixth sense told her that it is impossible for her and Hua Shi Doulang to get out of each other's hands!!

"Is it over here?"

At this moment, Machi had no other thoughts in his heart, but regret.

"It's a pity, I didn't see that guy again before I died."

As soon as he thought of this, Machi once again warned Hua Shi Dou Lang, and made no secret of his dislike for him.

The last parting moment was not with Mo "Nine-Five-Zero" Lin, but with his disciple. Thinking about Machi, I was a little angry.

Hashish Doulang who was inexplicably disgusted: "???"

You don't have to join hands with me, why do you still look at me with this kind of eyes?!

Haseki Doulang was puzzled, and Machi had already pulled the thin line out again.

Although the sixth sense informed her that there is a great and deadly danger, this does not mean that Machi will sit still!

"Even if you can't win you, at least you have to tear off a few pieces of meat before you die!!

In the dictionary of the Meteor Street people, this statement has never been given up!

Zeno and Silva looked calmly or indifferently at the thought power emerging from Machi.

They didn't say "it's useless, you are doing useless work", "have not recognized the reality, let's give up quickly", this kind of extra nonsense.

Of course, if it is beneficial to the assassination, they don't mind saying a word or two.

But looking at the firm eyes of the two people in front of you, you know that saying this is a waste of saliva.

Action is their best performance of will.

Silva's hand once again rubbed out a shining bullet that looked like a meteor. Zeno's body leaned back slightly, and two vivid dragon claws emerged from his body.


The two of them didn't talk much, and immediately launched the most violent attack towards Machi and Hua Shi Dou Lang.

"Dragon claw? I just don't know how the power is different compared to my tiger claw!!"

At this point, Hua Shi Doulang has no choice but to head to head.

But obviously~

He, who has only learned mind power for a few years, is not the opponent of Zeno, who has been immersed in this way for decades and has already tempered his mind power to the point of perfection.

Tiger claws and dragon claws fight against each other, and tiger claws fail miserably.

The consequence of this is that Hua Shi Doulang was directly beaten and thrown out again.

The blood spewed out and the wine filled the entire beach.

"It's really uncomfortable."

Hua Shi Doulang fell to the ground with a twitching body.

Machi next to him is no better than him.

Silva's Meteor Bullet is super powerful, and Machi alone can't take the full blow from the opponent.

Fortunately, relying on the sixth sense of her last strong reaction, she avoided it dangerously and dangerously.

"It's still useless for me. I didn't win Kudd in time. Otherwise, the other party would not invite a killer, nor would I end up in such a situation."

Hua Shi Doulang looked at the sky, and the injuries from his body made him feel very difficult to move.

"The most important thing is that I still failed to complete the task assigned by the master. It was only the first time I accepted the task assigned by the master, and it ended in such an ending."

"It's really embarrassing!"

He sighed slightly, "If Master's learned about this, he would be very disappointed in me, right?"

"After all, it took so much time, effort and energy to teach me for so long, but in the end this is the result."

Hua Shi Doulang laughed at himself there.

"If you think about it, Master should regret accepting me as an apprentice?"

Originally, Machi wanted to refute him again, "What's the use of saying these things until now"~

But when he heard that Hua Shi Doulang showed his true feelings, he was silent and stopped saying more.

Although she also believes that the current situation has reached an irreversible point.

But there is always a faint expectation in my heart.

I look forward to that man will suddenly appear to help them solve their current desperate situation.

If it were that man, there would never be any problems.

Because that man always brings real surprises to people~

"Hahahaha, you guys have today too!!

Kud, who had been watching the battle next to him, saw that the overall situation had been set, and suddenly laughed up to the sky.

"Originally, I thought you were so powerful and incredible!!"

"In the end, isn't it the same, is it about to be beaten as a dead dog?!!"

"Kill me so many brothers, damn! This is what you deserve, damn bastard, go to hell!!"

Kud was outputting frantically there.

But unfortunately, no one paid attention to him, regardless of the enemy and us, and ignored him and treated him as air.

"It's over.

Although there is no communication, it can be analyzed based on the experience of Silva and Zeno, and it has now reached the stage of formal closing.

At the moment, the two no longer hesitate, and took out their strongest housekeeping skills:

"Dragon head play painting, teeth burst!"

Zeno hit this powerful offense with a backhand.

The golden dragon teeth were wrapped in extremely powerful thoughts, and they rushed towards Huashi Doulang and Machi.

Silva next to her also has tight muscles.

After this move hits, it is the final attack launched by him and his father!!


[Dragon Head Drama]'s attack quickly fell and hit the area where Hua Shi Dou Lang was located.


Silva and Zeno did not make any movements.

"Is it blocked?!"

Zeno raised his brows, and a rare serious look flashed in his eyes.

Silva's indifferent expression and eyes gradually turned serious.

It is not Machi and Hwa Shi Dou Lang who blocked the attack of the leading drama.

It was a new breath that appeared suddenly!!

"What's wrong?~"

The huge roar from close range made Hua Shi Doulang's eardrums hum.

But now he didn't care about this, but stared straight ahead.

Everything came too fast.

Before he could react~

The attack that hit him head-on was stopped by the pass.

At the beginning, Hua Shi Dou Lang subconsciously asked.

Can be followed~

When the smoke and dust from the explosion gradually dissipated, a solid figure stood in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Hua Shi Doulang's heart began to beat uncontrollably~!!

"Yes, is it you?"

Facing Silva and Zeno, Hua Shi Doulang has not changed his tone, but at this moment his face shakes. 0


Shouting these two words seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

"Do you still know that there is a master like me?"

In the floating smoke and dust, Mo Lin slowly turned around, looked at the Hua Shi Doulang who gradually fell into ecstasy, smiled and joked:

"I thought you regretted becoming my apprentice.

"I don't have any disappointment or regret for your apprentice, but I am satisfied."


Hearing Mo Lin's words, Hua Shi Dou Lang was moved and ashamed.

"I am ashamed of you."

He bowed his head guiltily.

"You have done well.

After reassuring Hua Shi Doulang, Mo Lin looked to the side again~

After I arrived, my eyes became brighter and brighter, and now they are almost as bright as Machi, which shines like a star.

"I'm not late, am I?

Mo Lin walked to Machi's side, looked down at her no longer calm, unmatched eyes, and chuckled.

"It's not too late.

Forcibly resisting the excitement in his heart and the ups and downs of the corners of his mouth, Machi said as calmly as possible.

I knew that he would definitely be there!!

You always surprise people so much, and people will never be disappointed!!

"How did you learn about our situation?"

Machi also knows to ask this question, "And how did you get here?"

"Is it from that circle?"

Machi looked at the place where Mo Lin was originally.

The place that was supposed to be shrouded by the beach was now covered by a spot of white light.

"This is the function of [Space Converter], which is one of my props.

Mo Lin simply explained such a sentence.

Props: [Space Converter].

Effect: Use a chalk to delineate a space, and then use the [Space Converter] to find another space on the world interface using the screen map, and then press the button to realize the conversion between the two spaces.

Mo Lin used this prop to reach this place on the east coast at the fastest speed.

As of 5.6, where does the white spot of light come from?~~~

In the virtual cyberspace, Yixiu Kube tilted his graffiti face.

First, I looked at the [Space Converter] props in front of me, and then at the ground next to him, the whole group of sandy land that was incompatible with the clean white space of my network.

Then nodded thoughtfully: "Are you props for space transformation?"

"Just don't know what kind of wonderful effect the application will have on the game?"

"Well, this direction is worth studying."

In the virtual space, Yixiu Kubei has a brand new idea for the design of the game.

And in the real world outside, on the beaches of the East Coast.

"Well, the specific situation, I will explain to you later~"

Mo Lin loves Machi's pink and purple hair, and the silky feel is so comfortable.

"Now, let's solve the little trouble in front of us first."

Putting down his hand, Mo Lin turned around.

Some smiles looked at the killer father and son duo in front of him without a smile.

[Can I say that I’m in the office now, and I coded this chapter with the computer in the office? I’m still working overtime. If there is not enough time, the update at midnight may have to be delayed until mid-afternoon tomorrow, see]

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